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feat: tfae tactics (#2062)
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We implement a basic version of #2061 to attain mathlib parity:
* `tfae_have` followed by e.g. a tactic block, in parallel to mathlib `have` syntax (note: `tfae_have 1 → 2 := ...` is not supported yet, as it was not supported by the original `tfae_have` tactic, and would constitute new syntax)
example : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
  tfae_have h : 1 → 2
  { /- proof of P → Q -/ }
  tfae_have 2 → 3
  { /- proof of Q → R -/ }
* `tfae_finish`, which looks through the local context and simply tries to prove each implication in a cycle via `solve_by_elim`
  • Loading branch information
thorimur committed Feb 21, 2023
1 parent 05d37dd commit 1930992
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Showing 4 changed files with 307 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1109,6 +1109,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.Spread
import Mathlib.Tactic.Substs
import Mathlib.Tactic.SudoSetOption
import Mathlib.Tactic.SwapVar
import Mathlib.Tactic.TFAE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Tauto
import Mathlib.Tactic.ToAdditive
import Mathlib.Tactic.Trace
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions Mathlib/Mathport/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.SplitIfs
import Mathlib.Tactic.Substs
import Mathlib.Tactic.SwapVar
import Mathlib.Tactic.Tauto
import Mathlib.Tactic.TFAE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Trace
import Mathlib.Tactic.TypeCheck
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,10 +225,6 @@ syntax termList := " [" term,* "]"

/- S -/ syntax (name := omega) "omega" (&" manual")? (&" nat" <|> &" int")? : tactic

/- M -/ syntax (name := tfaeHave) "tfae_have " (ident " : ")? num (" → " <|> " ↔ " <|> " ← ") num :
/- M -/ syntax (name := tfaeFinish) "tfae_finish" : tactic

/- B -/ syntax (name := acMono) "ac_mono" ("*" <|> ("^" num))?
(config)? ((" : " term) <|> (" := " term))? : tactic

Expand Down
224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/TFAE.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Reid Barton, Simon Hudon, Thomas Murrills
import Lean
import Mathlib.Tactic.Have
import Mathlib.Tactic.SolveByElim
import Mathlib.Data.List.TFAE
import Qq.Match

# The Following Are Equivalent (TFAE)
This file provides the tactics `tfae_have` and `tfae_finish` for proving goals of the form
`TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]`.

open List Lean Meta Expr Elab.Term Elab.Tactic Mathlib.Tactic Qq

namespace Mathlib.Tactic.TFAE

/-- An arrow of the form `←`, `→`, or `↔`. -/
syntax impArrow := " → " <|> " ↔ " <|> " ← "

`tfae_have` introduces hypotheses for proving goals of the form `TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]`. Specifically,
`tfae_have i arrow j` introduces a hypothesis of type `Pᵢ arrow Pⱼ` to the local context,
where `arrow` can be `→`, `←`, or `↔`. Note that `i` and `j` are natural number indices (beginning
at 1) used to specify the propositions `P₁, P₂, ...` that appear in the `TFAE` goal list. A proof
is required afterward, typically via a tactic block.
example (h : P → R) : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
tfae_have 1 → 3
{ exact h }
The resulting context now includes `tfae_1_to_3 : P → R`.
The introduced hypothesis can be given a custom name, in analogy to `have` syntax:
tfae_have h : 2 ↔ 3
Once sufficient hypotheses have been introduced by `tfae_have`, `tfae_finish` can be used to close
the goal.
example : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
tfae_have 1 → 2
{ /- proof of P → Q -/ }
tfae_have 2 → 1
{ /- proof of Q → P -/ }
tfae_have 2 ↔ 3
{ /- proof of Q ↔ R -/ }
syntax (name := tfaeHave) "tfae_have " (ident " : ")? num impArrow num : tactic

`tfae_finish` is used to close goals of the form `TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]` once a sufficient collection
of hypotheses of the form `Pᵢ → Pⱼ` or `Pᵢ ↔ Pⱼ` have been introduced to the local context.
`tfae_have` can be used to conveniently introduce these hypotheses; see `tfae_have`.
example : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
tfae_have 1 → 2
{ /- proof of P → Q -/ }
tfae_have 2 → 1
{ /- proof of Q → P -/ }
tfae_have 2 ↔ 3
{ /- proof of Q ↔ R -/ }
syntax (name := tfaeFinish) "tfae_finish" : tactic

