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feat: Restriction of galois group onto integrally closed subrings. (#…
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Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
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2 people authored and awueth committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 149df1c commit 766f997
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Showing 4 changed files with 133 additions and 6 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3071,6 +3071,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.QuotientOperations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Int.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralClosure
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralDomain
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralRestrict
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegrallyClosed
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IsAdjoinRoot
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IsTensorProduct
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ instance : Free ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
IsIntegralClosure.module_free ℤ ℚ K (𝓞 K)

instance : IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid (𝓞 K) ℤ⁰) K :=
IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization ℤ ℚ K (𝓞 K)
IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization_of_isSeparable ℤ ℚ K (𝓞 K)

/-- A ℤ-basis of the ring of integers of `K`. -/
noncomputable def basis : Basis (Free.ChooseBasisIndex ℤ (𝓞 K)) ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/DedekindDomain/IntegralClosure.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,26 +64,31 @@ variable [Algebra K L] [Algebra A L] [IsScalarTower A K L]

variable [Algebra C L] [IsIntegralClosure C A L] [Algebra A C] [IsScalarTower A C L]

/- If `L` is a separable extension of `K = Frac(A)` and `L` has no zero smul divisors by `A`,
/- If `L` is an algebraic extension of `K = Frac(A)` and `L` has no zero smul divisors by `A`,
then `L` is the localization of the integral closure `C` of `A` in `L` at `A⁰`. -/
theorem IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization [IsSeparable K L] [NoZeroSMulDivisors A L] :
theorem IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization (hKL : Algebra.IsAlgebraic K L) :
IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid C A⁰) L := by
haveI : IsDomain C :=
(IsIntegralClosure.equiv A C L (integralClosure A L)).toMulEquiv.isDomain (integralClosure A L)
haveI : NoZeroSMulDivisors A L := NoZeroSMulDivisors.trans A K L
haveI : NoZeroSMulDivisors A C := IsIntegralClosure.noZeroSMulDivisors A L
refine' ⟨_, fun z => _, fun {x y} h => ⟨1, _⟩⟩
· rintro ⟨_, x, hx, rfl⟩
rw [isUnit_iff_ne_zero, map_ne_zero_iff _ (IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_injective C A L),
Subtype.coe_mk, map_ne_zero_iff _ (NoZeroSMulDivisors.algebraMap_injective A C)]
exact hx
· obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ :=
IsIntegral.exists_multiple_integral_of_isLocalization A⁰ z (IsSeparable.isIntegral K z)
IsIntegral.exists_multiple_integral_of_isLocalization A⁰ z (hKL z).isIntegral
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ : ∃ x, algebraMap C L x = m • z := hm
refine' ⟨⟨x, algebraMap A C m, m, SetLike.coe_mem m, rfl⟩, _⟩
rw [Subtype.coe_mk, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply, hx, mul_comm, Submonoid.smul_def,
· simp only [IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_injective C A L h]
#align is_integral_closure.is_localization IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization

theorem IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization_of_isSeparable [IsSeparable K L] :
IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid C A⁰) L :=
IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L C (IsSeparable.isAlgebraic _ _)
#align is_integral_closure.is_localization IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization_of_isSeparable

variable [FiniteDimensional K L]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ theorem IsIntegralClosure.rank [IsPrincipalIdealRing A] [NoZeroSMulDivisors A L]
haveI : Module.Free A C := IsIntegralClosure.module_free A K L C
haveI : IsNoetherian A C := IsIntegralClosure.isNoetherian A K L C
haveI : IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid C A⁰) L :=
IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L C
IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L C (Algebra.IsIntegral.of_finite _ _).isAlgebraic
let b := Basis.localizationLocalization K A⁰ L (Module.Free.chooseBasis A C)
rw [FiniteDimensional.finrank_eq_card_chooseBasisIndex, FiniteDimensional.finrank_eq_card_basis b]
#align is_integral_closure.rank IsIntegralClosure.rank
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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/IntegralRestrict.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Andrew Yang, Patrick Lutz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Andrew Yang
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegrallyClosed
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Norm
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.IntegralClosure
# Restriction of various maps between fields to integrally closed subrings.
In this file, we assume `A` is an integrally closed domain; `K` is the fraction ring of `A`;
`L` is a finite (separable) extension of `K`; `B` is the integral closure of `A` in `L`.
We call this the AKLB setup.
## Main definition
- `galRestrict`: The restriction `Aut(L/K) → Aut(B/A)` as an `MulEquiv` in an AKLB setup.
Define the restriction of norms and traces.
open BigOperators nonZeroDivisors

variable (A K L B : Type*) [CommRing A] [CommRing B] [Algebra A B] [Field K] [Field L]
[Algebra A K] [IsFractionRing A K] [Algebra B L]
[Algebra K L] [Algebra A L] [IsScalarTower A B L] [IsScalarTower A K L]
[IsIntegralClosure B A L] [FiniteDimensional K L]

