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Ruben-VandeVelde committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent 96e6844 commit 0d584e4
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Showing 17 changed files with 98 additions and 117 deletions.
25 changes: 12 additions & 13 deletions Archive/Imo/Imo1987Q1.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Let $p_{n, k}$ be the number of permutations of a set of cardinality `n ≥ 1` t
elements. Prove that $∑_{k=0}^n k p_{n,k}=n!$.
To prove this identity, we show that both sides are equal to the cardinality of the set
`{(x : α, σ : perm α) | σ x = x}`, regrouping by `card (fixed_points σ)` for the left hand side and
`{(x : α, σ : Perm α) | σ x = x}`, regrouping by `card (fixedPoints σ)` for the left hand side and
by `x` for the right hand side.
The original problem assumes `n ≥ 1`. It turns out that a version with `n * (n - 1)!` in the RHS
Expand All @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ open Set (Iic)

namespace Imo1987Q1

/-- The set of pairs `(x : α, σ : perm α)` such that `σ x = x` is equivalent to the set of pairs
`(x : α, σ : perm {x}ᶜ)`. -/
/-- The set of pairs `(x : α, σ : Perm α)` such that `σ x = x` is equivalent to the set of pairs
`(x : α, σ : Perm {x}ᶜ)`. -/
def fixedPointsEquiv : { σx : α × Perm α // σx.2 σx.1 = σx.1 } ≃ Σ x : α, Perm ({x}ᶜ : Set α) :=
{ σx : α × Perm α // σx.2 σx.1 = σx.1 } ≃ Σ x : α, { σ : Perm α // σ x = x } :=
Expand All @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ theorem card_fixed_points :
Finset.filter_eq', Finset.card_univ]
#align imo1987_q1.card_fixed_points Imo1987Q1.card_fixed_points

/-- Given `α : Type*` and `k : ℕ`, `fiber α k` is the set of permutations of `α` with exactly `k`
/-- Given `α : Type _` and `k : ℕ`, `fiber α k` is the set of permutations of `α` with exactly `k`
fixed points. -/
def fiber (k : ℕ) : Set (Perm α) :=
{σ : Perm α | card (fixedPoints σ) = k}
Expand All @@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ def p (k : ℕ) :=
card (fiber α k)
#align imo1987_q1.p Imo1987Q1.p

/-- The set of triples `(k ≤ card α, σ ∈ fiber α k, x ∈ fixed_points σ)` is equivalent
to the set of pairs `(x : α, σ : perm α)` such that `σ x = x`. The equivalence sends
`(k, σ, x)` to `(x, σ)` and `(x, σ)` to `(card (fixed_points σ), σ, x)`.
/-- The set of triples `(k ≤ card α, σ ∈ fiber α k, x ∈ fixedPoints σ)` is equivalent
to the set of pairs `(x : α, σ : Perm α)` such that `σ x = x`. The equivalence sends
`(k, σ, x)` to `(x, σ)` and `(x, σ)` to `(card (fixedPoints σ), σ, x)`.
It is easy to see that the cardinality of the LHS is given by
`∑ k : fin (card α + 1), k * p α k`. -/
`∑ k : Fin (card α + 1), k * p α k`. -/
def fixedPointsEquiv' :
(Σ (k : Fin (card α + 1)) (σ : fiber α k), fixedPoints σ.1) ≃
{ σx : α × Perm α // σx.2 σx.1 = σx.1 } where
Expand All @@ -89,27 +89,26 @@ def fixedPointsEquiv' :
⟨⟨card (fixedPoints p.1.2), (card_subtype_le _).trans_lt (Nat.lt_succ_self _)⟩, ⟨p.1.2, rfl⟩,
⟨p.1.1, p.2⟩⟩
left_inv := fun ⟨⟨k, hk⟩, ⟨σ, hσ⟩, ⟨x, hx⟩⟩ => by
simp only [mem_fiber, Fin.val_mk] at hσ
simp only [mem_fiber, Fin.val_mk] at hσ
subst k; rfl
right_inv := fun ⟨⟨x, σ⟩, h⟩ => rfl
#align imo1987_q1.fixed_points_equiv' Imo1987Q1.fixedPointsEquiv'

