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chore: add some Unique instances (#8500)
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The aim is to remove some extraneous Nonempty assumptions in Algebra/DirectLimit.

Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <>
Co-authored-by: Jujian Zhang <>
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3 people committed Nov 20, 2023
1 parent 2009db6 commit 9a4ae4a
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Showing 10 changed files with 56 additions and 11 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Category/ModuleCat/Limits.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ def directLimitCocone : Cocone (directLimitDiagram G f) where
/-- The unbundled `directLimit` of modules is a colimit
in the sense of `CategoryTheory`. -/
def directLimitIsColimit [Nonempty ι] [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] : IsColimit (directLimitCocone G f)
def directLimitIsColimit [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] : IsColimit (directLimitCocone G f)
desc s :=
DirectLimit.lift R ι G f s.ι.app fun i j h x => by
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32 changes: 23 additions & 9 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/DirectLimit.lean
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Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ instance module : Module R (DirectLimit G f) :=
instance inhabited : Inhabited (DirectLimit G f) :=

instance unique [IsEmpty ι] : Unique (DirectLimit G f) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Unique (Quotient _)

variable (R ι)

/-- The canonical map from a component to the direct limit. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,11 +163,13 @@ theorem lift_of {i} (x) : lift R ι G f g Hg (of R ι G f i x) = g i x :=
DirectSum.toModule_lof R _ _
#align module.direct_limit.lift_of Module.DirectLimit.lift_of

theorem lift_unique [Nonempty ι] [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] (F : DirectLimit G f →ₗ[R] P) (x) :
theorem lift_unique [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] (F : DirectLimit G f →ₗ[R] P) (x) :
F x =
lift R ι G f (fun i => F.comp <| of R ι G f i)
(fun i j hij x => by rw [LinearMap.comp_apply, of_f]; rfl) x :=
DirectLimit.induction_on x fun i x => by rw [lift_of]; rfl
(fun i j hij x => by rw [LinearMap.comp_apply, of_f]; rfl) x := by
cases isEmpty_or_nonempty ι
· simp_rw [Subsingleton.elim x 0, _root_.map_zero]
· exact DirectLimit.induction_on x fun i x => by rw [lift_of]; rfl
#align module.direct_limit.lift_unique Module.DirectLimit.lift_unique

section Totalize
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +299,8 @@ instance : AddCommGroup (DirectLimit G f) :=
instance : Inhabited (DirectLimit G f) :=

instance [IsEmpty ι] : Unique (DirectLimit G f) := Module.DirectLimit.unique _ _

/-- The canonical map from a component to the direct limit. -/
def of (i) : G i →ₗ[ℤ] DirectLimit G f :=
Module.DirectLimit.of ℤ ι G (fun i j hij => (f i j hij).toIntLinearMap) i
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,9 +349,11 @@ theorem lift_of (i x) : lift G f P g Hg (of G f i x) = g i x :=
Module.DirectLimit.lift_of _ _ _
#align add_comm_group.direct_limit.lift_of AddCommGroup.DirectLimit.lift_of

theorem lift_unique [Nonempty ι] [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] (F : DirectLimit G f →+ P) (x) :
F x = lift G f P (fun i => F.comp (of G f i).toAddMonoidHom) (fun i j hij x => by simp) x :=
DirectLimit.induction_on x fun i x => by simp
theorem lift_unique [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] (F : DirectLimit G f →+ P) (x) :
F x = lift G f P (fun i => F.comp (of G f i).toAddMonoidHom) (fun i j hij x => by simp) x := by
cases isEmpty_or_nonempty ι
· simp_rw [Subsingleton.elim x 0, _root_.map_zero]
· exact DirectLimit.induction_on x fun i x => by simp
#align add_comm_group.direct_limit.lift_unique AddCommGroup.DirectLimit.lift_unique

end DirectLimit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,9 +680,14 @@ theorem lift_of (i x) : lift G f P g Hg (of G f i x) = g i x :=
FreeCommRing.lift_of _ _
#align ring.direct_limit.lift_of Ring.DirectLimit.lift_of

theorem lift_unique [Nonempty ι] [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] (F : DirectLimit G f →+* P) (x) :
F x = lift G f P (fun i => F.comp <| of G f i) (fun i j hij x => by simp [of_f]) x :=
DirectLimit.induction_on x fun i x => by simp [lift_of]
theorem lift_unique [IsDirected ι (· ≤ ·)] (F : DirectLimit G f →+* P) (x) :
F x = lift G f P (fun i => F.comp <| of G f i) (fun i j hij x => by simp [of_f]) x := by
cases isEmpty_or_nonempty ι
· apply FunLike.congr_fun
apply Ideal.Quotient.ringHom_ext
refine FreeCommRing.hom_ext fun ⟨i, _⟩ ↦ ?_
exact IsEmpty.elim' inferInstance i
· exact DirectLimit.induction_on x fun i x => by simp [lift_of]
#align ring.direct_limit.lift_unique Ring.DirectLimit.lift_unique

end DirectLimit
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/TypeTags.lean
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Expand Up @@ -116,12 +116,18 @@ theorem ofMul_toMul (x : Additive α) : ofMul (toMul x) = x :=
#align of_mul_to_mul ofMul_toMul

instance [Subsingleton α] : Subsingleton (Additive α) := toMul.injective.subsingleton
instance [Subsingleton α] : Subsingleton (Multiplicative α) := toAdd.injective.subsingleton

instance [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (Additive α) :=
⟨ofMul default⟩

instance [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (Multiplicative α) :=
⟨ofAdd default⟩

instance [Unique α] : Unique (Additive α) := toMul.unique
instance [Unique α] : Unique (Multiplicative α) := toAdd.unique

instance [Finite α] : Finite (Additive α) :=
Finite.of_equiv α (by rfl)

