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feat(List/rotate): migrate to get, new lemmas, golf (#12171)
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- Add `List.Nodup.rotate_congr_iff`, `List.cyclicPermutations_ne_nil`,
  `List.head?_cyclicPermutations`, `List.head_cyclicPermutations`,
  `List.cyclicPermutations_injective`, `List.cyclicPermutations_inj`.
- Change `List.nthLe_cyclicPermutations` to
  `List.get_cyclicPermutations`. While the old lemma wasn't deprecated
  during port, the definition `List.nthLe` was,
  so I think that we can drop the lemma without a deprecation period.
  • Loading branch information
urkud authored and Jun2M committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 5a500ce commit b2f46bb
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 97 deletions.
180 changes: 83 additions & 97 deletions Mathlib/Data/List/Rotate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,34 +381,26 @@ theorem map_rotate {β : Type*} (f : α → β) (l : List α) (n : ℕ) :
· simp [hn]
#align list.map_rotate List.map_rotate

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem Nodup.rotate_eq_self_iff {l : List α} (hl : l.Nodup) {n : ℕ} :
l.rotate n = l ↔ n % l.length = 0 ∨ l = [] := by
· intro h
rcases l.length.zero_le.eq_or_lt with hl' | hl'
· simp [← length_eq_zero, ← hl']
rw [nodup_iff_nthLe_inj] at hl
refine' hl _ _ (mod_lt _ hl') hl' _
rw [← nthLe_rotate' _ n]
simp_rw [h, Nat.sub_add_cancel (mod_lt _ hl').le, mod_self]
· rintro (h | h)
· rw [← rotate_mod, h]
exact rotate_zero l
· simp [h]
#align list.nodup.rotate_eq_self_iff List.Nodup.rotate_eq_self_iff

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem Nodup.rotate_congr {l : List α} (hl : l.Nodup) (hn : l ≠ []) (i j : ℕ)
(h : l.rotate i = l.rotate j) : i % l.length = j % l.length := by
have hi : i % l.length < l.length := mod_lt _ (length_pos_of_ne_nil hn)
have hj : j % l.length < l.length := mod_lt _ (length_pos_of_ne_nil hn)
refine' ( hl) _ _ hi hj _
rw [← nthLe_rotate' l i, ← nthLe_rotate' l j]
simp [Nat.sub_add_cancel, hi.le, hj.le, h]
rw [← rotate_mod l i, ← rotate_mod l j] at h
simpa only [head?_rotate, mod_lt, length_pos_of_ne_nil hn, get?_eq_get, Option.some_inj,
hl.get_inj_iff, Fin.ext_iff] using congr_arg head? h
#align list.nodup.rotate_congr List.Nodup.rotate_congr

theorem Nodup.rotate_congr_iff {l : List α} (hl : l.Nodup) {i j : ℕ} :
l.rotate i = l.rotate j ↔ i % l.length = j % l.length ∨ l = [] := by
rcases eq_or_ne l [] with rfl | hn
· simp
· simp only [hn, or_false]
refine ⟨hl.rotate_congr hn _ _, fun h ↦ ?_⟩
rw [← rotate_mod, h, rotate_mod]

theorem Nodup.rotate_eq_self_iff {l : List α} (hl : l.Nodup) {n : ℕ} :
l.rotate n = l ↔ n % l.length = 0 ∨ l = [] := by
rw [← zero_mod, ← hl.rotate_congr_iff, rotate_zero]
#align list.nodup.rotate_eq_self_iff List.Nodup.rotate_eq_self_iff

section IsRotated

variable (l l' : List α)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,7 +540,7 @@ theorem {β : Type*} {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h : l₁ ~r l₂) (f :
/-- List of all cyclic permutations of `l`.
The `cyclicPermutations` of a nonempty list `l` will always contain `List.length l` elements.
This implies that under certain conditions, there are duplicates in `List.cyclicPermutations l`.
The `n`th entry is equal to `l.rotate n`, proven in `List.nthLe_cyclicPermutations`.
The `n`th entry is equal to `l.rotate n`, proven in `List.get_cyclicPermutations`.
The proof that every cyclic permutant of `l` is in the list is `List.mem_cyclicPermutations_iff`.
cyclicPermutations [1, 2, 3, 2, 4] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,109 +576,103 @@ theorem length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil (l : List α) (h : l ≠ []) :
length (cyclicPermutations l) = length l := by simp [cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil _ h]
#align list.length_cyclic_permutations_of_ne_nil List.length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem nthLe_cyclicPermutations (l : List α) (n : ℕ) (hn : n < length (cyclicPermutations l)) :
nthLe (cyclicPermutations l) n hn = l.rotate n := by
obtain rfl | h := eq_or_ne l []
· simp
· rw [length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil _ h] at hn
simp [dropLast_eq_take, cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil _ h, nthLe_take',
rotate_eq_drop_append_take hn.le]
#align list.nth_le_cyclic_permutations List.nthLe_cyclicPermutations
theorem cyclicPermutations_ne_nil : ∀ l : List α, cyclicPermutations l ≠ []
| a::l, h => by simpa using congr_arg length h