/-- Main statement for any `(α : Type*) [fintype α]`. -/
/-- Main statement for any `(α : Type _) [Fintype α]`. -/
theorem main_fintype : ∑ k in range (card α + 1), k * p α k = card α * (card α - 1)! := by
have A : ∀ (k) (σ : fiber α k), card (fixedPoints (↑σ : Perm α)) = k := fun k σ => σ.2
simpa [A, ← Fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range, -card_ofFinset, Finset.card_univ, card_fixed_points,
mul_comm] using card_congr (fixedPointsEquiv' α)
#align imo1987_q1.main_fintype Imo1987Q1.main_fintype

/-- Main statement for permutations of `fin n`, a version that works for `n = 0`. -/
/-- Main statement for permutations of `Fin n`, a version that works for `n = 0`. -/
theorem main₀ (n : ℕ) : ∑ k in range (n + 1), k * p (Fin n) k = n * (n - 1)! := by
simpa using main_fintype (Fin n)
#align imo1987_q1.main₀ Imo1987Q1.main₀

/-- Main statement for permutations of `fin n`. -/
/-- Main statement for permutations of `Fin n`. -/
theorem main {n : ℕ} (hn : 1 ≤ n) : ∑ k in range (n + 1), k * p (Fin n) k = n ! := by
rw [main₀, Nat.mul_factorial_pred (zero_lt_one.trans_le hn)]
#align imo1987_q1.main Imo1987Q1.main

end Imo1987Q1

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Analysis/BoxIntegral/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ such that for every `c : ℝ≥0`, for every tagged partition `π` subordinate t
additional distortion estimates if `BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.bDistortion l = true`), the
corresponding integral sum is `ε`-close to the integral.
If `box.integral.integration_params.bRiemann = true`, then `r c x` does not depend on `x`. If
If `BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.bRiemann = true`, then `r c x` does not depend on `x`. If
`ε ≤ 0`, then we use `r c x = 1`. -/
def convergenceR (h : Integrable I l f vol) (ε : ℝ) : ℝ≥0 → ℝⁿ → Ioi (0 : ℝ) :=
if hε : 0 < ε then (hasIntegral_iff.1 h.hasIntegral ε hε).choose
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/NormedSpace/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ instance NormedField.toNormedSpace : NormedSpace α α where norm_smul_le a b :=
-- shortcut instance
instance NormedField.to_boundedSMul : BoundedSMul α α :=
#align normed_field.to_has_bounded_smul NormedField.to_boundedSMul

theorem norm_zsmul (α) [NormedField α] [NormedSpace α β] (n : ℤ) (x : β) :
‖n • x‖ = ‖(n : α)‖ * ‖x‖ := by rw [← norm_smul, ← Int.smul_one_eq_coe, smul_assoc, one_smul]
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Pow/Real.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -707,9 +707,9 @@ end Real

section Tactics

-- /-!
-- ## Tactic extensions for real powers
-- -/
## Tactic extensions for real powers

-- namespace NormNum
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Trigonometric/Arctan.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex
# The `arctan` function.
Inequalities, derivatives,
and `real.tan` as a `local_homeomorph` between `(-(π / 2), π / 2)` and the whole line.
and `Real.tan` as a `LocalHomeomorph` between `(-(π / 2), π / 2)` and the whole line.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ theorem continuousAt_arctan {x : ℝ} : ContinuousAt arctan x :=
#align real.continuous_at_arctan Real.continuousAt_arctan

/-- `real.tan` as a `local_homeomorph` between `(-(π / 2), π / 2)` and the whole line. -/
/-- `Real.tan` as a `LocalHomeomorph` between `(-(π / 2), π / 2)` and the whole line. -/
def tanLocalHomeomorph : LocalHomeomorph ℝ ℝ where
toFun := tan
invFun := arctan
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23 changes: 11 additions & 12 deletions Mathlib/FieldTheory/IsAlgClosed/AlgebraicClosure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ In this file we construct the algebraic closure of a field
## Main Definitions
- `algebraic_closure k` is an algebraic closure of `k` (in the same universe).
- `AlgebraicClosure k` is an algebraic closure of `k` (in the same universe).
It is constructed by taking the polynomial ring generated by indeterminates `x_f`
corresponding to monic irreducible polynomials `f` with coefficients in `k`, and quotienting
out by a maximal ideal containing every `f(x_f)`, and then repeating this step countably
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ theorem spanEval_ne_top : spanEval k ≠ ⊤ := by
#align algebraic_closure.span_eval_ne_top AlgebraicClosure.spanEval_ne_top

