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feat: port LinearAlgebra.Matrix.ZPow (#3671)
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Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <>
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3 people authored and hrmacbeth committed May 11, 2023
1 parent cf1f9ba commit 31d3f59
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1438,6 +1438,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Reindex
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Symmetric
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.ToLin
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Trace
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.ZPow
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Multilinear.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Multilinear.Basis
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Multilinear.TensorProduct
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359 changes: 359 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/ZPow.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Yakov Pechersky. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yakov Pechersky
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module linear_algebra.matrix.zpow
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 03fda9112aa6708947da13944a19310684bfdfcb
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.NonsingularInverse

# Integer powers of square matrices
In this file, we define integer power of matrices, relying on
the nonsingular inverse definition for negative powers.
## Implementation details
The main definition is a direct recursive call on the integer inductive type,
as provided by the `DivInvMonoid.Pow` default implementation.
The lemma names are taken from `Algebra.group_with_zero.power`.
## Tags
matrix inverse, matrix powers

open Matrix

namespace Matrix

variable {n' : Type _} [DecidableEq n'] [Fintype n'] {R : Type _} [CommRing R]

-- mathport name: exprM
local notation "M" => Matrix n' n' R

noncomputable instance : DivInvMonoid M :=
{ show Monoid M by infer_instance, show Inv M by infer_instance with }

section NatPow

theorem inv_pow' (A : M) (n : ℕ) : A⁻¹ ^ n = (A ^ n)⁻¹ := by
induction' n with n ih
· simp
· rw [pow_succ A, mul_eq_mul, mul_inv_rev, ← ih, ← mul_eq_mul, ← pow_succ']
#align matrix.inv_pow' Matrix.inv_pow'

theorem pow_sub' (A : M) {m n : ℕ} (ha : IsUnit A.det) (h : n ≤ m) :
A ^ (m - n) = A ^ m ⬝ (A ^ n)⁻¹ := by
rw [← tsub_add_cancel_of_le h, pow_add, mul_eq_mul, Matrix.mul_assoc, mul_nonsing_inv,
tsub_add_cancel_of_le h, Matrix.mul_one]
simpa using ha.pow n
#align matrix.pow_sub' Matrix.pow_sub'

theorem pow_inv_comm' (A : M) (m n : ℕ) : A⁻¹ ^ m ⬝ A ^ n = A ^ n ⬝ A⁻¹ ^ m := by
induction' n with n IH generalizing m
· simp
cases' m with m m
· simp
rcases nonsing_inv_cancel_or_zero A with (⟨h, h'⟩ | h)
· simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
A⁻¹ ^ (m + 1) ⬝ A ^ (n + 1) = A⁻¹ ^ m ⬝ (A⁻¹ ⬝ A) ⬝ A ^ n := by
simp only [pow_succ' A⁻¹, pow_succ A, mul_eq_mul, Matrix.mul_assoc]
_ = A ^ n ⬝ A⁻¹ ^ m := by simp only [h, Matrix.mul_one, Matrix.one_mul, IH m]
_ = A ^ n ⬝ (A ⬝ A⁻¹) ⬝ A⁻¹ ^ m := by simp only [h', Matrix.mul_one, Matrix.one_mul]
_ = A ^ (n + 1) ⬝ A⁻¹ ^ (m + 1) := by
simp only [pow_succ' A, pow_succ A⁻¹, mul_eq_mul, Matrix.mul_assoc]

· simp [h]
#align matrix.pow_inv_comm' Matrix.pow_inv_comm'

end NatPow

section ZPow

open Int

theorem one_zpow : ∀ n : ℤ, (1 : M) ^ n = 1
| (n : ℕ) => by rw [zpow_ofNat, one_pow]
| -[n+1] => by rw [zpow_negSucc, one_pow, inv_one]
#align matrix.one_zpow Matrix.one_zpow

theorem zero_zpow : ∀ z : ℤ, z ≠ 0 → (0 : M) ^ z = 0
| (n : ℕ), h => by
rw [zpow_ofNat, zero_pow]
refine' lt_of_le_of_ne n.zero_le (Ne.symm _)
simpa using h
| -[n+1], _ => by simp [zero_pow n.zero_lt_succ]
#align matrix.zero_zpow Matrix.zero_zpow

