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feat: Bernoulli's inequality for 0 < p < 1 (#10982)
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Also substantially speed up some existing proofs in the `p < 1` case.
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Parcly-Taxel authored and Louddy committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent 21818ea commit 333f8e0
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 111 deletions.
170 changes: 90 additions & 80 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Convex/SpecificFunctions/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,26 +21,21 @@ In this file we prove that the following functions are convex or strictly convex
`1 ≤ p` and strictly convex when `1 < p`.
The proofs in this file are deliberately elementary, *not* by appealing to the sign of the second
derivative. This is in order to keep this file early in the import hierarchy, since it is on the
derivative. This is in order to keep this file early in the import hierarchy, since it is on the
path to Hölder's and Minkowski's inequalities and after that to Lp spaces and most of measure
For `p : ℝ`, prove that `fun x ↦ x ^ p` is concave when `0 ≤ p ≤ 1` and strictly concave when
`0 < p < 1`.
(Strict) concavity of `fun x ↦ x ^ p` for `0 < p < 1` (`0 ≤ p ≤ 1`) can be found in
## See also
`Analysis.Convex.Mul` for convexity of `x ↦ x ^ n``
`Analysis.Convex.Mul` for convexity of `x ↦ x ^ n`

open Real Set BigOperators NNReal

/-- `Real.exp` is strictly convex on the whole real line.
We give an elementary proof rather than using the second derivative test, since this lemma is
needed early in the analysis library. -/
/-- `Real.exp` is strictly convex on the whole real line. -/
theorem strictConvexOn_exp : StrictConvexOn ℝ univ exp := by
apply strictConvexOn_of_slope_strict_mono_adjacent convex_univ
rintro x y z - - hxy hyz
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,13 +63,10 @@ theorem convexOn_exp : ConvexOn ℝ univ exp :=
#align convex_on_exp convexOn_exp

/- `Real.log` is strictly concave on $(0, +∞)$.
We give an elementary proof rather than using the second derivative test, since this lemma is
needed early in the analysis library. -/
/- `Real.log` is strictly concave on $(0, +∞)$. -/
theorem strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi : StrictConcaveOn ℝ (Ioi 0) log := by
apply strictConcaveOn_of_slope_strict_anti_adjacent (convex_Ioi (0 : ℝ))
rintro x y z (hx : 0 < x) (hz : 0 < z) hxy hyz
intro x y z (hx : 0 < x) (hz : 0 < z) hxy hyz
have hy : 0 < y := hx.trans hxy
trans y⁻¹
· have h : 0 < z - y := by linarith
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,34 +98,28 @@ theorem strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi : StrictConcaveOn ℝ (Ioi 0) log := by
`s ≠ 0`, we have `1 + p * s < (1 + s) ^ p`. -/
theorem one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add {s : ℝ} (hs : -1 ≤ s) (hs' : s ≠ 0) {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 < p) :
1 + p * s < (1 + s) ^ p := by
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hs with (rfl | hs)
· have : p ≠ 0 := by positivity
simpa [zero_rpow this]
have hs1 : 0 < 1 + s := by linarith
have hp' : 0 < p := zero_lt_one.trans hp
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hs with rfl | hs
· rwa [add_right_neg, zero_rpow hp'.ne', mul_neg_one, add_neg_lt_iff_lt_add, zero_add]
have hs1 : 0 < 1 + s := neg_lt_iff_pos_add'.mp hs
rcases le_or_lt (1 + p * s) 0 with hs2 | hs2
· exact hs2.trans_lt (rpow_pos_of_pos hs1 _)
have hs3 : 1 + s ≠ 1 := hs' ∘
have hs4 : 1 + p * s ≠ 1 := by
contrapose! hs'; rwa [add_right_eq_self, mul_eq_zero, eq_false_intro hp'.ne', false_or] at hs'
rw [rpow_def_of_pos hs1, ← exp_log hs2]
apply exp_strictMono
have hp : 0 < p := by positivity
have hs3 : 1 + s ≠ 1 := by contrapose! hs'; linarith
have hs4 : 1 + p * s ≠ 1 := by contrapose! hs'; nlinarith
cases' lt_or_gt_of_ne hs' with hs' hs'
· rw [← div_lt_iff hp, ← div_lt_div_right_of_neg hs']
-- Porting note: previously we could write `zero_lt_one` inline,
-- but now Lean doesn't guess we are talking about `1` fast enough.
haveI : (1 : ℝ) ∈ Ioi 0 := zero_lt_one
convert strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.secant_strict_mono this hs2 hs1 hs4 hs3 _ using 1
· field_simp
· field_simp
· nlinarith
· rw [← div_lt_iff hp, ← div_lt_div_right hs']
-- Porting note: previously we could write `zero_lt_one` inline,
-- but now Lean doesn't guess we are talking about `1` fast enough.
haveI : (1 : ℝ) ∈ Ioi 0 := zero_lt_one
convert strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.secant_strict_mono this hs1 hs2 hs3 hs4 _ using 1
· field_simp
· field_simp
· nlinarith
· rw [← div_lt_iff hp', ← div_lt_div_right_of_neg hs']
convert strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.secant_strict_mono (zero_lt_one' ℝ) hs2 hs1 hs4 hs3 _ using 1
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, log_one, sub_zero]
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, div_div, log_one, sub_zero]
· apply add_lt_add_left (mul_lt_of_one_lt_left hs' hp)
· rw [← div_lt_iff hp', ← div_lt_div_right hs']
convert strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.secant_strict_mono (zero_lt_one' ℝ) hs1 hs2 hs3 hs4 _ using 1
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, div_div, log_one, sub_zero]
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, log_one, sub_zero]
· apply add_lt_add_left (lt_mul_of_one_lt_left hs' hp)
#align one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add