/-- A random maximal ideal that contains `span_eval k` -/
/-- A random maximal ideal that contains `spanEval k` -/
def maxIdeal : Ideal (MvPolynomial (MonicIrreducible k) k) :=
Classical.choose <| Ideal.exists_le_maximal _ <| spanEval_ne_top k
#align algebraic_closure.max_ideal AlgebraicClosure.maxIdeal
Expand All @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ theorem le_maxIdeal : spanEval k ≤ maxIdeal k :=
(Classical.choose_spec <| Ideal.exists_le_maximal _ <| spanEval_ne_top k).2
#align algebraic_closure.le_max_ideal AlgebraicClosure.le_maxIdeal

/-- The first step of constructing `algebraic_closure`: adjoin a root of all monic polynomials -/
/-- The first step of constructing `AlgebraicClosure`: adjoin a root of all monic polynomials -/
def AdjoinMonic : Type u :=
MvPolynomial (MonicIrreducible k) k ⧸ maxIdeal k
#align algebraic_closure.adjoin_monic AlgebraicClosure.AdjoinMonic
Expand All @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ instance AdjoinMonic.inhabited : Inhabited (AdjoinMonic k) :=
#align algebraic_closure.adjoin_monic.inhabited AlgebraicClosure.AdjoinMonic.inhabited

/-- The canonical ring homomorphism to `adjoin_monic k`. -/
/-- The canonical ring homomorphism to `AdjoinMonic k`. -/
def toAdjoinMonic : k →+* AdjoinMonic k :=
( _).comp C
#align algebraic_closure.to_adjoin_monic AlgebraicClosure.toAdjoinMonic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ theorem AdjoinMonic.exists_root {f : k[X]} (hfm : f.Monic) (hfi : Irreducible f)
exact le_maxIdeal k (Ideal.subset_span <| ⟨_, rfl⟩)⟩
#align algebraic_closure.adjoin_monic.exists_root AlgebraicClosure.AdjoinMonic.exists_root

/-- The `n`th step of constructing `algebraic_closure`, together with its `field` instance. -/
/-- The `n`th step of constructing `AlgebraicClosure`, together with its `Field` instance. -/
def stepAux (n : ℕ) : Σ α : Type u, Field α :=
Nat.recOn n ⟨k, inferInstance⟩ fun _ ih => ⟨@AdjoinMonic ih.1 ih.2, @AdjoinMonic.field ih.1 ih.2
#align algebraic_closure.step_aux AlgebraicClosure.stepAux

/-- The `n`th step of constructing `algebraic_closure`. -/
/-- The `n`th step of constructing `AlgebraicClosure`. -/
def Step (n : ℕ) : Type u :=
(stepAux k n).1
#align algebraic_closure.step AlgebraicClosure.Step
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,16 +385,15 @@ instance {R S : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [CommSemiring S] [Algebra R S] [Algebra

/-- Canonical algebra embedding from the `n`th step to the algebraic closure. -/
def ofStepHom (n) : Step k n →ₐ[k] AlgebraicClosure k :=
{ ofStep k n with commutes' := by {
--Porting Note: Originally `(fun x => Ring.DirectLimit.of_f n.zero_le x)`
-- I think one problem was in recognizing that we want `toStepOfLE` in `of_f`
{ ofStep k n with
commutes' := by
--Porting Note: Originally `(fun x => Ring.DirectLimit.of_f n.zero_le x)`
-- I think one problem was in recognizing that we want `toStepOfLE` in `of_f`
intro x
simp only [RingHom.toMonoidHom_eq_coe, OneHom.toFun_eq_coe, MonoidHom.toOneHom_coe,
convert @Ring.DirectLimit.of_f ℕ _ (Step k) _ (fun m n h => (toStepOfLE k m n h : _ → _))
0 n n.zero_le x
0 n n.zero_le x }
#align algebraic_closure.of_step_hom AlgebraicClosure.ofStepHom

