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feat: long overdue delaborators (#7633)
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This brings to Mathlib assorted delaborators written by @kmill for various projects including Mathematics in Lean. They mostly fix regressions compared to Lean 3.

Co-authored-by: Mario Carneiro <>
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PatrickMassot and digama0 committed Oct 13, 2023
1 parent 11add7f commit 0166642
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Showing 6 changed files with 349 additions and 6 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Prod/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.Inhabit
# Extra facts about `Prod`
This file defines `Prod.swap : α × β → β × α` and proves various simple lemmas about `Prod`.
It also defines better delaborators for product projections.

set_option autoImplicit true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,3 +415,31 @@ theorem map_involutive [Nonempty α] [Nonempty β] {f : α → α} {g : β →
#align prod.map_involutive Prod.map_involutive

end Prod

section delaborators
open Lean PrettyPrinter Delaborator

/-- Delaborator for simple product projections. -/
@[delab app.Prod.fst, delab app.Prod.snd]
def delabProdProjs : Delab := do
let #[_, _, _] := (← SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
let stx ← delabProjectionApp
match stx with
| `($(x).fst) => `($(x).1)
| `($(x).snd) => `($(x).2)
| _ => failure

/-- Delaborator for product first projection when the projection is a function
that is then applied. -/
@[app_unexpander Prod.fst]
def unexpandProdFst : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
| `($(_) $p $xs*) => `($p.1 $xs*)
| _ => throw ()

/-- Delaborator for product second projection when the projection is a function
that is then applied. -/
@[app_unexpander Prod.snd]
def unexpandProdSnd : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
| `($(_) $p $xs*) => `($p.2 $xs*)
| _ => throw ()
end delaborators
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Set/Lattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,68 @@ notation3 "⋃ "(...)", "r:60:(scoped f => iUnion f) => r
/-- Notation for `Set.iInter`. Indexed intersection of a family of sets -/
notation3 "⋂ "(...)", "r:60:(scoped f => iInter f) => r

section delaborators

open Lean Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator

/-- Delaborator for indexed unions. -/
@[delab app.Set.iUnion]
def iUnion_delab : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let #[_, ι, f] := (← SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
unless f.isLambda do failure
let prop ← Meta.isProp ι
let dep := f.bindingBody!.hasLooseBVar 0
let ppTypes ← getPPOption getPPFunBinderTypes
let stx ← SubExpr.withAppArg do
let dom ← SubExpr.withBindingDomain delab
withBindingBodyUnusedName $ fun x => do
let x : TSyntax `ident := .mk x
let body ← delab
if prop && !dep then
`(⋃ (_ : $dom), $body)
else if prop || ppTypes then
`(⋃ ($x:ident : $dom), $body)
`(⋃ $x:ident, $body)
-- Cute binders
let stx : Term ←
match stx with
| `(⋃ $x:ident, ⋃ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body)
| `(⋃ ($x:ident : $_), ⋃ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body) =>
if x == y then `(⋃ $x:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| _ => pure stx
return stx

/-- Delaborator for indexed intersections. -/
@[delab app.Set.iInter]
def sInter_delab : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let #[_, ι, f] := (← SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
unless f.isLambda do failure
let prop ← Meta.isProp ι
let dep := f.bindingBody!.hasLooseBVar 0
let ppTypes ← getPPOption getPPFunBinderTypes
let stx ← SubExpr.withAppArg do
let dom ← SubExpr.withBindingDomain delab
withBindingBodyUnusedName $ fun x => do
let x : TSyntax `ident := .mk x
let body ← delab
if prop && !dep then
`(⋂ (_ : $dom), $body)
else if prop || ppTypes then
`(⋂ ($x:ident : $dom), $body)
`(⋂ $x:ident, $body)
-- Cute binders
let stx : Term ←
match stx with
| `(⋂ $x:ident, ⋂ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body)
| `(⋂ ($x:ident : $_), ⋂ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body) =>
if x == y then `(⋂ $x:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| _ => pure stx
return stx

end delaborators

theorem sSup_eq_sUnion (S : Set (Set α)) : sSup S = ⋃₀S :=
Expand Down
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/CompleteLattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,67 @@ notation3 "⨆ "(...)", "r:60:(scoped f => iSup f) => r
/-- Indexed infimum. -/
notation3 "⨅ "(...)", "r:60:(scoped f => iInf f) => r

