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feat(Data/Sum/Basic): create direct versions of get(Left|Right)? anal…
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…ogous to Option.get (#6663)

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
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linesthatinterlace and eric-wieser committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent e9d1481 commit 380bf31
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 21 deletions.
90 changes: 69 additions & 21 deletions Mathlib/Data/Sum/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ This file proves basic results about the sum type `α ⊕ β`.
## Main declarations
* `Sum.getLeft?`: Retrieves the left content of `x : α ⊕ β` or returns `none` if it's coming from
the right.
* `Sum.getRight?`: Retrieves the right content of `x : α ⊕ β` or returns `none` if it's coming from
the left.
* `Sum.isLeft`: Returns whether `x : α ⊕ β` comes from the left component or not.
* `Sum.isRight`: Returns whether `x : α ⊕ β` comes from the right component or not.
* `Sum.getLeft`: Retrieves the left content of a `x : α ⊕ β` that is known to come from the left.
* `Sum.getRight`: Retrieves the right content of `x : α ⊕ β` that is known to come from the right.
* `Sum.getLeft?`: Retrieves the left content of `x : α ⊕ β` as an option type or returns `none`
if it's coming from the right.
* `Sum.getRight?`: Retrieves the right content of `x : α ⊕ β` as an option type or returns `none`
if it's coming from the left.
* ``: Maps `α ⊕ β` to `γ ⊕ δ` component-wise.
* `Sum.elim`: Nondependent eliminator/induction principle for `α ⊕ β`.
* `Sum.swap`: Maps `α ⊕ β` to `β ⊕ α` by swapping components.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +81,26 @@ theorem inr_injective : Function.Injective (inr : β → Sum α β) := fun _ _

section get

/-- Check if a sum is `inl`. -/
def isLeft : Sum α β → Bool
| inl _ => true
| inr _ => false
#align sum.is_left Sum.isLeft

/-- Check if a sum is `inr`. -/
def isRight : Sum α β → Bool
| inl _ => false
| inr _ => true
#align sum.is_right Sum.isRight

/-- Retrieve the contents from a sum known to be `inl`.-/
def getLeft : (ab : Sum α β) → ab.isLeft → α
| inl a, _ => a

/-- Retrieve the contents from a sum known to be `inr`.-/
def getRight : (ab : Sum α β) → ab.isRight → β
| inr b, _ => b

/-- Check if a sum is `inl` and if so, retrieve its contents. -/
def getLeft? : Sum α β → Option α
| inl a => some a
Expand All @@ -91,29 +113,25 @@ def getRight? : Sum α β → Option β
| inl _ => none
#align sum.get_right Sum.getRight?

/-- Check if a sum is `inl`. -/
def isLeft : Sum α β → Bool
| inl _ => true
| inr _ => false
#align sum.is_left Sum.isLeft
variable {x y : Sum α β}

/-- Check if a sum is `inr`. -/
def isRight : Sum α β → Bool
| inl _ => false
| inr _ => true
#align sum.is_right Sum.isRight
@[simp] theorem isLeft_inl (x : α) : (inl x : α ⊕ β).isLeft = true := rfl
@[simp] theorem isLeft_inr (x : β) : (inr x : α ⊕ β).isLeft = false := rfl
@[simp] theorem isRight_inl (x : α) : (inl x : α ⊕ β).isRight = false := rfl
@[simp] theorem isRight_inr (x : β) : (inr x : α ⊕ β).isRight = true := rfl

variable {x y : Sum α β}
@[simp] theorem getLeft_inl (x : α) (h : (inl x : α ⊕ β).isLeft) : (inl x).getLeft h = x := rfl
@[simp] theorem getRight_inr (x : β) (h : (inr x : α ⊕ β).isRight) : (inr x).getRight h = x := rfl

@[simp] theorem getLeft?_inl (x : α) : (inl x : α ⊕ β).getLeft? = some x := rfl
@[simp] theorem getLeft?_inr (x : β) : (inr x : α ⊕ β).getLeft? = none := rfl
@[simp] theorem getRight?_inl (x : α) : (inl x : α ⊕ β).getRight? = none := rfl
@[simp] theorem getRight?_inr (x : β) : (inr x : α ⊕ β).getRight? = some x := rfl

