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feat: definition of the homology of a short complex (#6994)
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This PR introduces the definition `S.homology` for a short complex `S` that "has homology".
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joelriou authored and kodyvajjha committed Sep 22, 2023
1 parent e078a14 commit 372a67e
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190 changes: 189 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/ShortComplex/Homology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ left homology data `left` involves an object `left.H` that is a cokernel of the
map `S.X₁ ⟶ K` where `K` is a kernel of `g`. On the other hand, the dual notion `right.H`
is a kernel of the canonical morphism `Q ⟶ S.X₃` when `Q` is a cokernel of `f`.
The compatibility that is required involves an isomorphism `left.H ≅ right.H` which
makes a certain pentagon commute.
makes a certain pentagon commute. When such a homology data exists, `S.homology`
shall be defined as `h.left.H` for a chosen `h : S.HomologyData`.
This definition requires very little assumption on the category (only the existence
of zero morphisms). We shall prove that in abelian categories, all short complexes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +201,193 @@ class HasHomology : Prop where
/-- the condition that there exists a homology data -/
condition : Nonempty S.HomologyData

/-- A chosen `S.HomologyData` for a short complex `S` that has homology -/
noncomputable def homologyData [HasHomology S] :
S.HomologyData := HasHomology.condition.some

variable {S}

lemma' (h : S.HomologyData) : HasHomology S :=
⟨Nonempty.intro h⟩

instance [HasHomology S] : HasHomology S.op :=' S.homologyData.op

instance hasLeftHomology_of_hasHomology [S.HasHomology] : S.HasLeftHomology :=' S.homologyData.left

instance hasRightHomology_of_hasHomology [S.HasHomology] : S.HasRightHomology :=' S.homologyData.right

instance hasHomology_of_hasCokernel {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (Z : C) [HasCokernel f] :
( f (0 : Y ⟶ Z) comp_zero).HasHomology :=' (HomologyData.ofHasCokernel _ rfl)

instance hasHomology_of_hasKernel {Y Z : C} (g : Y ⟶ Z) (X : C) [HasKernel g] :
( (0 : X ⟶ Y) g zero_comp).HasHomology :=' (HomologyData.ofHasKernel _ rfl)

instance hasHomology_of_zeros (X Y Z : C) :
( (0 : X ⟶ Y) (0 : Y ⟶ Z) zero_comp).HasHomology :=' (HomologyData.ofZeros _ rfl rfl)

lemma hasHomology_of_epi_of_isIso_of_mono (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂) [HasHomology S₁]
[Epi φ.τ₁] [IsIso φ.τ₂] [Mono φ.τ₃] : HasHomology S₂ :=' (HomologyData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono φ S₁.homologyData)

lemma hasHomology_of_epi_of_isIso_of_mono' (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂) [HasHomology S₂]
[Epi φ.τ₁] [IsIso φ.τ₂] [Mono φ.τ₃] : HasHomology S₁ :=' (HomologyData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono' φ S₂.homologyData)

lemma hasHomology_of_iso (e : S₁ ≅ S₂) [HasHomology S₁] : HasHomology S₂ :=' (HomologyData.ofIso e S₁.homologyData)

namespace HomologyMapData

/-- The homology map data associated to the identity morphism of a short complex. -/
def id (h : S.HomologyData) : HomologyMapData (𝟙 S) h h where
left := h.left
right := h.right

/-- The homology map data associated to the zero morphism between two short complexes. -/
def zero (h₁ : S₁.HomologyData) (h₂ : S₂.HomologyData) :
HomologyMapData 0 h₁ h₂ where
left := h₁.left h₂.left
right := h₁.right h₂.right

/-- The composition of homology map data. -/
def comp {φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂} {φ' : S₂ ⟶ S₃} {h₁ : S₁.HomologyData}
{h₂ : S₂.HomologyData} {h₃ : S₃.HomologyData}
(ψ : HomologyMapData φ h₁ h₂) (ψ' : HomologyMapData φ' h₂ h₃) :
HomologyMapData (φ ≫ φ') h₁ h₃ where
left := ψ.left.comp ψ'.left
right := ψ.right.comp ψ'.right

/-- A homology map data for a morphism of short complexes induces
a homology map data in the opposite category. -/
def op {φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂} {h₁ : S₁.HomologyData} {h₂ : S₂.HomologyData}
(ψ : HomologyMapData φ h₁ h₂) :
HomologyMapData (opMap φ) h₂.op h₁.op where
left := ψ.right.op
right := ψ.left.op

/-- A homology map data for a morphism of short complexes in the opposite category
induces a homology map data in the original category. -/
def unop {S₁ S₂ : ShortComplex Cᵒᵖ} {φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂}
{h₁ : S₁.HomologyData} {h₂ : S₂.HomologyData}
(ψ : HomologyMapData φ h₁ h₂) :
HomologyMapData (unopMap φ) h₂.unop h₁.unop where
left := ψ.right.unop
right := ψ.left.unop