theorem zero_zpow_eq (n : ℤ) : (0 : M) ^ n = if n = 0 then 1 else 0 := by
split_ifs with h
· rw [h, zpow_zero]
· rw [zero_zpow _ h]
#align matrix.zero_zpow_eq Matrix.zero_zpow_eq

theorem inv_zpow (A : M) : ∀ n : ℤ, A⁻¹ ^ n = (A ^ n)⁻¹
| (n : ℕ) => by rw [zpow_ofNat, zpow_ofNat, inv_pow']
| -[n+1] => by rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, inv_pow']
#align matrix.inv_zpow Matrix.inv_zpow

theorem zpow_neg_one (A : M) : A ^ (-1 : ℤ) = A⁻¹ := by
convert DivInvMonoid.zpow_neg' 0 A
simp only [zpow_one, Int.ofNat_zero, Int.ofNat_succ, zpow_eq_pow, zero_add]
#align matrix.zpow_neg_one Matrix.zpow_neg_one

theorem zpow_coe_nat (A : M) (n : ℕ) : A ^ (n : ℤ) = A ^ n :=
zpow_ofNat _ _
#align matrix.zpow_coe_nat Matrix.zpow_coe_nat

theorem zpow_neg_coe_nat (A : M) (n : ℕ) : A ^ (-n : ℤ) = (A ^ n)⁻¹ := by
cases n
· simp
· exact DivInvMonoid.zpow_neg' _ _
#align matrix.zpow_neg_coe_nat Matrix.zpow_neg_coe_nat

theorem _root_.IsUnit.det_zpow {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) (n : ℤ) : IsUnit (A ^ n).det := by
cases' n with n n
· simpa using h.pow n
· simpa using h.pow n.succ
#align is_unit.det_zpow IsUnit.det_zpow

theorem isUnit_det_zpow_iff {A : M} {z : ℤ} : IsUnit (A ^ z).det ↔ IsUnit A.det ∨ z = 0 := by
induction' z using Int.induction_on with z _ z _
· simp
· rw [← Int.ofNat_succ, zpow_ofNat, det_pow, isUnit_pow_succ_iff, ← Int.ofNat_zero, Int.ofNat_inj]
· rw [← neg_add', ← Int.ofNat_succ, zpow_neg_coe_nat, isUnit_nonsing_inv_det_iff, det_pow,
isUnit_pow_succ_iff, neg_eq_zero, ← Int.ofNat_zero, Int.ofNat_inj]
#align matrix.is_unit_det_zpow_iff Matrix.isUnit_det_zpow_iff

theorem zpow_neg {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) : ∀ n : ℤ, A ^ (-n) = (A ^ n)⁻¹
| (n : ℕ) => zpow_neg_coe_nat _ _
| -[n+1] => by
rw [zpow_negSucc, neg_negSucc, zpow_ofNat, nonsing_inv_nonsing_inv]
rw [det_pow]
exact h.pow _
#align matrix.zpow_neg Matrix.zpow_neg

theorem inv_zpow' {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) (n : ℤ) : A⁻¹ ^ n = A ^ (-n) := by
rw [zpow_neg h, inv_zpow]
#align matrix.inv_zpow' Matrix.inv_zpow'

theorem zpow_add_one {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) : ∀ n : ℤ, A ^ (n + 1) = A ^ n * A
| (n : ℕ) => by simp only [← Nat.cast_succ, pow_succ', zpow_ofNat]
| -((n : ℕ) + 1) =>
A ^ (-(n + 1) + 1 : ℤ) = (A ^ n)⁻¹ := by
rw [neg_add, neg_add_cancel_right, zpow_neg h, zpow_ofNat]
_ = (A ⬝ A ^ n)⁻¹ ⬝ A := by
rw [mul_inv_rev, Matrix.mul_assoc, nonsing_inv_mul _ h, Matrix.mul_one]
_ = A ^ (-(n + 1 : ℤ)) * A := by
rw [zpow_neg h, ← Int.ofNat_succ, zpow_ofNat, pow_succ, mul_eq_mul, mul_eq_mul]

