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feat(Algebra/Homology): the total complex of a bicomplex (#9331)
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joelriou committed Feb 13, 2024
1 parent 5eadc41 commit 6933474
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Showing 3 changed files with 252 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.ShortExact
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.SnakeLemma
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Single
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.SingleHomology
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.TotalComplex
import Mathlib.Algebra.Invertible.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Invertible.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.Invertible.GroupWithZero
Expand Down
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/TotalComplex.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Linear.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ComplexShapeSigns
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomologicalBicomplex

# The total complex of a bicomplex
Given a preadditive category `C`, two complex shapes `c₁ : ComplexShape I₁`,
`c₂ : ComplexShape I₂`, a bicomplex `K : HomologicalComplex₂ C c₁ c₂`,
and a third complex shape `c₁₂ : ComplexShape I₁₂` equipped
with `[TotalComplexShape c₁ c₂ c₁₂]`, we construct the total complex
` c₁₂ : HomologicalComplex C c₁₂`.
In particular, if `c := ComplexShape.up ℤ` and `K : HomologicalComplex₂ c c`, then for any
`n : ℤ`, `( c).X n` identifies to the coproduct of the `(K.X p).X q` such that
`p + q = n`, and the differential on `( c).X n` is induced by the sum of horizontal
differentials `(K.X p).X q ⟶ (K.X (p + 1)).X q` and `(-1) ^ p` times the vertical
differentials `(K.X p).X q ⟶ (K.X p).X (q + 1)`.

open CategoryTheory Category Limits Preadditive

namespace HomologicalComplex₂

variable {C : Type*} [Category C] [Preadditive C]
{I₁ I₂ I₁₂ : Type*} {c₁ : ComplexShape I₁} {c₂ : ComplexShape I₂}
(K : HomologicalComplex₂ C c₁ c₂)
(c₁₂ : ComplexShape I₁₂) [DecidableEq I₁₂]
[TotalComplexShape c₁ c₂ c₁₂]

/-- A bicomplex has a total bicomplex if for any `i₁₂ : I₁₂`, the coproduct
of the objects `(K.X i₁).X i₂` such that `ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ = i₁₂` exists. -/
abbrev HasTotal := K.toGradedObject.HasMap (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂)

variable [K.HasTotal c₁₂]


variable (i₁ : I₁) (i₂ : I₂) (i₁₂ : I₁₂)

/-- The horizontal differential in the total complex on a given summand. -/
noncomputable def d₁ :
(K.X i₁).X i₂ ⟶ (K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂)) i₁₂ :=
ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ • ((K.d i₁ (c₁.next i₁)).f i₂ ≫
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨_, i₂⟩ i₁₂)

/-- The vertical differential in the total complex on a given summand. -/
noncomputable def d₂ :
(K.X i₁).X i₂ ⟶ (K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂)) i₁₂ :=
ComplexShape.ε₂ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ • ((K.X i₁).d i₂ (c₂.next i₂) ≫
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨i₁, _⟩ i₁₂)

lemma d₁_eq_zero (h : ¬ c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)) :
K.d₁ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = 0 := by
dsimp [d₁]
rw [K.shape_f _ _ h, zero_comp, smul_zero]

lemma d₂_eq_zero (h : ¬ c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)) :
K.d₂ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = 0 := by
dsimp [d₂]
rw [HomologicalComplex.shape _ _ _ h, zero_comp, smul_zero]


lemma d₁_eq' {i₁ i₁' : I₁} (h : c₁.Rel i₁ i₁') (i₂ : I₂) (i₁₂ : I₁₂) :
K.d₁ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ • ((K.d i₁ i₁').f i₂ ≫
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨i₁', i₂⟩ i₁₂) := by
obtain rfl := c₁.next_eq' h

lemma d₁_eq_zero' {i₁ i₁' : I₁} (h : c₁.Rel i₁ i₁') (i₂ : I₂) (i₁₂ : I₁₂)
(h' : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁', i₂⟩ ≠ i₁₂) :
K.d₁ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = 0 := by
rw [K.d₁_eq' c₁₂ h i₂ i₁₂, K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero_eq_zero, comp_zero, smul_zero]
exact h'

lemma d₁_eq {i₁ i₁' : I₁} (h : c₁.Rel i₁ i₁') (i₂ : I₂) (i₁₂ : I₁₂)
(h' : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁', i₂⟩ = i₁₂) :
K.d₁ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ • ((K.d i₁ i₁').f i₂ ≫
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨i₁', i₂⟩ i₁₂ h') := by
rw [K.d₁_eq' c₁₂ h i₂ i₁₂, K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero_eq]