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem mem_cyclicPermutations_self (l : List α) : l ∈ cyclicPermutations l := by
cases' l with x l
· simp
· rw [mem_iff_nthLe]
refine' ⟨0, by simp, _⟩
#align list.mem_cyclic_permutations_self List.mem_cyclicPermutations_self
theorem get_cyclicPermutations (l : List α) (n : Fin (length (cyclicPermutations l))) :
(cyclicPermutations l).get n = l.rotate n := by
cases l with
| nil => simp
| cons a l =>
simp only [cyclicPermutations_cons, get_dropLast, get_zipWith, get_tails, get_inits]
rw [rotate_eq_drop_append_take (by simpa using n.2.le)]
#align list.nth_le_cyclic_permutations List.get_cyclicPermutations

theorem head?_cyclicPermutations (l : List α) : (cyclicPermutations l).head? = l := by
have h : 0 < length (cyclicPermutations l) := length_pos_of_ne_nil (cyclicPermutations_ne_nil _)
simp_rw [← get_zero h, get_cyclicPermutations, rotate_zero]

theorem head_cyclicPermutations (l : List α) :
(cyclicPermutations l).head (cyclicPermutations_ne_nil l) = l := by
rw [← Option.some_inj, ← head?_eq_head, head?_cyclicPermutations]

theorem cyclicPermutations_injective : Function.Injective (@cyclicPermutations α) := fun l l' h ↦ by
simpa using congr_arg head? h

theorem cyclicPermutations_inj {l l' : List α} :
cyclicPermutations l = cyclicPermutations l' ↔ l = l' :=

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem length_mem_cyclicPermutations (l : List α) (h : l' ∈ cyclicPermutations l) :
length l' = length l := by
obtain ⟨k, hk, rfl⟩ := nthLe_of_mem h
obtain ⟨k, hk, rfl⟩ := get_of_mem h
#align list.length_mem_cyclic_permutations List.length_mem_cyclicPermutations

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem mem_cyclicPermutations_self (l : List α) : l ∈ cyclicPermutations l := by
simpa using head_mem (cyclicPermutations_ne_nil l)
#align list.mem_cyclic_permutations_self List.mem_cyclicPermutations_self

theorem mem_cyclicPermutations_iff {l l' : List α} : l ∈ cyclicPermutations l' ↔ l ~r l' := by
· intro h
obtain ⟨k, hk, rfl⟩ := nthLe_of_mem h
· intro h
obtain ⟨k, rfl⟩ := h.symm
rw [mem_iff_nthLe]
simp only [exists_prop, nthLe_cyclicPermutations]
cases' l' with x l
theorem cyclicPermutations_rotate (l : List α) (k : ℕ) :
(l.rotate k).cyclicPermutations = l.cyclicPermutations.rotate k := by
have : (l.rotate k).cyclicPermutations.length = length (l.cyclicPermutations.rotate k) := by
cases l
· simp
· refine' ⟨k % length (x :: l), _, rotate_mod _ _⟩
simpa using Nat.mod_lt _ (zero_lt_succ _)
· rw [length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil] <;> simp
refine' ext_get this fun n hn hn' => _
rw [get_rotate, get_cyclicPermutations, rotate_rotate, ← rotate_mod, Nat.add_comm]
cases l <;> simp
#align list.cyclic_permutations_rotate List.cyclicPermutations_rotate

theorem mem_cyclicPermutations_iff : l ∈ cyclicPermutations l' ↔ l ~r l' := by
· simp_rw [mem_iff_get, get_cyclicPermutations]
rintro ⟨k, rfl⟩
exact .forall _ _
· rintro ⟨k, rfl⟩
rw [cyclicPermutations_rotate, mem_rotate]
apply mem_cyclicPermutations_self
#align list.mem_cyclic_permutations_iff List.mem_cyclicPermutations_iff

