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feat(Algebra/Homology): behaviour of the total complex with respect t…
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…o the shifts (#10854)

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Mar 19, 2024
1 parent 4bf0be4 commit 921f506
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Showing 4 changed files with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.SnakeLemma
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Single
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.SingleHomology
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.TotalComplex
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.TotalComplexShift
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.TotalComplexSymmetry
import Mathlib.Algebra.Invertible.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Invertible.Defs
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomologicalBicomplex.lean
Expand Up @@ -203,4 +203,16 @@ def flipEquivalence :
counitIso := flipEquivalenceCounitIso C c₁ c₂
#align homological_complex.flip_equivalence HomologicalComplex₂.flipEquivalence

variable (K : HomologicalComplex₂ C c₁ c₂)

/-- The obvious isomorphism `(K.X x₁).X x₂ ≅ (K.X y₁).X y₂` when `x₁ = y₁` and `x₂ = y₂`. -/
def XXIsoOfEq {x₁ y₁ : I₁} (h₁ : x₁ = y₁) {x₂ y₂ : I₂} (h₂ : x₂ = y₂) :
(K.X x₁).X x₂ ≅ (K.X y₁).X y₂ :=
eqToIso (by subst h₁ h₂; rfl)

lemma XXIsoOfEq_rfl (i₁ : I₁) (i₂ : I₂) :
K.XXIsoOfEq (rfl : i₁ = i₁) (rfl : i₂ = i₂) = Iso.refl _ := rfl

end HomologicalComplex₂
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/TotalComplex.lean
Expand Up @@ -238,6 +238,22 @@ noncomputable abbrev ιTotal (i₁ : I₁) (i₂ : I₂) (i₁₂ : I₁₂)
(K.X i₁).X i₂ ⟶ ( c₁₂).X i₁₂ :=
K.toGradedObject.ιMapObj (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂) ⟨i₁, i₂⟩ i₁₂ h

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma XXIsoOfEq_hom_ιTotal {x₁ y₁ : I₁} (h₁ : x₁ = y₁) {x₂ y₂ : I₂} (h₂ : x₂ = y₂)
(i₁₂ : I₁₂) (h : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ (y₁, y₂) = i₁₂) :
(K.XXIsoOfEq h₁ h₂).hom ≫ K.ιTotal c₁₂ y₁ y₂ i₁₂ h =
K.ιTotal c₁₂ x₁ x₂ i₁₂ (by rw [h₁, h₂, h]) := by
subst h₁ h₂

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma XXIsoOfEq_inv_ιTotal {x₁ y₁ : I₁} (h₁ : x₁ = y₁) {x₂ y₂ : I₂} (h₂ : x₂ = y₂)
(i₁₂ : I₁₂) (h : ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ (x₁, x₂) = i₁₂) :
(K.XXIsoOfEq h₁ h₂).inv ≫ K.ιTotal c₁₂ x₁ x₂ i₁₂ h =
K.ιTotal c₁₂ y₁ y₂ i₁₂ (by rw [← h, h₁, h₂]) := by
subst h₁ h₂

/-- The inclusion of a summand in the total complex, or zero if the degrees do not match. -/
noncomputable abbrev ιTotalOrZero (i₁ : I₁) (i₂ : I₂) (i₁₂ : I₁₂) :
(K.X i₁).X i₂ ⟶ ( c₁₂).X i₁₂ :=
Expand Down
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/TotalComplexShift.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.Shift
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.TotalComplex

# Behaviour of the total complex with respect to shifts
There are two ways to shift objects in `HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ)`:
* by shifting the first indices (and changing signs of horizontal differentials),
which corresponds to the shift by `ℤ` on `CochainComplex (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ`.
* by shifting the second indices (and changing signs of vertical differentials).
These two sorts of shift functors shall be abbreviated as
`HomologicalComplex₂.shiftFunctor₁ C x` and
`HomologicalComplex₂.shiftFunctor₂ C y`.
In this file, for any `K : HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ)`, we define an isomorphism
`K.totalShift₁Iso x : ((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).total (up ℤ) ≅ ( (up ℤ))⟦x⟧`
for any `x : ℤ` (which does not involve signs) and an isomorphism
`K.totalShift₂Iso y : ((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).total (up ℤ) ≅ ( (up ℤ))⟦y⟧`
for any `y : ℤ` (which is given by the multiplication by `(p * y).negOnePow` on the
summand in bidegree `(p, q)` of `K`).
- show that the two sorts of shift functors on bicomplexes "commute", but that signs
appear when we compare the compositions of the two compatibilities with the total complex functor.
- deduce compatiblities with shifts on both variables of the action of a
bifunctor on cochain complexes

open CategoryTheory Category ComplexShape Limits

namespace HomologicalComplex₂

variable (C : Type*) [Category C] [Preadditive C]

