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feat: port CategoryTheory.Sites.Closed (#3356)
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Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
Co-authored-by: int-y1 <>
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3 people committed May 31, 2023
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -856,6 +856,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sigma.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Simple
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SingleObj
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.Adjunction
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.Closed
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.CoverLifting
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.CoverPreserving
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.Coverage
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331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Closed.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.sites.closed
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 4cfc30e317caad46858393f1a7a33f609296cc30
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.SheafOfTypes
import Mathlib.Order.Closure

# Closed sieves
A natural closure operator on sieves is a closure operator on `Sieve X` for each `X` which commutes
with pullback.
We show that a Grothendieck topology `J` induces a natural closure operator, and define what the
closed sieves are. The collection of `J`-closed sieves forms a presheaf which is a sheaf for `J`,
and further this presheaf can be used to determine the Grothendieck topology from the sheaf
Finally we show that a natural closure operator on sieves induces a Grothendieck topology, and hence
that natural closure operators are in bijection with Grothendieck topologies.
## Main definitions
* `CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close`: Sends a sieve `S` on `X` to the set of arrows
which it covers. This has all the usual properties of a closure operator, as well as commuting
with pullback.
* `CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.closureOperator`: The bundled `ClosureOperator` given
by `CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close`.
* `CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.IsClosed`: A sieve `S` on `X` is closed for the topology `J`
if it contains every arrow it covers.
* `CategoryTheory.Functor.closedSieves`: The presheaf sending `X` to the collection of `J`-closed
sieves on `X`. This is additionally shown to be a sheaf for `J`, and if this is a sheaf for a
different topology `J'`, then `J' ≤ J`.
* `CategoryTheory.topologyOfClosureOperator`: A closure operator on the
set of sieves on every object which commutes with pullback additionally induces a Grothendieck
topology, giving a bijection with `CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.closureOperator`.
## Tags
closed sieve, closure, Grothendieck topology
## References
* [S. MacLane, I. Moerdijk, *Sheaves in Geometry and Logic*][MM92]

universe v u

namespace CategoryTheory

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

variable (J₁ J₂ : GrothendieckTopology C)

namespace GrothendieckTopology

/-- The `J`-closure of a sieve is the collection of arrows which it covers. -/
def close {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : Sieve X where
arrows _ f := J₁.Covers S f
downward_closed hS := J₁.arrow_stable _ _ hS
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close

/-- Any sieve is smaller than its closure. -/
theorem le_close {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : S ≤ J₁.close S :=
fun _ _ hg => J₁.covering_of_eq_top (S.pullback_eq_top_of_mem hg)
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.le_close CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.le_close

/-- A sieve is closed for the Grothendieck topology if it contains every arrow it covers.
In the case of the usual topology on a topological space, this means that the open cover contains
every open set which it covers.
Note this has no relation to a closed subset of a topological space.
def IsClosed {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X), J₁.Covers S f → S f
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.is_closed CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.IsClosed

/-- If `S` is `J₁`-closed, then `S` covers exactly the arrows it contains. -/
theorem covers_iff_mem_of_isClosed {X : C} {S : Sieve X} (h : J₁.IsClosed S) {Y : C} (f : Y ⟶ X) :
J₁.Covers S f ↔ S f :=
⟨h _, J₁.arrow_max _ _⟩
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.covers_iff_mem_of_closed CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.covers_iff_mem_of_isClosed

/-- Being `J`-closed is stable under pullback. -/
theorem isClosed_pullback {X Y : C} (f : Y ⟶ X) (S : Sieve X) :
J₁.IsClosed S → J₁.IsClosed (S.pullback f) :=
fun hS Z g hg => hS (g ≫ f) (by rwa [J₁.covers_iff, Sieve.pullback_comp])
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.is_closed_pullback CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.isClosed_pullback

/-- The closure of a sieve `S` is the largest closed sieve which contains `S` (justifying the name
theorem le_close_of_isClosed {X : C} {S T : Sieve X} (h : S ≤ T) (hT : J₁.IsClosed T) :
J₁.close S ≤ T :=
fun _ f hf => hT _ (J₁.superset_covering (Sieve.pullback_monotone f h) hf)
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.le_close_of_is_closed CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.le_close_of_isClosed

/-- The closure of a sieve is closed. -/
theorem close_isClosed {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : J₁.IsClosed (J₁.close S) :=
fun _ g hg => J₁.arrow_trans g _ S hg fun _ hS => hS
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_is_closed CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close_isClosed

/-- The sieve `S` is closed iff its closure is equal to itself. -/
theorem isClosed_iff_close_eq_self {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : J₁.IsClosed S ↔ J₁.close S = S := by
· intro h
apply le_antisymm
· intro Y f hf
rw [← J₁.covers_iff_mem_of_isClosed h]
apply hf
· apply J₁.le_close
· intro e
rw [← e]
apply J₁.close_isClosed
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.is_closed_iff_close_eq_self CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.isClosed_iff_close_eq_self

theorem close_eq_self_of_isClosed {X : C} {S : Sieve X} (hS : J₁.IsClosed S) : J₁.close S = S :=
(J₁.isClosed_iff_close_eq_self S).1 hS
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_eq_self_of_is_closed CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close_eq_self_of_isClosed

