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[Merged by Bors] - feat(category_theory/abelian/homology): Adds API for homology mimicking that of (co)kernels. #12171

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255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/abelian/homology.lean
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adam Topaz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Adam Topaz
import category_theory.abelian.exact
import category_theory.abelian.pseudoelements


The object `homology f g w`, where `w : f ≫ g = 0`, can be identified with either a
cokernel or a kernel. The isomorphism with a cokernel is `homology_iso_cokernel_lift`, which
was obtained elsewhere. In the case of an abelian category, this file shows the isomorphism
with a kernel as well.

We use these isomorphisms to obtain the analogous api for `homology`:
- `homology.ι` is the map from `homology f g w` into the cokernel of `f`.
- `homology.π'` is the map from `kernel g` to `homology f g w`.
- `homology.desc'` constructs a morphism from `homology f g w`, when it is viewed as a cokernel.
- `homology.lift` constructs a morphism to `homology f g w`, when it is viewed as a kernel.
- Various small lemmas are proved as well, mimicking the API for (co)kernels.
With these definitions and lemmas, the isomorphisms between homology and a (co)kernel need not
be used directly.

open category_theory.limits
open category_theory

noncomputable theory

universes v u
variables {A : Type u} [category.{v} A] [abelian A]

variables {X Y Z : A} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : f ≫ g = 0)

namespace category_theory.abelian

/-- The cokernel of `kernel.lift g f w`. This is isomorphic to `homology f g w`.
See `homology_iso_cokernel_lift`. -/
abbreviation homology_c : A :=
cokernel (kernel.lift g f w)

/-- The kernel of `cokernel.desc f g w`. This is isomorphic to `homology f g w`.
See `homology_iso_kernel_desc`. -/
abbreviation homology_k : A :=
kernel (cokernel.desc f g w)

/-- The canonical map from `homology_c` to `homology_k`.
This is an isomorphism, and it is used in obtaining the API for `homology f g w`
in the bottom of this file. -/
abbreviation homology_c_to_k : homology_c f g w ⟶ homology_k f g w :=
cokernel.desc _ (kernel.lift _ (kernel.ι _ ≫ cokernel.π _) (by simp)) begin
apply limits.equalizer.hom_ext,

local attribute [instance] pseudoelement.hom_to_fun pseudoelement.has_zero

instance : mono (homology_c_to_k f g w) :=
apply pseudoelement.mono_of_zero_of_map_zero,
intros a ha,
obtain ⟨a,rfl⟩ := pseudoelement.pseudo_surjective_of_epi (cokernel.π (kernel.lift g f w)) a,
apply_fun (kernel.ι (cokernel.desc f g w)) at ha,
simp only [←pseudoelement.comp_apply, cokernel.π_desc,
kernel.lift_ι, pseudoelement.apply_zero] at ha,
simp only [pseudoelement.comp_apply] at ha,
haveI : exact f (cokernel.π f) := exact_cokernel f,
obtain ⟨b,hb⟩ : ∃ b, f b = _ := pseudoelement.pseudo_exact_of_exact.2 _ ha,
suffices : ∃ c, kernel.lift g f w c = a,
{ obtain ⟨c,rfl⟩ := this,
simp [← pseudoelement.comp_apply] },
use b,
apply_fun kernel.ι g,
swap, { apply pseudoelement.pseudo_injective_of_mono },
simpa [← pseudoelement.comp_apply]

instance : epi (homology_c_to_k f g w) :=
apply pseudoelement.epi_of_pseudo_surjective,
intros a,
let b := kernel.ι (cokernel.desc f g w) a,
haveI : exact f (cokernel.π f) := exact_cokernel f,
obtain ⟨c,hc⟩ : ∃ c, cokernel.π f c = b,
apply pseudoelement.pseudo_surjective_of_epi (cokernel.π f),
have : g c = 0,
{ dsimp [b] at hc,
rw [(show g = cokernel.π f ≫ cokernel.desc f g w, by simp), pseudoelement.comp_apply, hc],
simp [← pseudoelement.comp_apply] },
obtain ⟨d,hd⟩ : ∃ d, kernel.ι g d = c,
{ apply pseudoelement.pseudo_exact_of_exact.2 _ this,
apply exact_kernel_ι },
use cokernel.π (kernel.lift g f w) d,
apply_fun kernel.ι (cokernel.desc f g w),
swap, { apply pseudoelement.pseudo_injective_of_mono },
simp only [←pseudoelement.comp_apply, cokernel.π_desc, kernel.lift_ι],
simp only [pseudoelement.comp_apply, hd, hc],

instance (w : f ≫ g = 0) : is_iso (homology_c_to_k f g w) := is_iso_of_mono_of_epi _

end category_theory.abelian

/-- The homology associated to `f` and `g` is isomorphic to a kernel. -/
def homology_iso_kernel_desc : homology f g w ≅ kernel (cokernel.desc f g w) :=
homology_iso_cokernel_lift _ _ _ ≪≫ as_iso (category_theory.abelian.homology_c_to_k _ _ _)
erdOne marked this conversation as resolved.
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namespace homology

