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feat: port Topology.DenseEmbedding (#2003)
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urkud committed Feb 2, 2023
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -947,6 +947,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Bornology.Hom
import Mathlib.Topology.Connected
import Mathlib.Topology.Constructions
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousOn
import Mathlib.Topology.DenseEmbedding
import Mathlib.Topology.Inseparable
import Mathlib.Topology.LocalExtr
import Mathlib.Topology.LocallyFinite
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391 changes: 391 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/DenseEmbedding.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Reid Barton. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro, Patrick Massot
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module topology.dense_embedding
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit d90e4e186f1d18e375dcd4e5b5f6364b01cb3e46
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Separation
import Mathlib.Topology.Bases

# Dense embeddings
This file defines three properties of functions:
* `DenseRange f` means `f` has dense image;
* `DenseInducing i` means `i` is also `Inducing`;
* `DenseEmbedding e` means `e` is also an `Embedding`.
The main theorem `continuous_extend` gives a criterion for a function
`f : X → Z` to a T₃ space Z to extend along a dense embedding
`i : X → Y` to a continuous function `g : Y → Z`. Actually `i` only
has to be `DenseInducing` (not necessarily injective).

noncomputable section

open Set Filter

open Classical Topology Filter

variable {α : Type _} {β : Type _} {γ : Type _} {δ : Type _}

/-- `i : α → β` is "dense inducing" if it has dense range and the topology on `α`
is the one induced by `i` from the topology on `β`. -/
structure DenseInducing [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] (i : α → β)
extends Inducing i : Prop where
/-- The range of a dense inducing map is a dense set. -/
protected dense : DenseRange i
#align dense_inducing DenseInducing

namespace DenseInducing

variable [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β]

variable {i : α → β} (di : DenseInducing i)

theorem nhds_eq_comap (di : DenseInducing i) : ∀ a : α, 𝓝 a = comap i (𝓝 <| i a) :=
#align dense_inducing.nhds_eq_comap DenseInducing.nhds_eq_comap

protected theorem continuous (di : DenseInducing i) : Continuous i :=
#align dense_inducing.continuous DenseInducing.continuous

theorem closure_range : closure (range i) = univ :=
#align dense_inducing.closure_range DenseInducing.closure_range

protected theorem preconnectedSpace [PreconnectedSpace α] (di : DenseInducing i) :
PreconnectedSpace β :=
di.dense.preconnectedSpace di.continuous
#align dense_inducing.preconnected_space DenseInducing.preconnectedSpace

theorem closure_image_mem_nhds {s : Set α} {a : α} (di : DenseInducing i) (hs : s ∈ 𝓝 a) :
closure (i '' s) ∈ 𝓝 (i a) := by
rw [di.nhds_eq_comap a, ((nhds_basis_opens _).comap _).mem_iff] at hs
rcases hs with ⟨U, ⟨haU, hUo⟩, sub : i ⁻¹' U ⊆ s⟩
refine' mem_of_superset (hUo.mem_nhds haU) _
U ⊆ closure (i '' (i ⁻¹' U)) := di.dense.subset_closure_image_preimage_of_isOpen hUo
_ ⊆ closure (i '' s) := closure_mono (image_subset i sub)

#align dense_inducing.closure_image_mem_nhds DenseInducing.closure_image_mem_nhds

theorem dense_image (di : DenseInducing i) {s : Set α} : Dense (i '' s) ↔ Dense s := by
refine' ⟨fun H x => _, di.dense.dense_image di.continuous⟩
rw [di.toInducing.closure_eq_preimage_closure_image, H.closure_eq, preimage_univ]
#align dense_inducing.dense_image DenseInducing.dense_image

/-- If `i : α → β` is a dense embedding with dense complement of the range, then any compact set in
`α` has empty interior. -/
theorem interior_compact_eq_empty [T2Space β] (di : DenseInducing i) (hd : Dense (range iᶜ))
{s : Set α} (hs : IsCompact s) : interior s = ∅ := by
refine' eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem.2 fun x hx => _
rw [mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds] at hx
have := di.closure_image_mem_nhds hx
rw [(hs.image di.continuous).isClosed.closure_eq] at this
rcases hd.inter_nhds_nonempty this with ⟨y, hyi, hys⟩
exact hyi (image_subset_range _ _ hys)
#align dense_inducing.interior_compact_eq_empty DenseInducing.interior_compact_eq_empty

