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feat: port Topology.Order.LowerTopology (#2163)
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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urkud and jcommelin committed Feb 11, 2023
1 parent a908df6 commit 4be13d0
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Showing 2 changed files with 291 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -1064,6 +1064,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Order
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Hom.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Lattice
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.LowerTopology
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Priestley
import Mathlib.Topology.Paracompact
import Mathlib.Topology.Partial
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290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Order/LowerTopology.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Christopher Hoskin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Christopher Hoskin
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module topology.order.lower_topology
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 98e83c3d541c77cdb7da20d79611a780ff8e7d90
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Homeomorph
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Lattice
import Mathlib.Order.Hom.CompleteLattice

# Lower topology
This file introduces the lower topology on a preorder as the topology generated by the complements
of the closed intervals to infinity.
## Main statements
- `LowerTopology.t0Space` - the lower topology on a partial order is T₀
- `LowerTopology.isTopologicalBasis` - the complements of the upper closures of finite
subsets form a basis for the lower topology
- `LowerTopology.continuousInf` - the inf map is continuous with respect to the lower topology
## Implementation notes
A type synonym `WithLowerTopology` is introduced and for a preorder `α`, `WithLowerTopology α`
is made an instance of `TopologicalSpace` by the topology generated by the complements of the
closed intervals to infinity.
We define a mixin class `LowerTopology` for the class of types which are both a preorder and a
topology and where the topology is generated by the complements of the closed intervals to infinity.
It is shown that `WithLowerTopology α` is an instance of `LowerTopology`.
## Motivation
The lower topology is used with the `Scott` topology to define the Lawson topology. The restriction
of the lower topology to the spectrum of a complete lattice coincides with the hull-kernel topology.
## References
* [Gierz et al, *A Compendium of Continuous Lattices*][GierzEtAl1980]
## Tags
lower topology, preorder

variable (α β : Type _)

open Set TopologicalSpace

/-- Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the lower topology. -/
def WithLowerTopology := α
#align with_lower_topology WithLowerTopology

variable {α β}

namespace WithLowerTopology

/-- `toLower` is the identity function to the `WithLowerTopology` of a type. -/
def toLower : α ≃ WithLowerTopology α := Equiv.refl _
#align with_lower_topology.to_lower WithLowerTopology.toLower

/-- `ofLower` is the identity function from the `WithLowerTopology` of a type. -/
def ofLower : WithLowerTopology α ≃ α := Equiv.refl _
#align with_lower_topology.of_lower WithLowerTopology.ofLower

theorem to_withLowerTopology_symm_eq : (@toLower α).symm = ofLower :=
#align with_lower_topology.to_with_lower_topology_symm_eq WithLowerTopology.to_withLowerTopology_symm_eq

theorem of_withLowerTopology_symm_eq : (@ofLower α).symm = toLower :=
#align with_lower_topology.of_with_lower_topology_symm_eq WithLowerTopology.of_withLowerTopology_symm_eq

theorem toLower_ofLower (a : WithLowerTopology α) : toLower (ofLower a) = a :=
#align with_lower_topology.to_lower_of_lower WithLowerTopology.toLower_ofLower

theorem ofLower_toLower (a : α) : ofLower (toLower a) = a :=
#align with_lower_topology.of_lower_to_lower WithLowerTopology.ofLower_toLower

-- porting note: removed @[simp] to make linter happy
theorem toLower_inj {a b : α} : toLower a = toLower b ↔ a = b :=
#align with_lower_topology.to_lower_inj WithLowerTopology.toLower_inj

-- porting note: removed @[simp] to make linter happy
theorem ofLower_inj {a b : WithLowerTopology α} : ofLower a = ofLower b ↔ a = b :=
#align with_lower_topology.of_lower_inj WithLowerTopology.ofLower_inj

/-- A recursor for `WithLowerTopology`. Use as `induction x using WithLowerTopology.rec`. -/
protected def rec {β : WithLowerTopology α → Sort _} (h : ∀ a, β (toLower a)) : ∀ a, β a := fun a =>
h (ofLower a)
#align with_lower_topology.rec WithLowerTopology.rec

instance [Nonempty α] : Nonempty (WithLowerTopology α) :=
‹Nonempty α›

instance [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (WithLowerTopology α) :=
‹Inhabited α›

variable [Preorder α]

instance : Preorder (WithLowerTopology α) :=
‹Preorder α›

instance : TopologicalSpace (WithLowerTopology α) :=
generateFrom { s | ∃ a, Ici aᶜ = s }