#align matrix.zpow_add_one Matrix.zpow_add_one

theorem zpow_sub_one {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) (n : ℤ) : A ^ (n - 1) = A ^ n * A⁻¹ :=
A ^ (n - 1) = A ^ (n - 1) * A * A⁻¹ := by
rw [mul_assoc, mul_eq_mul A, mul_nonsing_inv _ h, mul_one]
_ = A ^ n * A⁻¹ := by rw [← zpow_add_one h, sub_add_cancel]

#align matrix.zpow_sub_one Matrix.zpow_sub_one

theorem zpow_add {A : M} (ha : IsUnit A.det) (m n : ℤ) : A ^ (m + n) = A ^ m * A ^ n := by
induction' n using Int.induction_on with n ihn n ihn
case hz => simp
· simp only [← add_assoc, zpow_add_one ha, ihn, mul_assoc]
· rw [zpow_sub_one ha, ← mul_assoc, ← ihn, ← zpow_sub_one ha, add_sub_assoc]
#align matrix.zpow_add Matrix.zpow_add

theorem zpow_add_of_nonpos {A : M} {m n : ℤ} (hm : m ≤ 0) (hn : n ≤ 0) :
A ^ (m + n) = A ^ m * A ^ n := by
rcases nonsing_inv_cancel_or_zero A with (⟨h, _⟩ | h)
· exact zpow_add (isUnit_det_of_left_inverse h) m n
· obtain ⟨k, rfl⟩ := exists_eq_neg_ofNat hm
obtain ⟨l, rfl⟩ := exists_eq_neg_ofNat hn
simp_rw [← neg_add, ← Int.ofNat_add, zpow_neg_coe_nat, ← inv_pow', h, pow_add]
#align matrix.zpow_add_of_nonpos Matrix.zpow_add_of_nonpos

theorem zpow_add_of_nonneg {A : M} {m n : ℤ} (hm : 0 ≤ m) (hn : 0 ≤ n) :
A ^ (m + n) = A ^ m * A ^ n := by
obtain ⟨k, rfl⟩ := eq_ofNat_of_zero_le hm
obtain ⟨l, rfl⟩ := eq_ofNat_of_zero_le hn
rw [← Int.ofNat_add, zpow_ofNat, zpow_ofNat, zpow_ofNat, pow_add]
#align matrix.zpow_add_of_nonneg Matrix.zpow_add_of_nonneg

theorem zpow_one_add {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) (i : ℤ) : A ^ (1 + i) = A * A ^ i := by
rw [zpow_add h, zpow_one]
#align matrix.zpow_one_add Matrix.zpow_one_add

-- porting note: without etaExperiment it failes to synthesize DistribMulAction Rˣ R
set_option synthInstance.etaExperiment true in
theorem SemiconjBy.zpow_right {A X Y : M} (hx : IsUnit X.det) (hy : IsUnit Y.det)
(h : SemiconjBy A X Y) : ∀ m : ℤ, SemiconjBy A (X ^ m) (Y ^ m)
| (n : ℕ) => by simp [h.pow_right n]
| -[n+1] => by
have hx' : IsUnit (X ^ n.succ).det := by
rw [det_pow]
exact hx.pow n.succ
have hy' : IsUnit (Y ^ n.succ).det := by
rw [det_pow]
exact hy.pow n.succ
rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, nonsing_inv_apply _ hx', nonsing_inv_apply _ hy', SemiconjBy]
refine' (isRegular_of_isLeftRegular_det hy'.isRegular.left).left _
dsimp only
rw [← mul_assoc, ← (h.pow_right n.succ).eq, mul_assoc, mul_eq_mul (X ^ _), mul_smul,
mul_adjugate, mul_eq_mul, mul_eq_mul, mul_eq_mul, ← Matrix.mul_assoc,
mul_smul (Y ^ _) (↑hy'.unit⁻¹ : R), mul_adjugate, smul_smul, smul_smul, hx'.val_inv_mul,
hy'.val_inv_mul, one_smul, Matrix.mul_one, Matrix.one_mul]
#align matrix.semiconj_by.zpow_right Matrix.SemiconjBy.zpow_right

theorem Commute.zpow_right {A B : M} (h : Commute A B) (m : ℤ) : Commute A (B ^ m) := by
rcases nonsing_inv_cancel_or_zero B with (⟨hB, _⟩ | hB)
· refine' SemiconjBy.zpow_right _ _ h _ <;> exact isUnit_det_of_left_inverse hB
· cases m
· simpa using h.pow_right _
· simp [← inv_pow', hB]
#align matrix.commute.zpow_right Matrix.Commute.zpow_right

