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feat: port CategoryTheory.Closed.Functor (#4922)
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Co-authored-by: int-y1 <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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3 people authored and kim-em committed Jun 25, 2023
1 parent cf02c71 commit 69602ac
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -794,6 +794,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.RelCat
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.TwoP
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.ULift
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Cartesian
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Functor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Monoidal
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Types
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187 changes: 187 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Closed/Functor.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.closed.functor
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit cea27692b3fdeb328a2ddba6aabf181754543184
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Cartesian
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Shapes.BinaryProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.FullyFaithful

# Cartesian closed functors
Define the exponential comparison morphisms for a functor which preserves binary products, and use
them to define a cartesian closed functor: one which (naturally) preserves exponentials.
Define the Frobenius morphism, and show it is an isomorphism iff the exponential comparison is an
Some of the results here are true more generally for closed objects and for closed monoidal
categories, and these could be generalised.
## References
## Tags
Frobenius reciprocity, cartesian closed functor

noncomputable section

namespace CategoryTheory

open Category Limits CartesianClosed

universe v u u'

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

variable {D : Type u'} [Category.{v} D]

variable [HasFiniteProducts C] [HasFiniteProducts D]

variable (F : C ⥤ D) {L : D ⥤ C}

/-- The Frobenius morphism for an adjunction `L ⊣ F` at `A` is given by the morphism
L(FA ⨯ B) ⟶ LFA ⨯ LB ⟶ A ⨯ LB
natural in `B`, where the first morphism is the product comparison and the latter uses the counit
of the adjunction.
We will show that if `C` and `D` are cartesian closed, then this morphism is an isomorphism for all
`A` iff `F` is a cartesian closed functor, i.e. it preserves exponentials.
def frobeniusMorphism (h : L ⊣ F) (A : C) :
prod.functor.obj (F.obj A) ⋙ L ⟶ L ⋙ prod.functor.obj A :=
prodComparisonNatTrans L (F.obj A) ≫ whiskerLeft _ ( ( _))
#align category_theory.frobenius_morphism CategoryTheory.frobeniusMorphism

/-- If `F` is full and faithful and has a left adjoint `L` which preserves binary products, then the
Frobenius morphism is an isomorphism.
instance frobeniusMorphism_iso_of_preserves_binary_products (h : L ⊣ F) (A : C)
[PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete WalkingPair) L] [Full F] [Faithful F] :
IsIso (frobeniusMorphism F h A) :=
suffices ∀ (X : D), IsIso ((frobeniusMorphism F h A).app X) from NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app _
fun B ↦ by dsimp [frobeniusMorphism]; infer_instance
#align category_theory.frobenius_morphism_iso_of_preserves_binary_products CategoryTheory.frobeniusMorphism_iso_of_preserves_binary_products

variable [CartesianClosed C] [CartesianClosed D]

variable [PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete WalkingPair) F]

/-- The exponential comparison map.
`F` is a cartesian closed functor if this is an iso for all `A`.
def expComparison (A : C) : exp A ⋙ F ⟶ F ⋙ exp (F.obj A) :=
transferNatTrans (exp.adjunction A) (exp.adjunction (F.obj A)) (prodComparisonNatIso F A).inv
#align category_theory.exp_comparison CategoryTheory.expComparison

theorem expComparison_ev (A B : C) : (𝟙 (F.obj A)) ((expComparison F A).app B) ≫ (exp.ev (F.obj A)).app (F.obj B) =
inv (prodComparison F _ _) ≫ ((exp.ev _).app _) := by
convert transferNatTrans_counit _ _ (prodComparisonNatIso F A).inv B using 2
apply IsIso.inv_eq_of_hom_inv_id -- Porting note: was `ext`
simp only [Limits.prodComparisonNatIso_inv, asIso_inv, NatIso.isIso_inv_app, IsIso.hom_inv_id]
#align category_theory.exp_comparison_ev CategoryTheory.expComparison_ev

theorem coev_expComparison (A B : C) : ((exp.coev A).app B) ≫ (expComparison F A).app (A ⨯ B) =
(exp.coev _).app (F.obj B) ≫ (exp (F.obj A)).map (inv (prodComparison F A B)) := by
convert unit_transferNatTrans _ _ (prodComparisonNatIso F A).inv B using 3
apply IsIso.inv_eq_of_hom_inv_id -- Porting note: was `ext`
#align category_theory.coev_exp_comparison CategoryTheory.coev_expComparison

theorem uncurry_expComparison (A B : C) :
CartesianClosed.uncurry ((expComparison F A).app B) =
inv (prodComparison F _ _) ≫ ((exp.ev _).app _) :=
by rw [uncurry_eq, expComparison_ev]
#align category_theory.uncurry_exp_comparison CategoryTheory.uncurry_expComparison