/-- When `S₁.f`, `S₁.g`, `S₂.f` and `S₂.g` are all zero, the action on homology of a
morphism `φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂` is given by the action `φ.τ₂` on the middle objects. -/
def ofZeros (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂) (hf₁ : S₁.f = 0) (hg₁ : S₁.g = 0) (hf₂ : S₂.f = 0) (hg₂ : S₂.g = 0) :
HomologyMapData φ (HomologyData.ofZeros S₁ hf₁ hg₁) (HomologyData.ofZeros S₂ hf₂ hg₂) where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.ofZeros φ hf₁ hg₁ hf₂ hg₂
right := RightHomologyMapData.ofZeros φ hf₁ hg₁ hf₂ hg₂

/-- When `S₁.g` and `S₂.g` are zero and we have chosen colimit cokernel coforks `c₁` and `c₂`
for `S₁.f` and `S₂.f` respectively, the action on homology of a morphism `φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂` of
short complexes is given by the unique morphism `f : c₁.pt ⟶ c₂.pt` such that
`φ.τ₂ ≫ c₂.π = c₁.π ≫ f`. -/
def ofIsColimitCokernelCofork (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂)
(hg₁ : S₁.g = 0) (c₁ : CokernelCofork S₁.f) (hc₁ : IsColimit c₁)
(hg₂ : S₂.g = 0) (c₂ : CokernelCofork S₂.f) (hc₂ : IsColimit c₂) (f : c₁.pt ⟶ c₂.pt)
(comm : φ.τ₂ ≫ c₂.π = c₁.π ≫ f) :
HomologyMapData φ (HomologyData.ofIsColimitCokernelCofork S₁ hg₁ c₁ hc₁)
(HomologyData.ofIsColimitCokernelCofork S₂ hg₂ c₂ hc₂) where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.ofIsColimitCokernelCofork φ hg₁ c₁ hc₁ hg₂ c₂ hc₂ f comm
right := RightHomologyMapData.ofIsColimitCokernelCofork φ hg₁ c₁ hc₁ hg₂ c₂ hc₂ f comm

/-- When `S₁.f` and `S₂.f` are zero and we have chosen limit kernel forks `c₁` and `c₂`
for `S₁.g` and `S₂.g` respectively, the action on homology of a morphism `φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂` of
short complexes is given by the unique morphism `f : c₁.pt ⟶ c₂.pt` such that
`c₁.ι ≫ φ.τ₂ = f ≫ c₂.ι`. -/
def ofIsLimitKernelFork (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂)
(hf₁ : S₁.f = 0) (c₁ : KernelFork S₁.g) (hc₁ : IsLimit c₁)
(hf₂ : S₂.f = 0) (c₂ : KernelFork S₂.g) (hc₂ : IsLimit c₂) (f : c₁.pt ⟶ c₂.pt)
(comm : c₁.ι ≫ φ.τ₂ = f ≫ c₂.ι) :
HomologyMapData φ (HomologyData.ofIsLimitKernelFork S₁ hf₁ c₁ hc₁)
(HomologyData.ofIsLimitKernelFork S₂ hf₂ c₂ hc₂) where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.ofIsLimitKernelFork φ hf₁ c₁ hc₁ hf₂ c₂ hc₂ f comm
right := RightHomologyMapData.ofIsLimitKernelFork φ hf₁ c₁ hc₁ hf₂ c₂ hc₂ f comm

/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the homology map
data (for the identity of `S`) which relates the homology data `ofZeros` and
`ofIsColimitCokernelCofork`. -/
def compatibilityOfZerosOfIsColimitCokernelCofork (hf : S.f = 0) (hg : S.g = 0)
(c : CokernelCofork S.f) (hc : IsColimit c) :
HomologyMapData (𝟙 S) (HomologyData.ofZeros S hf hg)
(HomologyData.ofIsColimitCokernelCofork S hg c hc) where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.compatibilityOfZerosOfIsColimitCokernelCofork S hf hg c hc
right := RightHomologyMapData.compatibilityOfZerosOfIsColimitCokernelCofork S hf hg c hc

/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the homology map
data (for the identity of `S`) which relates the homology data
`HomologyData.ofIsLimitKernelFork` and `ofZeros` . -/
def compatibilityOfZerosOfIsLimitKernelFork (hf : S.f = 0) (hg : S.g = 0)
(c : KernelFork S.g) (hc : IsLimit c) :
HomologyMapData (𝟙 S)
(HomologyData.ofIsLimitKernelFork S hf c hc)
(HomologyData.ofZeros S hf hg) where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.compatibilityOfZerosOfIsLimitKernelFork S hf hg c hc
right := RightHomologyMapData.compatibilityOfZerosOfIsLimitKernelFork S hf hg c hc

