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chore(*Deriv*): golf (#8899)
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Assorted golf I did while working on a refactor. Submitting as a separate PR.

- Move `not_differentiableAt_abs_zero` to `Calculus.Deriv.Add`, golf.
- Rename `HasFDerivWithinAt_of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot` to `HasFDerivWithinAt.of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot`, golf.
- Protect `Filter.EventuallyEq.rfl`.
- Golf here and there.
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urkud committed Dec 9, 2023
1 parent 8fe6d2d commit 5ef74df
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Showing 7 changed files with 34 additions and 74 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Calculus/Deriv/Add.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,6 +282,16 @@ theorem differentiableOn_neg : DifferentiableOn 𝕜 (Neg.neg : 𝕜 → 𝕜) s
DifferentiableOn.neg differentiableOn_id
#align differentiable_on_neg differentiableOn_neg

theorem not_differentiableAt_abs_zero : ¬ DifferentiableAt ℝ (abs : ℝ → ℝ) 0 := by
intro h
have h₁ : deriv abs (0 : ℝ) = 1 :=
(uniqueDiffOn_Ici _ _ Set.left_mem_Ici).eq_deriv _ h.hasDerivAt.hasDerivWithinAt <|
(hasDerivWithinAt_id _ _).congr_of_mem (fun _ h ↦ abs_of_nonneg h) Set.left_mem_Ici
have h₂ : deriv abs (0 : ℝ) = -1 :=
(uniqueDiffOn_Iic _ _ Set.right_mem_Iic).eq_deriv _ h.hasDerivAt.hasDerivWithinAt <|
(hasDerivWithinAt_neg _ _).congr_of_mem (fun _ h ↦ abs_of_nonpos h) Set.right_mem_Iic

end Neg2

section Sub
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43 changes: 15 additions & 28 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Calculus/FDeriv/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -528,32 +528,24 @@ theorem DifferentiableWithinAt.differentiableAt (h : DifferentiableWithinAt 𝕜

/-- If `x` is isolated in `s`, then `f` has any derivative at `x` within `s`,
as this statement is empty. -/
theorem HasFDerivWithinAt_of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot (h : 𝓝[s\{x}] x = ⊥) :
theorem HasFDerivWithinAt.of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot (h : 𝓝[s\{x}] x = ⊥) :
HasFDerivWithinAt f f' s x := by
by_cases hx : x ∈ s
· have : s = s\{x} ∪ {x} := by simpa using (insert_eq_self.2 hx).symm
have A : 𝓝[s] x = 𝓝[s\{x}] x ⊔ 𝓟 {x} := by
conv_lhs => rw [this]
simp only [union_singleton, nhdsWithin_insert, sup_comm, principal_singleton]
simp [HasFDerivWithinAt, HasFDerivAtFilter, A, h]
· rw [diff_singleton_eq_self hx] at h
simp [HasFDerivWithinAt, HasFDerivAtFilter, h]
rw [← hasFDerivWithinAt_diff_singleton x, HasFDerivWithinAt, h]
apply isLittleO_bot

/-- If `x` is not in the closure of `s`, then `f` has any derivative at `x` within `s`,
as this statement is empty. -/
theorem hasFDerivWithinAt_of_nmem_closure (h : x ∉ closure s) : HasFDerivWithinAt f f' s x := by
simp only [mem_closure_iff_nhdsWithin_neBot, neBot_iff, Ne.def, Classical.not_not] at h
simp [HasFDerivWithinAt, HasFDerivAtFilter, h, IsLittleO, IsBigOWith]
theorem hasFDerivWithinAt_of_nmem_closure (h : x ∉ closure s) : HasFDerivWithinAt f f' s x :=
.of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot <| eq_bot_mono (nhdsWithin_mono _ (diff_subset _ _)) <| by
rwa [mem_closure_iff_nhdsWithin_neBot, not_neBot] at h
#align has_fderiv_within_at_of_not_mem_closure hasFDerivWithinAt_of_nmem_closure

theorem DifferentiableWithinAt.hasFDerivWithinAt (h : DifferentiableWithinAt 𝕜 f s x) :
HasFDerivWithinAt f (fderivWithin 𝕜 f s x) s x := by
by_cases H : 𝓝[s \ {x}] x = ⊥
· exact HasFDerivWithinAt_of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot H
· simp only [fderivWithin]
rw [if_neg H]
dsimp only [DifferentiableWithinAt] at h
rw [dif_pos h]
· exact .of_nhdsWithin_eq_bot H
· unfold DifferentiableWithinAt at h
rw [fderivWithin, if_neg H, dif_pos h]
exact Classical.choose_spec h
#align differentiable_within_at.has_fderiv_within_at DifferentiableWithinAt.hasFDerivWithinAt

