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[Merged by Bors] - feat(topology/path_connected): add lemmas about paths and continuous families of paths #4063

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299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/path_connected.lean
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Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ begin
{ exfalso, linarith }

lemma proj_I_zero : proj_I 0 = 0 := proj_I_I (⟨le_refl 0, zero_le_one⟩)

lemma proj_I_one : proj_I 1 = 1 := proj_I_I (⟨zero_le_one, le_refl 1⟩)

lemma surjective_proj_I : surjective proj_I :=
λ ⟨t, t_in⟩, ⟨t, proj_I_I t_in⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,6 +174,10 @@ structure path (x y : X) :=

instance : has_coe_to_fun (path x y) := ⟨_, path.to_fun⟩

@[ext] protected lemma path.ext {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {x y : X} :
∀ {γ₁ γ₂ : path x y}, (γ₁ : I → X) = γ₂ → γ₁ = γ₂
| ⟨x, h11, h12, h13⟩ ⟨.(x), h21, h22, h23⟩ rfl := rfl

namespace path

variable (γ : path x y)
Expand All @@ -184,20 +192,45 @@ protected lemma continuous : continuous γ :=
@[simp] protected lemma target : γ 1 = y :=

/-- Any function `φ : α → path F` can be seen as a function `α × I → F`. -/
instance has_uncurry_path {X α : Type*} [topological_space X] {x y : α → X} :
has_uncurry (Π (a : α), path (x a) (y a)) (α × I) X := ⟨λ φ p, φ p.1 p.2⟩
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/-- The constant path from a point to itself -/
@[refl] def refl (x : X) : path x x :=
{ to_fun := λ t, x,
continuous' := continuous_const,
source' := rfl,
target' := rfl }

@[simp] lemma refl_range {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a : X} :
range (path.refl a) = {a} :=
by simp [path.refl, has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn]

/-- The reverse of a path from `x` to `y`, as a path from `y` to `x` -/
@[symm] def symm (γ : path x y) : path y x :=
{ to_fun := γ ∘ σ,
continuous' := by continuity,
source' := by simpa [] using γ.target,
target' := by simpa [-path.source] using γ.source }

@[simp] lemma refl_symm {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a : X} :
(path.refl a).symm = path.refl a :=
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lemma symm_range {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X} (γ : path a b) :
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range γ.symm = range γ :=
ext x,
simp only [ mem_range, path.symm, has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn, I_symm, set_coe.exists, comp_app,
subtype.coe_mk, subtype.val_eq_coe ],
split; rintros ⟨y, hy, hxy⟩; refine ⟨1-y, hy, _⟩; convert hxy,
exact sub_sub_cancel _ _

/-- A continuous map extending a path to `ℝ`, constant before `0` and after `1`. -/
def extend : ℝ → X := I_extend γ

Expand All @@ -210,6 +243,38 @@ by simp [extend]
@[simp] lemma extend_one : γ.extend 1 = y :=
by simp [extend]

@[simp] lemma extend_extends {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) {t : ℝ} (ht : t ∈ (Icc 0 1 : set ℝ)) : γ.extend t = γ ⟨t, ht⟩ :=
I_extend_extends γ.to_fun ht

@[simp] lemma extend_extends' {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) (t : (Icc 0 1 : set ℝ)) : γ.extend ↑t = γ t :=
by {convert γ.extend_extends t.2, rw subtype.ext_iff_val}
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@[simp] lemma extend_range {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) : range γ.extend = range γ :=
I_extend_range γ.to_fun

lemma extend_le_zero {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) {t : ℝ} (ht : t ≤ 0) : γ.extend t = a :=
have := γ.source,
simpa [path.extend, I_extend, proj_I, ht]

lemma extend_one_le {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) {t : ℝ} (ht : 1 ≤ t) : γ.extend t = b :=
simp only [path.extend, I_extend, proj_I, comp_app],
{ exfalso, linarith },
{ convert γ.target, linarith },
{ exact γ.target }

@[simp] lemma refl_extend {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a : X} :
(path.refl a).extend = λ _, a := rfl

/-- The path obtained from a map defined on `ℝ` by restriction to the unit interval. -/
def of_line {f : ℝ → X} (hf : continuous_on f I) (h₀ : f 0 = x) (h₁ : f 1 = y) : path x y :=
{ to_fun := f ∘ coe,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +302,56 @@ path on `[0, 1/2]` and the second one on `[1/2, 1]`. -/
source' := by norm_num,
target' := by norm_num }