/-- The exponential comparison map is natural in `A`. -/
theorem expComparison_whiskerLeft {A A' : C} (f : A' ⟶ A) :
expComparison F A ≫ whiskerLeft _ (pre ( f)) =
whiskerRight (pre f) _ ≫ expComparison F A' := by
ext B
apply uncurry_injective
rw [uncurry_natural_left, uncurry_natural_left, uncurry_expComparison, uncurry_pre,
prod.map_swap_assoc, ← F.map_id, expComparison_ev, ← F.map_id, ←
prodComparison_inv_natural_assoc, ← prodComparison_inv_natural_assoc, ← F.map_comp, ←
F.map_comp, prod_map_pre_app_comp_ev]
#align category_theory.exp_comparison_whisker_left CategoryTheory.expComparison_whiskerLeft

/-- The functor `F` is cartesian closed (ie preserves exponentials) if each natural transformation
`exp_comparison F A` is an isomorphism
class CartesianClosedFunctor where
comparison_iso : ∀ A, IsIso (expComparison F A)
#align category_theory.cartesian_closed_functor CategoryTheory.CartesianClosedFunctor

attribute [instance] CartesianClosedFunctor.comparison_iso

theorem frobeniusMorphism_mate (h : L ⊣ F) (A : C) :
transferNatTransSelf (h.comp (exp.adjunction A)) ((exp.adjunction (F.obj A)).comp h)
(frobeniusMorphism F h A) =
expComparison F A := by
rw [← Equiv.eq_symm_apply]
ext B : 2
dsimp [frobeniusMorphism, transferNatTransSelf, transferNatTrans, Adjunction.comp]
simp only [id_comp, comp_id]
rw [← L.map_comp_assoc, prod.map_id_comp, assoc]
-- Porting note: need to use `erw` here.
erw [expComparison_ev]
rw [prod.map_id_comp, assoc, ← F.map_id, ← prodComparison_inv_natural_assoc, ← F.map_comp]
-- Porting note: need to use `erw` here.
erw [exp.ev_coev]
rw [F.map_id (A ⨯ L.obj B), comp_id]
apply prod.hom_ext
· rw [assoc, assoc, ← h.counit_naturality, ← L.map_comp_assoc, assoc, inv_prodComparison_map_fst]
· rw [assoc, assoc, ← h.counit_naturality, ← L.map_comp_assoc, assoc, inv_prodComparison_map_snd]
#align category_theory.frobenius_morphism_mate CategoryTheory.frobeniusMorphism_mate

If the exponential comparison transformation (at `A`) is an isomorphism, then the Frobenius morphism
at `A` is an isomorphism.
theorem frobeniusMorphism_iso_of_expComparison_iso (h : L ⊣ F) (A : C)
[i : IsIso (expComparison F A)] : IsIso (frobeniusMorphism F h A) := by
rw [← frobeniusMorphism_mate F h] at i
exact @transferNatTransSelf_of_iso _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i
#align category_theory.frobenius_morphism_iso_of_exp_comparison_iso CategoryTheory.frobeniusMorphism_iso_of_expComparison_iso

If the Frobenius morphism at `A` is an isomorphism, then the exponential comparison transformation
(at `A`) is an isomorphism.
theorem expComparison_iso_of_frobeniusMorphism_iso (h : L ⊣ F) (A : C)
[i : IsIso (frobeniusMorphism F h A)] : IsIso (expComparison F A) := by
rw [← frobeniusMorphism_mate F h]; infer_instance
#align category_theory.exp_comparison_iso_of_frobenius_morphism_iso CategoryTheory.expComparison_iso_of_frobeniusMorphism_iso

/-- If `F` is full and faithful, and has a left adjoint which preserves binary products, then it is
cartesian closed.
TODO: Show the converse, that if `F` is cartesian closed and its left adjoint preserves binary
products, then it is full and faithful.
def cartesianClosedFunctorOfLeftAdjointPreservesBinaryProducts (h : L ⊣ F) [Full F] [Faithful F]
[PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete WalkingPair) L] : CartesianClosedFunctor F where
comparison_iso _ := expComparison_iso_of_frobeniusMorphism_iso F h _
#align category_theory.cartesian_closed_functor_of_left_adjoint_preserves_binary_products CategoryTheory.cartesianClosedFunctorOfLeftAdjointPreservesBinaryProducts

end CategoryTheory
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Iso.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -315,13 +315,19 @@ noncomputable def asIso (f : X ⟶ Y) [IsIso f] : X ≅ Y :=
⟨f, inv f, hom_inv_id f, inv_hom_id f⟩
#align category_theory.as_iso CategoryTheory.asIso

-- Porting note: the `IsIso f` argument had been instance implicit,
-- but we've changed it to implicit as a `rw` in `Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Functor`
-- was failing to generate it by typeclass search.
theorem asIso_hom (f : X ⟶ Y) [IsIso f] : (asIso f).hom = f :=
theorem asIso_hom (f : X ⟶ Y) {_ : IsIso f} : (asIso f).hom = f :=
#align category_theory.as_iso_hom CategoryTheory.asIso_hom

-- Porting note: the `IsIso f` argument had been instance implicit,
-- but we've changed it to implicit as a `rw` in `Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Functor`
-- was failing to generate it by typeclass search.
theorem asIso_inv (f : X ⟶ Y) [IsIso f] : (asIso f).inv = inv f :=
theorem asIso_inv (f : X ⟶ Y) {_ : IsIso f} : (asIso f).inv = inv f :=
#align category_theory.as_iso_inv CategoryTheory.asIso_inv

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