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refactor(number_theory/modular_forms/slash_actions): slash actions are families of distrib_mul_actions #18932

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119 changes: 73 additions & 46 deletions src/number_theory/modular_forms/slash_actions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ of modular forms.

In the `modular_form` locale, this provides

* `f ∣[k;γ] A`: the `k`th `γ`-compatible slash action by `A` on `f`
* `f ∣[k] A`: the `k`th `ℂ`-compatible slash action by `A` on `f`; a shorthand for `f ∣[k;ℂ] A`
* `f ∣[k] A`: the `k`th slash action by `A` on `f`

open complex upper_half_plane
Expand All @@ -34,46 +33,62 @@ local notation `GL(` n `, ` R `)`⁺ := matrix.GL_pos (fin n) R

local notation `SL(` n `, ` R `)` := matrix.special_linear_group (fin n) R

/--A general version of the slash action of the space of modular forms.-/
class slash_action (β G α γ : Type*) [group G] [add_monoid α] [has_smul γ α] :=
(map : β → G → α → α)
(zero_slash : ∀ (k : β) (g : G), map k g 0 = 0)
(slash_one : ∀ (k : β) (a : α) , map k 1 a = a)
(slash_mul : ∀ (k : β) (g h : G) (a : α), map k (g * h) a =map k h (map k g a))
(smul_slash : ∀ (k : β) (g : G) (a : α) (z : γ), map k g (z • a) = z • (map k g a))
(add_slash : ∀ (k : β) (g : G) (a b : α), map k g (a + b) = map k g a + map k g b)
/-- A type synonym for `G` which acts via `•` as the `b`th slash action. -/
@[nolint unused_arguments, derive [group, nonempty]]
def slash_act {β : Type*} (G : Type*) [group G] (b : β) : Type* :=

localized "notation (name := modular_form.slash) f ` ∣[`:100 k `;` γ `] `:0 a :100 := γ k a f" in modular_form
/-- Convert from `G` to `slash_act G b`. -/
def slash_act.of {β : Type*} {G : Type*} [group G] (b : β) (g : G) : slash_act G b :=
mul_opposite.op g

/-- Given a morphism between two groups, produce the morphism between the type aliases. -/
def {β : Type*} {G H : Type*} [group G] [group H] (b : β) (f : G →* H) :
slash_act G b →* slash_act H b :=

/-- A general version of the slash action of the space of modular forms. -/
@[reducible] def slash_action (β G α : Type*) [group G] [add_monoid α] :=
Π b : β, distrib_mul_action (slash_act G b) α

/-- This definition provides `a ∣[b] g` notation, as a shorthand for `slash_act.of b g • a`. -/
@[reducible] def {β G α : Type*} (b : β) [group G] [add_monoid α]
[slash_action β G α] (g : G) (a : α) : α :=
slash_act.of b g • a

localized "notation (name := modular_form.slash_complex) f ` ∣[`:100 k `] `:0 a :100 := ℂ k a f" in modular_form k a f" in modular_form

variables {R β G α : Type*} [group G] [add_group α] [slash_action β G α]

@[simp] lemma slash_action.zero_slash (k : β) (g : G) : (0 : α) ∣[k] g = 0 :=
smul_zero _

@[simp] lemma slash_action.neg_slash (k : β) (g : G) (a : α) : (-a) ∣[k] g = - (a ∣[k] g) :=
smul_neg _ _

@[simp] lemma slash_action.neg_slash {β G α γ : Type*} [group G] [add_group α] [has_smul γ α]
[slash_action β G α γ] (k : β) (g : G) (a : α) :
(-a) ∣[k;γ] g = - (a ∣[k;γ] g) :=
eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero_left $ by rw [←slash_action.add_slash, add_left_neg, slash_action.zero_slash]
@[simp] lemma slash_action.add_slash (k : β) (g : G) (a b : α) :
(a + b) ∣[k] g = a ∣[k] g + b ∣[k] g:=
smul_add _ _ _

@[simp] lemma slash_action.smul_slash_of_tower {R β G α : Type*} (γ : Type*) [group G] [add_group α]
[monoid γ] [mul_action γ α]
[has_smul R γ] [has_smul R α] [is_scalar_tower R γ α]
[slash_action β G α γ] (k : β) (g : G) (a : α) (r : R) :
(r • a) ∣[k;γ] g = r • (a ∣[k;γ] g) :=
by rw [←smul_one_smul γ r a, slash_action.smul_slash, smul_one_smul]
@[simp] lemma slash_action.slash_one (k : β) (a : α) : a ∣[k] (1 : G) = a :=
one_smul _ _

attribute [simp]
slash_action.zero_slash slash_action.slash_one
slash_action.smul_slash slash_action.add_slash
lemma slash_action.slash_mul (k : β) (f g : G) (a : α) : a ∣[k] (f * g) = (a ∣[k] f) ∣[k] g :=
eq.symm (mul_smul _ _ _).symm

@[simp] lemma slash_action.smul_slash [has_smul R α]
(k : β) [smul_comm_class (slash_act G k) R α] (g : G) (a : α) (r : R) :
(r • a) ∣[k] g = r • (a ∣[k] g) :=
smul_comm _ _ _