@[simp] lemma refl_trans_refl {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a : X} :
(path.refl a).trans (path.refl a) = path.refl a :=
simp only [path.trans, if_t_t, one_div, path.refl_extend],

lemma trans_range {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b c : X}
(γ₁ : path a b) (γ₂ : path b c) : range (γ₁.trans γ₂) = range γ₁ ∪ range γ₂ :=
rw path.trans,
apply eq_of_subset_of_subset,
{ rintros x ⟨⟨t, ht0, ht1⟩, hxt⟩,
by_cases h : t ≤ 1/2,
{ left,
use [2*t, ⟨by linarith, by linarith⟩],
rw ← γ₁.extend_extends,
unfold_coes at hxt,
simp only [h, comp_app, if_true] at hxt,
exact hxt },
{ right,
use [2*t-1, ⟨by linarith, by linarith⟩],
rw ← γ₂.extend_extends,
unfold_coes at hxt,
simp only [h, comp_app, if_false] at hxt,
exact hxt } },
{ rintros x (⟨⟨t, ht0, ht1⟩, hxt⟩ | ⟨⟨t, ht0, ht1⟩, hxt⟩),
{ use ⟨t/2, ⟨by linarith, by linarith⟩⟩,
have : t/2 ≤ 1/2 := by linarith,
simp only [this, comp_app, if_true],
rwa γ₁.extend_extends },
{ by_cases h : t = 0,
{ use ⟨1/2, ⟨by linarith, by linarith⟩⟩,
simp only [h, comp_app, if_true, le_refl, mul_one_div_cancel (@two_ne_zero ℝ _)],
rw γ₁.extend_one,
rwa [← γ₂.extend_extends, h, γ₂.extend_zero] at hxt },
{ use ⟨(t+1)/2, ⟨by linarith, by linarith⟩⟩,
change t ≠ 0 at h,
have ht0 := lt_of_le_of_ne ht0 h.symm,
have : ¬ (t+1)/2 ≤ 1/2 := by {rw not_le, linarith},
simp only [comp_app, if_false, this],
rwa γ₂.extend_extends } } }

/-- Image of a path from `x` to `y` by a continuous map -/
def map (γ : path x y) {Y : Type*} [topological_space Y]
{f : X → Y} (h : continuous f) : path (f x) (f y) :=
Expand All @@ -257,10 +372,104 @@ def cast (γ : path x y) {x' y'} (hx : x' = x) (hy : y' = y) : path x' y' :=
source' := by simp [hx],
target' := by simp [hy] }

@[simp] lemma symm_cast {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ : X}
(γ : path a₂ b₂) (ha : a₁ = a₂) (hb : b₁ = b₂) :
(γ.cast ha hb).symm = (γ.symm).cast hb ha := rfl

@[simp] lemma trans_cast {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ c₁ c₂ : X}
(γ : path a₂ b₂) (γ' : path b₂ c₂) (ha : a₁ = a₂) (hb : b₁ = b₂) (hc : c₁ = c₂) :
(γ.cast ha hb).trans (γ'.cast hb hc) = (γ.trans γ').cast ha hc := rfl

@[simp] lemma cast_coe (γ : path x y) {x' y'} (hx : x' = x) (hy : y' = y) :
(γ.cast hx hy : I → X) = γ :=

lemma symm_continuous_family {X ι : Type*} [topological_space X] [topological_space ι]
{a b : ι → X} (γ : Π (t : ι), path (a t) (b t)) (h : continuous ↿γ) :
continuous ↿(λ t, (γ t).symm) :=
h.comp (continuous_id.prod_map continuous_I_symm)

lemma continuous_uncurry_extend_of_continuous_family {X ι : Type*} [topological_space X]
[topological_space ι] {a b : ι → X} (γ : Π (t : ι), path (a t) (b t)) (h : continuous ↿γ) :
continuous ↿(λ t, (γ t).extend) :=
h.comp (continuous_id.prod_map continuous_proj_I)