theorem isOpen_preimage_ofLower (S : Set α) :
IsOpen (WithLowerTopology.ofLower ⁻¹' S) ↔
(generateFrom { s : Set α | ∃ a : α, Ici aᶜ = s }).IsOpen S :=
#align with_lower_topology.is_open_preimage_of_lower WithLowerTopology.isOpen_preimage_ofLower

theorem isOpen_def (T : Set (WithLowerTopology α)) :
IsOpen T ↔
(generateFrom { s : Set α | ∃ a : α, Ici aᶜ = s }).IsOpen (WithLowerTopology.toLower ⁻¹' T) :=
#align with_lower_topology.is_open_def WithLowerTopology.isOpen_def

end WithLowerTopology

The lower topology is the topology generated by the complements of the closed intervals to infinity.
class LowerTopology (α : Type _) [t : TopologicalSpace α] [Preorder α] : Prop where
topology_eq_lowerTopology : t = generateFrom { s | ∃ a, Ici aᶜ = s }
#align lower_topology LowerTopology

instance [Preorder α] : LowerTopology (WithLowerTopology α) :=

namespace LowerTopology

/-- The complements of the upper closures of finite sets are a collection of lower sets
which form a basis for the lower topology. -/
def lowerBasis (α : Type _) [Preorder α] :=
{ s : Set α | ∃ t : Set α, t.Finite ∧ (upperClosure t : Set α)ᶜ = s }
#align lower_topology.lower_basis LowerTopology.lowerBasis

section Preorder

variable (α)
variable [Preorder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [LowerTopology α] {s : Set α}

lemma topology_eq : ‹_› = generateFrom { s | ∃ a : α, (Ici a)ᶜ = s } := topology_eq_lowerTopology

variable {α}

/-- If `α` is equipped with the lower topology, then it is homeomorphic to `WithLowerTopology α`.
def withLowerTopologyHomeomorph : WithLowerTopology α ≃ₜ α :=
WithLowerTopology.ofLower.toHomeomorphOfInducing ⟨by erw [topology_eq α, induced_id]; rfl⟩
#align lower_topology.with_lower_topology_homeomorph LowerTopology.withLowerTopologyHomeomorph

theorem isOpen_iff_generate_Ici_compl : IsOpen s ↔ GenerateOpen { t | ∃ a, Ici aᶜ = t } s := by
rw [topology_eq α]; rfl
#align lower_topology.is_open_iff_generate_Ici_compl LowerTopology.isOpen_iff_generate_Ici_compl

/-- Left-closed right-infinite intervals [a, ∞) are closed in the lower topology. -/
theorem isClosed_Ici (a : α) : IsClosed (Ici a) :=
isOpen_compl_iff.1 <| isOpen_iff_generate_Ici_compl.2 <| GenerateOpen.basic _ ⟨a, rfl⟩
#align lower_topology.is_closed_Ici LowerTopology.isClosed_Ici

/-- The upper closure of a finite set is closed in the lower topology. -/
theorem isClosed_upperClosure (h : s.Finite) : IsClosed (upperClosure s : Set α) := by
simp only [← UpperSet.infᵢ_Ici, UpperSet.coe_infᵢ]
exact isClosed_bunionᵢ h fun a _ => isClosed_Ici a
#align lower_topology.is_closed_upper_closure LowerTopology.isClosed_upperClosure

/-- Every set open in the lower topology is a lower set. -/
theorem isLowerSet_of_isOpen (h : IsOpen s) : IsLowerSet s := by
-- porting note: `rw` leaves a shadowed assumption
replace h := isOpen_iff_generate_Ici_compl.1 h
induction h
case basic u h' => obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := h'; exact (isUpperSet_Ici a).compl
case univ => exact isLowerSet_univ
case inter u v _ _ hu2 hv2 => exact hu2.inter hv2
case unionₛ _ _ ih => exact isLowerSet_unionₛ ih
#align lower_topology.is_lower_set_of_is_open LowerTopology.isLowerSet_of_isOpen

theorem isUpperSet_of_isClosed (h : IsClosed s) : IsUpperSet s :=
isLowerSet_compl.1 <| isLowerSet_of_isOpen h.isOpen_compl
#align lower_topology.is_upper_set_of_is_closed LowerTopology.isUpperSet_of_isClosed

