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refactor(algebra/order/monoid): use typeclasses instead of lemmas (#1…
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Use `covariant_class`/`contravariant_class` instead of type-specific `mul_le_mul_left` etc lemmas. Also, rewrite some proofs to use API about inequalities on `with_top`/`with_bot` instead of the exact form of the current definition.
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urkud committed Jun 24, 2022
1 parent 0e5f278 commit fe322e1
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 77 deletions.
155 changes: 78 additions & 77 deletions src/algebra/order/monoid.lean
Expand Up @@ -243,10 +243,12 @@ instance [partial_order α] : partial_order (with_zero α) := with_bot.partial_o

instance [preorder α] : order_bot (with_zero α) := with_bot.order_bot

lemma zero_le [partial_order α] (a : with_zero α) : 0 ≤ a := order_bot.bot_le a
lemma zero_le [preorder α] (a : with_zero α) : 0 ≤ a := bot_le

lemma zero_lt_coe [preorder α] (a : α) : (0 : with_zero α) < a := with_bot.bot_lt_coe a

lemma zero_eq_bot [preorder α] : (0 : with_zero α) = ⊥ := rfl

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_lt_coe [preorder α] {a b : α} : (a : with_zero α) < b ↔ a < b :=

Expand All @@ -257,30 +259,28 @@ instance [lattice α] : lattice (with_zero α) := with_bot.lattice

instance [linear_order α] : linear_order (with_zero α) := with_bot.linear_order

lemma mul_le_mul_left {α : Type u} [has_mul α] [preorder α]
instance covariant_class_mul_le {α : Type u} [has_mul α] [preorder α]
[covariant_class α α (*) (≤)] :
∀ (a b : with_zero α),
a ≤ b → ∀ (c : with_zero α), c * a ≤ c * b :=
covariant_class (with_zero α) (with_zero α) (*) (≤) :=
rintro (_ | a) (_ | b) h (_ | c);
try { exact λ f hf, option.no_confusion hf },
{ exact false.elim (not_lt_of_le h (with_zero.zero_lt_coe a))},
{ simp_rw [some_eq_coe] at h ⊢,
norm_cast at h ⊢,
exact covariant_class.elim _ h }
refine ⟨λ a b c hbc, _⟩,
induction a using with_zero.rec_zero_coe, { exact zero_le _ },
induction b using with_zero.rec_zero_coe, { exact zero_le _ },
rcases with_bot.coe_le_iff.1 hbc with ⟨c, rfl, hbc'⟩,
rw [← coe_mul, ← coe_mul, coe_le_coe],
exact mul_le_mul_left' hbc' a

lemma lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left {α : Type u} [has_mul α] [partial_order α]
instance contravariant_class_mul_lt {α : Type u} [has_mul α] [partial_order α]
[contravariant_class α α (*) (<)] :
∀ (a b c : with_zero α), a * b < a * c → b < c :=
contravariant_class (with_zero α) (with_zero α) (*) (<) :=
rintro (_ | a) (_ | b) (_ | c) h;
try { exact false.elim (lt_irrefl _ h) },
{ exact with_zero.zero_lt_coe c },
{ exact false.elim (not_le_of_lt h (with_zero.zero_le _)) },
{ simp_rw [some_eq_coe] at h ⊢,
norm_cast at h ⊢,
apply lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left' h }
refine ⟨λ a b c h, _⟩,
have := ((zero_le _).trans_lt h).ne',
lift a to α using left_ne_zero_of_mul this,
lift c to α using right_ne_zero_of_mul this,
induction b using with_zero.rec_zero_coe,
exacts [zero_lt_coe _, coe_lt_coe.mpr (lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left' $ h)]

@[simp] lemma le_max_iff [linear_order α] {a b c : α} :
Expand All @@ -292,10 +292,28 @@ by simp only [with_zero.coe_le_coe, le_max_iff]
by simp only [with_zero.coe_le_coe, min_le_iff]

instance [ordered_comm_monoid α] : ordered_comm_monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ mul_le_mul_left := with_zero.mul_le_mul_left,
{ mul_le_mul_left := λ _ _, mul_le_mul_left',
..with_zero.partial_order }

protected lemma covariant_class_add_le [add_zero_class α] [preorder α]
[covariant_class α α (+) (≤)] (h : ∀ a : α, 0 ≤ a) :
covariant_class (with_zero α) (with_zero α) (+) (≤) :=
refine ⟨λ a b c hbc, _⟩,
induction a using with_zero.rec_zero_coe,
{ rwa [zero_add, zero_add] },
induction b using with_zero.rec_zero_coe,
{ rw [add_zero],
induction c using with_zero.rec_zero_coe,
{ rw [add_zero], exact le_rfl },
{ rw [← coe_add, coe_le_coe],
exact le_add_of_nonneg_right (h _) } },
{ rcases with_bot.coe_le_iff.1 hbc with ⟨c, rfl, hbc'⟩,
rw [← coe_add, ← coe_add, coe_le_coe],
exact add_le_add_left hbc' a }