lemma d₂_eq' (i₁ : I₁) {i₂ i₂' : I₂} (h : c₂.Rel i₂ i₂') (i₁₂ : I₁₂) :
K.d₂ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = ComplexShape.ε₂ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ • ((K.X i₁).d i₂ i₂' ≫
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨i₁, i₂'⟩ i₁₂) := by
obtain rfl := c₂.next_eq' h

lemma d₂_eq_zero' (i₁ : I₁) {i₂ i₂' : I₂} (h : c₂.Rel i₂ i₂') (i₁₂ : I₁₂)
(h' : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂'⟩ ≠ i₁₂) :
K.d₂ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = 0 := by
rw [K.d₂_eq' c₁₂ i₁ h i₁₂, K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero_eq_zero, comp_zero, smul_zero]
exact h'

lemma d₂_eq (i₁ : I₁) {i₂ i₂' : I₂} (h : c₂.Rel i₂ i₂') (i₁₂ : I₁₂)
(h' : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂'⟩ = i₁₂) :
K.d₂ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂ = ComplexShape.ε₂ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ • ((K.X i₁).d i₂ i₂' ≫
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨i₁, i₂'⟩ i₁₂ h') := by
rw [K.d₂_eq' c₁₂ i₁ h i₁₂, K.toGradedObject.ιMapObjOrZero_eq]

/-- The horizontal differential in the total complex. -/
noncomputable def D₁ (i₁₂ i₁₂' : I₁₂) :
K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) i₁₂ ⟶
K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) i₁₂' :=
GradedObject.descMapObj _ (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂)
(fun ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ _ => K.d₁ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂')

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma ι_D₁ (i₁₂ i₁₂' : I₁₂) (i : I₁ × I₂) (h : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ i = i₁₂) :
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) i i₁₂ h ≫ K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' =
K.d₁ c₁₂ i.1 i.2 i₁₂' := by
simp [D₁]

/-- The vertical differential in the total complex. -/
noncomputable def D₂ (i₁₂ i₁₂' : I₁₂) :
K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) i₁₂ ⟶
K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) i₁₂' :=
GradedObject.descMapObj _ (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂)
(fun ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ _ => K.d₂ c₁₂ i₁ i₂ i₁₂')

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma ι_D₂ (i₁₂ i₁₂' : I₁₂) (i : I₁ × I₂) (h : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ i = i₁₂) :
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) i i₁₂ h ≫ K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' =
K.d₂ c₁₂ i.1 i.2 i₁₂' := by
simp [D₂]

lemma D₁_shape (i₁₂ i₁₂' : I₁₂) (h₁₂ : ¬ c₁₂.Rel i₁₂ i₁₂') : K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' = 0 := by
ext ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ h
simp only [ι_D₁, comp_zero]
by_cases h₁ : c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)
· rw [K.d₁_eq_zero' c₁₂ h₁ i₂ i₁₂']
intro h₂
exact h₁₂ (by simpa only [← h, ← h₂] using ComplexShape.rel_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₁ i₂)
· exact d₁_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ h₁

lemma D₂_shape (i₁₂ i₁₂' : I₁₂) (h₁₂ : ¬ c₁₂.Rel i₁₂ i₁₂') : K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' = 0 := by
ext ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ h
simp only [ι_D₂, comp_zero]
by_cases h₂ : c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)
· rw [K.d₂_eq_zero' c₁₂ i₁ h₂ i₁₂']
intro h₁
exact h₁₂ (by simpa only [← h, ← h₁] using ComplexShape.rel_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₂)
· exact d₂_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ h₂