/-- Closing under `J` is stable under pullback. -/
theorem pullback_close {X Y : C} (f : Y ⟶ X) (S : Sieve X) :
J₁.close (S.pullback f) = (J₁.close S).pullback f := by
apply le_antisymm
· refine' J₁.le_close_of_isClosed (Sieve.pullback_monotone _ (J₁.le_close S)) _
apply J₁.isClosed_pullback _ _ (J₁.close_isClosed _)
· intro Z g hg
change _ ∈ J₁ _
rw [← Sieve.pullback_comp]
apply hg
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.pullback_close CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.pullback_close

theorem monotone_close {X : C} : Monotone (J₁.close : Sieve X → Sieve X) :=
fun _ S₂ h => J₁.le_close_of_isClosed (h.trans (J₁.le_close _)) (J₁.close_isClosed S₂)
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.monotone_close CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.monotone_close

theorem close_close {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : J₁.close (J₁.close S) = J₁.close S :=
le_antisymm (J₁.le_close_of_isClosed le_rfl (J₁.close_isClosed S))
(J₁.monotone_close (J₁.le_close _))
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_close CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close_close

The sieve `S` is in the topology iff its closure is the maximal sieve. This shows that the closure
operator determines the topology.
theorem close_eq_top_iff_mem {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : J₁.close S = ⊤ ↔ S ∈ J₁ X := by
· intro h
apply J₁.transitive (J₁.top_mem X)
intro Y f hf
change J₁.close S f
rwa [h]
· intro hS
rw [eq_top_iff]
intro Y f _
apply J₁.pullback_stable _ hS
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_eq_top_iff_mem CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.close_eq_top_iff_mem

/-- A Grothendieck topology induces a natural family of closure operators on sieves. -/
def closureOperator (X : C) : ClosureOperator (Sieve X) :=' J₁.close
(fun _ S₂ h => J₁.le_close_of_isClosed (h.trans (J₁.le_close _)) (J₁.close_isClosed S₂))
J₁.le_close fun S => J₁.le_close_of_isClosed le_rfl (J₁.close_isClosed S)
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.closure_operator CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.closureOperator

theorem closed_iff_closed {X : C} (S : Sieve X) :
S ∈ (J₁.closureOperator X).closed ↔ J₁.IsClosed S :=
(J₁.isClosed_iff_close_eq_self S).symm
#align category_theory.grothendieck_topology.closed_iff_closed CategoryTheory.GrothendieckTopology.closed_iff_closed

end GrothendieckTopology

The presheaf sending each object to the set of `J`-closed sieves on it. This presheaf is a `J`-sheaf
(and will turn out to be a subobject classifier for the category of `J`-sheaves).
def Functor.closedSieves : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type max v u where
obj X := { S : Sieve X.unop // J₁.IsClosed S }
map f S := ⟨S.1.pullback f.unop, J₁.isClosed_pullback f.unop _ S.2
#align category_theory.functor.closed_sieves CategoryTheory.Functor.closedSieves

/-- The presheaf of `J`-closed sieves is a `J`-sheaf.
The proof of this is adapted from [MM92], Chatper III, Section 7, Lemma 1.
theorem classifier_isSheaf : Presieve.IsSheaf J₁ (Functor.closedSieves J₁) := by
intro X S hS
rw [← Presieve.isSeparatedFor_and_exists_isAmalgamation_iff_isSheafFor]
refine' ⟨_, _⟩
· rintro x ⟨M, hM⟩ ⟨N, hN⟩ hM₂ hN₂
simp only [Functor.closedSieves_obj]
ext Y
intro f
dsimp only [Subtype.coe_mk]
rw [← J₁.covers_iff_mem_of_isClosed hM, ← J₁.covers_iff_mem_of_isClosed hN]
have q : ∀ ⦃Z : C⦄ (g : Z ⟶ X) (_ : S g), M.pullback g = N.pullback g :=
fun Z g hg => congr_arg Subtype.val ((hM₂ g hg).trans (hN₂ g hg).symm)
have MSNS : M ⊓ S = N ⊓ S := by
ext Z
intro g
rw [Sieve.inter_apply, Sieve.inter_apply]
simp only [and_comm]
apply and_congr_right
intro hg
rw [Sieve.pullback_eq_top_iff_mem, Sieve.pullback_eq_top_iff_mem, q g hg]
· intro hf
rw [J₁.covers_iff]
apply J₁.superset_covering (Sieve.pullback_monotone f inf_le_left)
rw [← MSNS]
apply J₁.arrow_intersect f M S hf (J₁.pullback_stable _ hS)
· intro hf
rw [J₁.covers_iff]
apply J₁.superset_covering (Sieve.pullback_monotone f inf_le_left)
rw [MSNS]
apply J₁.arrow_intersect f N S hf (J₁.pullback_stable _ hS)
· intro x hx
rw [Presieve.compatible_iff_sieveCompatible] at hx
let M := Sieve.bind S fun Y f hf => (x f hf).1
have : ∀ ⦃Y⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) (hf : S f), M.pullback f = (x f hf).1 := by
intro Y f hf
apply le_antisymm
· rintro Z u ⟨W, g, f', hf', hg : (x f' hf').1 _, c⟩
rw [Sieve.pullback_eq_top_iff_mem,
show (x (u ≫ f) _).1 = (x f hf).1.pullback u from congr_arg Subtype.val (hx f u hf)]
conv_lhs => congr; congr; rw [← c] -- Porting note: Originally `simp_rw [← c]`
rw [show (x (g ≫ f') _).1 = _ from congr_arg Subtype.val (hx f' g hf')]
apply Sieve.pullback_eq_top_of_mem _ hg
· apply Sieve.le_pullback_bind S fun Y f hf => (x f hf).1
refine' ⟨⟨_, J₁.close_isClosed M⟩, _⟩
· intro Y f hf
simp only [Functor.closedSieves_obj]
rw [← J₁.pullback_close, this _ hf]
apply le_antisymm (J₁.le_close_of_isClosed le_rfl (x f hf).2) (J₁.le_close _)
#align category_theory.classifier_is_sheaf CategoryTheory.classifier_isSheaf

