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[Merged by Bors] - refactor(topology/metric_space): drop dist_setoid #18502

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/constructions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -757,9 +757,13 @@ lemma nhds_inl (x : α) : 𝓝 (inl x : α ⊕ β) = map inl (𝓝 x) :=
lemma nhds_inr (x : β) : 𝓝 (inr x : α ⊕ β) = map inr (𝓝 x) :=
(open_embedding_inr.map_nhds_eq _).symm

theorem continuous_sum_dom {f : α ⊕ β → γ} :
continuous f ↔ continuous (f ∘ sum.inl) ∧ continuous (f ∘ sum.inr) :=
by simp only [continuous_sup_dom, continuous_coinduced_dom]

lemma continuous_sum_elim {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ} :
continuous (sum.elim f g) ↔ continuous f ∧ continuous g :=
by simp only [continuous_sup_dom, continuous_coinduced_dom, sum.elim_comp_inl, sum.elim_comp_inr]

@[continuity] lemma continuous.sum_elim {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ}
(hf : continuous f) (hg : continuous g) : continuous (sum.elim f g) :=
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69 changes: 14 additions & 55 deletions src/topology/metric_space/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2962,61 +2962,20 @@ end metric

section eq_rel

/-- The canonical equivalence relation on a pseudometric space. -/
def pseudo_metric.dist_setoid (α : Type u) [pseudo_metric_space α] : setoid α := (λx y, dist x y = 0)
unfold equivalence,
repeat { split },
{ exact pseudo_metric_space.dist_self },
{ assume x y h, rwa pseudo_metric_space.dist_comm },
{ assume x y z hxy hyz,
refine le_antisymm _ dist_nonneg,
calc dist x z ≤ dist x y + dist y z : pseudo_metric_space.dist_triangle _ _ _
... = 0 + 0 : by rw [hxy, hyz]
... = 0 : by simp }

local attribute [instance] pseudo_metric.dist_setoid

/-- The canonical quotient of a pseudometric space, identifying points at distance `0`. -/
@[reducible] definition pseudo_metric_quot (α : Type u) [pseudo_metric_space α] : Type* :=
quotient (pseudo_metric.dist_setoid α)

instance has_dist_metric_quot {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α] :
has_dist (pseudo_metric_quot α) :=
{ dist := quotient.lift₂ (λp q : α, dist p q)
assume x y x' y' hxx' hyy',
have Hxx' : dist x x' = 0 := hxx',
have Hyy' : dist y y' = 0 := hyy',
have A : dist x y ≤ dist x' y' := calc
dist x y ≤ dist x x' + dist x' y : pseudo_metric_space.dist_triangle _ _ _
... = dist x' y : by simp [Hxx']
... ≤ dist x' y' + dist y' y : pseudo_metric_space.dist_triangle _ _ _
... = dist x' y' : by simp [pseudo_metric_space.dist_comm, Hyy'],
have B : dist x' y' ≤ dist x y := calc
dist x' y' ≤ dist x' x + dist x y' : pseudo_metric_space.dist_triangle _ _ _
... = dist x y' : by simp [pseudo_metric_space.dist_comm, Hxx']
... ≤ dist x y + dist y y' : pseudo_metric_space.dist_triangle _ _ _
... = dist x y : by simp [Hyy'],
exact le_antisymm A B
end }

lemma pseudo_metric_quot_dist_eq {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α] (p q : α) :
dist ⟦p⟧ ⟦q⟧ = dist p q := rfl

instance metric_space_quot {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α] :
metric_space (pseudo_metric_quot α) :=
{ dist_self := begin
refine quotient.ind (λy, _),
exact pseudo_metric_space.dist_self _
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := λxc yc, by exact quotient.induction_on₂ xc yc (λx y H, quotient.sound H),
dist_comm :=
λxc yc, quotient.induction_on₂ xc yc (λx y, pseudo_metric_space.dist_comm _ _),
dist_triangle :=
λxc yc zc, quotient.induction_on₃ xc yc zc (λx y z, pseudo_metric_space.dist_triangle _ _ _) }
instance {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α] :
urkud marked this conversation as resolved.
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has_dist (uniform_space.separation_quotient α) :=
{ dist := λ p q, quotient.lift_on₂' p q dist $ λ x y x' y' hx hy,
by rw [dist_edist, dist_edist, ← uniform_space.separation_quotient.edist_mk x,
← uniform_space.separation_quotient.edist_mk x', quot.sound hx, quot.sound hy] }