/-- **Bernoulli's inequality** for real exponents, non-strict version: for `1 ≤ p` and `-1 ≤ s`
Expand All @@ -147,60 +133,85 @@ theorem one_add_mul_self_le_rpow_one_add {s : ℝ} (hs : -1 ≤ s) {p : ℝ} (hp
exact (one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add hs hs' hp).le
#align one_add_mul_self_le_rpow_one_add one_add_mul_self_le_rpow_one_add

/- For `p : ℝ` with `1 < p`, `fun x ↦ x ^ p` is strictly convex on $[0, +∞)$.
/-- **Bernoulli's inequality** for real exponents, strict version: for `0 < p < 1` and `-1 ≤ s`,
with `s ≠ 0`, we have `(1 + s) ^ p < 1 + p * s`. -/
theorem rpow_one_add_lt_one_add_mul_self {s : ℝ} (hs : -1 ≤ s) (hs' : s ≠ 0) {p : ℝ} (hp1 : 0 < p)
(hp2 : p < 1) : (1 + s) ^ p < 1 + p * s := by
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hs with rfl | hs
· rwa [add_right_neg, zero_rpow', mul_neg_one, lt_add_neg_iff_add_lt, zero_add]
have hs1 : 0 < 1 + s := neg_lt_iff_pos_add'.mp hs
have hs2 : 0 < 1 + p * s := by
rw [← neg_lt_iff_pos_add']
rcases lt_or_gt_of_ne hs' with h | h
· exact hs.trans (lt_mul_of_lt_one_left h hp2)
· exact neg_one_lt_zero.trans (mul_pos hp1 h)
have hs3 : 1 + s ≠ 1 := hs' ∘
have hs4 : 1 + p * s ≠ 1 := by
contrapose! hs'; rwa [add_right_eq_self, mul_eq_zero, eq_false_intro', false_or] at hs'
rw [rpow_def_of_pos hs1, ← exp_log hs2]
apply exp_strictMono
cases' lt_or_gt_of_ne hs' with hs' hs'
· rw [← lt_div_iff hp1, ← div_lt_div_right_of_neg hs']
convert strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.secant_strict_mono (zero_lt_one' ℝ) hs1 hs2 hs3 hs4 _ using 1
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, div_div, log_one, sub_zero]
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, log_one, sub_zero]
· apply add_lt_add_left (lt_mul_of_lt_one_left hs' hp2)
· rw [← lt_div_iff hp1, ← div_lt_div_right hs']
convert strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.secant_strict_mono (zero_lt_one' ℝ) hs2 hs1 hs4 hs3 _ using 1
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, log_one, sub_zero]
· rw [add_sub_cancel_left, div_div, log_one, sub_zero]
· apply add_lt_add_left (mul_lt_of_lt_one_left hs' hp2)

