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feat: port Analysis.NormedSpace.Units (#3856)
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urkud committed May 12, 2023
1 parent 6b5c902 commit c01ced8
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Showing 4 changed files with 288 additions and 6 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Pointwise
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Ray
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.RieszLemma
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Star.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Units
import Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Polynomials
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Chebyshev
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/GroupWithZero/Units/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ noncomputable def inverse : M₀ → M₀ := fun x => if h : IsUnit x then ((h.u
/-- By definition, if `x` is invertible then `inverse x = x⁻¹`. -/
theorem inverse_unit (u : M₀ˣ) : inverse (u : M₀) = (u⁻¹ : M₀ˣ) := by
simp only [Units.isUnit, inverse, dif_pos]
exact Units.inv_unique rfl
rw [inverse, dif_pos u.isUnit, IsUnit.unit_of_val_units]
#align ring.inverse_unit Ring.inverse_unit

/-- By definition, if `x` is not invertible then `inverse x = 0`. -/
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273 changes: 273 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/NormedSpace/Units.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Heather Macbeth. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Heather Macbeth
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.normed_space.units
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9a59dcb7a2d06bf55da57b9030169219980660cd
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Ring.Ideal
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecificLimits.Normed

# The group of units of a complete normed ring
This file contains the basic theory for the group of units (invertible elements) of a complete
normed ring (Banach algebras being a notable special case).
## Main results
The constructions `Units.oneSub`, `Units.add`, and `Units.ofNearby` state, in varying forms, that
perturbations of a unit are units. The latter two are not stated in their optimal form; more precise
versions would use the spectral radius.
The first main result is `Units.isOpen`: the group of units of a complete normed ring is an open
subset of the ring.
The function `Ring.inverse` (defined elsewhere), for a ring `R`, sends `a : R` to `a⁻¹` if `a` is a
unit and `0` if not. The other major results of this file (notably `NormedRing.inverse_add`,
`NormedRing.inverse_add_norm` and `NormedRing.inverse_add_norm_diff_nth_order`) cover the asymptotic
properties of `Ring.inverse (x + t)` as `t → 0`.

noncomputable section

open Topology

variable {R : Type _} [NormedRing R] [CompleteSpace R]

namespace Units

/-- In a complete normed ring, a perturbation of `1` by an element `t` of distance less than `1`
from `1` is a unit. Here we construct its `Units` structure. -/
@[simps val]
def oneSub (t : R) (h : ‖t‖ < 1) : Rˣ where
val := 1 - t
inv := ∑' n : ℕ, t ^ n
val_inv := mul_neg_geom_series t h
inv_val := geom_series_mul_neg t h
#align units.one_sub Units.oneSub
#align units.coe_one_sub Units.oneSub_val

/-- In a complete normed ring, a perturbation of a unit `x` by an element `t` of distance less than
`‖x⁻¹‖⁻¹` from `x` is a unit. Here we construct its `Units` structure. -/
@[simps! val]
def add (x : Rˣ) (t : R) (h : ‖t‖ < ‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖⁻¹) : Rˣ :=
Units.copy -- to make `add_val` true definitionally, for convenience
(x * Units.oneSub (-((x⁻¹).1 * t)) (by
nontriviality R using zero_lt_one
have hpos : 0 < ‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖ := Units.norm_pos x⁻¹
‖-(↑x⁻¹ * t)‖ = ‖↑x⁻¹ * t‖ := by rw [norm_neg]
_ ≤ ‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖ * ‖t‖ := norm_mul_le (x⁻¹).1 _
_ < ‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖ * ‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖⁻¹ := by nlinarith only [h, hpos]
_ = 1 := mul_inv_cancel (ne_of_gt hpos)))
(x + t) (by simp [mul_add]) _ rfl
#align units.add Units.add
#align units.coe_add Units.add_val