lemma uniform_space.separation_quotient.dist_mk {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α] (p q : α) :
@dist (uniform_space.separation_quotient α) _ ( _ p) ( _ q) = dist p q :=

instance {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α] :
metric_space (uniform_space.separation_quotient α) :=
emetric_space.to_metric_space_of_dist dist (λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂' x y edist_ne_top) $
λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂' x y dist_edist

end eq_rel

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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/metric_space/emetric_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1062,6 +1062,37 @@ end diam

end emetric

### Separation quotient

instance [pseudo_emetric_space X] : has_edist (uniform_space.separation_quotient X) :=
⟨λ x y, quotient.lift_on₂' x y edist $ λ x y x' y' hx hy,
calc edist x y = edist x' y : edist_congr_right $
emetric.inseparable_iff.1 $ separation_rel_iff_inseparable.1 hx
... = edist x' y' : edist_congr_left $
emetric.inseparable_iff.1 $ separation_rel_iff_inseparable.1 hy⟩

@[simp] theorem uniform_space.separation_quotient.edist_mk [pseudo_emetric_space X] (x y : X) :
@edist (uniform_space.separation_quotient X) _ ( _ x) ( _ y) = edist x y :=

instance [pseudo_emetric_space X] : emetric_space (uniform_space.separation_quotient X) :=
@emetric.of_t0_pseudo_emetric_space (uniform_space.separation_quotient X)
{ edist_self := λ x, quotient.induction_on' x edist_self,
edist_comm := λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂' x y edist_comm,
edist_triangle := λ x y z, quotient.induction_on₃' x y z edist_triangle,
to_uniform_space := infer_instance,
uniformity_edist := ( _).eq_binfi.trans $ infi_congr $ λ ε,
infi_congr $ λ hε, congr_arg 𝓟
ext ⟨⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩⟩,
refine ⟨_, λ h, ⟨(x, y), h, rfl⟩⟩,
rintro ⟨⟨x', y'⟩, h', h⟩,
simp only [prod.ext_iff] at h,
rwa [← h.1, ← h.2]
end } _

### `additive`, `multiplicative`

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38 changes: 16 additions & 22 deletions src/topology/metric_space/gluing.lean
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Expand Up @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ variables {X : Type u} {Y : Type v} {Z : Type w}
variables [nonempty Z] [metric_space Z] [metric_space X] [metric_space Y]
{Φ : Z → X} {Ψ : Z → Y} {ε : ℝ}
open _root_.sum (inl inr)
local attribute [instance] pseudo_metric.dist_setoid
local attribute [instance] uniform_space.separation_setoid

/-- Given two isometric embeddings `Φ : Z → X` and `Ψ : Z → Y`, we define a pseudo metric space
structure on `X ⊕ Y` by declaring that `Φ x` and `Ψ x` are at distance `0`. -/
Expand All @@ -526,20 +526,15 @@ def glue_premetric (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) : pseudo_metric_space

/-- Given two isometric embeddings `Φ : Z → X` and `Ψ : Z → Y`, we define a
space `glue_space hΦ hΨ` by identifying in `X ⊕ Y` the points `Φ x` and `Ψ x`. -/
@[derive metric_space]
def glue_space (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) : Type* :=
@pseudo_metric_quot _ (glue_premetric hΦ hΨ)

instance metric_space_glue_space (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) :
metric_space (glue_space hΦ hΨ) :=
@metric_space_quot _ (glue_premetric hΦ hΨ)
@uniform_space.separation_quotient _ (glue_premetric hΦ hΨ).to_uniform_space

