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feat(category_theory/limits): Cone limiting iff terminal. (#10266)
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erdOne committed Nov 12, 2021
1 parent e5a79a7 commit d7e320e
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Showing 2 changed files with 192 additions and 4 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/cone_category.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Andrew Yang

import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.terminal

# Limits and the category of (co)cones
This files contains results that stem from the limit API. For the definition and the category
instance of `cone`, please refer to `category_theory/limits/cones.lean`.
A cone is limiting iff it is terminal in the category of cones. As a corollary, an equivalence of
categories of cones preserves limiting properties. We also provide the dual.

namespace category_theory.limits

open category_theory

universes v u

variables {J : Type v} [category.{v} J] {J' : Type v} [category.{v} J']
variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C] {C' : Type u} [category.{v} C']

/-- A cone is a limit cone iff it is terminal. -/
def cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal {F : J ⥤ C} (c : cone F) : is_limit c ≃ is_terminal c :=
{ to_fun := λ h, by exactI is_terminal.of_unique _,
inv_fun := λ h s, ⟨⟨is_terminal.from h s⟩, λ a, is_terminal.hom_ext h a _⟩,
left_inv := by tidy,
right_inv := by tidy }

lemma is_limit.lift_cone_morphism_eq_is_terminal_from {F : J ⥤ C} {c : cone F} (hc : is_limit c)
(s : cone F) : hc.lift_cone_morphism s =
is_terminal.from (cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal _ hc) _ := rfl

lemma is_terminal.from_eq_lift_cone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} {c : cone F} (hc : is_terminal c)
(s : cone F) : is_terminal.from hc s =
((cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal _).symm hc).lift_cone_morphism s :=
by convert (is_limit.lift_cone_morphism_eq_is_terminal_from _ s).symm

/-- If `G : cone F ⥤ cone F'` preserves terminal objects, it preserves limit cones. -/
def is_limit.of_preserves_cone_terminal {F : J ⥤ C} {F' : J' ⥤ C'} (G : cone F ⥤ cone F')
[preserves_limit (functor.empty _) G] {c : cone F} (hc : is_limit c) :
is_limit (G.obj c) :=
(cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal _).symm $
(cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal _ hc).is_terminal_obj _ _

/-- If `G : cone F ⥤ cone F'` reflects terminal objects, it reflects limit cones. -/
def is_limit.of_reflects_cone_terminal {F : J ⥤ C} {F' : J' ⥤ C'} (G : cone F ⥤ cone F')
[reflects_limit (functor.empty _) G] {c : cone F} (hc : is_limit (G.obj c)) :
is_limit c :=
(cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal _).symm $
(cone.is_limit_equiv_is_terminal _ hc).is_terminal_of_obj _ _

/-- A cocone is a colimit cocone iff it is initial. -/
def cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial {F : J ⥤ C} (c : cocone F) : is_colimit c ≃ is_initial c :=
{ to_fun := λ h, by exactI is_initial.of_unique _,
inv_fun := λ h s, ⟨⟨ h s⟩, λ a, is_initial.hom_ext h a _⟩,
left_inv := by tidy,
right_inv := by tidy }

lemma is_colimit.desc_cocone_morphism_eq_is_initial_to {F : J ⥤ C} {c : cocone F}
(hc : is_colimit c) (s : cocone F) :
hc.desc_cocone_morphism s = (cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial _ hc) _ := rfl

lemma is_initial.to_eq_desc_cocone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} {c : cocone F}
(hc : is_initial c) (s : cocone F) : hc s = ((cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial _).symm hc).desc_cocone_morphism s :=
by convert (is_colimit.desc_cocone_morphism_eq_is_initial_to _ s).symm

/-- If `G : cocone F ⥤ cocone F'` preserves initial objects, it preserves colimit cocones. -/
def is_colimit.of_preserves_cocone_initial {F : J ⥤ C} {F' : J' ⥤ C'} (G : cocone F ⥤ cocone F')
[preserves_colimit (functor.empty _) G] {c : cocone F} (hc : is_colimit c) :
is_colimit (G.obj c) :=
(cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial _).symm $
(cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial _ hc).is_initial_obj _ _

/-- If `G : cocone F ⥤ cocone F'` reflects initial objects, it reflects colimit cocones. -/
def is_colimit.of_reflects_cocone_initial {F : J ⥤ C} {F' : J' ⥤ C'} (G : cocone F ⥤ cocone F')
[reflects_colimit (functor.empty _) G] {c : cocone F} (hc : is_colimit (G.obj c)) :
is_colimit c :=
(cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial _).symm $
(cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_initial _ hc).is_initial_of_obj _ _

end category_theory.limits
103 changes: 99 additions & 4 deletions src/category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/terminal.lean
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ namespace category_theory.limits

variables (X : C)

section terminal

The map of an empty cone is a limit iff the mapped object is terminal.
Expand All @@ -39,12 +41,12 @@ def is_limit_map_cone_empty_cone_equiv :
(is_limit.equiv_iso_limit (cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)))

