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TwoFX authored and khwilson committed Aug 2, 2022
1 parent 691c60a commit d903a50
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161 changes: 156 additions & 5 deletions src/category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/biproducts.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Authors: Markus Himmel
import category_theory.limits.shapes.biproducts
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.binary_products
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.products

# Preservation of biproducts
Expand All @@ -13,7 +15,10 @@ We define the image of a (binary) bicone under a functor that preserves zero mor
classes `preserves_biproduct` and `preserves_binary_biproduct`. We then
* show that a functor that preserves biproducts of a two-element type preserves binary biproducts,
* give the canonical isomorphism between the image of a biproduct and the biproduct of the images,
* construct the comparison morphisms between the image of a biproduct and the biproduct of the
images and show that the biproduct is preserved if one of them is an isomorphism,
* give the canonical isomorphism between the image of a biproduct and the biproduct of the images
in case that the biproduct is preserved,
* show that in a preadditive category, a functor preserves a biproduct if and only if it preserves
the corresponding product if and only if it preserves the corresponding coproduct.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,8 +184,53 @@ open category_theory.limits
namespace functor

section bicone
variables {J : Type w₁} (F : C ⥤ D) [preserves_zero_morphisms F] (f : J → C)
[has_biproduct f] [preserves_biproduct f F]
variables {J : Type w₁} (F : C ⥤ D) (f : J → C)
[has_biproduct f]

variables [has_biproduct (F.obj ∘ f)]

/-- As for products, any functor between categories with biproducts gives rise to a morphism
`F.obj (⨁ f) ⟶ ⨁ (F.obj ∘ f)`. -/
def biproduct_comparison : F.obj (⨁ f) ⟶ ⨁ (F.obj ∘ f) :=
biproduct.lift (λ j, (biproduct.π f j))

@[simp, reassoc] lemma biproduct_comparison_π (j : J) :
biproduct_comparison F f ≫ biproduct.π _ j = (biproduct.π f j) :=
biproduct.lift_π _ _

/-- As for coproducts, any functor between categories with biproducts gives rise to a morphism
`⨁ (F.obj ∘ f) ⟶ F.obj (⨁ f)` -/
def biproduct_comparison' : ⨁ (F.obj ∘ f) ⟶ F.obj (⨁ f) :=
biproduct.desc (λ j, (biproduct.ι f j))

@[simp, reassoc] lemma ι_biproduct_comparison' (j : J) :
biproduct.ι _ j ≫ biproduct_comparison' F f = (biproduct.ι f j) :=
biproduct.ι_desc _ _

variables [preserves_zero_morphisms F]

/-- The composition in the opposite direction is equal to the identity if and only if `F` preserves
the biproduct, see `preserves_biproduct_of_mono_biproduct_comparison`. -/
@[simp, reassoc] lemma biproduct_comparison'_comp_biproduct_comparison :
biproduct_comparison' F f ≫ biproduct_comparison F f = 𝟙 (⨁ (F.obj ∘ f)) :=
by { classical, ext, simp [biproduct.ι_π, ← functor.map_comp, eq_to_hom_map] }

instance : split_epi (biproduct_comparison F f) :=
⟨biproduct_comparison' F f⟩

@[simp] lemma section_biproduct_comparison :
section_ (biproduct_comparison F f) = biproduct_comparison' F f := rfl

instance : split_mono (biproduct_comparison' F f) :=
⟨biproduct_comparison F f⟩

@[simp] lemma retraction_biproduct_comparison' :
retraction (biproduct_comparison' F f) = biproduct_comparison F f := rfl


variables [preserves_zero_morphisms F] [preserves_biproduct f F]

instance has_biproduct_of_preserves : has_biproduct (F.obj ∘ f) :=
Expand All @@ -201,8 +251,60 @@ rfl

end bicone

variables (F : C ⥤ D) [preserves_zero_morphisms F] (X Y : C) [has_binary_biproduct X Y]
[preserves_binary_biproduct X Y F]
variables (F : C ⥤ D) (X Y : C) [has_binary_biproduct X Y]

variables [has_binary_biproduct (F.obj X) (F.obj Y)]

/-- As for products, any functor between categories with binary biproducts gives rise to a
morphism `F.obj (X ⊞ Y) ⟶ F.obj X ⊞ F.obj Y`. -/
def biprod_comparison : F.obj (X ⊞ Y) ⟶ F.obj X ⊞ F.obj Y :=
biprod.lift ( biprod.fst) ( biprod.snd)

@[simp, reassoc] lemma biprod_comparison_fst :
biprod_comparison F X Y ≫ biprod.fst = biprod.fst :=
biprod.lift_fst _ _

