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refactor(*/Multilinear): change *.ofSubsingleton (#8694)
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Change `MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton` and other similar definitions
so that they are now equivalences between linear maps
and `1`-multilinear maps.
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urkud committed Nov 29, 2023
1 parent 0cac4cb commit b9d519b
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Showing 7 changed files with 121 additions and 71 deletions.
63 changes: 40 additions & 23 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/NormedSpace/Multilinear.lean
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Expand Up @@ -488,32 +488,49 @@ theorem op_norm_pi {ι' : Type v'} [Fintype ι'] {E' : ι' → Type wE'}


variable (𝕜 G)

theorem norm_ofSubsingleton_le [Subsingleton ι] (i' : ι) : ‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G i'‖ ≤ 1 :=
op_norm_le_bound _ zero_le_one fun m => by
rw [Fintype.prod_subsingleton _ i', one_mul, ofSubsingleton_apply]
#align continuous_multilinear_map.norm_of_subsingleton_le ContinuousMultilinearMap.norm_ofSubsingleton_le

theorem norm_ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] [Nontrivial G] (i' : ι) :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G i'‖ = 1 := by
apply le_antisymm (norm_ofSubsingleton_le 𝕜 G i')
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := exists_ne (0 : G)
rw [← norm_ne_zero_iff] at hg
have := (ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G i').ratio_le_op_norm fun _ => g
rwa [Fintype.prod_subsingleton _ i', ofSubsingleton_apply, div_self hg] at this
#align continuous_multilinear_map.norm_of_subsingleton ContinuousMultilinearMap.norm_ofSubsingleton

theorem nnnorm_ofSubsingleton_le [Subsingleton ι] (i' : ι) : ‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G i'‖₊ ≤ 1 :=
norm_ofSubsingleton_le _ _ _
#align continuous_multilinear_map.nnnorm_of_subsingleton_le ContinuousMultilinearMap.nnnorm_ofSubsingleton_le
theorem norm_ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) (f : G →L[𝕜] G') :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G' i f‖ = ‖f‖ := by
letI : Unique ι := uniqueOfSubsingleton i
simp only [norm_def, ContinuousLinearMap.norm_def, (Equiv.funUnique _ _).symm.surjective.forall,
Fintype.prod_subsingleton _ i]; rfl

theorem nnnorm_ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] [Nontrivial G] (i' : ι) :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G i'‖₊ = 1 :=
NNReal.eq <| norm_ofSubsingleton _ _ _
#align continuous_multilinear_map.nnnorm_of_subsingleton ContinuousMultilinearMap.nnnorm_ofSubsingleton
theorem nnnorm_ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) (f : G →L[𝕜] G') :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G' i f‖₊ = ‖f‖₊ :=
NNReal.eq <| norm_ofSubsingleton i f

variable (𝕜 G)

/-- Linear isometry between continuous linear maps from `G` to `G'`
and continuous `1`-multilinear maps from `G` to `G'`. -/
@[simps apply symm_apply]
def ofSubsingletonₗᵢ [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
(G →L[𝕜] G') ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 (fun _ : ι ↦ G) G' :=
{ ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G' i with
map_add' := fun _ _ ↦ rfl
map_smul' := fun _ _ ↦ rfl
norm_map' := norm_ofSubsingleton i }

theorem norm_ofSubsingleton_id_le [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G i (.id _ _)‖ ≤ 1 := by
rw [norm_ofSubsingleton]
apply ContinuousLinearMap.norm_id_le
#align continuous_multilinear_map.norm_of_subsingleton_le ContinuousMultilinearMap.norm_ofSubsingleton_id_le

theorem norm_ofSubsingleton_id [Subsingleton ι] [Nontrivial G] (i : ι) :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G i (.id _ _)‖ = 1 := by simp
#align continuous_multilinear_map.norm_of_subsingleton ContinuousMultilinearMap.norm_ofSubsingleton_id

theorem nnnorm_ofSubsingleton_id_le [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G i (.id _ _)‖₊ ≤ 1 :=
norm_ofSubsingleton_id_le _ _ _
#align continuous_multilinear_map.nnnorm_of_subsingleton_le ContinuousMultilinearMap.nnnorm_ofSubsingleton_id_le

theorem nnnorm_ofSubsingleton_id [Subsingleton ι] [Nontrivial G] (i : ι) :
‖ofSubsingleton 𝕜 G G i (.id _ _)‖₊ = 1 :=
NNReal.eq <| norm_ofSubsingleton_id _ _ _
#align continuous_multilinear_map.nnnorm_of_subsingleton ContinuousMultilinearMap.nnnorm_ofSubsingleton_id

variable {G} (E)