theorem isAlgebraic : Algebra.IsAlgebraic k (AlgebraicClosure k) := fun z =>
Expand Down
24 changes: 11 additions & 13 deletions Mathlib/FieldTheory/Minpoly/IsIntegrallyClosed.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ This file specializes the theory of minpoly to the case of an algebra over a GCD
## Main results
* `is_integrally_closed_eq_field_fractions`: For integrally closed domains, the minimal polynomial
over the ring is the same as the minimal polynomial over the fraction field.
* `minpoly.isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions`: For integrally closed domains, the minimal
polynomial over the ring is the same as the minimal polynomial over the fraction field.
* `is_integrally_closed_dvd` : For integrally closed domains, the minimal polynomial divides any
primitive polynomial that has the integral element as root.
* `minpoly.isIntegrallyClosed_dvd` : For integrally closed domains, the minimal polynomial divides
any primitive polynomial that has the integral element as root.
* `is_integrally_closed_unique` : The minimal polynomial of an element `x` is uniquely
characterized by its defining property: if there is another monic polynomial of minimal degree
that has `x` as a root, then this polynomial is equal to the minimal polynomial of `x`.
* `minpoly.IsIntegrallyClosed.Minpoly.unique` : The minimal polynomial of an element `x` is
uniquely characterized by its defining property: if there is another monic polynomial of minimal
degree that has `x` as a root, then this polynomial is equal to the minimal polynomial of `x`.

Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ variable (K L : Type _) [Field K] [Algebra R K] [IsFractionRing R K] [Field L] [
variable [IsIntegrallyClosed R]

/-- For integrally closed domains, the minimal polynomial over the ring is the same as the minimal
polynomial over the fraction field. See `minpoly.is_integrally_closed_eq_field_fractions'` if
polynomial over the fraction field. See `minpoly.isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions'` if
`S` is already a `K`-algebra. -/
theorem isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions [IsDomain S] {s : S} (hs : IsIntegral R s) :
minpoly K (algebraMap S L s) = (minpoly R s).map (algebraMap R K) := by
Expand All @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ theorem isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions [IsDomain S] {s : S} (hs : IsInteg
#align minpoly.is_integrally_closed_eq_field_fractions minpoly.isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions

/-- For integrally closed domains, the minimal polynomial over the ring is the same as the minimal
polynomial over the fraction field. Compared to `minpoly.is_integrally_closed_eq_field_fractions`,
polynomial over the fraction field. Compared to `minpoly.isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions`,
this version is useful if the element is in a ring that is already a `K`-algebra. -/
theorem isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions' [IsDomain S] [Algebra K S] [IsScalarTower R K S]
{s : S} (hs : IsIntegral R s) : minpoly K s = (minpoly R s).map (algebraMap R K) := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ noncomputable section AdjoinRoot

open Algebra Polynomial AdjoinRoot

-- porting note: commented out because of redundant binder annotation update
--variable {R}
variable {x : S}

theorem ToAdjoin.injective (hx : IsIntegral R x) : Function.Injective (Minpoly.toAdjoin R x) := by
Expand All @@ -172,14 +170,14 @@ theorem ToAdjoin.injective (hx : IsIntegral R x) : Function.Injective (Minpoly.t
rw [← hP, hQ, RingHom.map_mul, mk_self, MulZeroClass.zero_mul]
#align minpoly.to_adjoin.injective minpoly.ToAdjoin.injective

/-- The algebra isomorphism `adjoin_root (minpoly R x) ≃ₐ[R] adjoin R x` -/
/-- The algebra isomorphism `AdjoinRoot (minpoly R x) ≃ₐ[R] adjoin R x` -/
def equivAdjoin (hx : IsIntegral R x) : AdjoinRoot (minpoly R x) ≃ₐ[R] adjoin R ({x} : Set S) :=
AlgEquiv.ofBijective (Minpoly.toAdjoin R x)
⟨minpoly.ToAdjoin.injective hx, Minpoly.toAdjoin.surjective R x⟩
#align minpoly.equiv_adjoin minpoly.equivAdjoin