The closure of a singleton `{a}` in the lower topology is the left-closed right-infinite interval
[a, ∞).
theorem closure_singleton (a : α) : closure {a} = Ici a :=
Subset.antisymm ((closure_minimal fun _ h => <| isClosed_Ici a) <|
(isUpperSet_of_isClosed isClosed_closure).Ici_subset <| subset_closure rfl
#align lower_topology.closure_singleton LowerTopology.closure_singleton

protected theorem isTopologicalBasis : IsTopologicalBasis (lowerBasis α) := by
convert isTopologicalBasis_of_subbasis (topology_eq α)
simp_rw [lowerBasis, coe_upperClosure, compl_unionᵢ]
ext s
· rintro ⟨F, hF, rfl⟩
refine' ⟨(fun a => Ici aᶜ) '' F, ⟨hF.image _, image_subset_iff.2 fun _ _ => ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩, _⟩
simp only [interₛ_image]
· rintro ⟨F, ⟨hF, hs⟩, rfl⟩
haveI := hF.to_subtype
rw [subset_def, Subtype.forall'] at hs
choose f hf using hs
exact ⟨_, finite_range f, by simp_rw [binterᵢ_range, hf, interₛ_eq_interᵢ]⟩
#align lower_topology.is_topological_basis LowerTopology.isTopologicalBasis

/-- A function `f : β → α` with lower topology in the codomain is continuous provided that the
preimage of every interval `Set.Ici a` is a closed set.
TODO: upgrade to an `iff`. -/
lemma continuous_of_Ici [TopologicalSpace β] {f : β → α} (h : ∀ a, IsClosed (f ⁻¹' (Ici a))) :
Continuous f := by
obtain rfl := LowerTopology.topology_eq α
refine continuous_generateFrom ?_
rintro _ ⟨a, rfl⟩
exact (h a).isOpen_compl

end Preorder

section PartialOrder

variable [PartialOrder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [LowerTopology α]

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
/-- The lower topology on a partial order is T₀. -/
instance (priority := 90) t0Space : T0Space α :=
(t0Space_iff_inseparable α).2 fun x y h =>
Ici_injective <| by simpa only [inseparable_iff_closure_eq, closure_singleton] using h

end PartialOrder

end LowerTopology

instance [Preorder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [LowerTopology α] [OrderBot α] [Preorder β]
[TopologicalSpace β] [LowerTopology β] [OrderBot β] : LowerTopology (α × β) where
topology_eq_lowerTopology := by
refine' le_antisymm (le_generateFrom _) _
· rintro _ ⟨x, rfl⟩
exact ((LowerTopology.isClosed_Ici _).prod <| LowerTopology.isClosed_Ici _).isOpen_compl
rw [( LowerTopology.isTopologicalBasis).eq_generateFrom,
le_generateFrom_iff_subset_isOpen, image2_subset_iff]
rintro _ ⟨s, hs, rfl⟩ _ ⟨t, ht, rfl⟩
simp_rw [coe_upperClosure, compl_unionᵢ, prod_eq, preimage_interᵢ, preimage_compl]
-- without `let`, `refine` tries to use the product topology and fails
let _ : TopologicalSpace (α × β) := generateFrom { s | ∃ a, Ici aᶜ = s }
refine (isOpen_binterᵢ hs fun a _ => ?_).inter (isOpen_binterᵢ ht fun b _ => ?_)
· exact GenerateOpen.basic _ ⟨(a, ⊥), by simp [Ici_prod_eq, prod_univ]⟩
· exact GenerateOpen.basic _ ⟨(⊥, b), by simp [Ici_prod_eq, univ_prod]⟩

section CompleteLattice

variable [CompleteLattice α] [CompleteLattice β] [TopologicalSpace α] [LowerTopology α]
[TopologicalSpace β] [LowerTopology β]

protected theorem InfₛHom.continuous (f : InfₛHom α β) : Continuous f := by
refine LowerTopology.continuous_of_Ici fun b => ?_
convert LowerTopology.isClosed_Ici (infₛ <| f ⁻¹' Ici b)
refine' Subset.antisymm (fun a => infₛ_le) fun a ha => le_trans _ <|
OrderHomClass.mono (f : α →o β) ha
refine' LE.le.trans _ (map_infₛ f _).ge
#align Inf_hom.continuous InfₛHom.continuous

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance (priority := 90) LowerTopology.continuousInf : ContinuousInf α :=
⟨(infInfₛHom : InfₛHom (α × α) α).continuous⟩
#align lower_topology.to_has_continuous_inf LowerTopology.continuousInf

end CompleteLattice

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