/-- In a complete normed ring, an element `y` of distance less than `‖x⁻¹‖⁻¹` from `x` is a unit.
Here we construct its `Units` structure. -/
@[simps! val]
def ofNearby (x : Rˣ) (y : R) (h : ‖y - x‖ < ‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖⁻¹) : Rˣ :=
(x.add (y - x : R) h).copy y (by simp) _ rfl
#align units.unit_of_nearby Units.ofNearby
#align units.coe_unit_of_nearby Units.ofNearby_val

/-- The group of units of a complete normed ring is an open subset of the ring. -/
protected theorem isOpen : IsOpen { x : R | IsUnit x } := by
nontriviality R
apply Metric.isOpen_iff.mpr
rintro _ ⟨x, rfl⟩
refine' ⟨‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖⁻¹, _root_.inv_pos.mpr (Units.norm_pos x⁻¹), fun y hy ↦ _⟩
rw [mem_ball_iff_norm] at hy
exact (x.ofNearby y hy).isUnit
#align units.is_open Units.isOpen

protected theorem nhds (x : Rˣ) : { x : R | IsUnit x } ∈ 𝓝 (x : R) :=
IsOpen.mem_nhds Units.isOpen x.isUnit
#align units.nhds Units.nhds

end Units

namespace nonunits

/-- The `nonunits` in a complete normed ring are contained in the complement of the ball of radius
`1` centered at `1 : R`. -/
theorem subset_compl_ball : nonunits R ⊆ Metric.ball (1 : R) 1ᶜ := fun x hx h₁ ↦ hx <|
sub_sub_self 1 x ▸ (Units.oneSub (1 - x) (by rwa [mem_ball_iff_norm'] at h₁)).isUnit
#align nonunits.subset_compl_ball nonunits.subset_compl_ball

-- The `nonunits` in a complete normed ring are a closed set
protected theorem isClosed : IsClosed (nonunits R) :=
#align nonunits.is_closed nonunits.isClosed

end nonunits

namespace NormedRing

open Classical BigOperators

open Asymptotics Filter Metric Finset Ring

theorem inverse_one_sub (t : R) (h : ‖t‖ < 1) : inverse (1 - t) = ↑(Units.oneSub t h)⁻¹ := by
rw [← inverse_unit (Units.oneSub t h), Units.oneSub_val]
#align normed_ring.inverse_one_sub NormedRing.inverse_one_sub

/-- The formula `Ring.inverse (x + t) = Ring.inverse (1 + x⁻¹ * t) * x⁻¹` holds for `t` sufficiently
small. -/
theorem inverse_add (x : Rˣ) :
∀ᶠ t in 𝓝 0, inverse ((x : R) + t) = inverse (1 + ↑x⁻¹ * t) * ↑x⁻¹ := by
nontriviality R
rw [Metric.eventually_nhds_iff]
refine ⟨‖(↑x⁻¹ : R)‖⁻¹, by cancel_denoms, fun t ht ↦ ?_⟩
rw [dist_zero_right] at ht
rw [← x.add_val t ht, inverse_unit, Units.add, Units.copy_eq, mul_inv_rev, Units.val_mul,
← inverse_unit, Units.oneSub_val, sub_neg_eq_add]
#align normed_ring.inverse_add NormedRing.inverse_add

theorem inverse_one_sub_nth_order' (n : ℕ) {t : R} (ht : ‖t‖ < 1) :
inverse ((1 : R) - t) = (∑ i in range n, t ^ i) + t ^ n * inverse (1 - t) :=
have := NormedRing.summable_geometric_of_norm_lt_1 t ht
calc inverse (1 - t) = ∑' i : ℕ, t ^ i := inverse_one_sub t ht
_ = ∑ i in range n, t ^ i + ∑' i : ℕ, t ^ (i + n) := (sum_add_tsum_nat_add _ this).symm
_ = (∑ i in range n, t ^ i) + t ^ n * inverse (1 - t) := by
simp only [inverse_one_sub t ht, add_comm _ n, pow_add, this.tsum_mul_left]; rfl

theorem inverse_one_sub_nth_order (n : ℕ) :
∀ᶠ t in 𝓝 0, inverse ((1 : R) - t) = (∑ i in range n, t ^ i) + t ^ n * inverse (1 - t) :=
Metric.eventually_nhds_iff.21, one_pos, fun t ht ↦ inverse_one_sub_nth_order' n <| by
rwa [← dist_zero_right]⟩
#align normed_ring.inverse_one_sub_nth_order NormedRing.inverse_one_sub_nth_order