lemma trans_continuous_family {X ι : Type*} [topological_space X] [topological_space ι]
{a b c : ι → X}
(γ₁ : Π (t : ι), path (a t) (b t)) (h₁ : continuous ↿γ₁)
(γ₂ : Π (t : ι), path (b t) (c t)) (h₂ : continuous ↿γ₂) :
continuous ↿(λ t, (γ₁ t).trans (γ₂ t)) :=
have h₁' := path.continuous_uncurry_extend_of_continuous_family γ₁ h₁,
have h₂' := path.continuous_uncurry_extend_of_continuous_family γ₂ h₂,
simp [has_uncurry.uncurry, has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn, path.trans],
apply continuous_if _ _ _,
{ rintros st hst,
have := frontier_le_subset_eq (continuous_subtype_coe.comp continuous_snd)
continuous_const hst,
simp only [mem_set_of_eq, comp_app] at this,
simp [this, mul_inv_cancel (@two_ne_zero ℝ _)] },
{ change continuous ((λ p : ι × ℝ, (γ₁ p.1).extend p.2) ∘ ( id (λ x, 2*x : I → ℝ))),
exact h₁'.comp (continuous_id.prod_map $ continuous_const.mul continuous_subtype_coe) },
{ change continuous ((λ p : ι × ℝ, (γ₂ p.1).extend p.2) ∘ ( id (λ x, 2*x - 1 : I → ℝ))),
exact h₂'.comp (continuous_id.prod_map $
(continuous_const.mul continuous_subtype_coe).sub continuous_const) },

/-! #### Portion of a path -/

/-- `γ.portion t` is the path which starts by following the path `γ`,
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I don't like this definition, because it is somewhat arbitrary that you only keep the beginning of the path. You could have path.truncate_left, path.truncate_right and path.truncate, for instance (or just path.truncate, where you allow truncation on both sides, and where you could use 0 on the left if you want to copy the functionality of your "portion")

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I don't think it's so arbitrary, because the path is clearly oriented, and I think truncating means keeping the beginning.

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To be honest I was also not completely okay with my portion, so I just made your truncate. I'll have to modify my proof in the sphere eversion project but I've made a few tests and it should hopefully not be much longer.

but stops when reaching time `t`, and stays still after that. -/
def portion {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) (t : ℝ) : path a (γ.extend t) :=
{ to_fun := λ s, γ.extend (min s t),
continuous' := γ.continuous_extend.comp (continuous_subtype_coe.min continuous_const),
source' := γ.extend_le_zero (min_le_left _ _),
target' :=
unfold min,
{ simp [γ.extend_one_le h] },
{ refl }
end }

lemma portion_range {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) {t : ℝ} : range (γ.portion t) ⊆ range γ :=
rw ← γ.extend_range,
simp only [range_subset_iff, set_coe.exists, set_coe.forall],
intros x hx,
simp only [has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn, path.portion, mem_range_self]

/-- For a path `γ`, `γ.portion` gives a "continuous family of paths", by which we
mean the uncurried function which maps `(t, s)` to `γ.portion t s` is continuous. -/
lemma portion_continuous_family {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) : continuous ↿(γ.portion) :=
simp only [has_uncurry.uncurry, has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn, path.portion],
exact γ.continuous_extend.comp ((continuous_subtype_coe.comp continuous_snd).min continuous_fst),

@[simp] lemma portion_zero {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) : γ.portion 0 = (path.refl a).cast rfl γ.extend_zero :=
ext x,
rw path.cast_coe,
simp [path.portion, has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn, path.refl, γ.extend_le_zero (min_le_right x 0)]

@[simp] lemma portion_one {X : Type*} [topological_space X] {a b : X}
(γ : path a b) : γ.portion 1 = γ.cast rfl γ.extend_one :=
ext x,
rw path.cast_coe,
simp only [min, path.portion, has_coe_to_fun.coe, coe_fn, path.extend, I_extend, comp_app],
have : ↑x ∈ (Icc 0 1 : set ℝ) := x.2,
simp [this.2, proj_I_I this]

end path

/-! ### Being joined by a path -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,6 +678,75 @@ begin
exact ⟨(hx hyW) (continuous_inclusion hWU), by simp⟩