/-- If presheaf of `J₁`-closed sieves is a `J₂`-sheaf then `J₁ ≤ J₂`. Note the converse is true by
`classifier_isSheaf` and `isSheaf_of_le`.
theorem le_topology_of_closedSieves_isSheaf {J₁ J₂ : GrothendieckTopology C}
(h : Presieve.IsSheaf J₁ (Functor.closedSieves J₂)) : J₁ ≤ J₂ := by
intro X S hS
rw [← J₂.close_eq_top_iff_mem]
have : J₂.IsClosed (⊤ : Sieve X) := by
intro Y f _
suffices (⟨J₂.close S, J₂.close_isClosed S⟩ : Subtype _) = ⟨⊤, this⟩ by
rw [Subtype.ext_iff] at this
exact this
apply (h S hS).isSeparatedFor.ext
· intro Y f hf
simp only [Functor.closedSieves_obj]
rw [Sieve.pullback_top, ← J₂.pullback_close, S.pullback_eq_top_of_mem hf,
apply J₂.top_mem
#align category_theory.le_topology_of_closed_sieves_is_sheaf CategoryTheory.le_topology_of_closedSieves_isSheaf

/-- If being a sheaf for `J₁` is equivalent to being a sheaf for `J₂`, then `J₁ = J₂`. -/
theorem topology_eq_iff_same_sheaves {J₁ J₂ : GrothendieckTopology C} :
J₁ = J₂ ↔ ∀ P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type max v u, Presieve.IsSheaf J₁ P ↔ Presieve.IsSheaf J₂ P := by
· rintro rfl
intro P
· intro h
apply le_antisymm
· apply le_topology_of_closedSieves_isSheaf
rw [h]
apply classifier_isSheaf
· apply le_topology_of_closedSieves_isSheaf
rw [← h]
apply classifier_isSheaf
#align category_theory.topology_eq_iff_same_sheaves CategoryTheory.topology_eq_iff_same_sheaves

A closure (increasing, inflationary and idempotent) operation on sieves that commutes with pullback
induces a Grothendieck topology.
In fact, such operations are in bijection with Grothendieck topologies.
def topologyOfClosureOperator (c : ∀ X : C, ClosureOperator (Sieve X))
(hc : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) (S : Sieve X), c _ (S.pullback f) = (c _ S).pullback f) :
GrothendieckTopology C where
sieves X := { S | c X S = ⊤ }
top_mem' X := top_unique ((c X).le_closure _)
pullback_stable' X Y S f hS := by
rw [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hS
rw [Set.mem_setOf_eq, hc, hS, Sieve.pullback_top]
transitive' X S hS R hR := by
rw [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hS
rw [Set.mem_setOf_eq, ← (c X).idempotent, eq_top_iff, ← hS]
apply (c X).monotone fun Y f hf => _
intros Y f hf
rw [Sieve.pullback_eq_top_iff_mem, ← hc]
apply hR hf
#align category_theory.topology_of_closure_operator CategoryTheory.topologyOfClosureOperator

The topology given by the closure operator `J.close` on a Grothendieck topology is the same as `J`.
theorem topologyOfClosureOperator_self :
(topologyOfClosureOperator J₁.closureOperator fun X Y => J₁.pullback_close) = J₁ := by
ext (X S)
apply GrothendieckTopology.close_eq_top_iff_mem
#align category_theory.topology_of_closure_operator_self CategoryTheory.topologyOfClosureOperator_self

theorem topologyOfClosureOperator_close (c : ∀ X : C, ClosureOperator (Sieve X))
(pb : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) (S : Sieve X), c Y (S.pullback f) = (c X S).pullback f) (X : C)
(S : Sieve X) : (topologyOfClosureOperator c pb).close S = c X S := by
ext Y
intro f
change c _ (Sieve.pullback f S) = ⊤ ↔ c _ S f
rw [pb, Sieve.pullback_eq_top_iff_mem]
#align category_theory.topology_of_closure_operator_close CategoryTheory.topologyOfClosureOperator_close

end CategoryTheory

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