@[simp] theorem isLeft_inl (x : α) : (inl x : α ⊕ β).isLeft = true := rfl
@[simp] theorem isLeft_inr (x : β) : (inr x : α ⊕ β).isLeft = false := rfl
@[simp] theorem isRight_inl (x : α) : (inl x : α ⊕ β).isRight = false := rfl
@[simp] theorem isRight_inr (x : β) : (inr x : α ⊕ β).isRight = true := rfl
@[simp] theorem inl_getLeft : ∀ (x : α ⊕ β) (h : x.isLeft), inl (x.getLeft h) = x
| inl _, _ => rfl
@[simp] theorem inr_getRight : ∀ (x : α ⊕ β) (h : x.isRight), inr (x.getRight h) = x
| inr _, _ => rfl

@[simp] theorem getLeft?_eq_none_iff : x.getLeft? = none ↔ x.isRight := by
cases x <;> simp only [getLeft?, isRight, eq_self_iff_true]
Expand All @@ -123,14 +141,38 @@ variable {x y : Sum α β}
cases x <;> simp only [getRight?, isLeft, eq_self_iff_true]
#align sum.get_right_eq_none_iff Sum.getRight?_eq_none_iff

@[simp] lemma getLeft?_eq_some_iff {a : α} : x.getLeft? = a ↔ x = inl a := by
theorem eq_left_getLeft_of_isLeft : ∀ {x : α ⊕ β} (h : x.isLeft), x = inl (x.getLeft h)
| inl _, _ => rfl

theorem eq_left_iff_getLeft_eq {a : α} : x = inl a ↔ ∃ h, x.getLeft h = a := by
cases x <;> simp; exact fun c => c.elim

@[simp] theorem getLeft_eq_iff {a : α} (h : x.isLeft) : x.getLeft h = a ↔ x = inl a := by
cases x <;> simp at h ⊢

theorem eq_right_getRight_of_isRight : ∀ {x : α ⊕ β} (h : x.isRight), x = inr (x.getRight h)
| inr _, _ => rfl

theorem eq_right_iff_getRight_eq {b : β} : x = inr b ↔ ∃ h, x.getRight h = b := by
cases x <;> simp; exact fun c => c.elim

@[simp] theorem getRight_eq_iff {b : β} (h : x.isRight) : x.getRight h = b ↔ x = inr b := by
cases x <;> simp at h ⊢

@[simp] theorem getLeft?_eq_some_iff {a : α} : x.getLeft? = some a ↔ x = inl a := by
cases x <;> simp only [getLeft?, Option.some.injEq, inl.injEq]
#align sum.get_left_eq_some_iff Sum.getLeft?_eq_some_iff

@[simp] lemma getRight?_eq_some_iff {b : β} : x.getRight? = b ↔ x = inr b := by
@[simp] theorem getRight?_eq_some_iff {b : β} : x.getRight? = some b ↔ x = inr b := by
cases x <;> simp only [getRight?, Option.some.injEq, inr.injEq]
#align sum.get_right_eq_some_iff Sum.getRight?_eq_some_iff

theorem getLeft_eq_getLeft? (h₁ : x.isLeft) (h₂ : x.getLeft?.isSome) :
x.getLeft h₁ = x.getLeft?.get h₂ := by simp [← getLeft?_eq_some_iff]

theorem getRight_eq_getRight? (h₁ : x.isRight) (h₂ : x.getRight?.isSome) :
x.getRight h₁ = x.getRight?.get h₂ := by simp [← getRight?_eq_some_iff]

theorem not_isLeft (x : Sum α β) : not x.isLeft = x.isRight := by cases x <;> rfl
#align sum.bnot_is_left Sum.not_isLeft
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,6 +201,12 @@ theorem isLeft_iff : x.isLeft ↔ ∃ y, x = Sum.inl y := by cases x <;> simp
theorem isRight_iff : x.isRight ↔ ∃ y, x = Sum.inr y := by cases x <;> simp
#align sum.is_right_iff Sum.isRight_iff

@[simp] theorem isSome_getLeft?_iff_isLeft : x.getLeft?.isSome ↔ x.isLeft := by
rw [isLeft_iff, Option.isSome_iff_exists]; simp

@[simp] theorem isSome_getRight?_iff_isRight : x.getRight?.isSome ↔ x.isRight := by
rw [isRight_iff, Option.isSome_iff_exists]; simp

end get

theorem inl.inj_iff {a b} : (inl a : Sum α β) = inl b ↔ a = b :=
Expand Down

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