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/NormedSpace/OperatorNorm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1509,6 +1509,9 @@ theorem norm_id [Nontrivial E] : ‖id 𝕜 E‖ = 1 := by
exact ⟨x, ne_of_gt (norm_pos_iff.2 hx)⟩
#align continuous_linear_map.norm_id ContinuousLinearMap.norm_id

lemma nnnorm_id [Nontrivial E] : ‖id 𝕜 E‖₊ = 1 := NNReal.eq norm_id

instance normOneClass [Nontrivial E] : NormOneClass (E →L[𝕜] E) :=
#align continuous_linear_map.norm_one_class ContinuousLinearMap.normOneClass
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22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Alternating/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -434,19 +434,21 @@ end Module


variable (R M)
variable (R M N)

/-- The evaluation map from `ι → M` to `M` at a given `i` is alternating when `ι` is subsingleton.
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) : AlternatingMap R M M ι :=
{ MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M i with
toFun := Function.eval i
map_eq_zero_of_eq' := fun _ _ _ _ hij => (hij <| Subsingleton.elim _ _).elim }
/-- The natural equivalence between linear maps from `M` to `N`
and `1`-multilinear alternating maps from `M` to `N`. -/
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) : (M →ₗ[R] N) ≃ AlternatingMap R M N ι where
toFun f := ⟨MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i f, fun _ _ _ _ ↦ absurd (Subsingleton.elim _ _)⟩
invFun f := (MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i).symm f
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := coe_multilinearMap_injective <|
(MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i).apply_symm_apply _
#align alternating_map.of_subsingleton AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton
#align alternating_map.of_subsingleton_apply AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton_apply
#align alternating_map.of_subsingleton_apply AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton_apply_apply

variable (ι)
variable (ι) {N}

/-- The constant map is alternating when `ι` is empty. -/
@[simps (config := .asFn)]
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45 changes: 31 additions & 14 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Multilinear/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -275,22 +275,24 @@ def pi {ι' : Type*} {M' : ι' → Type*} [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (M' i)] [∀ i,


variable (R M₂)
variable (R M₂ M₃)

/-- The evaluation map from `ι → M₂` to `M₂` is multilinear at a given `i` when `ι` is subsingleton.
/-- Equivalence between linear maps `M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃` and one-multilinear maps. -/
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i' : ι) : MultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι => M₂) M₂ where
toFun := Function.eval i'
map_add' m i x y := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim i i']
simp only [Function.eval, Function.update_same]
map_smul' m i r x := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim i i']
simp only [Function.eval, Function.update_same]
#align multilinear_map.of_subsingleton MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton
#align multilinear_map.of_subsingleton_apply MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton_apply

def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
(M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃) ≃ MultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι ↦ M₂) M₃ where
toFun f :=
{ toFun := fun x ↦ f (x i)
map_add' := by intros; simp [update_eq_const_of_subsingleton]
map_smul' := by intros; simp [update_eq_const_of_subsingleton] }
invFun f :=
{ toFun := fun x ↦ f fun _ ↦ x
map_add' := fun x y ↦ by simpa [update_eq_const_of_subsingleton] using f.map_add 0 i x y
map_smul' := fun c x ↦ by simpa [update_eq_const_of_subsingleton] using f.map_smul 0 i c x }
left_inv f := rfl
right_inv f := by ext x; refine congr_arg f ?_; exact (eq_const_of_subsingleton _ _).symm
#align multilinear_map.of_subsingleton MultilinearMap.ofSubsingletonₓ
#align multilinear_map.of_subsingleton_apply MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton_apply_applyₓ

variable (M₁) {M₂}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -839,6 +841,21 @@ instance [NoZeroSMulDivisors S M₂] : NoZeroSMulDivisors S (MultilinearMap R M

variable (R S M₁ M₂ M₃)

section OfSubsingleton

variable [AddCommMonoid M₃] [Semiring S] [Module S M₃] [Module R M₃] [SMulCommClass R S M₃]

/-- Linear equivalence between linear maps `M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃`
and one-multilinear maps `MultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι ↦ M₂) M₃`. -/
@[simps (config := { simpRhs := true })]
def ofSubsingletonₗ [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
(M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃) ≃ₗ[S] MultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι ↦ M₂) M₃ :=
{ ofSubsingleton R M₂ M₃ i with
map_add' := fun _ _ ↦ rfl
map_smul' := fun _ _ ↦ rfl }