/-- The formula
`Ring.inverse (x + t) =
(∑ i in Finset.range n, (- x⁻¹ * t) ^ i) * x⁻¹ + (- x⁻¹ * t) ^ n * Ring.inverse (x + t)`
holds for `t` sufficiently small. -/
theorem inverse_add_nth_order (x : Rˣ) (n : ℕ) :
∀ᶠ t in 𝓝 0, inverse ((x : R) + t) =
(∑ i in range n, (-↑x⁻¹ * t) ^ i) * ↑x⁻¹ + (-↑x⁻¹ * t) ^ n * inverse (x + t) := by
have hzero : Tendsto (-(↑x⁻¹ : R) * ·) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0) :=
(mulLeft_continuous _).tendsto' _ _ <| mul_zero _
filter_upwards [inverse_add x, hzero.eventually (inverse_one_sub_nth_order n)] with t ht ht'
rw [neg_mul, sub_neg_eq_add] at ht'
conv_lhs => rw [ht, ht', add_mul, ← neg_mul, mul_assoc]
rw [ht]
#align normed_ring.inverse_add_nth_order NormedRing.inverse_add_nth_order

theorem inverse_one_sub_norm : (fun t : R => inverse (1 - t)) =O[𝓝 0] (fun _t => 1 : R → ℝ) := by
simp only [IsBigO, IsBigOWith, Metric.eventually_nhds_iff]
refine ⟨‖(1 : R)‖ + 1, (2 : ℝ)⁻¹, by norm_num, fun t ht ↦ ?_⟩
rw [dist_zero_right] at ht
have ht' : ‖t‖ < 1 := by
have : (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ < 1 := by cancel_denoms
simp only [inverse_one_sub t ht', norm_one, mul_one, Set.mem_setOf_eq]
change ‖∑' n : ℕ, t ^ n‖ ≤ _
have := NormedRing.tsum_geometric_of_norm_lt_1 t ht'
have : (1 - ‖t‖)⁻¹ ≤ 2 := by
rw [← inv_inv (2 : ℝ)]
refine' inv_le_inv_of_le (by norm_num) _
have : (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ + (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ = 1 := by ring
#align normed_ring.inverse_one_sub_norm NormedRing.inverse_one_sub_norm

/-- The function `fun t ↦ inverse (x + t)` is O(1) as `t → 0`. -/
theorem inverse_add_norm (x : Rˣ) : (fun t : R => inverse (↑x + t)) =O[𝓝 0] fun _t => (1 : ℝ) := by
refine EventuallyEq.trans_isBigO (inverse_add x) (one_mul (1 : ℝ) ▸ ?_)
simp only [← sub_neg_eq_add, ← neg_mul]
have hzero : Tendsto (-(↑x⁻¹ : R) * ·) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0) :=
(mulLeft_continuous _).tendsto' _ _ <| mul_zero _
exact (inverse_one_sub_norm.comp_tendsto hzero).mul (isBigO_const_const _ one_ne_zero _)
#align normed_ring.inverse_add_norm NormedRing.inverse_add_norm

/-- The function
`fun t ↦ Ring.inverse (x + t) - (∑ i in Finset.range n, (- x⁻¹ * t) ^ i) * x⁻¹`
is `O(t ^ n)` as `t → 0`. -/
theorem inverse_add_norm_diff_nth_order (x : Rˣ) (n : ℕ) :
(fun t : R => inverse (↑x + t) - (∑ i in range n, (-↑x⁻¹ * t) ^ i) * ↑x⁻¹) =O[𝓝 (0 : R)]
fun t => ‖t‖ ^ n := by
refine EventuallyEq.trans_isBigO (.sub (inverse_add_nth_order x n) (.refl _ _)) ?_
simp only [add_sub_cancel']
refine ((isBigO_refl _ _).norm_right.mul (inverse_add_norm x)).trans ?_
simp only [mul_one, isBigO_norm_left]
exact ((isBigO_refl _ _).norm_right.const_mul_left _).pow _
#align normed_ring.inverse_add_norm_diff_nth_order NormedRing.inverse_add_norm_diff_nth_order