/-- This homology map data expresses compatibilities of the homology data
constructed by `HomologyData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono` -/
noncomputable def ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂) (h : HomologyData S₁)
[Epi φ.τ₁] [IsIso φ.τ₂] [Mono φ.τ₃] :
HomologyMapData φ h (HomologyData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono φ h) where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono φ h.left
right := RightHomologyMapData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono φ h.right

/-- This homology map data expresses compatibilities of the homology data
constructed by `HomologyData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono'` -/
noncomputable def ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono' (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂) (h : HomologyData S₂)
[Epi φ.τ₁] [IsIso φ.τ₂] [Mono φ.τ₃] :
HomologyMapData φ (HomologyData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono' φ h) h where
left := LeftHomologyMapData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono' φ h.left
right := RightHomologyMapData.ofEpiOfIsIsoOfMono' φ h.right

end HomologyMapData

variable (S)

/-- The homology of a short complex is the `left.H` field of a chosen homology data. -/
noncomputable def homology [HasHomology S] : C := S.homologyData.left.H

/-- When a short complex has homology, this is the canonical isomorphism
`S.leftHomology ≅ S.homology`. -/
noncomputable def leftHomologyIso [S.HasHomology] : S.leftHomology ≅ S.homology :=
leftHomologyMapIso' (Iso.refl _) _ _

/-- When a short complex has homology, this is the canonical isomorphism
`S.rightHomology ≅ S.homology`. -/
noncomputable def rightHomologyIso [S.HasHomology] : S.rightHomology ≅ S.homology :=
rightHomologyMapIso' (Iso.refl _) _ _ ≪≫ S.homologyData.iso.symm

variable {S}

/-- When a short complex has homology, its homology can be computed using
any left homology data. -/
noncomputable def LeftHomologyData.homologyIso (h : S.LeftHomologyData) [S.HasHomology] :
S.homology ≅ h.H := S.leftHomologyIso.symm ≪≫ h.leftHomologyIso

/-- When a short complex has homology, its homology can be computed using
any right homology data. -/
noncomputable def RightHomologyData.homologyIso (h : S.RightHomologyData) [S.HasHomology] :
S.homology ≅ h.H := S.rightHomologyIso.symm ≪≫ h.rightHomologyIso

end ShortComplex

end CategoryTheory
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/ShortComplex/LeftHomology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Kernels
Given a short complex `S : ShortComplex C`, which consists of two composable
maps `f : X₁ ⟶ X₂` and `g : X₂ ⟶ X₃` such that `f ≫ g = 0`, we shall define
here the "left homology" `S.leftHomology` of `S` (TODO). For this, we introduce the
here the "left homology" `S.leftHomology` of `S`. For this, we introduce the
notion of "left homology data". Such an `h : S.LeftHomologyData` consists of the
data of morphisms `i : K ⟶ X₂` and `π : K ⟶ H` such that `i` identifies
`K` with the kernel of `g : X₂ ⟶ X₃`, and that `π` identifies `H` with the cokernel
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Similarly, we define `S.cycles` to be the `K` field.
The dual notion is defined in `RightHomologyData.lean`. In `Homology.lean`,
when `S` has two compatible left and right homology data (i.e. they give
the same `H` up to a canonical isomorphism), we shall define `[S.HasHomology]`
and `S.homology` (TODO).
and `S.homology`.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ def ofIsLimitKernelFork (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂)

variable (S)

/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the homology map
/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the left homology map
data (for the identity of `S`) which relates the left homology data `ofZeros` and
`ofIsColimitCokernelCofork`. -/
Expand All @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ def compatibilityOfZerosOfIsColimitCokernelCofork (hf : S.f = 0) (hg : S.g = 0)
φK := 𝟙 _
φH := c.π

/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the homology map
/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the left homology map
data (for the identity of `S`) which relates the left homology data
`LeftHomologyData.ofIsLimitKernelFork` and `ofZeros` . -/
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/ShortComplex/RightHomology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Similarly, we define `S.opcycles` to be the `Q` field.
In `Homology.lean`, when `S` has two compatible left and right homology data
(i.e. they give the same `H` up to a canonical isomorphism), we shall define
`[S.HasHomology]` and `S.homology` (TODO).
`[S.HasHomology]` and `S.homology`.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ def ofIsColimitCokernelCofork (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂)

variable (S)

/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the homology map
/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the right homology map
data (for the identity of `S`) which relates the right homology data
`RightHomologyData.ofIsLimitKernelFork` and `ofZeros` . -/
Expand All @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ def compatibilityOfZerosOfIsLimitKernelFork (hf : S.f = 0) (hg : S.g = 0)
φQ := 𝟙 _
φH := c.ι

/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the homology map
/-- When both maps `S.f` and `S.g` of a short complex `S` are zero, this is the right homology map
data (for the identity of `S`) which relates the right homology data `ofZeros` and
`ofIsColimitCokernelCofork`. -/
Expand Down

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