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feat(ring_theory/ideal/operations.lean): lemmas about coprime ideals (#…
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Generalises some lemmas from `ring_theory/coprime/lemmas.lean` to the case of non-principal ideals.
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pbazin committed May 18, 2022
1 parent 2c2d515 commit cfedf1d
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Showing 3 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/dfinsupp.lean
Expand Up @@ -291,6 +291,30 @@ lemma mem_bsupr_iff_exists_dfinsupp (p : ι → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (S : ι
∃ f : Π₀ i, S i, dfinsupp.lsum ℕ (λ i, (S i).subtype) (f.filter p) = x := (bsupr_eq_range_dfinsupp_lsum p S) x

open_locale big_operators
omit dec_ι
lemma mem_supr_finset_iff_exists_sum {s : finset ι} (p : ι → submodule R N) (a : N) :
a ∈ (⨆ i ∈ s, p i) ↔ ∃ μ : Π i, p i, ∑ i in s, (μ i : N) = a :=
rw submodule.mem_supr_iff_exists_dfinsupp',
split; rintro ⟨μ, hμ⟩,
{ use λ i, ⟨μ i, (supr_const_le : _ ≤ p i) (coe_mem $ μ i)⟩,
rw ← hμ, symmetry, apply finset.sum_subset,
{ intro x, contrapose, intro hx,
rw [mem_support_iff, not_ne_iff],
ext, rw [coe_zero, ← mem_bot R], convert coe_mem (μ x),
symmetry, exact supr_neg hx },
{ intros x _ hx, rw [mem_support_iff, not_ne_iff] at hx, rw hx, refl } },
{ refine ⟨ s _, _⟩,
{ rintro ⟨i, hi⟩, refine ⟨μ i, _⟩,
rw supr_pos, { exact coe_mem _ }, { exact hi } },
simp only [dfinsupp.sum],
rw [finset.sum_subset support_mk_subset, ← hμ],
exact finset.sum_congr rfl (λ x hx, congr_arg coe $ mk_of_mem hx),
{ intros x _ hx, rw [mem_support_iff, not_ne_iff] at hx, rw hx, refl } }

end submodule

namespace complete_lattice
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84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/coprime/ideal.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Pierre-Alexandre Bazin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Pierre-Alexandre Bazin
import linear_algebra.dfinsupp
import ring_theory.ideal.operations

# An additional lemma about coprime ideals
This lemma generalises `exists_sum_eq_one_iff_pairwise_coprime` to the case of non-principal ideals.
It is on a separate file due to import requirements.

namespace ideal
variables {ι R : Type*} [comm_semiring R]

