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feat: port Order.Zorn (#1254)
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Co-authored-by: Heather Macbeth <>
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ADedecker and hrmacbeth committed Jan 1, 2023
1 parent 9c30fc2 commit 4e57a79
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Showing 4 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ import Mathlib.Order.SymmDiff
import Mathlib.Order.Synonym
import Mathlib.Order.WellFounded
import Mathlib.Order.WithBot
import Mathlib.Order.Zorn
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Coprime.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.OreLocalization.OreSet
import Mathlib.Tactic.Abel
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/Antichain.lean
Expand Up @@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ variable {ι : Type _} {α : ι → Type _} [∀ i, Preorder (α i)] {s t : Set
{a b c : ∀ i, α i}

-- Porting note: local notation given a name because of
local infixl:50 (name := «OrderAntichainLocal≺») " ≺ " => StrongLT

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/Chain.lean
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ section Chain
variable (r : α → α → Prop)

/-- In this file, we use `≺` as a local notation for any relation `r`. -/
-- Porting note: local notation given a name because of
local infixl:50 (name := «OrderChainLocal≺») " ≺ " => r

/-- A chain is a set `s` satisfying `x ≺ y ∨ x = y ∨ y ≺ x` for all `x y ∈ s`. -/
Expand Down
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/Zorn.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.zorn
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 46a64b5b4268c594af770c44d9e502afc6a515cb
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Order.Chain

# Zorn's lemmas
This file proves several formulations of Zorn's Lemma.
## Variants
The primary statement of Zorn's lemma is `exists_maximal_of_chains_bounded`. Then it is specialized
to particular relations:
* `(≤)` with `zorn_partialOrder`
* `(⊆)` with `zorn_subset`
* `(⊇)` with `zorn_superset`
Lemma names carry modifiers:
* `₀`: Quantifies over a set, as opposed to over a type.
* `_nonempty`: Doesn't ask to prove that the empty chain is bounded and lets you give an element
that will be smaller than the maximal element found (the maximal element is no smaller than any
other element, but it can also be incomparable to some).
## How-to
This file comes across as confusing to those who haven't yet used it, so here is a detailed
1. Know what relation on which type/set you're looking for. See Variants above. You can discharge
some conditions to Zorn's lemma directly using a `_nonempty` variant.
2. Write down the definition of your type/set, put a `suffices : ∃ m, ∀ a, m ≺ a → a ≺ m, { ... },`
(or whatever you actually need) followed by a `apply some_version_of_zorn`.
3. Fill in the details. This is where you start talking about chains.
A typical proof using Zorn could look like this
lemma zorny_lemma : zorny_statement :=
let s : set α := {x | whatever x},
suffices : ∃ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, y ⊆ x → y = x, -- or with another operator
{ exact proof_post_zorn },
apply zorn_subset, -- or another variant
rintro c hcs hc,
obtain rfl | hcnemp := c.eq_empty_or_nonempty, -- you might need to disjunct on c empty or not
{ exact ⟨edge_case_construction,
proof_that_edge_case_construction_contains_all_stuff_in_c⟩ },
exact ⟨construction,
## Notes
Originally ported from Isabelle/HOL. The
[original file]( was written by Jacques D.
Fleuriot, Tobias Nipkow, Christian Sternagel.

open Classical Set

variable {α β : Type _} {r : α → α → Prop} {c : Set α}

/-- Local notation for the relation being considered. -/
-- Porting note: local notation given a name because of
local infixl:50 (name := «OrderZornLocal≺») " ≺ " => r

/-- **Zorn's lemma**
If every chain has an upper bound, then there exists a maximal element. -/
theorem exists_maximal_of_chains_bounded (h : ∀ c, IsChain r c → ∃ ub, ∀ a ∈ c, a ≺ ub)
(trans : ∀ {a b c}, a ≺ b → b ≺ c → a ≺ c) : ∃ m, ∀ a, m ≺ a → a ≺ m :=
have : ∃ ub, ∀ a ∈ maxChain r, a ≺ ub := h _ <| maxChain_spec.left
let ⟨ub, (hub : ∀ a ∈ maxChain r, a ≺ ub)⟩ := this
⟨ub, fun a ha =>
have : IsChain r (insert a <| maxChain r) :=
maxChain_spec.1.insert fun b hb _ => Or.inr <| trans (hub b hb) ha
hub a <| by
rw [maxChain_spec.right this (subset_insert _ _)]
exact mem_insert _ _⟩
#align exists_maximal_of_chains_bounded exists_maximal_of_chains_bounded