/-! # Setup -/

/-- Extract a list of `Prop` expressions from an expression of the form `TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]` as
long as `[P₁, P₂, ...]` is an explicit list. -/
partial def getTFAEList (t : Expr) : MetaM (List Q(Prop)) := do
let .app tfae (l : Q(List Prop)) ← whnfR t |
throwError "goal must be of the form TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]"
unless (← withNewMCtxDepth <| isDefEq tfae q(TFAE)) do
throwError "goal must be of the form TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]"
let rec getExplicitList (l : Expr) : MetaM (List Expr) := do
have l : Q(List Prop) := l
match l with
| ~q([]) => return ([] : List Expr)
| ~q($a :: $l') => return (q($a) :: (← getExplicitList l'))
| e => throwError "{e} must be an explicit list of propositions"
getExplicitList l

/-- Convert an expression representing an explicit list into a list of expressions. -/
add_decl_doc getTFAEList.getExplicitList

/-- Extract the expression `[P₁, P₂, ...]` from an expression of the form `TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]` as
long as `[P₁, P₂, ...]` is an explicit list. -/
partial def getTFAEListQ (t : Expr) : MetaM Q(List Prop) := do
let .app tfae (l : Q(List Prop)) ← whnfR t |
throwError "goal must be of the form TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]"
unless (← withNewMCtxDepth <| isDefEq tfae q(TFAE)) do
throwError "goal must be of the form TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]"
let rec guardExplicitList (l : Q(List Prop)) : MetaM Unit := do
match l with
| ~q([]) => return ()
| ~q(_ :: $l') => guardExplicitList l'
| e => throwError "{e} must be an explicit list of propositions"
guardExplicitList l
return l

/-- Check that an expression representing a list is explicit. -/
add_decl_doc getTFAEListQ.guardExplicitList

/-! # Proof construction -/

/-- Prove an implication via solve_by_elim. -/
def proveImpl (P P' : Q(Prop)) : TacticM Q($P → $P') := do
let t ← mkFreshExprMVar q($P → $P')
let [] ← run t.mvarId! <| evalTactic (← `(tactic| intro; solve_by_elim [, Iff.mpr])) |
catch _ =>
throwError "couldn't prove {P} → {P'}"
instantiateMVars t

/-- Generate a proof of `Chain (· → ·) P l`. We assume `P : Prop` and `l : List Prop`, and that `l`
is an explicit list. -/
partial def proveChain (P : Q(Prop)) (l : Q(List Prop)) :
TacticM Q(Chain (· → ·) $P $l) := do
match l with
| ~q([]) => return q(Chain.nil)
| ~q($P' :: $l') =>
have cl' : Q(Chain (· → ·) $P' $l') := ← proveChain q($P') q($l')
let p ← proveImpl P P'
return q(Chain.cons $p $cl')

/-- Attempt to prove `ilast' P' l → P` given an explicit list `l`. -/
partial def proveILast'Impl (P P' : Q(Prop)) (l : Q(List Prop)) :
TacticM Q(ilast' $P' $l → $P) := do
match l with
| ~q([]) => proveImpl P' P
| ~q($P'' :: $l') => proveILast'Impl P P'' l'

/-- Attempt to prove a statement of the form `TFAE [P₁, P₂, ...]`. -/
def proveTFAE (l : Q(List Prop)) : TacticM Q(TFAE $l) := do
match l with
| ~q([]) => return q(tfae_nil)
| ~q([$P]) => return q(tfae_singleton $P)
| ~q($P :: $P' :: $l) =>
let c ← proveChain P q($P' :: $l)
let il ← proveILast'Impl P P' l
return q(tfae_of_cycle $c $il)