/--Slash_action induced by a monoid homomorphism.-/
def monoid_hom_slash_action {β G H α γ : Type*} [group G] [add_monoid α] [has_smul γ α]
[group H] [slash_action β G α γ] (h : H →* G) : slash_action β H α γ :=
{ map := λ k g, γ k (h g),
zero_slash := λ k g, slash_action.zero_slash k (h g),
slash_one := λ k a, by simp only [map_one, slash_action.slash_one],
slash_mul := λ k g gg a, by simp only [map_mul, slash_action.slash_mul],
smul_slash := λ _ _, slash_action.smul_slash _ _,
add_slash := λ _ g _ _, slash_action.add_slash _ (h g) _ _,}
def monoid_hom_slash_action {β G H α : Type*} [group G] [add_monoid α] [group H]
[slash_action β G α] (h : H →* G) : slash_action β H α :=
λ b, distrib_mul_action.comp_hom _ $ _ h

namespace modular_form

Expand All @@ -90,8 +105,8 @@ section
-- temporary notation until the instance is built
local notation f ` ∣[`:100 k `]`:0 γ :100 := modular_form.slash k γ f

private lemma slash_mul (k : ℤ) (A B : GL(2, ℝ)⁺) (f : ℍ → ℂ) :
f ∣[k] (A * B) = (f ∣[k] A) ∣[k] B :=
private lemma slash_right_action (k : ℤ) (A B : GL(2, ℝ)⁺) (f : ℍ → ℂ) :
(f ∣[k] A) ∣[k] B = f ∣[k] (A * B) :=
simp_rw [slash,(upper_half_plane.denom_cocycle A B x)],
Expand All @@ -109,7 +124,7 @@ begin
simp_rw [this, ← mul_assoc, ←mul_zpow],

private lemma add_slash (k : ℤ) (A : GL(2, ℝ)⁺) (f g : ℍ → ℂ) :
private lemma slash_add (k : ℤ) (A : GL(2, ℝ)⁺) (f g : ℍ → ℂ) :
(f + g) ∣[k] A = (f ∣[k] A) + (g ∣[k] A) :=
Expand All @@ -136,29 +151,41 @@ end
private lemma zero_slash (k : ℤ) (A : GL(2, ℝ)⁺) : (0 : ℍ → ℂ) ∣[k] A = 0 :=
funext $ λ _, by simp only [slash, pi.zero_apply, zero_mul]

instance : slash_action ℤ GL(2, ℝ)⁺ (ℍ → ℂ) ℂ :=
{ map := slash,
zero_slash := zero_slash,
slash_one := slash_one,
slash_mul := slash_mul,
smul_slash := smul_slash,
add_slash := add_slash }
instance : slash_action ℤ GL(2, ℝ)⁺ (ℍ → ℂ) :=
λ z,
{ smul := λ x, slash z x.unop,
one_smul := slash_one z,
mul_smul := λ a b f, (slash_right_action z _ _ _).symm,
smul_zero := λ a, zero_slash z a.unop,
smul_add := λ a b, slash_add z _ _ }

instance {z : ℤ} : smul_comm_class (slash_act GL(2, ℝ)⁺ z) α (ℍ → ℂ) :=
⟨λ _ _ _, smul_slash z _ _ _⟩


lemma slash_def (A : GL(2, ℝ)⁺) : f ∣[k] A = slash k A f := rfl

instance subgroup_action (Γ : subgroup SL(2, ℤ)) : slash_action ℤ Γ (ℍ → ℂ) :=
instance subgroup_action (Γ : subgroup SL(2, ℤ)) : slash_action ℤ Γ (ℍ → ℂ) :=
monoid_hom_slash_action (monoid_hom.comp (matrix.special_linear_group.to_GL_pos)
(monoid_hom.comp ( (int.cast_ring_hom ℝ)) (subgroup.subtype Γ)))

instance subgroup_smul_comm_class {α : Type*} [has_smul α ℂ] [is_scalar_tower α ℂ ℂ]
(Γ : subgroup SL(2, ℤ)) {z : ℤ} :
smul_comm_class (slash_act Γ z) α (ℍ → ℂ) :=
⟨λ _ _ _, smul_slash z _ _ _⟩

@[simp] lemma subgroup_slash (Γ : subgroup SL(2, ℤ)) (γ : Γ):
(f ∣[k] γ) = f ∣[k] (γ : GL(2,ℝ)⁺) := rfl

instance SL_action : slash_action ℤ SL(2, ℤ) (ℍ → ℂ) :=
instance SL_action : slash_action ℤ SL(2, ℤ) (ℍ → ℂ) :=
monoid_hom_slash_action (monoid_hom.comp (matrix.special_linear_group.to_GL_pos)
( (int.cast_ring_hom ℝ)))

instance SL_smul_comm_class {α : Type*} [has_smul α ℂ] [is_scalar_tower α ℂ ℂ] {z : ℤ} :
smul_comm_class (slash_act SL(2, ℤ) z) α (ℍ → ℂ) :=
⟨λ _ _ _, smul_slash z _ _ _⟩

@[simp] lemma SL_slash (γ : SL(2, ℤ)): f ∣[k] γ = f ∣[k] (γ : GL(2,ℝ)⁺) := rfl

/-- The constant function 1 is invariant under any element of `SL(2, ℤ)`. -/
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/number_theory/modular_forms/slash_invariant_forms.lean
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Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ variables {α : Type*} [has_smul α ℂ] [is_scalar_tower α ℂ ℂ]
instance has_smul : has_smul α (slash_invariant_form Γ k) :=
⟨ λ c f,
{ to_fun := c • f,
slash_action_eq' := λ γ, by rw [slash_action.smul_slash_of_tower, slash_action_eqn] }⟩
slash_action_eq' := λ γ, by rw [slash_action.smul_slash k γ ⇑f c, slash_action_eqn] }⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_smul (f : slash_invariant_form Γ k) (n : α) : ⇑(n • f) = n • f := rfl
@[simp] lemma smul_apply (f : slash_invariant_form Γ k) (n : α) (z : ℍ) :
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