/-- A variant of Zorn's lemma. If every nonempty chain of a nonempty type has an upper bound, then
there is a maximal element.
theorem exists_maximal_of_nonempty_chains_bounded [Nonempty α]
(h : ∀ c, IsChain r c → c.Nonempty → ∃ ub, ∀ a ∈ c, a ≺ ub)
(trans : ∀ {a b c}, a ≺ b → b ≺ c → a ≺ c) : ∃ m, ∀ a, m ≺ a → a ≺ m :=
(fun c hc =>
(eq_empty_or_nonempty c).elim
(fun h => ⟨Classical.arbitrary α, fun x hx => (h ▸ hx : x ∈ (∅ : Set α)).elim⟩) (h c hc))
#align exists_maximal_of_nonempty_chains_bounded exists_maximal_of_nonempty_chains_bounded

section Preorder

variable [Preorder α]

theorem zorn_preorder (h : ∀ c : Set α, IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → BddAbove c) :
∃ m : α, ∀ a, m ≤ a → a ≤ m :=
exists_maximal_of_chains_bounded h le_trans
#align zorn_preorder zorn_preorder

theorem zorn_nonempty_preorder [Nonempty α]
(h : ∀ c : Set α, IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → c.Nonempty → BddAbove c) : ∃ m : α, ∀ a, m ≤ a → a ≤ m :=
exists_maximal_of_nonempty_chains_bounded h le_trans
#align zorn_nonempty_preorder zorn_nonempty_preorder

theorem zorn_preorder₀ (s : Set α)
(ih : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ s), IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → ∃ ub ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ c, z ≤ ub) :
∃ m ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ s, m ≤ z → z ≤ m :=
let ⟨⟨m, hms⟩, h⟩ :=
@zorn_preorder s _ fun c hc =>
let ⟨ub, hubs, hub⟩ :=
ih (Subtype.val '' c) (fun _ ⟨⟨_, hx⟩, _, h⟩ => h ▸ hx)
rintro _ ⟨p, hpc, rfl⟩ _ ⟨q, hqc, rfl⟩ hpq
refine' hc hpc hqc fun t => hpq (Subtype.ext_iff.1 t))
⟨⟨ub, hubs⟩, fun ⟨y, hy⟩ hc => hub _ ⟨_, hc, rfl⟩⟩
⟨m, hms, fun z hzs hmz => h ⟨z, hzs⟩ hmz⟩
#align zorn_preorder₀ zorn_preorder₀

theorem zorn_nonempty_preorder₀ (s : Set α)
(ih : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ s), IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → ∀ y ∈ c, ∃ ub ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ c, z ≤ ub) (x : α)
(hxs : x ∈ s) : ∃ m ∈ s, x ≤ m ∧ ∀ z ∈ s, m ≤ z → z ≤ m := by
-- Porting note: the first three lines replace the following two lines in mathlib3.
-- The mathlib3 `rcases` supports holes for proof obligations, this is not yet implemented in 4.
-- rcases zorn_preorder₀ ({ y ∈ s | x ≤ y }) fun c hcs hc => ?_ with ⟨m, ⟨hms, hxm⟩, hm⟩
-- · exact ⟨m, hms, hxm, fun z hzs hmz => hm _ ⟨hzs, hxm.trans hmz⟩ hmz⟩
have H := zorn_preorder₀ ({ y ∈ s | x ≤ y }) fun c hcs hc => ?_
. rcases H with ⟨m, ⟨hms, hxm⟩, hm⟩
exact ⟨m, hms, hxm, fun z hzs hmz => hm _ ⟨hzs, hxm.trans hmz⟩ hmz⟩
· rcases c.eq_empty_or_nonempty with (rfl | ⟨y, hy⟩)
· exact ⟨x, ⟨hxs, le_rfl⟩, fun z => False.elim⟩
· rcases ih c (fun z hz => (hcs hz).1) hc y hy with ⟨z, hzs, hz⟩
exact ⟨z, ⟨hzs, (hcs hy).2.trans <| hz _ hy⟩, hz⟩
#align zorn_nonempty_preorder₀ zorn_nonempty_preorder₀

theorem zorn_nonempty_Ici₀ (a : α)
(ih : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ Ici a), IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → ∀ y ∈ c, ∃ ub, a ≤ ub ∧ ∀ z ∈ c, z ≤ ub)
(x : α) (hax : a ≤ x) : ∃ m, x ≤ m ∧ ∀ z, m ≤ z → z ≤ m :=
let ⟨m, _, hxm, hm⟩ := zorn_nonempty_preorder₀ (Ici a) (by simpa using ih) x hax
⟨m, hxm, fun z hmz => hm _ (hax.trans <| hxm.trans hmz) hmz⟩
#align zorn_nonempty_Ici₀ zorn_nonempty_Ici₀

end Preorder

section PartialOrder

variable [PartialOrder α]

theorem zorn_partialOrder (h : ∀ c : Set α, IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → BddAbove c) :
∃ m : α, ∀ a, m ≤ a → a = m :=
let ⟨m, hm⟩ := zorn_preorder h
⟨m, fun a ha => le_antisymm (hm a ha) ha⟩
#align zorn_partial_order zorn_partialOrder

theorem zorn_nonempty_partialOrder [Nonempty α]
(h : ∀ c : Set α, IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → c.Nonempty → BddAbove c) : ∃ m : α, ∀ a, m ≤ a → a = m :=
let ⟨m, hm⟩ := zorn_nonempty_preorder h
⟨m, fun a ha => le_antisymm (hm a ha) ha⟩
#align zorn_nonempty_partial_order zorn_nonempty_partialOrder