end OfSubsingleton

/-- The dependent version of `MultilinearMap.domDomCongrLinearEquiv`. -/
@[simps apply symm_apply]
def domDomCongrLinearEquiv' {ι' : Type*} (σ : ι ≃ ι') :
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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/PiTensorProduct.lean
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Expand Up @@ -562,22 +562,21 @@ Tensor product of `M` over a singleton set is equivalent to `M`
@[simps symm_apply]
def subsingletonEquiv [Subsingleton ι] (i₀ : ι) : (⨂[R] _ : ι, M) ≃ₗ[R] M where
toFun := lift (MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M i₀)
toFun := lift (MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M M i₀ .id)
invFun m := tprod R fun _ ↦ m
left_inv x := by
dsimp only
have : ∀ (f : ι → M) (z : M), (fun _ : ι ↦ z) = update f i₀ z := by
intro f z
have : ∀ (f : ι → M) (z : M), (fun _ : ι ↦ z) = update f i₀ z := fun f z ↦ by
ext i
rw [Subsingleton.elim i i₀, Function.update_same]
refine x.induction_on ?_ ?_
· intro r f
simp only [LinearMap.map_smul, lift.tprod, ofSubsingleton_apply, Function.eval, this f,
MultilinearMap.map_smul, update_eq_self]
simp only [LinearMap.map_smul, LinearMap.id_apply, lift.tprod, ofSubsingleton_apply_apply,
this f, MultilinearMap.map_smul, update_eq_self]
· intro x y hx hy
rw [LinearMap.map_add, this 0 (_ + _), MultilinearMap.map_add, ← this 0 (lift _ _), hx,
← this 0 (lift _ _), hy]
right_inv t := by simp only [ofSubsingleton_apply, lift.tprod, Function.eval_apply]
right_inv t := by simp only [ofSubsingleton_apply_apply, LinearMap.id_apply, lift.tprod]
map_add' := LinearMap.map_add _
map_smul' := fun r x => by
simp only
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26 changes: 16 additions & 10 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/Module/Alternating.lean
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Expand Up @@ -270,21 +270,27 @@ theorem pi_apply {ι' : Type*} {M' : ι' → Type*} [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (M' i)


variable (R M)
variable (R M N)

/-- The evaluation map from `ι → M` to `M` is alternating at a given `i` when `ι` is subsingleton.
@[simps! toContinuousMultilinearMap apply]
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i' : ι) : M [Λ^ι]→L[R] M :=
{ AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton R _ i' with
toContinuousMultilinearMap := ContinuousMultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R _ i' }
/-- The natural equivalence between continuous linear maps from `M` to `N`
and continuous 1-multilinear alternating maps from `M` to `N`. -/
@[simps! apply_apply symm_apply_apply apply_toContinuousMultilinearMap]
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
(M →L[R] N) ≃ M [Λ^ι]→L[R] N where
toFun f :=
{ AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i f with
toContinuousMultilinearMap := ContinuousMultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i f }
invFun f := (ContinuousMultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i).symm f.1
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := toContinuousMultilinearMap_injective <|
(ContinuousMultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i).apply_symm_apply _

theorem ofSubsingleton_toAlternatingMap [Subsingleton ι] (i' : ι) :
(ofSubsingleton R M i').toAlternatingMap = AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton R M i' :=
theorem ofSubsingleton_toAlternatingMap [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) (f : M →L[R] N) :
(ofSubsingleton R M N i f).toAlternatingMap = AlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton R M N i f :=

variable (ι)
variable (ι) {N}

/-- The constant map is alternating when `ι` is empty. -/
@[simps! toContinuousMultilinearMap apply]
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22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/Module/Multilinear.lean
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Expand Up @@ -278,14 +278,20 @@ def codRestrict (f : ContinuousMultilinearMap R M₁ M₂) (p : Submodule R M₂


variable (R M₂)

/-- The evaluation map from `ι → M₂` to `M₂` is multilinear at a given `i` when `ι` is subsingleton.
@[simps! toMultilinearMap apply]
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i' : ι) : ContinuousMultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι => M₂) M₂ where
toMultilinearMap := MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R _ i'
cont := continuous_apply _
variable (R M₂ M₃)

/-- The natural equivalence between continuous linear maps from `M₂` to `M₃`
and continuous 1-multilinear maps from `M₂` to `M₃`. -/
@[simps! apply_toMultilinearMap apply_apply symm_apply_apply]
def ofSubsingleton [Subsingleton ι] (i : ι) :
(M₂ →L[R] M₃) ≃ ContinuousMultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι => M₂) M₃ where
toFun f := ⟨MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M₂ M₃ i f,
(map_continuous f).comp (continuous_apply i)⟩
invFun f := ⟨(MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M₂ M₃ i).symm f.toMultilinearMap,
(map_continuous f).comp <| continuous_pi fun _ ↦ continuous_id⟩
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv f := toMultilinearMap_injective <|
(MultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton R M₂ M₃ i).apply_symm_apply f.toMultilinearMap
#align continuous_multilinear_map.of_subsingleton ContinuousMultilinearMap.ofSubsingleton

variable (M₁) {M₂}
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