theorem cyclicPermutations_eq_nil_iff {l : List α} : cyclicPermutations l = [[]] ↔ l = [] := by
refine' ⟨fun h => _, fun h => by simp [h]⟩
rw [eq_comm, ← isRotated_nil_iff', ← mem_cyclicPermutations_iff, h, mem_singleton]
theorem cyclicPermutations_eq_nil_iff {l : List α} : cyclicPermutations l = [[]] ↔ l = [] :=
cyclicPermutations_injective.eq_iff' rfl
#align list.cyclic_permutations_eq_nil_iff List.cyclicPermutations_eq_nil_iff

theorem cyclicPermutations_eq_singleton_iff {l : List α} {x : α} :
cyclicPermutations l = [[x]] ↔ l = [x] := by
refine' ⟨fun h => _, fun h => by simp [cyclicPermutations, h, dropLast_eq_take]⟩
rw [eq_comm, ← isRotated_singleton_iff', ← mem_cyclicPermutations_iff, h, mem_singleton]
cyclicPermutations l = [[x]] ↔ l = [x] :=
cyclicPermutations_injective.eq_iff' rfl
#align list.cyclic_permutations_eq_singleton_iff List.cyclicPermutations_eq_singleton_iff

set_option linter.deprecated false in
/-- If a `l : List α` is `Nodup l`, then all of its cyclic permutants are distinct. -/
theorem Nodup.cyclicPermutations {l : List α} (hn : Nodup l) : Nodup (cyclicPermutations l) := by
cases' l with x l
· simp
rw [nodup_iff_nthLe_inj]
intro i j hi hj h
simp only [length_cyclicPermutations_cons] at hi hj
rw [← mod_eq_of_lt hi, ← mod_eq_of_lt hj]
apply hn.rotate_congr
protected theorem Nodup.cyclicPermutations {l : List α} (hn : Nodup l) :
Nodup (cyclicPermutations l) := by
rcases eq_or_ne l [] with rfl | hl
· simp
· simpa using h
· rw [nodup_iff_injective_get]
rintro ⟨i, hi⟩ ⟨j, hj⟩ h
simp only [length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil l hl] at hi hj
simpa [hn.rotate_congr_iff, mod_eq_of_lt, *] using h
#align list.nodup.cyclic_permutations List.Nodup.cyclicPermutations

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem cyclicPermutations_rotate (l : List α) (k : ℕ) :
(l.rotate k).cyclicPermutations = l.cyclicPermutations.rotate k := by
have : (l.rotate k).cyclicPermutations.length = length (l.cyclicPermutations.rotate k) := by
cases l
· simp
· rw [length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil] <;> simp
refine' ext_nthLe this fun n hn hn' => _
rw [nthLe_rotate, nthLe_cyclicPermutations, rotate_rotate, ← rotate_mod, Nat.add_comm]
cases l <;> simp
#align list.cyclic_permutations_rotate List.cyclicPermutations_rotate

theorem IsRotated.cyclicPermutations {l l' : List α} (h : l ~r l') :
protected theorem IsRotated.cyclicPermutations {l l' : List α} (h : l ~r l') :
l.cyclicPermutations ~r l'.cyclicPermutations := by
obtain ⟨k, rfl⟩ := h
exact ⟨k, by simp⟩
#align list.is_rotated.cyclic_permutations List.IsRotated.cyclicPermutations

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem isRotated_cyclicPermutations_iff {l l' : List α} :
l.cyclicPermutations ~r l'.cyclicPermutations ↔ l ~r l' := by
by_cases hl : l = []
· simp [hl, eq_comm]
have hl' : l.cyclicPermutations.length = l.length := length_cyclicPermutations_of_ne_nil _ hl
refine' ⟨fun h => _, IsRotated.cyclicPermutations⟩
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := h
refine' ⟨k % l.length, _⟩
have hk' : k % l.length < l.length := mod_lt _ (length_pos_of_ne_nil hl)
rw [← nthLe_cyclicPermutations _ _ (hk'.trans_le hl'.ge), ← nthLe_rotate' _ k]
simp [hk, hl', Nat.sub_add_cancel hk'.le]
simp only [IsRotated, ← cyclicPermutations_rotate, cyclicPermutations_inj]
#align list.is_rotated_cyclic_permutations_iff List.isRotated_cyclicPermutations_iff

section Decidable
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