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Multiset/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ instance inhabitedMultiset : Inhabited (Multiset α) :=
#align multiset.inhabited_multiset Multiset.inhabitedMultiset

instance [IsEmpty α] : Unique (Multiset α) where
default := 0
uniq := by rintro ⟨_ | ⟨a, l⟩⟩; exacts [rfl, isEmptyElim a]

theorem coe_nil : (@nil α : Multiset α) = 0 :=
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Quot.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl
import Mathlib.Init.Data.Quot
import Mathlib.Logic.Relator
import Mathlib.Logic.Unique
import Mathlib.Mathport.Notation

#align_import data.quot from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"6ed6abbde29b8f630001a1b481603f657a3384f1"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ protected instance Subsingleton [Subsingleton α] : Subsingleton (Quot ra) :=
fun x ↦ Quot.induction_on x fun _ ↦ Quot.ind fun _ ↦ congr_arg _ (Subsingleton.elim _ _)⟩
#align quot.subsingleton Quot.Subsingleton

instance [Unique α] : Unique (Quot ra) :=' _

/-- Recursion on two `Quotient` arguments `a` and `b`, result type depends on `⟦a⟧` and `⟦b⟧`. -/
protected def hrecOn₂ (qa : Quot ra) (qb : Quot rb) (f : ∀ a b, φ ⟦a⟧ ⟦b⟧)
(ca : ∀ {b a₁ a₂}, ra a₁ a₂ → HEq (f a₁ b) (f a₂ b))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,6 +233,8 @@ instance instInhabitedQuotient (s : Setoid α) [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (Quoti
instance instSubsingletonQuotient (s : Setoid α) [Subsingleton α] : Subsingleton (Quotient s) :=

instance instUniqueQuotient (s : Setoid α) [Unique α] : Unique (Quotient s) :=' _

instance {α : Type*} [Setoid α] : IsEquiv α (· ≈ ·) where
refl := Setoid.refl
symm _ _ := Setoid.symm
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Abelianization.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ instance commGroup : CommGroup (Abelianization G) :=
instance : Inhabited (Abelianization G) :=

instance [Unique G] : Unique (Abelianization G) := Quotient.instUniqueQuotient _

instance [Fintype G] [DecidablePred (· ∈ commutator G)] : Fintype (Abelianization G) :=
QuotientGroup.fintype (commutator G)

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/FreeAbelianGroup.lean
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Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ instance FreeAbelianGroup.addCommGroup : AddCommGroup (FreeAbelianGroup α) :=
instance : Inhabited (FreeAbelianGroup α) :=

instance [IsEmpty α] : Unique (FreeAbelianGroup α) := by unfold FreeAbelianGroup; infer_instance

variable {α}

namespace FreeAbelianGroup
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/FreeGroup/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -529,6 +529,9 @@ theorem one_eq_mk : (1 : FreeGroup α) = mk [] :=
instance : Inhabited (FreeGroup α) :=

instance [IsEmpty α] : Unique (FreeGroup α) := by unfold FreeGroup; infer_instance

instance : Mul (FreeGroup α) :=
fun x y =>
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/TensorProduct.lean
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Expand Up @@ -169,6 +169,16 @@ theorem tmul_add (m : M) (n₁ n₂ : N) : m ⊗ₜ (n₁ + n₂) = m ⊗ₜ n
Eq.symm <| Quotient.sound' <| AddConGen.Rel.of _ _ <| Eqv.of_add_right _ _ _
#align tensor_product.tmul_add TensorProduct.tmul_add

instance uniqueLeft [Subsingleton M] : Unique (M ⊗[R] N) where
default := 0
uniq z := z.induction_on rfl (fun x y ↦ by rw [Subsingleton.elim x 0, zero_tmul]; rfl) <| by
rintro _ _ rfl rfl; apply add_zero

instance uniqueRight [Subsingleton N] : Unique (M ⊗[R] N) where
default := 0
uniq z := z.induction_on rfl (fun x y ↦ by rw [Subsingleton.elim y 0, tmul_zero]; rfl) <| by
rintro _ _ rfl rfl; apply add_zero


variable (R R' M N)
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Ordinal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1071,7 +1071,6 @@ theorem mk_multiset_of_nonempty (α : Type u) [Nonempty α] : #(Multiset α) = m
theorem mk_multiset_of_infinite (α : Type u) [Infinite α] : #(Multiset α) = #α := by simp
#align cardinal.mk_multiset_of_infinite Cardinal.mk_multiset_of_infinite

theorem mk_multiset_of_isEmpty (α : Type u) [IsEmpty α] : #(Multiset α) = 1 :=
Multiset.toFinsupp.toEquiv.cardinal_eq.trans (by simp)
#align cardinal.mk_multiset_of_is_empty Cardinal.mk_multiset_of_isEmpty
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