Note 1 : the below is not an instance because it requires `zero_le`. It seems
like a rather pathological definition because α already has a zero.
Expand All @@ -310,25 +328,9 @@ See note [reducible non-instances].
@[reducible] protected def ordered_add_comm_monoid [ordered_add_comm_monoid α]
(zero_le : ∀ a : α, 0 ≤ a) : ordered_add_comm_monoid (with_zero α) :=
suffices, refine
{ add_le_add_left := this,
..with_zero.add_comm_monoid, .. },
{ intros a b h c ca h₂,
cases b with b,
{ rw le_antisymm h bot_le at h₂,
exact ⟨_, h₂, le_rfl⟩ },
cases a with a,
{ change c + 0 = some ca at h₂,
simp at h₂, simp [h₂],
exact ⟨_, rfl, by simpa using add_le_add_left (zero_le b) _⟩ },
{ simp at h,
cases c with c; change some _ = _ at h₂;
simp [-add_comm] at h₂; subst ca; refine ⟨_, rfl, _⟩,
{ exact h },
{ exact add_le_add_left h _ } } }
{ add_le_add_left := @add_le_add_left _ _ _ (with_zero.covariant_class_add_le zero_le),
..with_zero.add_comm_monoid, .. }

end with_zero

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,7 +413,7 @@ iff.intro ne_of_gt $ assume hne, lt_of_le_of_ne (one_le _) hne.symm
@[to_additive] lemma eq_one_or_one_lt : a = 11 < a :=
(one_le a).eq_or_lt.imp_left eq.symm

@[to_additive] lemma exists_pos_mul_of_lt (h : a < b) : ∃ c > 1, a * c = b :=
@[to_additive] lemma exists_one_lt_mul_of_lt (h : a < b) : ∃ c (hc : 1 < c), a * c = b :=
obtain ⟨c, hc⟩ := le_iff_exists_mul.1 h.le,
refine ⟨c, one_lt_iff_ne_one.2 _, hc.symm⟩,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -885,106 +887,105 @@ by { induction x using with_top.rec_top_coe; simp [← coe_add, -with_zero.coe_a
@[simp] lemma coe_add_eq_top_iff {y : with_top α} : ↑x + y = ⊤ ↔ y = ⊤ :=
by { induction y using with_top.rec_top_coe; simp [← coe_add, -with_zero.coe_add] }

variables [preorder α]

instance covariant_class_add_le [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)] :
instance covariant_class_add_le [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)] :
covariant_class (with_top α) (with_top α) (+) (≤) :=
⟨λ a b c h, begin
cases a; cases c; try { exact le_top },
cases b,
{ exact (not_top_le_coe _ h).elim },
{ exact some_le_some.2 (add_le_add_left (some_le_some.1 h) _) }
rcases le_coe_iff.1 h with ⟨b, rfl, h'⟩,
exact coe_le_coe.2 (add_le_add_left (coe_le_coe.1 h) _)

instance covariant_class_swap_add_le [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)] :
instance covariant_class_swap_add_le [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)] :
covariant_class (with_top α) (with_top α) (swap (+)) (≤) :=
⟨λ a b c h, begin
cases a; cases c; try { exact le_top },
cases b,
{ exact (not_top_le_coe _ h).elim },
{ exact some_le_some.2 (add_le_add_right (some_le_some.1 h) _) }
rcases le_coe_iff.1 h with ⟨b, rfl, h'⟩,
exact coe_le_coe.2 (add_le_add_right (coe_le_coe.1 h) _)

instance contravariant_class_add_lt [contravariant_class α α (+) (<)] :
instance contravariant_class_add_lt [has_lt α] [contravariant_class α α (+) (<)] :
contravariant_class (with_top α) (with_top α) (+) (<) :=
⟨λ a b c h, begin
cases a; cases b; try { exact (not_top_lt h).elim },
cases c,
induction a using with_top.rec_top_coe, { exact (not_none_lt _ h).elim },
induction b using with_top.rec_top_coe, { exact (not_none_lt _ h).elim },
induction c using with_top.rec_top_coe,
{ exact coe_lt_top _ },
{ exact some_lt_some.2 (lt_of_add_lt_add_left $ some_lt_some.1 h) }
{ exact coe_lt_coe.2 (lt_of_add_lt_add_left $ coe_lt_coe.1 h) }

instance contravariant_class_swap_add_lt [contravariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)] :
instance contravariant_class_swap_add_lt [has_lt α] [contravariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)] :
contravariant_class (with_top α) (with_top α) (swap (+)) (<) :=
⟨λ a b c h, begin
cases a; cases b; try { exact (not_top_lt h).elim },
cases a; cases b; try { exact (not_none_lt _ h).elim },
cases c,
{ exact coe_lt_top _ },
{ exact some_lt_some.2 (lt_of_add_lt_add_right $ some_lt_some.1 h) }
{ exact coe_lt_coe.2 (lt_of_add_lt_add_right $ coe_lt_coe.1 h) }