/-- The product of two dense inducings is a dense inducing -/
protected theorem prod [TopologicalSpace γ] [TopologicalSpace δ] {e₁ : α → β} {e₂ : γ → δ}
(de₁ : DenseInducing e₁) (de₂ : DenseInducing e₂) :
DenseInducing fun p : α × γ => (e₁ p.1, e₂ p.2) where
toInducing := de₁.toInducing.prod_map de₂.toInducing
dense := de₁.dense.prod_map de₂.dense

open TopologicalSpace

/-- If the domain of a `DenseInducing` map is a separable space, then so is the codomain. -/
protected theorem separableSpace [SeparableSpace α] : SeparableSpace β :=
di.dense.separableSpace di.continuous
#align dense_inducing.separable_space DenseInducing.separableSpace

variable [TopologicalSpace δ] {f : γ → α} {g : γ → δ} {h : δ → β}

/-- ```
γ -f→ α
g↓ ↓e
δ -h→ β
theorem tendsto_comap_nhds_nhds {d : δ} {a : α} (di : DenseInducing i)
(H : Tendsto h (𝓝 d) (𝓝 (i a))) (comm : h ∘ g = i ∘ f) : Tendsto f (comap g (𝓝 d)) (𝓝 a) := by
have lim1 : map g (comap g (𝓝 d)) ≤ 𝓝 d := map_comap_le
replace lim1 : map h (map g (comap g (𝓝 d))) ≤ map h (𝓝 d) := map_mono lim1
rw [Filter.map_map, comm, ← Filter.map_map, map_le_iff_le_comap] at lim1
have lim2 : comap i (map h (𝓝 d)) ≤ comap i (𝓝 (i a)) := comap_mono H
rw [← di.nhds_eq_comap] at lim2
exact le_trans lim1 lim2
#align dense_inducing.tendsto_comap_nhds_nhds DenseInducing.tendsto_comap_nhds_nhds
protected theorem nhdsWithin_neBot (di : DenseInducing i) (b : β) : NeBot (𝓝[range i] b) :=
di.dense.nhdsWithin_neBot b
#align dense_inducing.nhds_within_ne_bot DenseInducing.nhdsWithin_neBot
theorem comap_nhds_neBot (di : DenseInducing i) (b : β) : NeBot (comap i (𝓝 b)) :=
comap_neBot fun s hs => by
rcases mem_closure_iff_nhds.1 (di.dense b) s hs with ⟨_, ⟨ha, a, rfl⟩⟩
exact ⟨a, ha⟩
#align dense_inducing.comap_nhds_ne_bot DenseInducing.comap_nhds_neBot
variable [TopologicalSpace γ]
/-- If `i : α → β` is a dense inducing, then any function `f : α → γ` "extends" to a function `g =
DenseInducing.extend di f : β → γ`. If `γ` is Hausdorff and `f` has a continuous extension, then
`g` is the unique such extension. In general, `g` might not be continuous or even extend `f`. -/
def extend (di : DenseInducing i) (f : α → γ) (b : β) : γ :=
@limUnder _ _ _ ⟨f (di.dense.some b)⟩ (comap i (𝓝 b)) f
#align dense_inducing.extend DenseInducing.extend
theorem extend_eq_of_tendsto [T2Space γ] {b : β} {c : γ} {f : α → γ}
(hf : Tendsto f (comap i (𝓝 b)) (𝓝 c)) : di.extend f b = c :=
haveI := di.comap_nhds_neBot
#align dense_inducing.extend_eq_of_tendsto DenseInducing.extend_eq_of_tendsto
theorem extend_eq_at [T2Space γ] {f : α → γ} {a : α} (hf : ContinuousAt f a) :
di.extend f (i a) = f a :=
extend_eq_of_tendsto _ <| di.nhds_eq_comap a ▸ hf
#align dense_inducing.extend_eq_at DenseInducing.extend_eq_at
theorem extend_eq_at' [T2Space γ] {f : α → γ} {a : α} (c : γ) (hf : Tendsto f (𝓝 a) (𝓝 c)) :
di.extend f (i a) = f a :=
di.extend_eq_at (continuousAt_of_tendsto_nhds hf)
#align dense_inducing.extend_eq_at' DenseInducing.extend_eq_at'
theorem extend_eq [T2Space γ] {f : α → γ} (hf : Continuous f) (a : α) : di.extend f (i a) = f a :=
di.extend_eq_at hf.continuousAt
#align dense_inducing.extend_eq DenseInducing.extend_eq