theorem zorn_partialOrder₀ (s : Set α)
(ih : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ s), IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → ∃ ub ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ c, z ≤ ub) :
∃ m ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ s, m ≤ z → z = m :=
let ⟨m, hms, hm⟩ := zorn_preorder₀ s ih
⟨m, hms, fun z hzs hmz => (hm z hzs hmz).antisymm hmz⟩
#align zorn_partial_order₀ zorn_partialOrder₀

theorem zorn_nonempty_partialOrder₀ (s : Set α)
(ih : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ s), IsChain (· ≤ ·) c → ∀ y ∈ c, ∃ ub ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ c, z ≤ ub) (x : α)
(hxs : x ∈ s) : ∃ m ∈ s, x ≤ m ∧ ∀ z ∈ s, m ≤ z → z = m :=
let ⟨m, hms, hxm, hm⟩ := zorn_nonempty_preorder₀ s ih x hxs
⟨m, hms, hxm, fun z hzs hmz => (hm z hzs hmz).antisymm hmz⟩
#align zorn_nonempty_partial_order₀ zorn_nonempty_partialOrder₀

end PartialOrder

theorem zorn_subset (S : Set (Set α))
(h : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ S), IsChain (· ⊆ ·) c → ∃ ub ∈ S, ∀ s ∈ c, s ⊆ ub) :
∃ m ∈ S, ∀ a ∈ S, m ⊆ a → a = m :=
zorn_partialOrder₀ S h
#align zorn_subset zorn_subset

theorem zorn_subset_nonempty (S : Set (Set α))
(H : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ S), IsChain (· ⊆ ·) c → c.Nonempty → ∃ ub ∈ S, ∀ s ∈ c, s ⊆ ub) (x)
(hx : x ∈ S) : ∃ m ∈ S, x ⊆ m ∧ ∀ a ∈ S, m ⊆ a → a = m :=
zorn_nonempty_partialOrder₀ _ (fun _ cS hc y yc => H _ cS hc ⟨y, yc⟩) _ hx
#align zorn_subset_nonempty zorn_subset_nonempty

theorem zorn_superset (S : Set (Set α))
(h : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ S), IsChain (· ⊆ ·) c → ∃ lb ∈ S, ∀ s ∈ c, lb ⊆ s) :
∃ m ∈ S, ∀ a ∈ S, a ⊆ m → a = m :=
(@zorn_partialOrder₀ (Set α)ᵒᵈ _ S) fun c cS hc => h c cS hc.symm
#align zorn_superset zorn_superset

theorem zorn_superset_nonempty (S : Set (Set α))
(H : ∀ (c) (_ : c ⊆ S), IsChain (· ⊆ ·) c → c.Nonempty → ∃ lb ∈ S, ∀ s ∈ c, lb ⊆ s) (x)
(hx : x ∈ S) : ∃ m ∈ S, m ⊆ x ∧ ∀ a ∈ S, a ⊆ m → a = m :=
@zorn_nonempty_partialOrder₀ (Set α)ᵒᵈ _ S (fun _ cS hc y yc => H _ cS hc.symm ⟨y, yc⟩) _ hx
#align zorn_superset_nonempty zorn_superset_nonempty

/-- Every chain is contained in a maximal chain. This generalizes Hausdorff's maximality principle.
theorem IsChain.exists_maxChain (hc : IsChain r c) : ∃ M, @IsMaxChain _ r M ∧ c ⊆ M := by
-- Porting note: the first three lines replace the following two lines in mathlib3.
-- The mathlib3 `obtain` supports holes for proof obligations, this is not yet implemented in 4.
-- obtain ⟨M, ⟨_, hM₀⟩, hM₁, hM₂⟩ :=
-- zorn_subset_nonempty { s | c ⊆ s ∧ IsChain r s } _ c ⟨Subset.rfl, hc⟩
have H := zorn_subset_nonempty { s | c ⊆ s ∧ IsChain r s } ?_ c ⟨Subset.rfl, hc⟩
· obtain ⟨M, ⟨_, hM₀⟩, hM₁, hM₂⟩ := H
exact ⟨M, ⟨hM₀, fun d hd hMd => (hM₂ _ ⟨hM₁.trans hMd, hd⟩ hMd).symm⟩, hM₁⟩
rintro cs hcs₀ hcs₁ ⟨s, hs⟩
⟨⋃₀cs, ⟨fun _ ha => Set.mem_unionₛ_of_mem ((hcs₀ hs).left ha) hs, _⟩, fun _ =>
rintro y ⟨sy, hsy, hysy⟩ z ⟨sz, hsz, hzsz⟩ hyz
obtain rfl | hsseq := eq_or_ne sy sz
· exact (hcs₀ hsy).right hysy hzsz hyz
cases' hcs₁ hsy hsz hsseq with h h
· exact (hcs₀ hsz).right (h hysy) hzsz hyz
· exact (hcs₀ hsy).right hysy (h hzsz) hyz
#align is_chain.exists_max_chain IsChain.exists_maxChain

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