section delaborators

open Lean Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator

/-- Delaborator for indexed supremum. -/
@[delab app.iSup]
def iSup_delab : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let #[_, _, ι, f] := (← SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
unless f.isLambda do failure
let prop ← Meta.isProp ι
let dep := f.bindingBody!.hasLooseBVar 0
let ppTypes ← getPPOption getPPFunBinderTypes
let stx ← SubExpr.withAppArg do
let dom ← SubExpr.withBindingDomain delab
withBindingBodyUnusedName $ fun x => do
let x : TSyntax `ident := .mk x
let body ← delab
if prop && !dep then
`(⨆ (_ : $dom), $body)
else if prop || ppTypes then
`(⨆ ($x:ident : $dom), $body)
`(⨆ $x:ident, $body)
-- Cute binders
let stx : Term ←
match stx with
| `(⨆ $x:ident, ⨆ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body)
| `(⨆ ($x:ident : $_), ⨆ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body) =>
if x == y then `(⨆ $x:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| _ => pure stx
return stx

/-- Delaborator for indexed infimum. -/
@[delab app.iInf]
def iInf_delab : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let #[_, _, ι, f] := (← SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
unless f.isLambda do failure
let prop ← Meta.isProp ι
let dep := f.bindingBody!.hasLooseBVar 0
let ppTypes ← getPPOption getPPFunBinderTypes
let stx ← SubExpr.withAppArg do
let dom ← SubExpr.withBindingDomain delab
withBindingBodyUnusedName $ fun x => do
let x : TSyntax `ident := .mk x
let body ← delab
if prop && !dep then
`(⨅ (_ : $dom), $body)
else if prop || ppTypes then
`(⨅ ($x:ident : $dom), $body)
`(⨅ $x:ident, $body)
-- Cute binders
let stx : Term ←
match stx with
| `(⨅ $x:ident, ⨅ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body)
| `(⨅ ($x:ident : $_), ⨅ (_ : $y:ident ∈ $s), $body) =>
if x == y then `(⨅ $x:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| _ => pure stx
return stx
end delaborators

instance OrderDual.supSet (α) [InfSet α] : SupSet αᵒᵈ :=
⟨(sInf : Set α → α)⟩

Expand Down
77 changes: 73 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Util/PiNotation.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Std.Util.ExtendedBinder
import Std.Classes.SetNotation

/-! # Pi type notation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,12 +42,33 @@ parse it by simply using the pre-existing forall parser. -/
| .node info _ args => return .node info ``Lean.Parser.Term.forall args
| _ => Lean.Macro.throwUnsupported

/-- Override the Lean 4 pi notation delaborator with one that uses `Π`.
/-- Override the Lean 4 pi notation delaborator with one that prints cute binders
such as `∀ ε > 0`. -/
@[delab forallE]
def delabPi : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let stx ← delabForall
match stx with
| `(∀ ($i:ident : $_), $j:ident ∈ $s → $body) =>
if i == j then `(∀ $i:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| `(∀ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident > $z → $body) =>
if x == y then `(∀ $x:ident > $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(∀ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident < $z → $body) =>
if x == y then `(∀ $x:ident < $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(∀ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident ≥ $z → $body) =>
if x == y then `(∀ $x:ident ≥ $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(∀ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident ≤ $z → $body) =>
if x == y then `(∀ $x:ident ≤ $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(Π ($i:ident : $_), $j:ident ∈ $s → $body) =>
if i == j then `(Π $i:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| _ => pure stx

/-- Override the Lean 4 pi notation delaborator with one that uses `Π` and prints
cute binders such as `∀ ε > 0`.
Note that this takes advantage of the fact that `(x : α) → p x` notation is
never used for propositions, so we can match on this result and rewrite it. -/
@[scoped delab forallE]
def delabPi : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let stx ← delabForall
def delabPi' : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let stx ← delabPi
-- Replacements
let stx : Term ←
match stx with
Expand All @@ -59,3 +80,51 @@ def delabPi : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
| _ => pure stx