@[simp, reassoc] lemma biprod_comparison_snd :
biprod_comparison F X Y ≫ biprod.snd = biprod.snd :=
biprod.lift_snd _ _

/-- As for coproducts, any functor between categories with binary biproducts gives rise to a
morphism `F.obj X ⊞ F.obj Y ⟶ F.obj (X ⊞ Y)`. -/
def biprod_comparison' : F.obj X ⊞ F.obj Y ⟶ F.obj (X ⊞ Y) :=
biprod.desc ( biprod.inl) ( biprod.inr)

@[simp, reassoc] lemma inl_biprod_comparison' :
biprod.inl ≫ biprod_comparison' F X Y = biprod.inl :=
biprod.inl_desc _ _

@[simp, reassoc] lemma inr_biprod_comparison' :
biprod.inr ≫ biprod_comparison' F X Y = biprod.inr :=
biprod.inr_desc _ _

variables [preserves_zero_morphisms F]

/-- The composition in the opposite direction is equal to the identity if and only if `F` preserves
the biproduct, see `preserves_binary_biproduct_of_mono_biprod_comparison`. -/
@[simp, reassoc] lemma biprod_comparison'_comp_biprod_comparison :
biprod_comparison' F X Y ≫ biprod_comparison F X Y = 𝟙 (F.obj X ⊞ F.obj Y) :=
by { ext; simp [← functor.map_comp] }

instance : split_epi (biprod_comparison F X Y) :=
⟨biprod_comparison' F X Y⟩

@[simp] lemma section_biprod_comparison :
section_ (biprod_comparison F X Y) = biprod_comparison' F X Y := rfl

instance : split_mono (biprod_comparison' F X Y) :=
⟨biprod_comparison F X Y⟩

@[simp] lemma retraction_biprod_comparison' :
retraction (biprod_comparison' F X Y) = biprod_comparison F X Y := rfl


variables [preserves_zero_morphisms F] [preserves_binary_biproduct X Y F]

instance has_binary_biproduct_of_preserves : has_binary_biproduct (F.obj X) (F.obj Y) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,6 +413,30 @@ def preserves_biproduct_of_preserves_product {f : J → C} [preserves_limit (dis
(F.map_cone b.to_cone)).symm (is_limit_of_preserves F hb.is_limit)) $
cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy) }

/-- If the (product-like) biproduct comparison for `F` and `f` is a monomorphism, then `F`
preserves the biproduct of `f`. For the converse, see `map_biproduct`. -/
def preserves_biproduct_of_mono_biproduct_comparison {f : J → C} [has_biproduct f]
[has_biproduct (F.obj ∘ f)] [mono (biproduct_comparison F f)] : preserves_biproduct f F :=
have : pi_comparison F f = (F.map_iso (biproduct.iso_product f)).inv ≫
biproduct_comparison F f ≫ (biproduct.iso_product _).hom,
{ ext, convert pi_comparison_comp_π F f; simp [← functor.map_comp] },
haveI : is_iso (biproduct_comparison F f) := is_iso_of_mono_of_split_epi _,
haveI : is_iso (pi_comparison F f) := by { rw this, apply_instance },
haveI := preserves_product.of_iso_comparison F f,
apply preserves_biproduct_of_preserves_product

/-- If the (coproduct-like) biproduct comparison for `F` and `f` is an epimorphism, then `F`
preserves the biproduct of `F` and `f`. For the converse, see `map_biproduct`. -/
def preserves_biproduct_of_epi_biproduct_comparison' {f : J → C} [has_biproduct f]
[has_biproduct (F.obj ∘ f)] [epi (biproduct_comparison' F f)] : preserves_biproduct f F :=
haveI : epi (section_ (biproduct_comparison F f)) := by simpa,
haveI : is_iso (biproduct_comparison F f) := is_iso.of_epi_section,
apply preserves_biproduct_of_mono_biproduct_comparison

/-- A functor between preadditive categories that preserves (zero morphisms and) finite products
preserves finite biproducts. -/
def preserves_biproducts_of_shape_of_preserves_products_of_shape
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,6 +511,31 @@ def preserves_binary_biproduct_of_preserves_binary_product {X Y : C}
(F.map_cone b.to_cone)).symm (is_limit_of_preserves F hb.is_limit)) $
cones.ext (iso.refl _) (λ j, by { rcases j with ⟨⟨⟩⟩, tidy }) }