/-- The shift on bicomplexes obtained by shifting the first indices (and changing the
sign of differentials). -/
abbrev shiftFunctor₁ (x : ℤ) :
HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ) ⥤ HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ) :=
shiftFunctor _ x

/-- The shift on bicomplexes obtained by shifting the second indices (and changing the
sign of differentials). -/
abbrev shiftFunctor₂ (y : ℤ) :
HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ) ⥤ HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ) :=
(shiftFunctor _ y).mapHomologicalComplex _

variable {C}
variable (K : HomologicalComplex₂ C (up ℤ) (up ℤ))


variable (x : ℤ) [K.HasTotal (up ℤ)] [((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).HasTotal (up ℤ)]

/-- Auxiliary definition for `totalShift₁Iso`. -/
noncomputable def totalShift₁XIso (n n' : ℤ) (h : n + x = n') :
(((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).total (up ℤ)).X n ≅ ( (up ℤ)).X n' where
hom := totalDesc _ (fun p q hpq => K.ιTotal (up ℤ) (p + x) q n' (by dsimp at hpq ⊢; omega))
inv := totalDesc _ (fun p q hpq =>
(K.XXIsoOfEq (Int.sub_add_cancel p x) rfl).inv ≫
((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).ιTotal (up ℤ) (p - x) q n
(by dsimp at hpq ⊢; omega))
hom_inv_id := by
ext p q h
simp only [ι_totalDesc_assoc, CochainComplex.shiftFunctor_obj_X', ι_totalDesc, comp_id]
exact ((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).XXIsoOfEq_inv_ιTotal _ (by omega) rfl _ _

lemma D₁_totalShift₁XIso_hom (n₀ n₁ n₀' n₁' : ℤ) (h₀ : n₀ + x = n₀') (h₁ : n₁ + x = n₁') :
((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).D₁ (up ℤ) n₀ n₁ ≫ (K.totalShift₁XIso x n₁ n₁' h₁).hom =
x.negOnePow • ((K.totalShift₁XIso x n₀ n₀' h₀).hom ≫ K.D₁ (up ℤ) n₀' n₁') := by
by_cases h : (up ℤ).Rel n₀ n₁
· ext ⟨p, q⟩ hpq
dsimp at h hpq
dsimp [totalShift₁XIso]
rw [ι_D₁_assoc, Linear.comp_units_smul, ι_totalDesc_assoc, ι_D₁,
((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).d₁_eq _ rfl _ _ (by dsimp; omega),
K.d₁_eq _ (show p + x + 1 = p + 1 + x by omega) _ _ (by dsimp; omega)]
rw [one_smul, assoc, ι_totalDesc, one_smul, Linear.units_smul_comp]
· rw [D₁_shape _ _ _ _ h, zero_comp, D₁_shape, comp_zero, smul_zero]
intro h'
apply h
dsimp at h' ⊢

lemma D₂_totalShift₁XIso_hom (n₀ n₁ n₀' n₁' : ℤ) (h₀ : n₀ + x = n₀') (h₁ : n₁ + x = n₁') :
((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).D₂ (up ℤ) n₀ n₁ ≫ (K.totalShift₁XIso x n₁ n₁' h₁).hom =
x.negOnePow • ((K.totalShift₁XIso x n₀ n₀' h₀).hom ≫ K.D₂ (up ℤ) n₀' n₁') := by
by_cases h : (up ℤ).Rel n₀ n₁
· ext ⟨p, q⟩ hpq
dsimp at h hpq
dsimp [totalShift₁XIso]
rw [ι_D₂_assoc, Linear.comp_units_smul, ι_totalDesc_assoc, ι_D₂,
((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).d₂_eq _ _ rfl _ (by dsimp; omega),
K.d₂_eq _ _ rfl _ (by dsimp; omega), smul_smul,
Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, ι_totalDesc]
congr 1
rw [add_comm p, Int.negOnePow_add, ← mul_assoc, Int.units_mul_self, one_mul]
· rw [D₂_shape _ _ _ _ h, zero_comp, D₂_shape, comp_zero, smul_zero]
intro h'
apply h
dsimp at h' ⊢

/-- The isomorphism `((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).total (up ℤ) ≅ ( (up ℤ))⟦x⟧`
expressing the compatibility of the total complex with the shift on the first indices.
This isomorphism does not involve signs. -/
noncomputable def totalShift₁Iso :
((shiftFunctor₁ C x).obj K).total (up ℤ) ≅ ( (up ℤ))⟦x⟧ :=
HomologicalComplex.Hom.isoOfComponents (fun n => K.totalShift₁XIso x n (n + x) rfl)
(fun n n' _ => by
simp only [Preadditive.add_comp, Preadditive.comp_add, smul_add,
Linear.comp_units_smul, K.D₁_totalShift₁XIso_hom x n n' _ _ rfl rfl,
K.D₂_totalShift₁XIso_hom x n n' _ _ rfl rfl])