/-- The function `fun t ↦ Ring.inverse (x + t) - x⁻¹` is `O(t)` as `t → 0`. -/
theorem inverse_add_norm_diff_first_order (x : Rˣ) :
(fun t : R => inverse (↑x + t) - ↑x⁻¹) =O[𝓝 0] fun t => ‖t‖ := by
simpa using inverse_add_norm_diff_nth_order x 1
#align normed_ring.inverse_add_norm_diff_first_order NormedRing.inverse_add_norm_diff_first_order

/-- The function `fun t ↦ Ring.inverse (x + t) - x⁻¹ + x⁻¹ * t * x⁻¹` is `O(t ^ 2)` as `t → 0`. -/
theorem inverse_add_norm_diff_second_order (x : Rˣ) :
(fun t : R => inverse (↑x + t) - ↑x⁻¹ + ↑x⁻¹ * t * ↑x⁻¹) =O[𝓝 0] fun t => ‖t‖ ^ 2 := by
convert inverse_add_norm_diff_nth_order x 2 using 2
simp only [sum_range_succ, sum_range_zero, zero_add, pow_zero, pow_one, add_mul, one_mul,
← sub_sub, neg_mul, sub_neg_eq_add]
#align normed_ring.inverse_add_norm_diff_second_order NormedRing.inverse_add_norm_diff_second_order

/-- The function `Ring.inverse` is continuous at each unit of `R`. -/
theorem inverse_continuousAt (x : Rˣ) : ContinuousAt inverse (x : R) := by
have h_is_o : (fun t : R => inverse (↑x + t) - ↑x⁻¹) =o[𝓝 0] (fun _ => 1 : R → ℝ) :=
(inverse_add_norm_diff_first_order x).trans_isLittleO (isLittleO_id_const one_ne_zero).norm_left
have h_lim : Tendsto (fun y : R => y - x) (𝓝 x) (𝓝 0) := by
refine' tendsto_zero_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.mpr _
exact tendsto_id
rw [ContinuousAt, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero, inverse_unit]
simpa [(· ∘ ·)] using h_is_o.norm_left.tendsto_div_nhds_zero.comp h_lim
#align normed_ring.inverse_continuous_at NormedRing.inverse_continuousAt

end NormedRing

namespace Units

open MulOpposite Filter NormedRing

/-- In a normed ring, the coercion from `Rˣ` (equipped with the induced topology from the
embedding in `R × R`) to `R` is an open embedding. -/
theorem openEmbedding_val : OpenEmbedding (val : Rˣ → R) where
toEmbedding := embedding_val_mk'
(fun _ ⟨u, hu⟩ ↦ hu ▸ (inverse_continuousAt u).continuousWithinAt) Ring.inverse_unit
open_range := Units.isOpen
#align units.open_embedding_coe Units.openEmbedding_val

/-- In a normed ring, the coercion from `Rˣ` (equipped with the induced topology from the
embedding in `R × R`) to `R` is an open map. -/
theorem isOpenMap_val : IsOpenMap (val : Rˣ → R) :=
#align units.is_open_map_coe Units.isOpenMap_val

end Units

namespace Ideal

/-- An ideal which contains an element within `1` of `1 : R` is the unit ideal. -/
theorem eq_top_of_norm_lt_one (I : Ideal R) {x : R} (hxI : x ∈ I) (hx : ‖1 - x‖ < 1) : I = ⊤ :=
let u := Units.oneSub (1 - x) hx
I.eq_top_iff_one.mpr <| by simpa only [show u.inv * x = 1 by simp] using I.mul_mem_left u.inv hxI
#align ideal.eq_top_of_norm_lt_one Ideal.eq_top_of_norm_lt_one