-- `homology.π` is taken
/-- The canonical map from the kernel of `g` to the homology of `f` and `g`. -/
def π' : kernel g ⟶ homology f g w :=
riccardobrasca marked this conversation as resolved.
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cokernel.π _ ≫ (homology_iso_cokernel_lift _ _ _).inv

/-- The canonical map from the homology of `f` and `g` to the cokernel of `f`. -/
def ι : homology f g w ⟶ cokernel f :=
(homology_iso_kernel_desc _ _ _).hom ≫ kernel.ι _

/-- Obtain a morphism from the homology, given a morphism from the kernel. -/
def desc' {W : A} (e : kernel g ⟶ W) (he : kernel.lift g f w ≫ e = 0) :
homology f g w ⟶ W :=
(homology_iso_cokernel_lift _ _ _).hom ≫ cokernel.desc _ e he

/-- Obtain a moprhism to the homology, given a morphism to the kernel. -/
def lift {W : A} (e : W ⟶ cokernel f) (he : e ≫ cokernel.desc f g w = 0) :
W ⟶ homology f g w :=
kernel.lift _ e he ≫ (homology_iso_kernel_desc _ _ _).inv

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma desc'_π' {W : A} (e : kernel g ⟶ W) (he : kernel.lift g f w ≫ e = 0) :
π' f g w ≫ desc' f g w e he = e :=
by { dsimp [π', desc'], simp }
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@[simp, reassoc]
lemma ι_lift {W : A} (e : W ⟶ cokernel f) (he : e ≫ cokernel.desc f g w = 0) :
lift f g w e he ≫ ι _ _ _ = e :=
by { dsimp [ι, lift], simp }
adamtopaz marked this conversation as resolved.
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@[simp, reassoc]
lemma condition_π' : kernel.lift g f w ≫ π' f g w = 0 :=
by { dsimp [π'], simp }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma condition_ι : ι f g w ≫ cokernel.desc f g w = 0 :=
by { dsimp [ι], simp }

lemma hom_from_ext {W : A} (a b : homology f g w ⟶ W)
(h : π' f g w ≫ a = π' f g w ≫ b) : a = b :=
dsimp [π'] at h,
apply_fun (λ e, (homology_iso_cokernel_lift f g w).inv ≫ e),
{ intros i j hh,
apply_fun (λ e, (homology_iso_cokernel_lift f g w).hom ≫ e) at hh,
simpa using hh },
simp only [category.assoc] at h,
exact coequalizer.hom_ext h,

lemma hom_to_ext {W : A} (a b : W ⟶ homology f g w)
(h : a ≫ ι f g w = b ≫ ι f g w) : a = b :=
dsimp [ι] at h,
apply_fun (λ e, e ≫ (homology_iso_kernel_desc f g w).hom),
{ intros i j hh,
apply_fun (λ e, e ≫ (homology_iso_kernel_desc f g w).inv) at hh,
simpa using hh },
simp only [← category.assoc] at h,
exact equalizer.hom_ext h,

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma π'_eq_π : (kernel_subobject_iso _).hom ≫ π' f g w = π _ _ _ :=
dsimp [π', homology_iso_cokernel_lift],
simp only [← category.assoc],
rw iso.comp_inv_eq,
dsimp [π, homology_iso_cokernel_image_to_kernel'],


variables {X' Y' Z' : A} (f' : X' ⟶ Y') (g' : Y' ⟶ Z') (w' : f' ≫ g' = 0)

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma π'_map (α β h) :
π' _ _ _ ≫ map w w' α β h = _ _ α.right β.right (by simp [h,β.w.symm]) ≫ π' _ _ _ :=
apply_fun (λ e, (kernel_subobject_iso _).hom ≫ e),
{ intros i j hh,
apply_fun (λ e, (kernel_subobject_iso _).inv ≫ e) at hh,
simpa using hh },
dsimp [map],
simp only [π'_eq_π_assoc],
dsimp [π],
simp only [cokernel.π_desc],
rw [← iso.inv_comp_eq, ← category.assoc],
have : (limits.kernel_subobject_iso g).inv ≫ limits.kernel_subobject_map β = _ _ β.left β.right β.w.symm ≫ (kernel_subobject_iso _).inv,
{ rw [iso.inv_comp_eq, ← category.assoc, iso.eq_comp_inv],
simp },
rw this,
simp only [category.assoc],
dsimp [π', homology_iso_cokernel_lift],
simp only [cokernel_iso_of_eq_inv_comp_desc, cokernel.π_desc_assoc],
congr' 1,
{ congr, exact h.symm },
{ rw [iso.inv_comp_eq, ← category.assoc, iso.eq_comp_inv],
dsimp [homology_iso_cokernel_image_to_kernel'],
simp }