/-- If the (product-like) biproduct comparison for `F`, `X` and `Y` is a monomorphism, then
`F` preserves the biproduct of `X` and `Y`. For the converse, see `map_biprod`. -/
def preserves_binary_biproduct_of_mono_biprod_comparison {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y]
[has_binary_biproduct (F.obj X) (F.obj Y)] [mono (biprod_comparison F X Y)] :
preserves_binary_biproduct X Y F :=
have : prod_comparison F X Y = (F.map_iso (biprod.iso_prod X Y)).inv ≫
biprod_comparison F X Y ≫ (biprod.iso_prod _ _).hom := by { ext; simp [← functor.map_comp] },
haveI : is_iso (biprod_comparison F X Y) := is_iso_of_mono_of_split_epi _,
haveI : is_iso (prod_comparison F X Y) := by { rw this, apply_instance },
haveI := preserves_limit_pair.of_iso_prod_comparison F X Y,
apply preserves_binary_biproduct_of_preserves_binary_product

/-- If the (coproduct-like) biproduct comparison for `F`, `X` and `Y` is an epimorphism, then
`F` preserves the biproduct of `X` and `Y`. For the converse, see `map_biprod`. -/
def preserves_binary_biproduct_of_epi_biprod_comparison' {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y]
[has_binary_biproduct (F.obj X) (F.obj Y)] [epi (biprod_comparison' F X Y)] :
preserves_binary_biproduct X Y F :=
haveI : epi (section_ (biprod_comparison F X Y)) := by simpa,
haveI : is_iso (biprod_comparison F X Y) := is_iso.of_epi_section,
apply preserves_binary_biproduct_of_mono_biprod_comparison

/-- A functor between preadditive categories that preserves (zero morphisms and) binary products
preserves binary biproducts. -/
def preserves_binary_biproducts_of_preserves_binary_products
Expand Down
67 changes: 60 additions & 7 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/biproducts.lean
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Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ def to_cone (B : bicone F) : cone (discrete.functor F) :=

@[simp] lemma to_cone_X (B : bicone F) : B.to_cone.X = B.X := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_cone_π_app (B : bicone F) (j : J) : B.to_cone.π.app ⟨j⟩ = B.π j := rfl
@[simp] lemma to_cone_π_app (B : bicone F) (j : discrete J) : B.to_cone.π.app j = B.π := rfl

lemma to_cone_π_app_mk (B : bicone F) (j : J) : B.to_cone.π.app ⟨j⟩ = B.π j := rfl

/-- Extract the cocone from a bicone. -/
def to_cocone (B : bicone F) : cocone (discrete.functor F) :=
Expand All @@ -111,7 +113,10 @@ def to_cocone (B : bicone F) : cocone (discrete.functor F) :=

@[simp] lemma to_cocone_X (B : bicone F) : B.to_cocone.X = B.X := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_cocone_ι_app (B : bicone F) (j : J) : B.to_cocone.ι.app ⟨j⟩ = B.ι j := rfl
@[simp] lemma to_cocone_ι_app (B : bicone F) (j : discrete J) : B.to_cocone.ι.app j = B.ι :=

lemma to_cocone_ι_app_mk (B : bicone F) (j : J) : B.to_cocone.ι.app ⟨j⟩ = B.ι j := rfl

/-- We can turn any limit cone over a discrete collection of objects into a bicone. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,12 +389,36 @@ (biproduct.is_colimit f) (biproduct.bicone g).to_cocone
(w : ∀ j, biproduct.ι f j ≫ g = biproduct.ι f j ≫ h) : g = h :=
(biproduct.is_colimit f).hom_ext (λ j, w

/-- The canonical isomorphism between the chosen biproduct and the chosen product. -/
def biproduct.iso_product (f : J → C) [has_biproduct f] : ⨁ f ≅ ∏ f :=
is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (biproduct.is_limit f) (limit.is_limit _)

@[simp] lemma biproduct.iso_product_hom {f : J → C} [has_biproduct f] :
(biproduct.iso_product f).hom = pi.lift (biproduct.π f) :=
limit.hom_ext $ λ j, by simp [biproduct.iso_product]

@[simp] lemma biproduct.iso_product_inv {f : J → C} [has_biproduct f] :
(biproduct.iso_product f).inv = biproduct.lift (pi.π f) :=
biproduct.hom_ext _ _ $ λ j, by simp [iso.inv_comp_eq]

/-- The canonical isomorphism between the chosen biproduct and the chosen coproduct. -/
def biproduct.iso_coproduct (f : J → C) [has_biproduct f] : ⨁ f ≅ ∐ f :=
is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (biproduct.is_colimit f) (colimit.is_colimit _)

@[simp] lemma biproduct.iso_coproduct_inv {f : J → C} [has_biproduct f] :
(biproduct.iso_coproduct f).inv = sigma.desc (biproduct.ι f) :=
colimit.hom_ext $ λ j, by simp [biproduct.iso_coproduct]