/-- Variation of `extend_eq` where we ask that `f` has a limit along `comap i (𝓝 b)` for each
`b : β`. This is a strictly stronger assumption than continuity of `f`, but in a lot of cases
you'd have to prove it anyway to use `continuous_extend`, so this avoids doing the work twice. -/
theorem extend_eq' [T2Space γ] {f : α → γ} (di : DenseInducing i)
(hf : ∀ b, ∃ c, Tendsto f (comap i (𝓝 b)) (𝓝 c)) (a : α) : di.extend f (i a) = f a := by
rcases hf (i a) with ⟨b, hb⟩
refine' di.extend_eq_at' b _
rwa [← di.toInducing.nhds_eq_comap] at hb
#align dense_inducing.extend_eq' DenseInducing.extend_eq'
theorem extend_unique_at [T2Space γ] {b : β} {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ} (di : DenseInducing i)
(hf : ∀ᶠ x in comap i (𝓝 b), g (i x) = f x) (hg : ContinuousAt g b) : di.extend f b = g b := by
refine' di.extend_eq_of_tendsto fun s hs => mem_map.2 _
suffices : ∀ᶠ x : α in comap i (𝓝 b), g (i x) ∈ s
exact (this.mono fun x hgx hfx => hfx ▸ hgx)
clear hf f
refine' eventually_comap.2 ((hg.eventually hs).mono _)
rintro _ hxs x rfl
exact hxs
#align dense_inducing.extend_unique_at DenseInducing.extend_unique_at
theorem extend_unique [T2Space γ] {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ} (di : DenseInducing i)
(hf : ∀ x, g (i x) = f x) (hg : Continuous g) : di.extend f = g :=
funext fun _ => extend_unique_at di (eventually_of_forall hf) hg.continuousAt
#align dense_inducing.extend_unique DenseInducing.extend_unique
theorem continuousAt_extend [T3Space γ] {b : β} {f : α → γ} (di : DenseInducing i)
(hf : ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 b, ∃ c, Tendsto f (comap i <| 𝓝 x) (𝓝 c)) : ContinuousAt (di.extend f) b := by
set φ := di.extend f
haveI := di.comap_nhds_neBot
suffices ∀ V' ∈ 𝓝 (φ b), IsClosed V' → φ ⁻¹' V' ∈ 𝓝 b by
simpa [ContinuousAt, (closed_nhds_basis (φ b)).tendsto_right_iff]
intro V' V'_in V'_closed
set V₁ := { x | Tendsto f (comap i <| 𝓝 x) (𝓝 <| φ x) }
have V₁_in : V₁ ∈ 𝓝 b := by
filter_upwards [hf]
rintro x ⟨c, hc⟩
rwa [di.extend_eq_of_tendsto hc]
obtain ⟨V₂, V₂_in, V₂_op, hV₂⟩ : ∃ V₂ ∈ 𝓝 b, IsOpen V₂ ∧ ∀ x ∈ i ⁻¹' V₂, f x ∈ V' := by
simpa [and_assoc] using
((nhds_basis_opens' b).comap i) (mem_of_mem_nhds V₁_in : b ∈ V₁) V' V'_in
suffices ∀ x ∈ V₁ ∩ V₂, φ x ∈ V' by filter_upwards [inter_mem V₁_in V₂_in]using this
rintro x ⟨x_in₁, x_in₂⟩
have hV₂x : V₂ ∈ 𝓝 x := IsOpen.mem_nhds V₂_op x_in₂
apply V'_closed.mem_of_tendsto x_in₁
use V₂
#align dense_inducing.continuous_at_extend DenseInducing.continuousAt_extend
theorem continuous_extend [T3Space γ] {f : α → γ} (di : DenseInducing i)
(hf : ∀ b, ∃ c, Tendsto f (comap i (𝓝 b)) (𝓝 c)) : Continuous (di.extend f) :=
continuous_iff_continuousAt.mpr fun _ => di.continuousAt_extend <| univ_mem' hf
#align dense_inducing.continuous_extend DenseInducing.continuous_extend
theorem mk' (i : α → β) (c : Continuous i) (dense : ∀ x, x ∈ closure (range i))
(H : ∀ (a : α), ∀ s ∈ 𝓝 a, ∃ t ∈ 𝓝 (i a), ∀ b, i b ∈ t → b ∈ s) : DenseInducing i :=
{ toInducing := inducing_iff_nhds.2 fun a =>
le_antisymm (c.tendsto _).le_comap (by simpa [Filter.le_def] using H a)
dense }
end DenseInducing
/-- A dense embedding is an embedding with dense image. -/