protected lemma le_of_add_le_add_left [contravariant_class α α (+) (≤)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤)
protected lemma le_of_add_le_add_left [has_le α] [contravariant_class α α (+) (≤)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤)
(h : a + b ≤ a + c) : b ≤ c :=
lift a to α using ha,
cases c; try {exact le_top},
cases b, exact (not_top_le_coe _ h).elim,
simp only [some_eq_coe, ← coe_add, coe_le_coe] at h, rw some_le_some,
induction c using with_top.rec_top_coe, { exact le_top },
induction b using with_top.rec_top_coe, { exact (not_top_le_coe _ h).elim },
simp only [← coe_add, coe_le_coe] at h,
exact le_of_add_le_add_left h

protected lemma le_of_add_le_add_right [contravariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤)
(h : b + a ≤ c + a) : b ≤ c :=
protected lemma le_of_add_le_add_right [has_le α] [contravariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)]
(ha : a ≠ ⊤) (h : b + a ≤ c + a) : b ≤ c :=
lift a to α using ha,
cases c,
{ exact le_top },
cases b,
{ exact (not_top_le_coe _ h).elim },
{ exact some_le_some.2 (le_of_add_le_add_right $ some_le_some.1 h) }
{ exact coe_le_coe.2 (le_of_add_le_add_right $ coe_le_coe.1 h) }

protected lemma add_lt_add_left [covariant_class α α (+) (<)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) (h : b < c) :
protected lemma add_lt_add_left [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (+) (<)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) (h : b < c) :
a + b < a + c :=
lift a to α using ha,
lift b to α using (h.trans_le le_top).ne,
rcases lt_iff_exists_coe.1 h with ⟨b, rfl, h'⟩,
cases c,
{ exact coe_lt_top _ },
{ exact some_lt_some.2 (add_lt_add_left (some_lt_some.1 h) _) }
{ exact coe_lt_coe.2 (add_lt_add_left (coe_lt_coe.1 h) _) }

protected lemma add_lt_add_right [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) (h : b < c) :
protected lemma add_lt_add_right [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)]
(ha : a ≠ ⊤) (h : b < c) :
b + a < c + a :=
lift a to α using ha,
lift b to α using (h.trans_le le_top).ne,
rcases lt_iff_exists_coe.1 h with ⟨b, rfl, h'⟩,
cases c,
{ exact coe_lt_top _ },
{ exact some_lt_some.2 (add_lt_add_right (some_lt_some.1 h) _) }
{ exact coe_lt_coe.2 (add_lt_add_right (coe_lt_coe.1 h) _) }

protected lemma add_le_add_iff_left [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)] [contravariant_class α α (+) (≤)]
protected lemma add_le_add_iff_left [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)]
[contravariant_class α α (+) (≤)]
(ha : a ≠ ⊤) : a + b ≤ a + c ↔ b ≤ c :=
⟨with_top.le_of_add_le_add_left ha, λ h, add_le_add_left h a⟩

protected lemma add_le_add_iff_right [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)]
protected lemma add_le_add_iff_right [has_le α] [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)]
[contravariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) : b + a ≤ c + a ↔ b ≤ c :=
⟨with_top.le_of_add_le_add_right ha, λ h, add_le_add_right h a⟩

protected lemma add_lt_add_iff_left [covariant_class α α (+) (<)] [contravariant_class α α (+) (<)]
(ha : a ≠ ⊤) : a + b < a + c ↔ b < c :=
protected lemma add_lt_add_iff_left [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (+) (<)]
[contravariant_class α α (+) (<)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) : a + b < a + c ↔ b < c :=
⟨lt_of_add_lt_add_left, with_top.add_lt_add_left ha⟩

protected lemma add_lt_add_iff_right [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)]
protected lemma add_lt_add_iff_right [has_lt α] [covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)]
[contravariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) : b + a < c + a ↔ b < c :=
⟨lt_of_add_lt_add_right, with_top.add_lt_add_right ha⟩

protected lemma add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt [covariant_class α α (+) (<)]
protected lemma add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (+) (<)]
[covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (≤)] (ha : a ≠ ⊤) (hab : a ≤ b) (hcd : c < d) : a + c < b + d :=
(with_top.add_lt_add_left ha hcd).trans_le $ add_le_add_right hab _

protected lemma add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)]
protected lemma add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le [preorder α] [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)]
[covariant_class α α (swap (+)) (<)] (hc : c ≠ ⊤) (hab : a < b) (hcd : c ≤ d) : a + c < b + d :=
(with_top.add_lt_add_right hc hab).trans_le $ add_le_add_left hcd _

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