/-- The lift `End(B/A) → End(L/K)` in an ALKB setup.
This is inverse to the restriction. See `galRestrictHom`. -/
def galLift (σ : B →ₐ[A] B) : L →ₐ[K] L :=
haveI := (IsFractionRing.injective A K).isDomain
haveI := NoZeroSMulDivisors.trans A K L
haveI := IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L B (Algebra.IsIntegral.of_finite _ _).isAlgebraic
haveI H : ∀ (y : Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid B A⁰),
IsUnit (((algebraMap B L).comp σ) (y : B)) := by
rintro ⟨_, x, hx, rfl⟩
simpa only [RingHom.coe_comp, RingHom.coe_coe, Function.comp_apply, AlgHom.commutes,
isUnit_iff_ne_zero, ne_eq, map_eq_zero_iff _ (NoZeroSMulDivisors.algebraMap_injective _ _),
← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply] using nonZeroDivisors.ne_zero hx
haveI H_eq : (IsLocalization.lift (S := L) H).comp (algebraMap K L) = (algebraMap K L) := by
apply IsLocalization.ringHom_ext A⁰
simp only [RingHom.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply A K L,
IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply A B L, IsLocalization.lift_eq,
RingHom.coe_coe, AlgHom.commutes]
{ IsLocalization.lift (S := L) H with commutes' := FunLike.congr_fun H_eq }

/-- The restriction `End(L/K) → End(B/A)` in an AKLB setup.
Also see `galRestrict` for the `AlgEquiv` version. -/
def galRestrictHom : (L →ₐ[K] L) ≃* (B →ₐ[A] B) where
toFun := fun f ↦ (IsIntegralClosure.equiv A (integralClosure A L) L B).toAlgHom.comp
(((f.restrictScalars A).comp (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom A B L)).codRestrict
(integralClosure A L) (fun x ↦ _ (IsIntegralClosure.isIntegral A L x)))
map_mul' := by
intros σ₁ σ₂
ext x
apply (IsIntegralClosure.equiv A (integralClosure A L) L B).symm.injective
simp only [AlgEquiv.symm_apply_apply, AlgHom.coe_codRestrict, AlgHom.coe_comp,
AlgHom.coe_restrictScalars', IsScalarTower.coe_toAlgHom', Function.comp_apply,
AlgHom.mul_apply, IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_equiv, Subalgebra.algebraMap_eq]
invFun := galLift A K L B
left_inv σ :=
have := (IsFractionRing.injective A K).isDomain
have := IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L B (Algebra.IsIntegral.of_finite _ _).isAlgebraic
AlgHom.coe_ringHom_injective <| IsLocalization.ringHom_ext (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid B A⁰)
<| RingHom.ext fun x ↦ by simp [Subalgebra.algebraMap_eq, galLift]
right_inv σ :=
have := (IsFractionRing.injective A K).isDomain
have := IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L B (Algebra.IsIntegral.of_finite _ _).isAlgebraic
AlgHom.ext fun x ↦
IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_injective B A L (by simp [Subalgebra.algebraMap_eq, galLift])

lemma algebraMap_galRestrictHom_apply (σ : L →ₐ[K] L) (x : B) :
algebraMap B L (galRestrictHom A K L B σ x) = σ (algebraMap B L x) := by
simp [galRestrictHom, Subalgebra.algebraMap_eq]

@[simp, nolint unusedHavesSuffices] -- false positive from unfolding galRestrictHom
lemma galRestrictHom_symm_algebraMap_apply (σ : B →ₐ[A] B) (x : B) :
(galRestrictHom A K L B).symm σ (algebraMap B L x) = algebraMap B L (σ x) := by
have := (IsFractionRing.injective A K).isDomain
have := IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization A K L B (Algebra.IsIntegral.of_finite _ _).isAlgebraic
simp [galRestrictHom, galLift, Subalgebra.algebraMap_eq]

/-- The restriction `Aut(L/K) → Aut(B/A)` in an AKLB setup. -/
def galRestrict : (L ≃ₐ[K] L) ≃* (B ≃ₐ[A] B) :=
(AlgEquiv.algHomUnitsEquiv K L).symm.trans
((Units.mapEquiv <| galRestrictHom A K L B).trans (AlgEquiv.algHomUnitsEquiv A B))

variable {K L}

lemma coe_galRestrict_apply (σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L) :
(galRestrict A K L B σ : B →ₐ[A] B) = galRestrictHom A K L B σ := rfl

variable {B}

lemma galRestrict_apply (σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L) (x : B) :
galRestrict A K L B σ x = galRestrictHom A K L B σ x := rfl

lemma algebraMap_galRestrict_apply (σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L) (x : B) :
algebraMap B L (galRestrict A K L B σ x) = σ (algebraMap B L x) :=
algebraMap_galRestrictHom_apply A K L B σ.toAlgHom x

variable (K L B)

lemma prod_galRestrict_eq_norm [IsGalois K L] [IsIntegrallyClosed A] (x : B) :
(∏ σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L, galRestrict A K L B σ x) =
algebraMap A B (' (R := A) A (Algebra.norm K <| algebraMap B L x)
(Algebra.isIntegral_norm K (IsIntegralClosure.isIntegral A L x).algebraMap)) := by
apply IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_injective B A L
rw [← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply, IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq A K L]
simp only [map_prod, algebraMap_galRestrict_apply, IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_mk',
Algebra.norm_eq_prod_automorphisms, AlgHom.coe_coe, RingHom.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply]

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