theorem Commute.zpow_left {A B : M} (h : Commute A B) (m : ℤ) : Commute (A ^ m) B :=
(Commute.zpow_right h.symm m).symm
#align matrix.commute.zpow_left Matrix.Commute.zpow_left

theorem Commute.zpow_zpow {A B : M} (h : Commute A B) (m n : ℤ) : Commute (A ^ m) (B ^ n) :=
Commute.zpow_right (Commute.zpow_left h _) _
#align matrix.commute.zpow_zpow Matrix.Commute.zpow_zpow

theorem Commute.zpow_self (A : M) (n : ℤ) : Commute (A ^ n) A :=
Commute.zpow_left (Commute.refl A) _
#align matrix.commute.zpow_self Matrix.Commute.zpow_self

theorem Commute.self_zpow (A : M) (n : ℤ) : Commute A (A ^ n) :=
Commute.zpow_right (Commute.refl A) _
#align matrix.commute.self_zpow Matrix.Commute.self_zpow

theorem Commute.zpow_zpow_self (A : M) (m n : ℤ) : Commute (A ^ m) (A ^ n) :=
Commute.zpow_zpow (Commute.refl A) _ _
#align matrix.commute.zpow_zpow_self Matrix.Commute.zpow_zpow_self

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem zpow_bit0 (A : M) (n : ℤ) : A ^ bit0 n = A ^ n * A ^ n := by
cases' le_total 0 n with nonneg nonpos
· exact zpow_add_of_nonneg nonneg nonneg
· exact zpow_add_of_nonpos nonpos nonpos
#align matrix.zpow_bit0 Matrix.zpow_bit0

theorem zpow_add_one_of_ne_neg_one {A : M} : ∀ n : ℤ, n ≠ -1 → A ^ (n + 1) = A ^ n * A
| (n : ℕ), _ => by simp only [pow_succ', ← Nat.cast_succ, zpow_ofNat]
| -1, h => absurd rfl h
| -((n : ℕ) + 2), _ => by
rcases nonsing_inv_cancel_or_zero A with (⟨h, _⟩ | h)
· apply zpow_add_one (isUnit_det_of_left_inverse h)
· show A ^ (-((n + 1 : ℕ) : ℤ)) = A ^ (-((n + 2 : ℕ) : ℤ)) * A
simp_rw [zpow_neg_coe_nat, ← inv_pow', h, zero_pow Nat.succ_pos', MulZeroClass.zero_mul]
#align matrix.zpow_add_one_of_ne_neg_one Matrix.zpow_add_one_of_ne_neg_one

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem zpow_bit1 (A : M) (n : ℤ) : A ^ bit1 n = A ^ n * A ^ n * A := by
rw [bit1, zpow_add_one_of_ne_neg_one, zpow_bit0]
intro h
simpa using congr_arg bodd h
#align matrix.zpow_bit1 Matrix.zpow_bit1

theorem zpow_mul (A : M) (h : IsUnit A.det) : ∀ m n : ℤ, A ^ (m * n) = (A ^ m) ^ n
| (m : ℕ), (n : ℕ) => by rw [zpow_ofNat, zpow_ofNat, ← pow_mul, ← zpow_ofNat, Int.ofNat_mul]
| (m : ℕ), -[n+1] => by
rw [zpow_ofNat, zpow_negSucc, ← pow_mul, ofNat_mul_negSucc, zpow_neg_coe_nat]
| -[m+1], (n : ℕ) => by
rw [zpow_ofNat, zpow_negSucc, ← inv_pow', ← pow_mul, negSucc_mul_ofNat, zpow_neg_coe_nat,
| -[m+1], -[n+1] => by
rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, negSucc_mul_negSucc, ← Int.ofNat_mul, zpow_ofNat, inv_pow', ←
pow_mul, nonsing_inv_nonsing_inv]
rw [det_pow]
exact h.pow _
#align matrix.zpow_mul Matrix.zpow_mul

theorem zpow_mul' (A : M) (h : IsUnit A.det) (m n : ℤ) : A ^ (m * n) = (A ^ n) ^ m := by
rw [mul_comm, zpow_mul _ h]
#align matrix.zpow_mul' Matrix.zpow_mul'