structure DenseEmbedding [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] (e : α → β) extends
DenseInducing e : Prop where
/-- A dense embedding is injective. -/
inj : Function.Injective e
#align dense_embedding DenseEmbedding
theorem' [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] (e : α → β) (c : Continuous e)
(dense : DenseRange e) (inj : Function.Injective e)
(H : ∀ (a : α), ∀ s ∈ 𝓝 a, ∃ t ∈ 𝓝 (e a), ∀ b, e b ∈ t → b ∈ s) : DenseEmbedding e :=
{' e c dense H with inj }
namespace DenseEmbedding
open TopologicalSpace
variable [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] [TopologicalSpace γ] [TopologicalSpace δ]
variable {e : α → β} (de : DenseEmbedding e)
theorem inj_iff {x y} : e x = e y ↔ x = y :=
#align dense_embedding.inj_iff DenseEmbedding.inj_iff
theorem to_embedding : Embedding e :=
{ induced := de.induced
inj := de.inj }
#align dense_embedding.to_embedding DenseEmbedding.to_embedding
/-- If the domain of a `DenseEmbedding` is a separable space, then so is its codomain. -/
protected theorem separableSpace [SeparableSpace α] : SeparableSpace β :=
#align dense_embedding.separable_space DenseEmbedding.separableSpace
/-- The product of two dense embeddings is a dense embedding. -/
protected theorem prod {e₁ : α → β} {e₂ : γ → δ} (de₁ : DenseEmbedding e₁)
(de₂ : DenseEmbedding e₂) : DenseEmbedding fun p : α × γ => (e₁ p.1, e₂ p.2) :=
{ de₁ de₂.toDenseInducing with
inj := de₁.inj.Prod_map de₂.inj }
/-- The dense embedding of a subtype inside its closure. -/
def subtypeEmb {α : Type _} (p : α → Prop) (e : α → β) (x : { x // p x }) :
{ x // x ∈ closure (e '' { x | p x }) } :=
⟨e x, subset_closure <| mem_image_of_mem e x.prop⟩
#align dense_embedding.subtype_emb DenseEmbedding.subtypeEmb
protected theorem subtype (p : α → Prop) : DenseEmbedding (subtypeEmb p e) :=
{ dense :=
dense_iff_closure_eq.2 <| by
ext ⟨x, hx⟩
rw [image_eq_range] at hx
simpa [closure_subtype, ← range_comp, (· ∘ ·)]
inj := (de.inj.comp Subtype.coe_injective).codRestrict _
induced :=
(induced_iff_nhds_eq _).2 fun ⟨x, hx⟩ => by
simp [subtypeEmb, nhds_subtype_eq_comap, de.toInducing.nhds_eq_comap, comap_comap,
(· ∘ ·)] }
#align dense_embedding.subtype DenseEmbedding.subtype
theorem dense_image {s : Set α} : Dense (e '' s) ↔ Dense s :=
#align dense_embedding.dense_image DenseEmbedding.dense_image
end DenseEmbedding
theorem denseEmbedding_id {α : Type _} [TopologicalSpace α] : DenseEmbedding (id : α → α) :=
{ embedding_id with dense := denseRange_id }
#align dense_embedding_id denseEmbedding_id
theorem Dense.denseEmbedding_val [TopologicalSpace α] {s : Set α} (hs : Dense s) :
DenseEmbedding ((↑) : s → α) :=
{ embedding_subtype_val with dense := hs.denseRange_val }
#align dense.dense_embedding_coe Dense.denseEmbedding_val
theorem isClosed_property [TopologicalSpace β] {e : α → β} {p : β → Prop} (he : DenseRange e)
(hp : IsClosed { x | p x }) (h : ∀ a, p (e a)) : ∀ b, p b :=
have : univ ⊆ { b | p b } :=
univ = closure (range e) := he.closure_range.symm
_ ⊆ closure { b | p b } := closure_mono <| range_subset_iff.mpr h
_ = _ := hp.closure_eq
fun _ => this trivial
#align is_closed_property isClosed_property