lemma map_eq_left (α β h) : map w w' α β h =
homology.desc' _ _ _ (homology.lift _ _ _ (kernel.ι _ ≫ β.left ≫ cokernel.π _) (by simp))
(by { ext, simp only [←h, category.assoc, zero_comp, ι_lift, kernel.lift_ι_assoc],
erw ← reassoc_of α.w, simp } ) :=
apply homology.hom_from_ext,
simp only [π'_map, desc'_π'],
dsimp [π', lift],
rw iso.eq_comp_inv,
dsimp [homology_iso_kernel_desc],
simp [h],

lemma map_eq_left' (α β h) : map w w' α β h =
homology.lift _ _ _ (homology.desc' _ _ _ (kernel.ι _ ≫ β.left ≫ cokernel.π _)
(by { simp only [kernel.lift_ι_assoc, ← h], erw ← reassoc_of α.w, simp }))
(by { ext, simp }) :=
by { rw map_eq_left, ext, simp }

lemma map_eq_right (α β h) : map w w' α β h =
homology.desc' _ _ _ (homology.lift _ _ _ (kernel.ι _ ≫ α.right ≫ cokernel.π _) (by simp [h]))
(by { ext, simp only [category.assoc, zero_comp, ι_lift, kernel.lift_ι_assoc],
erw ← reassoc_of α.w, simp } ) :=
by { rw map_eq_left, ext, simp [h] }

lemma map_eq_right' (α β h) : map w w' α β h =
homology.lift _ _ _ (homology.desc' _ _ _ (kernel.ι _ ≫ α.right ≫ cokernel.π _)
(by { simp only [kernel.lift_ι_assoc], erw ← reassoc_of α.w, simp }))
(by { ext, simp [h] }) :=
by { rw map_eq_right, ext, simp }
adamtopaz marked this conversation as resolved.
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end homology
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/kernels.lean
Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,28 @@ has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso (by simp[h])
lemma kernel_iso_of_eq_refl {h : f = f} : kernel_iso_of_eq h = iso.refl (kernel f) :=
by { ext, simp [kernel_iso_of_eq], }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma kernel_iso_of_eq_hom_comp_ι {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_kernel f] [has_kernel g] (h : f = g) :
(kernel_iso_of_eq h).hom ≫ kernel.ι _ = kernel.ι _ :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma kernel_iso_of_eq_inv_comp_ι {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_kernel f] [has_kernel g] (h : f = g) :
(kernel_iso_of_eq h).inv ≫ kernel.ι _ = kernel.ι _ :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma lift_comp_kernel_iso_of_eq_hom {Z} {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_kernel f] [has_kernel g]
(h : f = g) (e : Z ⟶ X) (he) :
kernel.lift _ e he ≫ (kernel_iso_of_eq h).hom = kernel.lift _ e (by simp [← h, he]) :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma lift_comp_kernel_iso_of_eq_inv {Z} {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_kernel f] [has_kernel g]
(h : f = g) (e : Z ⟶ X) (he) :
kernel.lift _ e he ≫ (kernel_iso_of_eq h).inv = kernel.lift _ e (by simp [h, he]) :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

lemma kernel_iso_of_eq_trans {f g h : X ⟶ Y} [has_kernel f] [has_kernel g] [has_kernel h]
(w₁ : f = g) (w₂ : g = h) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,6 +536,28 @@ has_colimit.iso_of_nat_iso (by simp[h])
lemma cokernel_iso_of_eq_refl {h : f = f} : cokernel_iso_of_eq h = iso.refl (cokernel f) :=
by { ext, simp [cokernel_iso_of_eq], }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma π_comp_cokernel_iso_of_eq_hom {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_cokernel f] [has_cokernel g] (h : f = g) :
cokernel.π _ ≫ (cokernel_iso_of_eq h).hom = cokernel.π _ :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma π_comp_cokernel_iso_of_eq_inv {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_cokernel f] [has_cokernel g] (h : f = g) :
cokernel.π _ ≫ (cokernel_iso_of_eq h).inv = cokernel.π _ :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma cokernel_iso_of_eq_hom_comp_desc {Z} {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_cokernel f] [has_cokernel g]
(h : f = g) (e : Y ⟶ Z) (he) :
(cokernel_iso_of_eq h).hom ≫ cokernel.desc _ e he = cokernel.desc _ e (by simp [h, he]) :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma cokernel_iso_of_eq_inv_comp_desc {Z} {f g : X ⟶ Y} [has_cokernel f] [has_cokernel g]
(h : f = g) (e : Y ⟶ Z) (he) :
(cokernel_iso_of_eq h).inv ≫ cokernel.desc _ e he = cokernel.desc _ e (by simp [← h, he]) :=
by { unfreezingI { induction h, simp } }

lemma cokernel_iso_of_eq_trans {f g h : X ⟶ Y} [has_cokernel f] [has_cokernel g] [has_cokernel h]
(w₁ : f = g) (w₂ : g = h) :
Expand Down