/-! # `tfae_have` components -/

/-- Construct a name for a hypothesis introduced by `tfae_have`. -/
def mkTFAEHypName (i j : TSyntax `num) (arr : TSyntax ``impArrow) : TermElabM Name := do
let arr ← match arr with
| `(impArrow| ← ) => pure "from"
| `(impArrow| → ) => pure "to"
| `(impArrow| ↔ ) => pure "iff"
| _ => throwErrorAt arr "expected '←', '→', or '↔'"
return String.intercalate "_" ["tfae", s!"{i.getNat}", arr, s!"{j.getNat}"]

open Elab in
/-- The core of `tfae_have`, which behaves like `haveLetCore` in `Mathlib.Tactic.Have`. -/
def tfaeHaveCore (goal : MVarId) (name : Option (TSyntax `ident)) (i j : TSyntax `num)
(arrow : TSyntax ``impArrow) (t : Expr) : TermElabM (MVarId × MVarId) :=
goal.withContext do
let n := (Syntax.getId <$> name).getD <|← mkTFAEHypName i j arrow
let (goal1, t, p) ← do
let p ← mkFreshExprMVar t MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque n
pure (p.mvarId!, t, p)
let (fv, goal2) ← (← MVarId.assert goal n t p).intro1P
if let some stx := name then
goal2.withContext do
Term.addTermInfo' (isBinder := true) stx (mkFVar fv)
pure (goal1, goal2)

/-- Turn syntax for a given index into a natural number, as long as it lies between `1` and
`maxIndex`. -/
def elabIndex (i : TSyntax `num) (maxIndex : ℕ) : TacticM ℕ := do
let i' := i.getNat
unless Nat.ble 1 i' && Nat.ble i' maxIndex do
throwError "{i} must be between 1 and {maxIndex}"
return i'

/-- Construct an expression for the type `Pj → Pi`, `Pi → Pj`, or `Pi ↔ Pj` given expressions
`Pi Pj : Q(Prop)` and `impArrow` syntax `arr`, depending on whether `arr` is `←`, `→`, or `↔`
respectively. -/
def mkImplType (Pi : Q(Prop)) (arr : TSyntax ``impArrow) (Pj : Q(Prop)) : TacticM Q(Prop) := do
match arr with
| `(impArrow| ← ) => pure q($Pj → $Pi)
| `(impArrow| → ) => pure q($Pi → $Pj)
| `(impArrow| ↔ ) => pure q($Pi ↔ $Pj)
| _ => throwErrorAt arr "expected '←', '→', or '↔'"

/-! # Tactic implementation -/

elab_rules : tactic
| `(tactic| tfae_have $[$h:ident : ]? $i:num $arr:impArrow $j:num) => do
let goal ← getMainGoal
let tfaeList ← getTFAEList (← goal.getType)
let l₀ := tfaeList.length
let i' ← elabIndex i l₀
let j' ← elabIndex j l₀
let Pi := tfaeList.get! (i'-1)
let Pj := tfaeList.get! (j'-1)
let type ← mkImplType Pi arr Pj
let (goal1, goal2) ← tfaeHaveCore goal h i j arr type
replaceMainGoal [goal1, goal2]

elab_rules : tactic
| `(tactic| tfae_finish) => do
let goal ← getMainGoal
let tfaeListQ ← getTFAEListQ (← goal.getType)
goal.withContext do
closeMainGoal (← proveTFAE tfaeListQ)
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions test/tfae.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import Mathlib.Tactic.TFAE

open List

section zeroOne

example : TFAE [] := by tfae_finish
example : TFAE [P] := by tfae_finish

end zeroOne

namespace two

axiom P : Prop
axiom Q : Prop
axiom pq : P → Q
axiom qp : Q → P

example : TFAE [P, Q] := by
tfae_have 12
{ exact pq }
tfae_have 21
{ exact qp }

example : TFAE [P, Q] := by
tfae_have 12
{ exact Iff.intro pq qp }

example : TFAE [P, Q] := by
tfae_have 21
{ exact pq }
tfae_have 12
{ exact qp }

end two

namespace three

axiom P : Prop
axiom Q : Prop
axiom R : Prop
axiom pq : P → Q
axiom qr : Q → R
axiom rp : R → P

example : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
tfae_have 12
{ exact pq }
tfae_have 23
{ exact qr }
tfae_have 31
{ exact rp }

example : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
tfae_have 12
{ exact Iff.intro pq (rp ∘ qr) }
tfae_have 32
{ exact Iff.intro (pq ∘ rp) qr }

example : TFAE [P, Q, R] := by
tfae_have 12
{ exact pq }
tfae_have 21
{ exact rp ∘ qr }
tfae_have 23
{ exact Iff.intro qr (pq ∘ rp) }

end three

section context

example (h₁ : P → Q) (h₂ : Q → P) : TFAE [P, Q] := by

end context

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