theorem isClosed_property2 [TopologicalSpace β] {e : α → β} {p : β → β → Prop} (he : DenseRange e)
(hp : IsClosed { q : β × β | p q.1 q.2 }) (h : ∀ a₁ a₂, p (e a₁) (e a₂)) : ∀ b₁ b₂, p b₁ b₂ :=
have : ∀ q : β × β, p q.1 q.2 := isClosed_property (he.prod_map he) hp fun _ => h _ _
fun b₁ b₂ => this ⟨b₁, b₂⟩
#align is_closed_property2 isClosed_property2
theorem isClosed_property3 [TopologicalSpace β] {e : α → β} {p : β → β → β → Prop}
(he : DenseRange e) (hp : IsClosed { q : β × β × β | p q.1 q.2.1 q.2.2 })
(h : ∀ a₁ a₂ a₃, p (e a₁) (e a₂) (e a₃)) : ∀ b₁ b₂ b₃, p b₁ b₂ b₃ :=
have : ∀ q : β × β × β, p q.1 q.2.1 q.2.2 :=
isClosed_property (he.prod_map <| he.prod_map he) hp fun _ => h _ _ _
fun b₁ b₂ b₃ => this ⟨b₁, b₂, b₃⟩
#align is_closed_property3 isClosed_property3
theorem DenseRange.induction_on [TopologicalSpace β] {e : α → β} (he : DenseRange e) {p : β → Prop}
(b₀ : β) (hp : IsClosed { b | p b }) (ih : ∀ a : α, p <| e a) : p b₀ :=
isClosed_property he hp ih b₀
#align dense_range.induction_on DenseRange.induction_on
theorem DenseRange.induction_on₂ [TopologicalSpace β] {e : α → β} {p : β → β → Prop}
(he : DenseRange e) (hp : IsClosed { q : β × β | p q.1 q.2 }) (h : ∀ a₁ a₂, p (e a₁) (e a₂))
(b₁ b₂ : β) : p b₁ b₂ :=
isClosed_property2 he hp h _ _
#align dense_range.induction_on₂ DenseRange.induction_on₂
theorem DenseRange.induction_on₃ [TopologicalSpace β] {e : α → β} {p : β → β → β → Prop}
(he : DenseRange e) (hp : IsClosed { q : β × β × β | p q.1 q.2.1 q.2.2 })
(h : ∀ a₁ a₂ a₃, p (e a₁) (e a₂) (e a₃)) (b₁ b₂ b₃ : β) : p b₁ b₂ b₃ :=
isClosed_property3 he hp h _ _ _
#align dense_range.induction_on₃ DenseRange.induction_on₃
variable [TopologicalSpace β] [TopologicalSpace γ] [T2Space γ]
variable {f : α → β}
/-- Two continuous functions to a t2-space that agree on the dense range of a function are equal. -/
theorem DenseRange.equalizer (hfd : DenseRange f) {g h : β → γ} (hg : Continuous g)
(hh : Continuous h) (H : g ∘ f = h ∘ f) : g = h :=
funext fun y => hfd.induction_on y (isClosed_eq hg hh) <| congr_fun H
#align dense_range.equalizer DenseRange.equalizer
-- Bourbaki GT III §3 no.4 Proposition 7 (generalised to any dense-inducing map to a T₃ space)
theorem Filter.HasBasis.hasBasis_of_denseInducing [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β]
[T3Space β] {ι : Type _} {s : ι → Set α} {p : ι → Prop} {x : α} (h : (𝓝 x).HasBasis p s)
{f : α → β} (hf : DenseInducing f) : (𝓝 (f x)).HasBasis p fun i => closure <| f '' s i := by
rw [Filter.hasBasis_iff] at h⊢
intro T
refine' ⟨fun hT => _, fun hT => _⟩
· obtain ⟨T', hT₁, hT₂, hT₃⟩ := exists_mem_nhds_isClosed_subset hT
have hT₄ : f ⁻¹' T' ∈ 𝓝 x := by
rw [hf.toInducing.nhds_eq_comap x]
exact ⟨T', hT₁, Subset.rfl⟩
obtain ⟨i, hi, hi'⟩ := (h _).mp hT₄
⟨i, hi,
(closure_mono (image_subset f hi')).trans
(Subset.trans (closure_minimal (image_preimage_subset _ _) hT₂) hT₃)⟩
· obtain ⟨i, hi, hi'⟩ := hT
suffices closure (f '' s i) ∈ 𝓝 (f x) by filter_upwards [this]using hi'
replace h := (h (s i)).mpr ⟨i, hi, Subset.rfl⟩
exact hf.closure_image_mem_nhds h
#align filter.has_basis.has_basis_of_dense_inducing Filter.HasBasis.hasBasis_of_denseInducing

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