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feat: port RingTheory.DedekindDomain.SInteger (#5401)
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Ruben-VandeVelde committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent 39b465c commit 4221b15
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Showing 2 changed files with 136 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2540,6 +2540,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.FiniteAdeleRing
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Ideal
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.IntegralClosure
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.PID
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.SInteger
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Derivation.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Derivation.Lie
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Derivation.ToSquareZero
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135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/DedekindDomain/SInteger.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 David Kurniadi Angdinata. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Kurniadi Angdinata
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module ring_theory.dedekind_domain.S_integer
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 00ab77614e085c9ef49479babba1a7d826d3232e
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.AdicValuation

# `S`-integers and `S`-units of fraction fields of Dedekind domains
Let `K` be the field of fractions of a Dedekind domain `R`, and let `S` be a set of prime ideals in
the height one spectrum of `R`. An `S`-integer of `K` is defined to have `v`-adic valuation at most
one for all primes ideals `v` away from `S`, whereas an `S`-unit of `Kˣ` is defined to have `v`-adic
valuation exactly one for all prime ideals `v` away from `S`.
This file defines the subalgebra of `S`-integers of `K` and the subgroup of `S`-units of `Kˣ`, where
`K` can be specialised to the case of a number field or a function field separately.
## Main definitions
* `Set.integer`: `S`-integers.
* `Set.unit`: `S`-units.
* TODO: localised notation for `S`-integers.
## Main statements
* `Set.unitEquivUnitsInteger`: `S`-units are units of `S`-integers.
* TODO: proof that `S`-units is the kernel of a map to a product.
* TODO: proof that `∅`-integers is the usual ring of integers.
* TODO: finite generation of `S`-units and Dirichlet's `S`-unit theorem.
## References
* [D Marcus, *Number Fields*][marcus1977number]
* [J W S Cassels, A Frölich, *Algebraic Number Theory*][cassels1967algebraic]
* [J Neukirch, *Algebraic Number Theory*][Neukirch1992]
## Tags
S integer, S-integer, S unit, S-unit

namespace Set

noncomputable section

open IsDedekindDomain

open scoped nonZeroDivisors

universe u v

variable {R : Type u} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [IsDedekindDomain R]
(S : Set <| HeightOneSpectrum R) (K : Type v) [Field K] [Algebra R K] [IsFractionRing R K]

/-! ## `S`-integers -/

/-- The `R`-subalgebra of `S`-integers of `K`. -/
def integer : Subalgebra R K :=
(⨅ (v) (_ : v ∉ S), (v : HeightOneSpectrum R).valuation.valuationSubring.toSubring).copy
{x : K | ∀ (v) (_ : v ∉ S), (v : HeightOneSpectrum R).valuation x ≤ 1} <|
Set.ext fun _ => by simp [SetLike.mem_coe, Subring.mem_iInf] with
algebraMap_mem' := fun x v _ => v.valuation_le_one x }
#align set.integer Set.integer

theorem integer_eq :
(S.integer K).toSubring =
⨅ (v) (_ : v ∉ S), (v : HeightOneSpectrum R).valuation.valuationSubring.toSubring :=
SetLike.ext' <| by
-- Porting note: was `simpa only [integer, Subring.copy_eq]`
ext; simp
#align set.integer_eq Set.integer_eq

theorem integer_valuation_le_one (x : S.integer K) {v : HeightOneSpectrum R} (hv : v ∉ S) :
v.valuation (x : K) ≤ 1 := v hv
#align set.integer_valuation_le_one Set.integer_valuation_le_one

/-! ## `S`-units -/

/-- The subgroup of `S`-units of `Kˣ`. -/
def unit : Subgroup Kˣ :=
(⨅ (v) (_ : v ∉ S), (v : HeightOneSpectrum R).valuation.valuationSubring.unitGroup).copy
{x : Kˣ | ∀ (v) (_ : v ∉ S), (v : HeightOneSpectrum R).valuation (x : K) = 1} <|
Set.ext fun _ => by
-- Porting note: was
-- simpa only [SetLike.mem_coe, Subgroup.mem_iInf, Valuation.mem_unitGroup_iff]
simp only [mem_setOf, SetLike.mem_coe, Subgroup.mem_iInf, Valuation.mem_unitGroup_iff]
#align set.unit Set.unit

theorem unit_eq :
S.unit K = ⨅ (v) (_ : v ∉ S), (v : HeightOneSpectrum R).valuation.valuationSubring.unitGroup :=
Subgroup.copy_eq _ _ _
#align set.unit_eq Set.unit_eq

theorem unit_valuation_eq_one (x : S.unit K) {v : HeightOneSpectrum R} (hv : v ∉ S) :
v.valuation ((x : Kˣ) : K) = 1 := v hv
#align set.unit_valuation_eq_one Set.unit_valuation_eq_one

-- Porting note: `apply_inv_coe` fails the simpNF linter
/-- The group of `S`-units is the group of units of the ring of `S`-integers. -/
@[simps apply_val_coe symm_apply_coe]
def unitEquivUnitsInteger : S.unit K ≃* (S.integer K)ˣ where
toFun x :=
⟨⟨((x : Kˣ) : K), fun v hv => ( v hv).le⟩,
⟨((x⁻¹ : Kˣ) : K), fun v hv => (x⁻¹.property v hv).le⟩,
Subtype.ext x.val.val_inv, Subtype.ext x.val.inv_val⟩
invFun x :=
⟨Units.mk0 x fun hx => x.ne_zero ( hx),
fun v hv =>
eq_one_of_one_le_mul_left ( v hv) ( v hv) <| <| by
-- Porting note: was
-- rw [← map_mul]; convert v.valuation.map_one; exact x.val_inv⟩
rw [Units.val_mk0, ← map_mul, x.val_inv, v.valuation.map_one]⟩
left_inv _ := by ext; rfl
right_inv _ := by ext; rfl
map_mul' _ _ := by ext; rfl
#align set.unit_equiv_units_integer Set.unitEquivUnitsInteger


end Set

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