/-- **Bernoulli's inequality** for real exponents, non-strict version: for `0 ≤ p ≤ 1` and `-1 ≤ s`
we have `(1 + s) ^ p ≤ 1 + p * s`. -/
theorem rpow_one_add_le_one_add_mul_self {s : ℝ} (hs : -1 ≤ s) {p : ℝ} (hp1 : 0 ≤ p) (hp2 : p ≤ 1) :
(1 + s) ^ p ≤ 1 + p * s := by
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp1 with (rfl | hp1)
· simp
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp2 with (rfl | hp2)
· simp
by_cases hs' : s = 0
· simp [hs']
exact (rpow_one_add_lt_one_add_mul_self hs hs' hp1 hp2).le

We give an elementary proof rather than using the second derivative test, since this lemma is
needed early in the analysis library. -/
theorem strictConvexOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 < p) : StrictConvexOn ℝ (Ici 0) fun x : ℝ => x ^ p := by
/-- For `p : ℝ` with `1 < p`, `fun x ↦ x ^ p` is strictly convex on $[0, +∞)$. -/
theorem strictConvexOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 < p) : StrictConvexOn ℝ (Ici 0) fun x : ℝ ↦ x ^ p := by
apply strictConvexOn_of_slope_strict_mono_adjacent (convex_Ici (0 : ℝ))
rintro x y z (hx : 0 ≤ x) (hz : 0 ≤ z) hxy hyz
have hy : 0 < y := by linarith
intro x y z (hx : 0 ≤ x) (hz : 0 ≤ z) hxy hyz
have hy : 0 < y := hx.trans_lt hxy
have hy' : 0 < y ^ p := rpow_pos_of_pos hy _
have H1 : y ^ (p - 1 + 1) = y ^ (p - 1) * y := rpow_add_one' _
ring_nf at H1
trans p * y ^ (p - 1)
· have h3 : 0 < y - x := by linarith only [hxy]
have hyx'' : x / y < 1 := by rwa [div_lt_one hy]
have hyx''' : x / y - 1 < 0 := by linarith only [hyx'']
have hyx'''' : 0 ≤ x / y := by positivity
have hyx''''' : -1 ≤ x / y - 1 := by linarith only [hyx'''']
have : 1 - (1 + (x / y - 1)) ^ p < -p * (x / y - 1) := by
linarith [one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add hyx''''' hyx'''.ne hp]
rw [div_lt_iff h3, ← div_lt_div_right hy']
convert this using 1
· have H : (x / y) ^ p = x ^ p / y ^ p := div_rpow hx hy.le _
ring_nf at H ⊢
field_simp at H ⊢
linear_combination H
· ring_nf at H1 ⊢
linear_combination p * (-y + x) * H1
· have hyz' : 0 < z - y := by linarith only [hyz]
have hyz'' : 1 < z / y := by rwa [one_lt_div hy]
have hyz''' : 0 < z / y - 1 := by linarith only [hyz'']
have hyz'''' : -1 ≤ z / y - 1 := by linarith only [hyz'']
have : p * (z / y - 1) < (1 + (z / y - 1)) ^ p - 1 := by
linarith [one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add hyz'''' hyz'''.ne' hp]
rw [lt_div_iff hyz', ← div_lt_div_right hy']
convert this using 1
· ring_nf at H1 ⊢
field_simp at H1 ⊢
linear_combination p * (y - z) * y ^ p * H1
· have H : (z / y) ^ p = z ^ p / y ^ p := div_rpow hz hy.le _
ring_nf at H ⊢
field_simp at H ⊢
linear_combination -H
· have q : 0 < y - x := by rwa [sub_pos]
rw [div_lt_iff q, ← div_lt_div_right hy', _root_.sub_div, div_self hy'.ne', ← div_rpow hx hy.le,
sub_lt_comm, ← add_sub_cancel_right (x / y) 1, add_comm, add_sub_assoc, ← div_mul_eq_mul_div,
mul_div_assoc, ← rpow_sub hy, sub_sub_cancel_left, rpow_neg_one, mul_assoc, ← div_eq_inv_mul,
sub_eq_add_neg, ← mul_neg, ← neg_div, neg_sub, _root_.sub_div, div_self']
apply one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add _ _ hp
· rw [le_sub_iff_add_le, add_left_neg, div_nonneg_iff]
exact Or.inl ⟨hx, hy.le⟩
· rw [sub_ne_zero]
exact ((div_lt_one hy).mpr hxy).ne
· have q : 0 < z - y := by rwa [sub_pos]
rw [lt_div_iff q, ← div_lt_div_right hy', _root_.sub_div, div_self hy'.ne', ← div_rpow hz hy.le,
lt_sub_iff_add_lt', ← add_sub_cancel_right (z / y) 1, add_comm _ 1, add_sub_assoc,
← div_mul_eq_mul_div, mul_div_assoc, ← rpow_sub hy, sub_sub_cancel_left, rpow_neg_one,
mul_assoc, ← div_eq_inv_mul, _root_.sub_div, div_self']
apply one_add_mul_self_lt_rpow_one_add _ _ hp
· rw [le_sub_iff_add_le, add_left_neg, div_nonneg_iff]
exact Or.inl ⟨hz, hy.le⟩
· rw [sub_ne_zero]
exact ((one_lt_div hy).mpr hyz).ne'
#align strict_convex_on_rpow strictConvexOn_rpow