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma D₁_D₁ (i₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' : I₁₂) : K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' ≫ K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' = 0 := by
by_cases h₁ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂ i₁₂'
· by_cases h₂ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂' i₁₂''
· ext ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ h
simp only [ι_D₁_assoc, comp_zero]
by_cases h₃ : c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)
· rw [K.d₁_eq c₁₂ h₃ i₂ i₁₂']; swap
· rw [← ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₃ i₂, ← c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, h]
simp only [Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, ι_D₁]
by_cases h₄ : c₁.Rel (c₁.next i₁) (c₁.next (c₁.next i₁))
· rw [K.d₁_eq c₁₂ h₄ i₂ i₁₂'', Linear.comp_units_smul,
d_f_comp_d_f_assoc, zero_comp, smul_zero, smul_zero]
rw [← ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₄, ← ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₃,
h, c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, c₁₂.next_eq' h₂]
· rw [K.d₁_eq_zero _ _ _ _ h₄, comp_zero, smul_zero]
· rw [K.d₁_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₃, zero_comp]
· rw [K.D₁_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₂, comp_zero]
· rw [K.D₁_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₁, zero_comp]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma D₂_D₂ (i₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' : I₁₂) : K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' ≫ K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' = 0 := by
by_cases h₁ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂ i₁₂'
· by_cases h₂ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂' i₁₂''
· ext ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ h
simp only [ι_D₂_assoc, comp_zero]
by_cases h₃ : c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)
· rw [K.d₂_eq c₁₂ i₁ h₃ i₁₂']; swap
· rw [← ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₃, ← c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, h]
simp only [Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, ι_D₂]
by_cases h₄ : c₂.Rel (c₂.next i₂) (c₂.next (c₂.next i₂))
· rw [K.d₂_eq c₁₂ i₁ h₄ i₁₂'', Linear.comp_units_smul,
HomologicalComplex.d_comp_d_assoc, zero_comp, smul_zero, smul_zero]
rw [← ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₄, ← ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₃,
h, c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, c₁₂.next_eq' h₂]
· rw [K.d₂_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₄, comp_zero, smul_zero]
· rw [K.d₂_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₃, zero_comp]
· rw [K.D₂_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₂, comp_zero]
· rw [K.D₂_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₁, zero_comp]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma D₂_D₁ (i₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' : I₁₂) :
K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' ≫ K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' = - K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' ≫ K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' := by
by_cases h₁ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂ i₁₂'
· by_cases h₂ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂' i₁₂''
· ext ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ h
simp only [ι_D₂_assoc, comp_neg, ι_D₁_assoc]
by_cases h₃ : c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)
· rw [K.d₁_eq c₁₂ h₃ i₂ i₁₂']; swap
· rw [← ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₃ i₂, ← c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, h]
simp only [Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, ι_D₂]
by_cases h₄ : c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)
· have h₅ : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, c₂.next i₂) = i₁₂' := by
rw [← c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, ← h, ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₄]
have h₆ : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ (c₁.next i₁, c₂.next i₂) = i₁₂'' := by
rw [← c₁₂.next_eq' h₂, ← ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₃, h₅]
simp only [K.d₂_eq c₁₂ _ h₄ _ h₅, K.d₂_eq c₁₂ _ h₄ _ h₆,
Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, ι_D₁, Linear.comp_units_smul,
K.d₁_eq c₁₂ h₃ _ _ h₆, HomologicalComplex.Hom.comm_assoc, smul_smul,
ComplexShape.ε₂_ε₁ c₁₂ h₃ h₄, neg_mul, Units.neg_smul]
· simp only [K.d₂_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₄, zero_comp, comp_zero, smul_zero, neg_zero]
· rw [K.d₁_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₃, zero_comp, neg_zero]
· by_cases h₄ : c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)
· rw [K.d₂_eq c₁₂ i₁ h₄ i₁₂']; swap
· rw [← ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₄, ← c₁₂.next_eq' h₁, h]
simp only [Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, ι_D₁]
rw [K.d₁_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₃, comp_zero, smul_zero]
· rw [K.d₂_eq_zero c₁₂ _ _ _ h₄, zero_comp]
· rw [K.D₁_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₂, K.D₂_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₂, comp_zero, comp_zero, neg_zero]
· rw [K.D₁_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₁, K.D₂_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₁, zero_comp, zero_comp, neg_zero]

lemma D₁_D₂ (i₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' : I₁₂) :
K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' ≫ K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' = - K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' ≫ K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂' i₁₂'' := by simp

/-- The total complex of a bicomplex. -/
noncomputable def total : HomologicalComplex C c₁₂ where
X := K.toGradedObject.mapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂)
d i₁₂ i₁₂' := K.D₁ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂' + K.D₂ c₁₂ i₁₂ i₁₂'
shape i₁₂ i₁₂' h₁₂ := by
rw [K.D₁_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₁₂, K.D₂_shape c₁₂ _ _ h₁₂, zero_add]

end HomologicalComplex₂
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/GradedObject.lean
Expand Up @@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ lemma hasMap_comp [X.HasMap p] [(X.mapObj p).HasMap q] : X.HasMap r :=


section HasZeroMorphisms

end HasZeroMorphisms

variable [HasZeroMorphisms C] [DecidableEq J] (i : I) (j : J)

/-- The canonical inclusion `X i ⟶ X.mapObj p j` when `p i = j`, the zero morphism otherwise. -/
noncomputable def ιMapObjOrZero : X i ⟶ X.mapObj p j :=
if h : p i = j
then X.ιMapObj p i j h
else 0

lemma ιMapObjOrZero_eq (h : p i = j) : X.ιMapObjOrZero p i j = X.ιMapObj p i j h := dif_pos h

lemma ιMapObjOrZero_eq_zero (h : p i ≠ j) : X.ιMapObjOrZero p i j = 0 := dif_neg h

end GradedObject

end CategoryTheory

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