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -705,15 +697,11 @@ theorem fderivWithin_inter (ht : t ∈ 𝓝 x) : fderivWithin 𝕜 f (s ∩ t) x
theorem fderivWithin_univ : fderivWithin 𝕜 f univ = fderiv 𝕜 f := by
ext1 x
by_cases H : 𝓝[univ \ {x}] x = ⊥
· have : Subsingleton E := by
apply not_nontrivial_iff_subsingleton.1
contrapose! H
have : (𝓝[{x}ᶜ] x).NeBot := Module.punctured_nhds_neBot 𝕜 E x
rw [compl_eq_univ_diff] at this
exact this
exact Subsingleton.elim _ _
· simp [fderivWithin, fderiv, H]
nontriviality E
have H : 𝓝[univ \ {x}] x ≠ ⊥
· rw [← compl_eq_univ_diff, ← neBot_iff]
exact Module.punctured_nhds_neBot 𝕜 E x
simp [fderivWithin, fderiv, H]
#align fderiv_within_univ fderivWithin_univ

theorem fderivWithin_of_mem_nhds (h : s ∈ 𝓝 x) : fderivWithin 𝕜 f s x = fderiv 𝕜 f x := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -905,7 +893,7 @@ theorem fderivWithin_eventually_congr_set (h : s =ᶠ[𝓝 x] t) :

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.hasStrictFDerivAt_iff (h : f₀ =ᶠ[𝓝 x] f₁) (h' : ∀ y, f₀' y = f₁' y) :
HasStrictFDerivAt f₀ f₀' x ↔ HasStrictFDerivAt f₁ f₁' x := by
refine' isLittleO_congr ((h.prod_mk_nhds h).mono _) (eventually_of_forall fun _ => _root_.rfl)
refine' isLittleO_congr ((h.prod_mk_nhds h).mono _) .rfl
rintro p ⟨hp₁, hp₂⟩
simp only [*]
#align filter.eventually_eq.has_strict_fderiv_at_iff Filter.EventuallyEq.hasStrictFDerivAt_iff
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1148,7 +1136,6 @@ section Const

/-! ### Derivative of a constant function -/

theorem hasStrictFDerivAt_const (c : F) (x : E) :
HasStrictFDerivAt (fun _ => c) (0 : E →L[𝕜] F) x :=
(isLittleO_zero _ _).congr_left fun _ => by simp only [zero_apply, sub_self]
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Calculus/FDeriv/Equiv.lean
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Expand Up @@ -395,10 +395,8 @@ theorem HasFDerivAt.of_local_left_inverse {f : E → F} {f' : E ≃L[𝕜] F} {g
refine' this.trans_isLittleO _
clear this
((hf.comp_tendsto hg).symm.congr' (hfg.mono _) (eventually_of_forall fun _ => rfl)).trans_isBigO
· rintro p hp
refine ((hf.comp_tendsto hg).symm.congr' (hfg.mono ?_) .rfl).trans_isBigO ?_
· intro p hp
simp [hp, hfg.self_of_nhds]
· refine' ((hf.isBigO_sub_rev f'.antilipschitz).comp_tendsto hg).congr'
(eventually_of_forall fun _ => rfl) (hfg.mono _)
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18 changes: 3 additions & 15 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Calculus/FDeriv/Measurable.lean
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Expand Up @@ -115,9 +115,7 @@ namespace FDerivMeasurableAux
at scale `r` by the linear map `L`, up to an error `ε`. We tweak the definition to make sure that
this is an open set.-/
def A (f : E → F) (L : E →L[𝕜] F) (r ε : ℝ) : Set E :=
{ x |
∃ r' ∈ Ioc (r / 2) r,
∀ (y) (_ : y ∈ ball x r') (z) (_ : z ∈ ball x r'), ‖f z - f y - L (z - y)‖ < ε * r }
{ x | ∃ r' ∈ Ioc (r / 2) r, ∀ y ∈ ball x r', ∀ z ∈ ball x r', ‖f z - f y - L (z - y)‖ < ε * r }
#align fderiv_measurable_aux.A FDerivMeasurableAux.A