@[simp] lemma biproduct.iso_coproduct_hom {f : J → C} [has_biproduct f] :
(biproduct.iso_coproduct f).hom = biproduct.desc (sigma.ι f) :=
biproduct.hom_ext' _ _ $ λ j, by simp [← iso.eq_comp_inv]

lemma biproduct.map_eq_map' {f g : J → C} [has_biproduct f] [has_biproduct g]
(p : Π b, f b ⟶ g b) : p =' p :=
ext j j',
simp only [discrete.nat_trans_app, limits.is_colimit.ι_map, limits.is_limit.map_π, category.assoc,
←bicone.to_cone_π_app, ←biproduct.bicone_π, ←bicone.to_cocone_ι_app, ←biproduct.bicone_ι],
←bicone.to_cone_π_app_mk, ←biproduct.bicone_π, ←bicone.to_cocone_ι_app_mk, ←biproduct.bicone_ι],
simp only [biproduct.bicone_ι, biproduct.bicone_π, bicone.to_cocone_ι_app, bicone.to_cone_π_app],
rw [biproduct.ι_π_assoc, biproduct.ι_π],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1068,6 +1097,30 @@ binary_fan.is_limit.hom_ext (binary_biproduct.is_limit X Y) h₀ h₁
(h₀ : biprod.inl ≫ f = biprod.inl ≫ g) (h₁ : biprod.inr ≫ f = biprod.inr ≫ g) : f = g :=
binary_cofan.is_colimit.hom_ext (binary_biproduct.is_colimit X Y) h₀ h₁

/-- The canonical isomorphism between the chosen biproduct and the chosen product. -/
def biprod.iso_prod (X Y : C) [has_binary_biproduct X Y] : X ⊞ Y ≅ X ⨯ Y :=
is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (binary_biproduct.is_limit X Y) (limit.is_limit _)

@[simp] lemma biprod.iso_prod_hom {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
(biprod.iso_prod X Y).hom = prod.lift biprod.fst biprod.snd :=
by ext; simp [biprod.iso_prod]

@[simp] lemma biprod.iso_prod_inv {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
(biprod.iso_prod X Y).inv = biprod.lift prod.fst prod.snd :=
by apply biprod.hom_ext; simp [iso.inv_comp_eq]

/-- The canonical isomorphism between the chosen biproduct and the chosen coproduct. -/
def biprod.iso_coprod (X Y : C) [has_binary_biproduct X Y] : X ⊞ Y ≅ X ⨿ Y :=
is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (binary_biproduct.is_colimit X Y) (colimit.is_colimit _)

@[simp] lemma biprod.iso_coprod_inv {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
(biprod.iso_coprod X Y).inv = coprod.desc biprod.inl biprod.inr :=
by ext; simp [biprod.iso_coprod]; refl

@[simp] lemma biprod_iso_coprod_hom {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
(biprod.iso_coprod X Y).hom = biprod.desc coprod.inl coprod.inr :=
by apply biprod.hom_ext'; simp [← iso.eq_comp_inv]

lemma biprod.map_eq_map' {W X Y Z : C} [has_binary_biproduct W X] [has_binary_biproduct Y Z]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : f g =' f g :=
Expand All @@ -1094,19 +1147,19 @@ end

instance biprod.inl_mono {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
split_mono (biprod.inl : X ⟶ X ⊞ Y) :=
{ retraction := biprod.desc (𝟙 X) (biprod.inr ≫ biprod.fst) }
{ retraction := biprod.fst }

instance biprod.inr_mono {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
split_mono (biprod.inr : Y ⟶ X ⊞ Y) :=
{ retraction := biprod.desc (biprod.inl ≫ biprod.snd) (𝟙 Y)}
{ retraction := biprod.snd }

instance biprod.fst_epi {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
split_epi (biprod.fst : X ⊞ Y ⟶ X) :=
{ section_ := biprod.lift (𝟙 X) (biprod.inl ≫ biprod.snd) }
{ section_ := biprod.inl }

instance biprod.snd_epi {X Y : C} [has_binary_biproduct X Y] :
split_epi (biprod.snd : X ⊞ Y ⟶ Y) :=
{ section_ := biprod.lift (biprod.inr ≫ biprod.fst) (𝟙 Y) }
{ section_ := biprod.inr }

lemma biprod.map_fst {W X Y Z : C} [has_binary_biproduct W X] [has_binary_biproduct Y Z]
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/category_theory/preadditive/additive_functor.lean
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Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ instance preserves_finite_biproducts_of_additive [additive F] : preserves_finite
simp_rw [← F.map_id],
refine congr_arg _ (hb.is_limit.hom_ext (λ j, hb.is_colimit.hom_ext (λ j', _))),
cases j, cases j',
dsimp only [limits.bicone.to_cone_π_app],
simp [sum_comp, comp_sum, bicone.ι_π, comp_dite, dite_comp],
end } } }

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