/--A finite family of ideals is pairwise coprime (that is, any two of them generate the whole ring)
iff when taking all the possible intersections of all but one of these ideals, the resulting family
of ideals still generate the whole ring.
For example with three ideals : `I ⊔ J = I ⊔ K = J ⊔ K = ⊤ ↔ (I ⊓ J) ⊔ (I ⊓ K) ⊔ (J ⊓ K) = ⊤`.
When ideals are all of the form `I i = R ∙ s i`, this is equivalent to the
`exists_sum_eq_one_iff_pairwise_coprime` lemma.-/
lemma supr_infi_eq_top_iff_pairwise {t : finset ι} (h : t.nonempty) (I : ι → ideal R) :
(⨆ i ∈ t, ⨅ j (hj : j ∈ t) (ij : j ≠ i), I j) = ⊤ ↔
(t : set ι).pairwise (λ i j, I i ⊔ I j = ⊤) :=
haveI : decidable_eq ι := classical.dec_eq ι,
rw [eq_top_iff_one, submodule.mem_supr_finset_iff_exists_sum],
refine h.cons_induction _ _; clear' t h,
{ simp only [finset.sum_singleton, finset.coe_singleton, set.pairwise_singleton, iff_true],
refine λ a, ⟨λ i, if h : i = a then1, _⟩ else 0, _⟩,
{ rw h, simp only [finset.mem_singleton, ne.def, infi_infi_eq_left, eq_self_iff_true,
not_true, infi_false]},
{ simp only [dif_pos, dif_ctx_congr, submodule.coe_mk, eq_self_iff_true] } },
intros a t hat h ih,
rw [finset.coe_cons,
set.pairwise_insert_of_symmetric (λ i j (h : I i ⊔ I j = ⊤), sup_comm.trans h)],
{ rintro ⟨μ, hμ⟩, rw finset.sum_cons at hμ,
refine ⟨ ⟨pi.single h.some ⟨μ a, _⟩ + λ i, ⟨μ i, _⟩, _⟩, λ b hb ab, _⟩,
{ have := submodule.coe_mem (μ a), rw mem_infi at this ⊢,
--for some reason `simp only [mem_infi]` times out
intro i, specialize this i, rw [mem_infi, mem_infi] at this ⊢,
intros hi _, apply this (finset.subset_cons _ hi),
rintro rfl, exact hat hi },
{ have := submodule.coe_mem (μ i), simp only [mem_infi] at this ⊢,
intros j hj ij, exact this _ (finset.subset_cons _ hj) ij },
{ rw [← @if_pos _ _ h.some_spec R (μ a) 0, ← finset.sum_pi_single',
← finset.sum_add_distrib] at hμ,
convert hμ, ext i, rw [pi.add_apply, submodule.coe_add, submodule.coe_mk],
by_cases hi : i = h.some,
{ rw [hi, pi.single_eq_same, pi.single_eq_same, submodule.coe_mk] },
{ rw [pi.single_eq_of_ne hi, pi.single_eq_of_ne hi, submodule.coe_zero] } },
{ rw [eq_top_iff_one, submodule.mem_sup],
rw add_comm at hμ, refine ⟨_, _, _, _, hμ⟩,
{ refine sum_mem _ (λ x hx, _),
have := submodule.coe_mem (μ x), simp only [mem_infi] at this,
apply this _ (finset.mem_cons_self _ _), rintro rfl, exact hat hx },
{ have := submodule.coe_mem (μ a), simp only [mem_infi] at this,
exact this _ (finset.subset_cons _ hb) ab.symm } } },
{ rintro ⟨hs, Hb⟩, obtain ⟨μ, hμ⟩ := ih.mpr hs,
obtain ⟨u, hu, v, hv, huv⟩ :=
((eq_top_iff_one _).mp $ sup_infi_eq_top $ λ b hb, Hb b hb $ by { rintro rfl, exact hat hb }),
refine ⟨λ i, if hi : i = a then ⟨v, _⟩ else ⟨u * μ i, _⟩, _⟩,
{ simp only [mem_infi] at hv ⊢,
intros j hj ij, rw [finset.mem_cons, ← hi] at hj,
exact hv _ (hj.resolve_left ij) },
{ have := submodule.coe_mem (μ i), simp only [mem_infi] at this ⊢,
intros j hj ij,
rcases hj with rfl | hj,
{ exact mul_mem_right _ _ hu },
{ exact mul_mem_left _ _ (this _ hj ij) } },
{ rw [finset.sum_cons, dif_pos rfl, add_comm],
rw ← mul_one u at huv, rw [← huv, ← hμ, finset.mul_sum],
congr' 1, apply finset.sum_congr rfl, intros j hj,
rw dif_neg, refl,
rintro rfl, exact hat hj } }

end ideal
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal/operations.lean
Expand Up @@ -441,6 +441,51 @@ let ⟨s, hsi, t, htj, hst⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 ((eq_top_iff_one _).1 h) in
mul_one r ▸ hst ▸ (mul_add r s t).symm ▸ ideal.add_mem (I * J) (mul_mem_mul_rev hsi hrj)
(mul_mem_mul hri htj)