/-- The property of preserving terminal objects expressed in terms of `is_terminal`. -/
def is_terminal_obj_of_is_terminal [preserves_limit (functor.empty C) G]
def is_terminal.is_terminal_obj [preserves_limit (functor.empty C) G]
(l : is_terminal X) : is_terminal (G.obj X) :=
is_limit_map_cone_empty_cone_equiv G X (preserves_limit.preserves l)

/-- The property of reflecting terminal objects expressed in terms of `is_terminal`. -/
def is_terminal_of_is_terminal_obj [reflects_limit (functor.empty C) G]
def is_terminal.is_terminal_of_obj [reflects_limit (functor.empty C) G]
(l : is_terminal (G.obj X)) : is_terminal X :=
reflects_limit.reflects ((is_limit_map_cone_empty_cone_equiv G X).symm l)

Expand All @@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ object is terminal.
def is_limit_of_has_terminal_of_preserves_limit [preserves_limit (functor.empty C) G] :
is_terminal (G.obj (⊤_ C)) :=
is_terminal_obj_of_is_terminal G (⊤_ C) terminal_is_terminal
terminal_is_terminal.is_terminal_obj G (⊤_ C)

If `C` has a terminal object and `G` preserves terminal objects, then `D` has a terminal object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,7 +102,9 @@ preserves_terminal_of_is_iso G f.hom

variables [preserves_limit (functor.empty C) G]

/-- If `G` preserves terminal objects, then the terminal comparison map for `G` an isomorphism. -/
If `G` preserves terminal objects, then the terminal comparison map for `G` is an isomorphism.
def preserves_terminal.iso : G.obj (⊤_ C) ≅ ⊤_ D :=
(is_limit_of_has_terminal_of_preserves_limit G).cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (limit.is_limit _)

Expand All @@ -114,4 +118,95 @@ begin

end terminal

section initial

The map of an empty cocone is a colimit iff the mapped object is initial.
def is_colimit_map_cocone_empty_cocone_equiv :
is_colimit (G.map_cocone (as_empty_cocone X)) ≃ is_initial (G.obj X) :=
(is_colimit.precompose_hom_equiv (functor.empty_ext _ _) _).symm.trans
(is_colimit.equiv_iso_colimit (cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)))

/-- The property of preserving initial objects expressed in terms of `is_initial`. -/
def is_initial.is_initial_obj [preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G]
(l : is_initial X) : is_initial (G.obj X) :=
is_colimit_map_cocone_empty_cocone_equiv G X (preserves_colimit.preserves l)

/-- The property of reflecting initial objects expressed in terms of `is_initial`. -/
def is_initial.is_initial_of_obj [reflects_colimit (functor.empty C) G]
(l : is_initial (G.obj X)) : is_initial X :=
reflects_colimit.reflects ((is_colimit_map_cocone_empty_cocone_equiv G X).symm l)

variables [has_initial C]
If `G` preserves the initial object and `C` has a initial object, then the image of the initial
object is initial.
def is_colimit_of_has_initial_of_preserves_colimit [preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G] :
is_initial (G.obj (⊥_ C)) :=
initial_is_initial.is_initial_obj G (⊥_ C)

If `C` has a initial object and `G` preserves initial objects, then `D` has a initial object
Note this property is somewhat unique to colimits of the empty diagram: for general `J`, if `C`
has colimits of shape `J` and `G` preserves them, then `D` does not necessarily have colimits of
shape `J`.
lemma has_initial_of_has_initial_of_preserves_colimit [preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G] :
has_initial D :=
⟨λ F,
haveI := ⟨_, is_colimit_of_has_initial_of_preserves_colimit G⟩,
apply has_colimit_of_iso F.unique_from_empty,

variable [has_initial D]
If the initial comparison map for `G` is an isomorphism, then `G` preserves initial objects.
def preserves_initial.of_iso_comparison
[i : is_iso (initial_comparison G)] : preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G :=
apply preserves_colimit_of_preserves_colimit_cocone initial_is_initial,
apply (is_colimit_map_cocone_empty_cocone_equiv _ _).symm _,
apply is_colimit.of_point_iso (colimit.is_colimit (functor.empty D)),
apply i,

/-- If there is any isomorphism `⊥ ⟶ G.obj ⊥`, then `G` preserves initial objects. -/
def preserves_initial_of_is_iso
(f : ⊥_ D ⟶ G.obj (⊥_ C)) [i : is_iso f] : preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G :=
rw subsingleton.elim f (initial_comparison G) at i,
exactI preserves_initial.of_iso_comparison G,

/-- If there is any isomorphism `⊥ ≅ G.obj ⊥ `, then `G` preserves initial objects. -/
def preserves_initial_of_iso
(f : ⊥_ D ≅ G.obj (⊥_ C)) : preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G :=
preserves_initial_of_is_iso G f.hom

variables [preserves_colimit (functor.empty C) G]

/-- If `G` preserves initial objects, then the initial comparison map for `G` is an isomorphism. -/
def preserves_initial.iso : G.obj (⊥_ C) ≅ ⊥_ D :=
(is_colimit_of_has_initial_of_preserves_colimit G).cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso
(colimit.is_colimit _)

lemma preserves_initial.iso_hom : (preserves_initial.iso G).inv = initial_comparison G :=

instance : is_iso (initial_comparison G) :=
rw ← preserves_initial.iso_hom,

end initial

end category_theory.limits

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