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem coe_units_zpow (u : Mˣ) : ∀ n : ℤ, ((u ^ n : Mˣ) : M) = (u : M) ^ n
| (n : ℕ) => by rw [_root_.zpow_coe_nat, zpow_ofNat, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val]
| -[k+1] => by
rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, ← inv_pow, u⁻¹.val_pow_eq_pow_val, ← inv_pow', coe_units_inv]
#align matrix.coe_units_zpow Matrix.coe_units_zpow

theorem zpow_ne_zero_of_isUnit_det [Nonempty n'] [Nontrivial R] {A : M} (ha : IsUnit A.det)
(z : ℤ) : A ^ z ≠ 0 := by
have := ha.det_zpow z
-- oorting note: was `contrapose! this`
revert this
rw [ne_eq, not_not]
intro this
rw [this, det_zero ‹_›]
exact not_isUnit_zero
#align matrix.zpow_ne_zero_of_is_unit_det Matrix.zpow_ne_zero_of_isUnit_det

theorem zpow_sub {A : M} (ha : IsUnit A.det) (z1 z2 : ℤ) : A ^ (z1 - z2) = A ^ z1 / A ^ z2 := by
rw [sub_eq_add_neg, zpow_add ha, zpow_neg ha, div_eq_mul_inv]
#align matrix.zpow_sub Matrix.zpow_sub

theorem Commute.mul_zpow {A B : M} (h : Commute A B) : ∀ i : ℤ, (A * B) ^ i = A ^ i * B ^ i
| (n : ℕ) => by simp [h.mul_pow n, -mul_eq_mul]
| -[n+1] => by
rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, mul_eq_mul _⁻¹, ← mul_inv_rev, ← mul_eq_mul,
h.mul_pow n.succ, (h.pow_pow _ _).eq]
#align matrix.commute.mul_zpow Matrix.Commute.mul_zpow

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem zpow_bit0' (A : M) (n : ℤ) : A ^ bit0 n = (A * A) ^ n :=
(zpow_bit0 A n).trans (Commute.mul_zpow (Commute.refl A) n).symm
#align matrix.zpow_bit0' Matrix.zpow_bit0'

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem zpow_bit1' (A : M) (n : ℤ) : A ^ bit1 n = (A * A) ^ n * A := by
rw [zpow_bit1, Commute.mul_zpow (Commute.refl A)]
#align matrix.zpow_bit1' Matrix.zpow_bit1'

theorem zpow_neg_mul_zpow_self (n : ℤ) {A : M} (h : IsUnit A.det) : A ^ (-n) * A ^ n = 1 := by
rw [zpow_neg h, mul_eq_mul, nonsing_inv_mul _ (h.det_zpow _)]
#align matrix.zpow_neg_mul_zpow_self Matrix.zpow_neg_mul_zpow_self

theorem one_div_pow {A : M} (n : ℕ) : (1 / A) ^ n = 1 / A ^ n := by simp only [one_div, inv_pow']
#align matrix.one_div_pow Matrix.one_div_pow

theorem one_div_zpow {A : M} (n : ℤ) : (1 / A) ^ n = 1 / A ^ n := by simp only [one_div, inv_zpow]
#align matrix.one_div_zpow Matrix.one_div_zpow

theorem transpose_zpow (A : M) : ∀ n : ℤ, (A ^ n)ᵀ = Aᵀ ^ n
| (n : ℕ) => by rw [zpow_ofNat, zpow_ofNat, transpose_pow]
| -[n+1] => by rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, transpose_nonsing_inv, transpose_pow]
#align matrix.transpose_zpow Matrix.transpose_zpow

-- porting note: without etaExperiment, conjTranspose_pow can't find the StarRing R instance.
set_option synthInstance.etaExperiment true in
theorem conjTranspose_zpow [StarRing R] (A : M) : ∀ n : ℤ, (A ^ n)ᴴ = Aᴴ ^ n
| (n : ℕ) => by rw [zpow_ofNat, zpow_ofNat, conjTranspose_pow]
| -[n+1] => by rw [zpow_negSucc, zpow_negSucc, conjTranspose_nonsing_inv, conjTranspose_pow]
#align matrix.conj_transpose_zpow Matrix.conjTranspose_zpow

end ZPow

end Matrix

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