private lemma exists_path_through_family_aux
{X : Type*} [topological_space X] {s : set X} (h : is_path_connected s) (n : ℕ)
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(p : ℕ → X) (hp : ∀ i ≤ n, p i ∈ s) : ∃ γ : path (p 0) (p n), (∀ i ≤ n, p i ∈ range γ) ∧ (range γ ⊆ s) :=
induction n with n hn,
{ use (λ _, p 0),
{ continuity },
{ split,
{ rintros i hi, rw hi, exact ⟨0, rfl⟩ },
{ rw range_subset_iff, rintros x, exact hp 0 (le_refl _) } } },
{ rcases hn (λ i hi, hp i $ nat.le_succ_of_le hi) with ⟨γ₀, hγ₀⟩,
rcases h.joined_in (p n) (p $ n+1) (hp n n.le_succ) (hp (n+1) $ le_refl _) with ⟨γ₁, hγ₁⟩,
let γ : path (p 0) (p $ n+1) := γ₀.trans γ₁,
use γ,
have range_eq : range γ = range γ₀ ∪ range γ₁ := γ₀.trans_range γ₁,
{ rintros i hi,
by_cases hi' : i ≤ n,
{ rw range_eq,
exact hγ₀.1 i hi' },
{ rw [not_le, ← nat.succ_le_iff] at hi',
have : i = n.succ := by linarith,
rw this,
use 1,
exact γ.target } },
{ rw range_eq,
apply union_subset hγ₀.2,
rw range_subset_iff,
exact hγ₁ } }

lemma is_path_connected.exists_path_through_family
{X : Type*} [topological_space X] {n : ℕ} {s : set X} (h : is_path_connected s)
(p : fin (n+1) → X) (hp : ∀ i, p i ∈ s) : ∃ γ : path (p 0) (p n), (∀ i, p i ∈ range γ) ∧ (range γ ⊆ s) :=
let p' : ℕ → X := λ k, if h : k < n+1 then p ⟨k, h⟩ else p ⟨0, n.zero_lt_succ⟩,
have hpp' : ∀ k < n+1, p k = p' k,
{ intros k hk, simp only [p', hk, dif_pos], congr, ext, rw fin.coe_coe_of_lt hk, norm_cast },
have := exists_path_through_family_aux h n p'
intros i hi,
simp [p', nat.lt_succ_of_le hi, hp]
rcases this with ⟨γ, hγ⟩,
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use γ.cast (hpp' 0 n.zero_lt_succ) (hpp' n n.lt_succ_self),
simp only [γ.cast_coe],
refine and.intro _ hγ.2,
rintros ⟨i, hi⟩,
convert hγ.1 i (nat.le_of_lt_succ hi), rw ← hpp' i hi,
rw fin.coe_coe_of_lt hi,

lemma is_path_connected.exists_path_through_family'
{X : Type*} [topological_space X] {n : ℕ} {s : set X} (h : is_path_connected s)
(p : fin (n+1) → X) (hp : ∀ i, p i ∈ s) :
∃ (γ : path (p 0) (p n)) (t : fin (n + 1) → I), (∀ t, γ t ∈ s) ∧ ∀ i, γ (t i) = p i :=
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rcases h.exists_path_through_family p hp with ⟨γ, hγ⟩,
rcases hγ with ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
simp only [range, mem_set_of_eq] at h₁,
rw range_subset_iff at h₂,
choose! t ht using h₁,
exact ⟨γ, t, h₂, ht⟩

/-! ### Path connected spaces -/

/-- A topological space is path-connected if it is non-empty and every two points can be
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,6 +822,27 @@ begin
exact (by simpa using hx : path_component x = univ) ▸ path_component_subset_component x

namespace path_connected_space
variables [path_connected_space X]

lemma exists_path_through_family {n : ℕ} (p : fin (n+1) → X) :
∃ γ : path (p 0) (p n), (∀ i, p i ∈ range γ) :=
have : is_path_connected (univ : set X) := (by apply_instance),
rcases this.exists_path_through_family p (λ i, true.intro) with ⟨γ, h, -⟩,
exact ⟨γ, h⟩

lemma exists_path_through_family' {n : ℕ} (p : fin (n+1) → X) :
∃ (γ : path (p 0) (p n)) (t : fin (n + 1) → I), ∀ i, γ (t i) = p i :=
have : is_path_connected (univ : set X) := (by apply_instance),
rcases this.exists_path_through_family' p (λ i, true.intro) with ⟨γ, t, -, h⟩,
exact ⟨γ, t, h⟩

end path_connected_space

/-! ### Locally path connected spaces -/

/-- A topological space is locally path connected, at every point, path connected
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