theorem convexOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 ≤ p) : ConvexOn ℝ (Ici 0) fun x : ℝ => x ^ p := by
theorem convexOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 ≤ p) : ConvexOn ℝ (Ici 0) fun x : ℝ x ^ p := by
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp with (rfl | hp)
· simpa using convexOn_id (convex_Ici _)
exact (strictConvexOn_rpow hp).convexOn
#align convex_on_rpow convexOn_rpow

theorem strictConcaveOn_log_Iio : StrictConcaveOn ℝ (Iio 0) log := by
refine' ⟨convex_Iio _, _⟩
rintro x (hx : x < 0) y (hy : y < 0) hxy a b ha hb hab
intro x (hx : x < 0) y (hy : y < 0) hxy a b ha hb hab
have hx' : 0 < -x := by linarith
have hy' : 0 < -y := by linarith
have hxy' : -x ≠ -y := by contrapose! hxy; linarith
Expand All @@ -209,7 +220,6 @@ theorem strictConcaveOn_log_Iio : StrictConcaveOn ℝ (Iio 0) log := by
_ < log (a • -x + b • -y) := (strictConcaveOn_log_Ioi.2 hx' hy' hxy' ha hb hab)
_ = log (-(a • x + b • y)) := by congr 1; simp only []; ring
_ = _ := by rw [log_neg_eq_log]

#align strict_concave_on_log_Iio strictConcaveOn_log_Iio

namespace Real
Expand Down
50 changes: 19 additions & 31 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Convex/SpecificFunctions/Pow.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,32 +33,27 @@ namespace NNReal

lemma strictConcaveOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp₀ : 0 < p) (hp₁ : p < 1) :
StrictConcaveOn ℝ≥0 univ fun x : ℝ≥0 ↦ x ^ p := by
have hp₀' : 0 < 1 / p := by positivity
have hp₀' : 0 < 1 / p := div_pos zero_lt_one hp₀
have hp₁' : 1 < 1 / p := by rw [one_lt_div hp₀]; exact hp₁
let f := NNReal.orderIsoRpow (1 / p) hp₀'
have h₁ : StrictConvexOn ℝ≥0 univ f := by
refine ⟨convex_univ, fun x _ y _ hxy a b ha hb hab => ?_⟩
exact (strictConvexOn_rpow hp₁').2 (by positivity : 0 ≤ x) (by positivity : 0 ≤ y)
(by simp [hxy]) ha hb (by simp; norm_cast)
exact (strictConvexOn_rpow hp₁').2 x.2 y.2 (by simp [hxy]) ha hb (by simp; norm_cast)
have h₂ : ∀ x, f.symm x = x ^ p := by simp [f, NNReal.orderIsoRpow_symm_eq]
refine ⟨convex_univ, fun x _ y _ hxy a b ha hb hab => ?_⟩
refine ⟨convex_univ, fun x mx y my hxy a b ha hb hab => ?_⟩
simp only [← h₂]
exact (f.strictConcaveOn_symm h₁).2 (Set.mem_univ x) (Set.mem_univ y) hxy ha hb hab
exact (f.strictConcaveOn_symm h₁).2 mx my hxy ha hb hab