/-- The canonical map from `X` to the space obtained by gluing isometric subsets in `X` and `Y`. -/
def to_glue_l (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) (x : X) : glue_space hΦ hΨ :=
by letI : pseudo_metric_space (X ⊕ Y) := glue_premetric hΦ hΨ; exact ⟦inl x⟧
def to_glue_l (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) (x : X) : glue_space hΦ hΨ :=' (inl x)

/-- The canonical map from `Y` to the space obtained by gluing isometric subsets in `X` and `Y`. -/
def to_glue_r (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) (y : Y) : glue_space hΦ hΨ :=
by letI : pseudo_metric_space (X ⊕ Y) := glue_premetric hΦ hΨ; exact ⟦inr y⟧
def to_glue_r (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) (y : Y) : glue_space hΦ hΨ :=' (inr y)

instance inhabited_left (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) [inhabited X] :
inhabited (glue_space hΦ hΨ) :=
Expand All @@ -552,9 +547,11 @@ instance inhabited_right (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) [inhabited Y] :
lemma to_glue_commute (hΦ : isometry Φ) (hΨ : isometry Ψ) :
(to_glue_l hΦ hΨ) ∘ Φ = (to_glue_r hΦ hΨ) ∘ Ψ :=
letI : pseudo_metric_space (X ⊕ Y) := glue_premetric hΦ hΨ,
letI i : pseudo_metric_space (X ⊕ Y) := glue_premetric hΦ hΨ,
letI := i.to_uniform_space,
simp only [comp, to_glue_l, to_glue_r, quotient.eq],
simp only [comp, to_glue_l, to_glue_r],
refine uniform_space.separation_quotient.mk_eq_mk.2 (metric.inseparable_iff.2 _),
exact glue_dist_glued_points Φ Ψ 0 x

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -636,20 +633,15 @@ def inductive_premetric (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) :
inductive_limit_dist_eq_dist I y z m hy hz]
end }

local attribute [instance] inductive_premetric pseudo_metric.dist_setoid
local attribute [instance] inductive_premetric uniform_space.separation_setoid

/-- The type giving the inductive limit in a metric space context. -/
def inductive_limit (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) : Type* :=
@pseudo_metric_quot _ (inductive_premetric I)

/-- Metric space structure on the inductive limit. -/
instance metric_space_inductive_limit (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) :
metric_space (inductive_limit I) :=
@metric_space_quot _ (inductive_premetric I)
@[derive metric_space] def inductive_limit (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) : Type* :=
@uniform_space.separation_quotient _ (inductive_premetric I).to_uniform_space

/-- Mapping each `X n` to the inductive limit. -/
def to_inductive_limit (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) (n : ℕ) (x : X n) : metric.inductive_limit I :=
by letI : pseudo_metric_space (Σ n, X n) := inductive_premetric I; exact ⟦ n x' ( n x)

instance (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) [inhabited (X 0)] : inhabited (inductive_limit I) :=
⟨to_inductive_limit _ 0 default⟩
Expand All @@ -667,8 +659,10 @@ end
lemma to_inductive_limit_commute (I : ∀ n, isometry (f n)) (n : ℕ) :
(to_inductive_limit I n.succ) ∘ (f n) = to_inductive_limit I n :=
letI := inductive_premetric I,
simp only [comp, to_inductive_limit, quotient.eq],
simp only [comp, to_inductive_limit],
refine uniform_space.separation_quotient.mk_eq_mk.2 (metric.inseparable_iff.2 _),
show inductive_limit_dist f ⟨n.succ, f n x⟩ ⟨n, x⟩ = 0,
{ rw [inductive_limit_dist_eq_dist I ⟨n.succ, f n x⟩ ⟨n, x⟩ n.succ,
le_rec_on_self, le_rec_on_succ, le_rec_on_self, dist_self],
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31 changes: 12 additions & 19 deletions src/topology/metric_space/gromov_hausdorff.lean
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Expand Up @@ -429,7 +429,6 @@ instance : metric_space GH_space :=
let Ψ : Y → γ2 := optimal_GH_injl Y Z,
have hΨ : isometry Ψ := isometry_optimal_GH_injl Y Z,
let γ := glue_space hΦ hΨ,
letI : metric_space γ := metric.metric_space_glue_space hΦ hΨ,
have Comm : (to_glue_l hΦ hΨ) ∘ (optimal_GH_injr X Y) =
(to_glue_r hΦ hΨ) ∘ (optimal_GH_injl Y Z) := to_glue_commute hΦ hΨ,
calc dist x z = dist (to_GH_space X) (to_GH_space Z) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -918,6 +917,8 @@ structure aux_gluing_struct (A : Type) [metric_space A] : Type 1 :=
(embed : A → space)
(isom : isometry embed)