variable (y : ℤ) [K.HasTotal (up ℤ)] [((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).HasTotal (up ℤ)]

attribute [local simp] smul_smul

/-- Auxiliary definition for `totalShift₂Iso`. -/
noncomputable def totalShift₂XIso (n n' : ℤ) (h : n + y = n') :
(((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).total (up ℤ)).X n ≅ ( (up ℤ)).X n' where
hom := totalDesc _ (fun p q hpq => (p * y).negOnePow • K.ιTotal (up ℤ) p (q + y) n'
(by dsimp at hpq ⊢; omega))
inv := totalDesc _ (fun p q hpq => (p * y).negOnePow •
(K.XXIsoOfEq rfl (Int.sub_add_cancel q y)).inv ≫
((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).ιTotal (up ℤ) p (q - y) n (by dsimp at hpq ⊢; omega))
hom_inv_id := by
ext p q h
simp only [ι_totalDesc_assoc, Linear.units_smul_comp, ι_totalDesc, smul_smul,
Int.units_mul_self, one_smul, comp_id]
exact ((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).XXIsoOfEq_inv_ιTotal _ rfl (by omega) _ _

lemma D₁_totalShift₂XIso_hom (n₀ n₁ n₀' n₁' : ℤ) (h₀ : n₀ + y = n₀') (h₁ : n₁ + y = n₁') :
((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).D₁ (up ℤ) n₀ n₁ ≫ (K.totalShift₂XIso y n₁ n₁' h₁).hom =
y.negOnePow • ((K.totalShift₂XIso y n₀ n₀' h₀).hom ≫ K.D₁ (up ℤ) n₀' n₁') := by
by_cases h : (up ℤ).Rel n₀ n₁
· ext ⟨p, q⟩ hpq
dsimp at h hpq
dsimp [totalShift₂XIso]
rw [ι_D₁_assoc, Linear.comp_units_smul, ι_totalDesc_assoc, Linear.units_smul_comp,
ι_D₁, smul_smul, ((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).d₁_eq _ rfl _ _ (by dsimp; omega),
K.d₁_eq _ rfl _ _ (by dsimp; omega)]
rw [one_smul, one_smul, assoc, ι_totalDesc, Linear.comp_units_smul, ← Int.negOnePow_add]
congr 2
· rw [D₁_shape _ _ _ _ h, zero_comp, D₁_shape, comp_zero, smul_zero]
intro h'
apply h
dsimp at h' ⊢

lemma D₂_totalShift₂XIso_hom (n₀ n₁ n₀' n₁' : ℤ) (h₀ : n₀ + y = n₀') (h₁ : n₁ + y = n₁') :
((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).D₂ (up ℤ) n₀ n₁ ≫ (K.totalShift₂XIso y n₁ n₁' h₁).hom =
y.negOnePow • ((K.totalShift₂XIso y n₀ n₀' h₀).hom ≫ K.D₂ (up ℤ) n₀' n₁') := by
by_cases h : (up ℤ).Rel n₀ n₁
· ext ⟨p, q⟩ hpq
dsimp at h hpq
dsimp [totalShift₂XIso]
rw [ι_D₂_assoc, Linear.comp_units_smul, ι_totalDesc_assoc, Linear.units_smul_comp,
smul_smul, ι_D₂, ((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).d₂_eq _ _ rfl _ (by dsimp; omega),
K.d₂_eq _ _ (show q + y + 1 = q + 1 + y by omega) _ (by dsimp; omega),
Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, smul_smul, ι_totalDesc]
rw [Linear.units_smul_comp, Linear.comp_units_smul, smul_smul, smul_smul,
← Int.negOnePow_add, ← Int.negOnePow_add, ← Int.negOnePow_add,
← Int.negOnePow_add]
congr 2
· rw [D₂_shape _ _ _ _ h, zero_comp, D₂_shape, comp_zero, smul_zero]
intro h'
apply h
dsimp at h' ⊢

/-- The isomorphism `((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).total (up ℤ) ≅ ( (up ℤ))⟦y⟧`
expressing the compatibility of the total complex with the shift on the second indices.
This isomorphism involves signs: in the summand in degree `(p, q)` of `K`, it is given by the
multiplication by `(p * y).negOnePow`. -/
noncomputable def totalShift₂Iso :
((shiftFunctor₂ C y).obj K).total (up ℤ) ≅ ( (up ℤ))⟦y⟧ :=
HomologicalComplex.Hom.isoOfComponents (fun n => K.totalShift₂XIso y n (n + y) rfl)
(fun n n' _ => by
simp only [Preadditive.add_comp, Preadditive.comp_add, smul_add,
Linear.comp_units_smul, K.D₁_totalShift₂XIso_hom y n n' _ _ rfl rfl,
K.D₂_totalShift₂XIso_hom y n n' _ _ rfl rfl])


end HomologicalComplex₂

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