lemma concaveOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp₀ : 0 ≤ p) (hp₁ : p ≤ 1) :
ConcaveOn ℝ≥0 univ fun x : ℝ≥0 ↦ x ^ p := by
if hp : p = 0 then
exact ⟨convex_univ, fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hab => by simp [hp, hab]⟩
push_neg at hp
if hp' : p = 1 then
exact ⟨convex_univ, by simp [hp']⟩
push_neg at hp'
exact (strictConcaveOn_rpow (by positivity) (lt_of_le_of_ne hp₁ hp')).concaveOn
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp₀ with (rfl | hp₀)
· simpa only [rpow_zero] using concaveOn_const (c := 1) convex_univ
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp₁ with (rfl | hp₁)
· simpa only [rpow_one] using concaveOn_id convex_univ
exact (strictConcaveOn_rpow hp₀ hp₁).concaveOn

lemma strictConcaveOn_sqrt : StrictConcaveOn ℝ≥0 univ NNReal.sqrt := by
have : NNReal.sqrt = fun (x:ℝ≥0) ↦ x ^ (1 / (2:ℝ)) := by
have : NNReal.sqrt = fun x : ℝ≥0 ↦ x ^ (1 / (2 : ℝ)) := by
ext x; exact mod_cast NNReal.sqrt_eq_rpow x
rw [this]
exact strictConcaveOn_rpow (by positivity) (by linarith)
Expand All @@ -74,30 +69,23 @@ lemma strictConcaveOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp₀ : 0 < p) (hp₁ : p < 1) :
refine ⟨convex_Ici _, fun x hx y hy hxy a b ha hb hab => ?_⟩
let x' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨x, hx⟩
let y' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨y, hy⟩
let a' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨a, by positivity⟩
let b' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨b, by positivity⟩
have hx' : (fun z => z ^ p) x = (fun z => z ^ p) x' := rfl
have hy' : (fun z => z ^ p) y = (fun z => z ^ p) y' := rfl
let a' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨a, ha.le⟩
let b' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨b, hb.le⟩
have hxy' : x' ≠ y' := Subtype.ne_of_val_ne hxy
have hab' : a' + b' = 1 := by ext; simp [a', b', hab]
rw [hx', hy']
exact (NNReal.strictConcaveOn_rpow hp₀ hp₁).2 (Set.mem_univ x') (Set.mem_univ y')
exact_mod_cast (NNReal.strictConcaveOn_rpow hp₀ hp₁).2 (Set.mem_univ x') (Set.mem_univ y')
hxy' (mod_cast ha) (mod_cast hb) hab'

lemma concaveOn_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp₀ : 0 ≤ p) (hp₁ : p ≤ 1) :
ConcaveOn ℝ (Set.Ici 0) fun x : ℝ ↦ x ^ p := by
if hp : p = 0 then
exact ⟨convex_Ici 0, fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hab => by simp [hp, hab]⟩
push_neg at hp
if hp' : p = 1 then
exact ⟨convex_Ici 0, by simp [hp']⟩
push_neg at hp'
exact (strictConcaveOn_rpow (by positivity) (lt_of_le_of_ne hp₁ hp')).concaveOn
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp₀ with (rfl | hp₀)
· simpa only [rpow_zero] using concaveOn_const (c := 1) (convex_Ici _)
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hp₁ with (rfl | hp₁)
· simpa only [rpow_one] using concaveOn_id (convex_Ici _)
exact (strictConcaveOn_rpow hp₀ hp₁).concaveOn

lemma strictConcaveOn_sqrt : StrictConcaveOn ℝ (Set.Ici 0) Real.sqrt := by
have : Real.sqrt = fun (x:ℝ) ↦ x ^ (1 / (2:ℝ)) := by
have : Real.sqrt = fun x : ℝ ↦ x ^ (1 / (2 : ℝ)) := by
ext x; exact Real.sqrt_eq_rpow x
rw [this]
exact strictConcaveOn_rpow (by positivity) (by linarith)
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