local attribute [instance] aux_gluing_struct.metric

instance (A : Type) [metric_space A] : inhabited (aux_gluing_struct A) :=
⟨{ space := A,
metric := by apply_instance,
Expand All @@ -927,17 +928,13 @@ instance (A : Type) [metric_space A] : inhabited (aux_gluing_struct A) :=
/-- Auxiliary sequence of metric spaces, containing copies of `X 0`, ..., `X n`, where each
`X i` is glued to `X (i+1)` in an optimal way. The space at step `n+1` is obtained from the space
at step `n` by adding `X (n+1)`, glued in an optimal way to the `X n` already sitting there. -/
def aux_gluing (n : ℕ) : aux_gluing_struct (X n) := nat.rec_on n
{ space := X 0,
metric := by apply_instance,
embed := id,
isom := λ x y, rfl }
(λ n Y, by letI : metric_space := Y.metric; exact
def aux_gluing (n : ℕ) : aux_gluing_struct (X n) :=
nat.rec_on n default $ λ n Y,
{ space := glue_space Y.isom (isometry_optimal_GH_injl (X n) (X (n+1))),
metric := by apply_instance,
embed := (to_glue_r Y.isom (isometry_optimal_GH_injl (X n) (X (n+1))))
∘ (optimal_GH_injr (X n) (X (n+1))),
isom := (to_glue_r_isometry _ _).comp (isometry_optimal_GH_injr (X n) (X (n+1))) })
isom := (to_glue_r_isometry _ _).comp (isometry_optimal_GH_injr (X n) (X (n+1))) }

/-- The Gromov-Hausdorff space is complete. -/
instance : complete_space GH_space :=
Expand All @@ -949,20 +946,16 @@ begin
let X := λ n, (u n).rep,
-- glue them together successively in an optimal way, getting a sequence of metric spaces `Y n`
let Y := aux_gluing X,
letI : ∀ n, metric_space (Y n).space := λ n, (Y n).metric,
-- this equality is true by definition but Lean unfolds some defs in the wrong order
have E : ∀ n : ℕ,
glue_space (Y n).isom (isometry_optimal_GH_injl (X n) (X n.succ)) = (Y n.succ).space :=
λ n, by { simp only [Y, aux_gluing], refl },
glue_space (Y n).isom (isometry_optimal_GH_injl (X n) (X (n + 1))) = (Y (n + 1)).space :=
λ n, by { dsimp only [Y, aux_gluing], refl },
let c := λ n, cast (E n),
have ic : ∀ n, isometry (c n) := λ n x y, rfl,
have ic : ∀ n, isometry (c n) := λ n x y, by { dsimp only [Y, aux_gluing], exact rfl },
-- there is a canonical embedding of `Y n` in `Y (n+1)`, by construction
let f : Πn, (Y n).space → (Y n.succ).space :=
λ n, (c n) ∘ (to_glue_l (aux_gluing X n).isom (isometry_optimal_GH_injl (X n) (X n.succ))),
have I : ∀ n, isometry (f n),
{ assume n,
apply isometry.comp,
{ assume x y, refl },
{ apply to_glue_l_isometry } },
let f : Π n, (Y n).space → (Y (n + 1)).space :=
λ n, c n ∘ to_glue_l (Y n).isom (isometry_optimal_GH_injl (X n) (X n.succ)),
have I : ∀ n, isometry (f n) := λ n, (ic n).comp (to_glue_l_isometry _ _),
-- consider the inductive limit `Z0` of the `Y n`, and then its completion `Z`
let Z0 := metric.inductive_limit I,
let Z := uniform_space.completion Z0,
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