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[Merged by Bors] - feat(ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/basic): add cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic_mul #11005

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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -347,6 +347,10 @@ begin
exact (int_cyclotomic_spec n).2.2

/-- `cyclotomic n` is primitive. -/
lemma cyclotomic.is_primitive (n : ℕ) (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] : (cyclotomic n R).is_primitive :=
(cyclotomic.monic n R).is_primitive

/-- `cyclotomic n R` is different from `0`. -/
lemma cyclotomic_ne_zero (n : ℕ) (R : Type*) [ring R] [nontrivial R] : cyclotomic n R ≠ 0 :=
monic.ne_zero (cyclotomic.monic n R)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -558,6 +562,33 @@ begin
←is_root_cyclotomic_iff' $ by simpa only [f.map_nat_cast, hn] using hf n]

/-- Over a ring `R` of characteristic zero, `λ n, cyclotomic n R` is injective. -/
lemma cyclotomic_injective {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] [char_zero R] :
function.injective (λ n, cyclotomic n R) :=
intros n m hnm,
simp only at hnm,
by_cases hzero : n = 0,
{ rw [hzero] at hnm ⊢,
rw [cyclotomic_zero] at hnm,
replace hnm := congr_arg nat_degree hnm,
rw [nat_degree_one, nat_degree_cyclotomic] at hnm,
exact (nat.totient_pos (zero_lt_iff.2 (ne.symm h))).ne hnm },
{ rw [← map_cyclotomic_int _ R, ← map_cyclotomic_int _ R] at hnm,
replace hnm := map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom R) int.cast_injective hnm,
replace hnm := congr_arg (map (int.cast_ring_hom ℂ)) hnm,
rw [map_cyclotomic_int, map_cyclotomic_int] at hnm,
have hprim := complex.is_primitive_root_exp _ hzero,
have hroot := (is_root_cyclotomic_iff (by exact_mod_cast hzero)).2 hprim,
rw [hnm] at hroot,
have hmzero : m ≠ 0 := λ h, by simpa [h] using hroot,
rw [is_root_cyclotomic_iff] at hroot,
{ replace hprim := is_primitive_root.eq_order_of hprim,
rwa [← is_primitive_root.eq_order_of hroot] at hprim },
{ exact nat.cast_ne_zero.mpr hmzero } }

lemma eq_cyclotomic_iff {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] {n : ℕ} (hpos: 0 < n)
(P : polynomial R) :
P = cyclotomic n R ↔ P * (∏ i in nat.proper_divisors n, polynomial.cyclotomic i R) = X ^ n - 1 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,6 +741,15 @@ begin
simpa [nat_degree_cyclotomic n ℤ] using totient_le_degree_minpoly h

/-- `cyclotomic n ℚ` is the minimal polynomial of a primitive `n`-th root of unity `μ`. -/
lemma cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat {n : ℕ} {K : Type*} [field K] {μ : K}
(h : is_primitive_root μ n) (hpos : 0 < n) [char_zero K] :
cyclotomic n ℚ = minpoly ℚ μ :=
rw [← map_cyclotomic_int, cyclotomic_eq_minpoly h hpos],
exact (minpoly.gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions _ (is_integral h hpos)).symm

/-- `cyclotomic n ℤ` is irreducible. -/
lemma cyclotomic.irreducible {n : ℕ} (hpos : 0 < n) : irreducible (cyclotomic n ℤ) :=
Expand All @@ -718,10 +758,74 @@ begin
exact (is_primitive_root_exp n').is_integral hpos,

/-- `cyclotomic n ℚ` is irreducible. -/
lemma cyclotomic.irreducible_rat {n : ℕ} (hpos : 0 < n) : irreducible (cyclotomic n ℚ) :=
rw [← map_cyclotomic_int],
exact ( (cyclotomic.is_primitive n ℤ)).1
(cyclotomic.irreducible hpos),