/-- The set `B f K r s ε` is the set of points `x` around which there exists a continuous linear map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,12 +384,7 @@ theorem measurableSet_of_differentiableAt_of_isComplete {K : Set (E →L[𝕜] F
-- simp [differentiable_set_eq_D K hK, D, isOpen_B.measurableSet, MeasurableSet.iInter,
-- MeasurableSet.iUnion]
simp only [D, differentiable_set_eq_D K hK]
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iUnion fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
repeat apply_rules [MeasurableSet.iUnion, MeasurableSet.iInter] <;> intro
exact isOpen_B.measurableSet
#align measurable_set_of_differentiable_at_of_is_complete measurableSet_of_differentiableAt_of_isComplete

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,12 +746,7 @@ theorem measurableSet_of_differentiableWithinAt_Ici_of_isComplete {K : Set F} (h
-- simp [differentiable_set_eq_d K hK, D, measurableSet_b, MeasurableSet.iInter,
-- MeasurableSet.iUnion]
simp only [differentiable_set_eq_D K hK, D]
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iUnion fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
refine MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ => ?_
repeat apply_rules [MeasurableSet.iUnion, MeasurableSet.iInter] <;> intro
exact measurableSet_B
#align measurable_set_of_differentiable_within_at_Ici_of_is_complete measurableSet_of_differentiableWithinAt_Ici_of_isComplete

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22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/InnerProductSpace/Calculus.lean
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Expand Up @@ -252,28 +252,6 @@ theorem DifferentiableAt.norm (hf : DifferentiableAt ℝ f x) (h0 : f x ≠ 0) :
((contDiffAt_norm 𝕜 h0).differentiableAt le_rfl).comp x hf
#align differentiable_at.norm DifferentiableAt.norm

theorem not_differentiableAt_abs_zero : ¬ DifferentiableAt ℝ (abs : ℝ → ℝ) 0 := by
rw [DifferentiableAt]
intro f
simp only [HasFDerivAt, HasFDerivAtFilter, abs_zero, sub_zero,
Asymptotics.isLittleO_iff, norm_eq_abs, not_forall, not_eventually, not_le, exists_prop]
use (1 / 2), by norm_num
rw [Filter.HasBasis.frequently_iff Metric.nhds_basis_ball]
intro δ hδ
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ : ∃ x ∈ Metric.ball 0 δ, x ≠ 0 ∧ f x ≤ 0 := by
by_cases h : f (δ / 2) ≤ 0
· use (δ / 2)
simp [h, abs_of_nonneg hδ.le, hδ, hδ.ne']
· use -(δ / 2)
push_neg at h
simp [h.le, abs_of_nonneg hδ.le, hδ, hδ.ne']
use x, hx.left
rw [lt_abs]
linarith [abs_pos.mpr hx.right.left]

theorem DifferentiableAt.dist (hf : DifferentiableAt ℝ f x) (hg : DifferentiableAt ℝ g x)
(hne : f x ≠ g x) : DifferentiableAt ℝ (fun y => dist (f y) (g y)) x := by
simp only [dist_eq_norm]; exact (hf.sub hg).norm 𝕜 (sub_ne_zero.2 hne)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Order/Filter/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ theorem EventuallyEq.refl (l : Filter α) (f : α → β) : f =ᶠ[l] f :=
eventually_of_forall fun _ => rfl
#align filter.eventually_eq.refl Filter.EventuallyEq.refl

theorem EventuallyEq.rfl {l : Filter α} {f : α → β} : f =ᶠ[l] f :=
protected theorem EventuallyEq.rfl {l : Filter α} {f : α → β} : f =ᶠ[l] f :=
EventuallyEq.refl l f
#align filter.eventually_eq.rfl Filter.EventuallyEq.rfl

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7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousOn.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1157,10 +1157,9 @@ theorem OpenEmbedding.map_nhdsWithin_preimage_eq {f : α → β} (hf : OpenEmbed
rw [inter_assoc, inter_self]
#align open_embedding.map_nhds_within_preimage_eq OpenEmbedding.map_nhdsWithin_preimage_eq

theorem continuousWithinAt_of_not_mem_closure {f : α → β} {s : Set α} {x : α} :
x ∉ closure s → ContinuousWithinAt f s x := by
intro hx
rw [mem_closure_iff_nhdsWithin_neBot, neBot_iff, not_not] at hx
theorem continuousWithinAt_of_not_mem_closure {f : α → β} {s : Set α} {x : α} (hx : x ∉ closure s) :
ContinuousWithinAt f s x := by
rw [mem_closure_iff_nhdsWithin_neBot, not_neBot] at hx
rw [ContinuousWithinAt, hx]
exact tendsto_bot
#align continuous_within_at_of_not_mem_closure continuousWithinAt_of_not_mem_closure
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