lemma sup_mul_eq_of_coprime_left (h : I ⊔ J = ⊤) : I ⊔ (J * K) = I ⊔ K :=
le_antisymm (sup_le_sup_left mul_le_left _) $ λ i hi,
rw eq_top_iff_one at h, rw submodule.mem_sup at h hi ⊢,
obtain ⟨i1, hi1, j, hj, h⟩ := h, obtain ⟨i', hi', k, hk, hi⟩ := hi,
refine ⟨_, add_mem hi' (mul_mem_right k _ hi1), _, mul_mem_mul hj hk, _⟩,
rw [add_assoc, ← add_mul, h, one_mul, hi]

lemma sup_mul_eq_of_coprime_right (h : I ⊔ K = ⊤) : I ⊔ (J * K) = I ⊔ J :=
by { rw mul_comm, exact sup_mul_eq_of_coprime_left h }

lemma mul_sup_eq_of_coprime_left (h : I ⊔ J = ⊤) : (I * K) ⊔ J = K ⊔ J :=
by { rw sup_comm at h, rw [sup_comm, sup_mul_eq_of_coprime_left h, sup_comm] }

lemma mul_sup_eq_of_coprime_right (h : K ⊔ J = ⊤) : (I * K) ⊔ J = I ⊔ J :=
by { rw sup_comm at h, rw [sup_comm, sup_mul_eq_of_coprime_right h, sup_comm] }

lemma sup_prod_eq_top {s : finset ι} {J : ι → ideal R} (h : ∀ i, i ∈ s → I ⊔ J i = ⊤) :
I ⊔ ∏ i in s, J i = ⊤ :=
finset.prod_induction _ (λ J, I ⊔ J = ⊤) (λ J K hJ hK, (sup_mul_eq_of_coprime_left hJ).trans hK)
(by rw [one_eq_top, sup_top_eq]) h

lemma sup_infi_eq_top {s : finset ι} {J : ι → ideal R} (h : ∀ i, i ∈ s → I ⊔ J i = ⊤) :
I ⊔ (⨅ i ∈ s, J i) = ⊤ :=
eq_top_iff.mpr $ le_of_eq_of_le (sup_prod_eq_top h).symm $ sup_le_sup_left
(le_of_le_of_eq prod_le_inf $ finset.inf_eq_infi _ _) _

lemma prod_sup_eq_top {s : finset ι} {J : ι → ideal R} (h : ∀ i, i ∈ s → J i ⊔ I = ⊤) :
(∏ i in s, J i) ⊔ I = ⊤ :=
sup_comm.trans (sup_prod_eq_top $ λ i hi, sup_comm.trans $ h i hi)

lemma infi_sup_eq_top {s : finset ι} {J : ι → ideal R} (h : ∀ i, i ∈ s → J i ⊔ I = ⊤) :
(⨅ i ∈ s, J i) ⊔ I = ⊤ :=
sup_comm.trans (sup_infi_eq_top $ λ i hi, sup_comm.trans $ h i hi)

lemma sup_pow_eq_top {n : ℕ} (h : I ⊔ J = ⊤) : I ⊔ (J ^ n) = ⊤ :=
by { rw [← finset.card_range n, ← finset.prod_const], exact sup_prod_eq_top (λ _ _, h) }

lemma pow_sup_eq_top {n : ℕ} (h : I ⊔ J = ⊤) : (I ^ n) ⊔ J = ⊤ :=
by { rw [← finset.card_range n, ← finset.prod_const], exact prod_sup_eq_top (λ _ _, h) }

lemma pow_sup_pow_eq_top {m n : ℕ} (h : I ⊔ J = ⊤) : (I ^ m) ⊔ (J ^ n) = ⊤ :=
sup_pow_eq_top (pow_sup_eq_top h)

variables (I)
@[simp] theorem mul_bot : I * ⊥ = ⊥ :=
submodule.smul_bot I
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