end PiNotation

section existential
open Lean Parser Term PrettyPrinter Delaborator

/-- Delaborator for existential quantifier, including extended binders. -/
-- TODO: reduce the duplication in this code
@[delab app.Exists]
def exists_delab : Delab := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
let #[ι, f] := (← SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
unless f.isLambda do failure
let prop ← Meta.isProp ι
let dep := f.bindingBody!.hasLooseBVar 0
let ppTypes ← getPPOption getPPFunBinderTypes
let stx ← SubExpr.withAppArg do
let dom ← SubExpr.withBindingDomain delab
withBindingBodyUnusedName $ fun x => do
let x : TSyntax `ident := .mk x
let body ← delab
if prop && !dep then
`(∃ (_ : $dom), $body)
else if prop || ppTypes then
`(∃ ($x:ident : $dom), $body)
`(∃ $x:ident, $body)
-- Cute binders
let stx : Term ←
match stx with
| `(∃ $i:ident, $j:ident ∈ $s ∧ $body)
| `(∃ ($i:ident : $_), $j:ident ∈ $s ∧ $body) =>
if i == j then `(∃ $i:ident ∈ $s, $body) else pure stx
| `(∃ $x:ident, $y:ident > $z ∧ $body)
| `(∃ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident > $z ∧ $body) =>
if x == y then `(∃ $x:ident > $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(∃ $x:ident, $y:ident < $z ∧ $body)
| `(∃ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident < $z ∧ $body) =>
if x == y then `(∃ $x:ident < $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(∃ $x:ident, $y:ident ≥ $z ∧ $body)
| `(∃ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident ≥ $z ∧ $body) =>
if x == y then `(∃ $x:ident ≥ $z, $body) else pure stx
| `(∃ $x:ident, $y:ident ≤ $z ∧ $body)
| `(∃ ($x:ident : $_), $y:ident ≤ $z ∧ $body) =>
if x == y then `(∃ $x:ident ≤ $z, $body) else pure stx
| _ => pure stx
-- Merging
match stx with
| `(∃ $group:bracketedExplicitBinders, ∃ $groups*, $body) => `(∃ $group $groups*, $body)
| _ => pure stx
end existential
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions test/delaborators.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
import Std.Tactic.GuardMsgs
import Mathlib.Util.PiNotation
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice

section PiNotation
variable (P : Nat → Prop) (α : Nat → Type) (s : Set ℕ)

/-- info: ∀ x > 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x, x > 0 → P x

/-- info: ∀ x > 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x > 0, P x

/-- info: ∀ x ≥ 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x, x ≥ 0 → P x

/-- info: ∀ x ≥ 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x ≥ 0, P x

/-- info: ∀ x < 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x < 0, P x

/-- info: ∀ x < 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x, x < 0 → P x

/-- info: ∀ x ≤ 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x ≤ 0, P x

/-- info: ∀ x ≤ 0, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x, x ≤ 0 → P x

/-- info: ∀ x ∈ s, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x ∈ s, P x

/-- info: ∀ x ∈ s, P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∀ x, x ∈ s → P x

/-- info: (x : ℕ) → α x : Type -/
#guard_msgs in
#check (x : Nat) → α x

open PiNotation

/-- info: Π (x : ℕ), α x : Type -/
#guard_msgs in
#check (x : Nat) → α x

/-- info: ∀ (x : ℕ), P x : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check (x : Nat) → P x

end PiNotation

section UnionInter
variable (s : ℕ → Set ℕ) (u : Set ℕ) (p : ℕ → Prop)

/-- info: ⋃ n ∈ u, s n : Set ℕ -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ⋃ n ∈ u, s n

/-- info: ⋂ n ∈ u, s n : Set ℕ -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ⋂ n ∈ u, s n

end UnionInter

section CompleteLattice
/-- info: ⨆ i ∈ Set.univ, (i = i) : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ⨆ (i : Nat) (_ : i ∈ Set.univ), (i = i)

/-- info: ⨅ i ∈ Set.univ, (i = i) : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ⨅ (i : Nat) (_ : i ∈ Set.univ), (i = i)

end CompleteLattice

section existential

/-- info: ∃ i ≥ 3, i = i : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∃ (i : Nat), i ≥ 3 ∧ i = i

/-- info: ∃ i > 3, i = i : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∃ (i : Nat), i > 3 ∧ i = i

/-- info: ∃ i ≤ 3, i = i : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∃ (i : Nat), i ≤ 3 ∧ i = i

/-- info: ∃ i < 3, i = i : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#check ∃ (i : Nat), i < 3 ∧ i = i

end existential

section prod

variable (x : ℕ × ℕ)

/-- info: x.1 : ℕ -/
#guard_msgs in
#check x.1

variable (p : (ℕ → ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ))

/-- info: p.1 22 : ℕ -/
#guard_msgs in
#check p.1 22

end prod

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