/-- The `Ideal.closure` of a proper ideal in a complete normed ring is proper. -/
theorem closure_ne_top (I : Ideal R) (hI : I ≠ ⊤) : I.closure ≠ ⊤ := by
have h := closure_minimal (coe_subset_nonunits hI) nonunits.isClosed
simpa only [I.closure.eq_top_iff_one, Ne.def] using mt (@h 1) one_not_mem_nonunits
#align ideal.closure_ne_top Ideal.closure_ne_top

/-- The `Ideal.closure` of a maximal ideal in a complete normed ring is the ideal itself. -/
theorem IsMaximal.closure_eq {I : Ideal R} (hI : I.IsMaximal) : I.closure = I :=
(hI.eq_of_le (I.closure_ne_top hI.ne_top) subset_closure).symm
#align ideal.is_maximal.closure_eq Ideal.IsMaximal.closure_eq

/-- Maximal ideals in complete normed rings are closed. -/
instance IsMaximal.isClosed {I : Ideal R} [hI : I.IsMaximal] : IsClosed (I : Set R) :=
isClosed_of_closure_subset <| Eq.subset <| congr_arg ((↑) : Ideal R → Set R) hI.closure_eq
#align ideal.is_maximal.is_closed Ideal.IsMaximal.isClosed

end Ideal
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/Constructions.lean
Expand Up @@ -124,14 +124,23 @@ theorem embedding_embedProduct : Embedding (embedProduct M) :=
Use `Units.embedding_val₀`, `Units.embedding_val`, or `toUnits_homeomorph` instead. -/
@[to_additive "An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion `AddUnits M → M` is a
topological embedding. Use `AddUnits.embedding_val` or `toAddUnits_homeomorph` instead."]
lemma embedding_val_mk {M : Type _} [DivisionMonoid M] [TopologicalSpace M]
(h : ContinuousOn Inv.inv {x : M | IsUnit x}) : Embedding (val : Mˣ → M) := by
lemma embedding_val_mk' {M : Type _} [Monoid M] [TopologicalSpace M] {f : M → M}
(hc : ContinuousOn f {x : M | IsUnit x}) (hf : ∀ u : Mˣ, f u.1 = ↑u⁻¹) :
Embedding (val : Mˣ → M) := by
refine ⟨⟨?_⟩, ext⟩
rw [topology_eq_inf, inf_eq_left, ← continuous_iff_le_induced,
@continuous_iff_continuousAt _ _ (.induced _ _)]
intros u s hs
simp only [val_inv_eq_inv_val, nhds_induced, Filter.mem_map] at hs ⊢
exact ⟨_, mem_inf_principal.1 (h u u.isUnit hs), fun u' hu' ↦ hu' u'.isUnit⟩
simp only [← hf, nhds_induced, Filter.mem_map] at hs ⊢
exact ⟨_, mem_inf_principal.1 (hc u u.isUnit hs), fun u' hu' ↦ hu' u'.isUnit⟩

/-- An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion `Mˣ → M` is a topological embedding.
Use `Units.embedding_val₀`, `Units.embedding_val`, or `toUnits_homeomorph` instead. -/
@[to_additive "An auxiliary lemma that can be used to prove that coercion `AddUnits M → M` is a
topological embedding. Use `AddUnits.embedding_val` or `toAddUnits_homeomorph` instead."]
lemma embedding_val_mk {M : Type _} [DivisionMonoid M] [TopologicalSpace M]
(h : ContinuousOn Inv.inv {x : M | IsUnit x}) : Embedding (val : Mˣ → M) :=
embedding_val_mk' h fun u ↦ (val_inv_eq_inv_val u).symm
#align units.embedding_coe_mk Units.embedding_val_mk
#align add_units.embedding_coe_mk AddUnits.embedding_val_mk

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