/-- If `n ≠ m`, then `(cyclotomic n ℚ)` and `(cyclotomic m ℚ)` are coprime. -/
lemma cyclotomic.is_coprime_rat {n m : ℕ} (h : n ≠ m) :
is_coprime (cyclotomic n ℚ) (cyclotomic m ℚ) :=
rcases n.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hnzero,
{ exact is_coprime_one_left },
rcases m.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hmzero,
{ exact is_coprime_one_right },
rw (irreducible.coprime_iff_not_dvd $ cyclotomic.irreducible_rat $ hnzero),
exact (λ hdiv, h $ cyclotomic_injective $ eq_of_monic_of_associated (cyclotomic.monic n ℚ)
(cyclotomic.monic m ℚ) $ irreducible.associated_of_dvd (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat
hnzero) (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat hmzero) hdiv),

end minpoly

section expand

/-- If `p` is a prime such that `¬ p ∣ n`, then
`expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R)`. -/
@[simp] lemma cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic_mul {p n : ℕ} (hp : p) (hdiv : ¬p ∣ n)
(R : Type*) [comm_ring R] :
expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R) :=
cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos n with hzero hnpos,
{ simp [hzero] },
suffices : expand ℤ p (cyclotomic n ℤ) = (cyclotomic (n * p) ℤ) * (cyclotomic n ℤ),
{ rw [← map_cyclotomic_int, ← map_expand, this, map_mul, map_cyclotomic_int] },
refine eq_of_monic_of_dvd_of_nat_degree_le (monic_mul (cyclotomic.monic _ _)
(cyclotomic.monic _ _)) ((cyclotomic.monic n ℤ).expand hp.pos) _ _,
{ refine ( _ _ (is_primitive.mul
(cyclotomic.is_primitive (n * p) ℤ) (cyclotomic.is_primitive n ℤ))
((cyclotomic.monic n ℤ).expand hp.pos).is_primitive).2 _,
rw [map_mul, map_cyclotomic_int, map_cyclotomic_int, map_expand, map_cyclotomic_int],
refine is_coprime.mul_dvd (cyclotomic.is_coprime_rat (λ h, _)) _ _,
{ replace h : n * p = n * 1 := by simp [h],
exact hp (nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left hnpos h) },
{ have hpos : 0 < n * p := mul_pos hnpos hp.pos,
have hprim := complex.is_primitive_root_exp _',
rw [cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat hprim hpos],
refine @minpoly.dvd ℚ ℂ _ _ algebra_rat _ _ _,
rw [aeval_def, ← eval_map, map_expand, map_cyclotomic, expand_eval, ← is_root.def,
{ convert is_primitive_root.pow_of_dvd hprim hp.ne_zero (dvd_mul_left p n),
rw [nat.mul_div_cancel _ ( hp)] },
{ exact_mod_cast' } },
{ have hprim := complex.is_primitive_root_exp _,
rw [cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat hprim hnpos],
refine @minpoly.dvd ℚ ℂ _ _ algebra_rat _ _ _,
rw [aeval_def, ← eval_map, map_expand, expand_eval, ← is_root.def,
← cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat hprim hnpos, map_cyclotomic, is_root_cyclotomic_iff],
{ exact is_primitive_root.pow_of_prime hprim hp hdiv },
{ exact_mod_cast' } } },
{ rw [nat_degree_expand, nat_degree_cyclotomic, nat_degree_mul (cyclotomic_ne_zero _ ℤ)
(cyclotomic_ne_zero _ ℤ), nat_degree_cyclotomic, nat_degree_cyclotomic, mul_comm n,
nat.totient_mul (( hp).2 hdiv),
nat.totient_prime hp, mul_comm (p - 1), ← nat.mul_succ, nat.sub_one,
nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos hp.pos] }

/-- If `p` is a prime such that `p ∣ n`, then
`expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (p * n) R`. -/
@[simp] lemma cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic {p n : ℕ} (hp : p) (hdiv : p ∣ n)
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