/-- The `power_basis` of `adjoin R {x}` given by `x`. See `algebra.adjoin.power_basis` for a version
/-- The `PowerBasis` of `adjoin R {x}` given by `x`. See `Algebra.adjoin.powerBasis` for a version
over a field. -/
def Algebra.adjoin.powerBasis' (hx : IsIntegral R x) :
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Mathlib/FieldTheory/RatFunc.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ We define the degree of a rational function, with values in `ℤ`:
To provide good API encapsulation and speed up unification problems,
`RatFunc` is defined as a structure, and all operations are `@[irreducible] def`s
We need a couple of maps to set up the `field` and `IsFractionRing` structure,
namely `RatFunc.of_fraction_ring`, `RatFunc.to_fraction_ring`, `` and
All these maps get `simp`ed to bundled morphisms like `algebra_map K[X] (RatFunc K)`
and `is_localization.alg_equiv`.
We need a couple of maps to set up the `Field` and `IsFractionRing` structure,
namely `RatFunc.ofFractionRing`, `RatFunc.toFractionRing`, `` and
All these maps get `simp`ed to bundled morphisms like `algebraMap K[X] (RatFunc K)`
and `IsLocalization.algEquiv`.
There are separate lifts and maps of homomorphisms, to provide routes of lifting even when
the codomain is not a field or even an integral domain.
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Schreier.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ In this file we prove Schreier's lemma.
- `closure_mul_image_eq` : **Schreier's Lemma**: If `R : Set G` is a right_transversal
of `H : Subgroup G` with `1 ∈ R`, and if `G` is generated by `S : Set G`,
then `H` is generated by the `Set` `(R * S).image (fun g ↦ g * (toFun hR g)⁻¹)`.
- `fG_of_index_ne_zero` : **Schreier's Lemma**: A finite index subgroup of a finitely generated
- `fg_of_index_ne_zero` : **Schreier's Lemma**: A finite index subgroup of a finitely generated
group is finitely generated.
- `card_commutator_le_of_finite_commutatorSet`: A theorem of Schur: The size of the commutator
subgroup is bounded in terms of the number of commutators.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,15 +129,15 @@ theorem exists_finset_card_le_mul [FiniteIndex H] {S : Finset G} (hS : closure (

/-- **Schreier's Lemma**: A finite index subgroup of a finitely generated
group is finitely generated. -/
instance fG_of_index_ne_zero [hG : Group.FG G] [FiniteIndex H] : Group.FG H := by
instance fg_of_index_ne_zero [hG : Group.FG G] [FiniteIndex H] : Group.FG H := by
obtain ⟨S, hS⟩ := hG.1
obtain ⟨T, -, hT⟩ := exists_finset_card_le_mul H hS
exact ⟨⟨T, hT⟩⟩
#align subgroup.fg_of_index_ne_zero Subgroup.fG_of_index_ne_zero
#align subgroup.fg_of_index_ne_zero Subgroup.fg_of_index_ne_zero

theorem rank_le_index_mul_rank [hG : Group.FG G] [FiniteIndex H] :
Group.rank H ≤ H.index * Group.rank G := by
haveI := H.fG_of_index_ne_zero
haveI := H.fg_of_index_ne_zero
obtain ⟨S, hS₀, hS⟩ := Group.rank_spec G
obtain ⟨T, hT₀, hT⟩ := exists_finset_card_le_mul H hS
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/GroupTheory/Subsemigroup/Operations.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ theorem srange_top_iff_surjective {N} [Mul N] {f : M →ₙ* N} :

/-- The range of a surjective semigroup hom is the whole of the codomain. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simp)
"The range of a surjective `add_semigroup` hom is the whole of the codomain."]
"The range of a surjective `AddSemigroup` hom is the whole of the codomain."]
theorem srange_top_of_surjective {N} [Mul N] (f : M →ₙ* N) (hf : Function.Surjective f) :
f.srange = (⊤ : Subsemigroup N) :=
srange_top_iff_surjective.2 hf
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