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feat: port Order.Category.SemilatCat (#4990)
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Co-authored-by: Jeremy Tan Jie Rui <>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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3 people committed Jun 13, 2023
1 parent a121cf8 commit dc318ce
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Showing 2 changed files with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -2257,6 +2257,7 @@ import Mathlib.Order.Category.LinOrdCat
import Mathlib.Order.Category.NonemptyFinLinOrdCat
import Mathlib.Order.Category.PartOrdCat
import Mathlib.Order.Category.PreordCat
import Mathlib.Order.Category.SemilatCat
import Mathlib.Order.Chain
import Mathlib.Order.Circular
import Mathlib.Order.Closure
Expand Down
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/Category/SemilatCat.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.category.Semilat
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit e8ac6315bcfcbaf2d19a046719c3b553206dac75
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Order.Category.PartOrdCat
import Mathlib.Order.Hom.Lattice

# The categories of semilattices
This defines `SemilatSupCat` and `SemilatInfCat`, the categories of sup-semilattices with a bottom
element and inf-semilattices with a top element.
## References
* [nLab, *semilattice*](

set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false

universe u

open CategoryTheory

/-- The category of sup-semilattices with a bottom element. -/
structure SemilatSupCat : Type (u + 1) where
protected X : Type u
[isSemilatticeSup : SemilatticeSup X]
[isOrderBot : OrderBot.{u} X]
#align SemilatSup SemilatSupCat

/-- The category of inf-semilattices with a top element. -/
structure SemilatInfCat : Type (u + 1) where
protected X : Type u
[isSemilatticeInf : SemilatticeInf X]
[isOrderTop : OrderTop.{u} X]
#align SemilatInf SemilatInfCat

namespace SemilatSupCat

instance : CoeSort SemilatSupCat (Type _) :=

attribute [instance] isSemilatticeSup isOrderBot

/-- Construct a bundled `SemilatSupCat` from a `SemilatticeSup`. -/
def of (α : Type _) [SemilatticeSup α] [OrderBot α] : SemilatSupCat :=
#align SemilatSup.of SemilatSupCat.of

theorem coe_of (α : Type _) [SemilatticeSup α] [OrderBot α] : ↥(of α) = α :=
#align SemilatSup.coe_of SemilatSupCat.coe_of

instance : Inhabited SemilatSupCat :=
⟨of PUnit⟩

instance : LargeCategory.{u} SemilatSupCat where
Hom X Y := SupBotHom X Y
id X := X
comp f g := g.comp f
id_comp := SupBotHom.comp_id
comp_id := SupBotHom.id_comp
assoc _ _ _ := SupBotHom.comp_assoc _ _ _

-- Porting note: added
instance instFunLike (X Y : SemilatSupCat) : FunLike (X ⟶ Y) X (fun _ => Y) :=
show FunLike (SupBotHom X Y) X (fun _ => Y) from inferInstance

instance : ConcreteCategory SemilatSupCat where
forget :=
{ obj := SemilatSupCat.X
map := FunLike.coe }
forget_faithful := ⟨(FunLike.coe_injective ·)⟩

instance hasForgetToPartOrd : HasForget₂ SemilatSupCat PartOrdCat where
forget₂ :=
-- Porting note: was ⟨X⟩, see
{ obj := fun X => {α := X}
-- Porting note: was `map := fun f => f`
map := fun f => ⟨f.toSupHom, OrderHomClass.mono f.toSupHom⟩ }
#align SemilatSup.has_forget_to_PartOrd SemilatSupCat.hasForgetToPartOrd

theorem coe_forget_to_partOrdCat (X : SemilatSupCat) :
↥((forget₂ SemilatSupCat PartOrdCat).obj X) = ↥X :=
#align SemilatSup.coe_forget_to_PartOrd SemilatSupCat.coe_forget_to_partOrdCat

end SemilatSupCat

namespace SemilatInfCat

instance : CoeSort SemilatInfCat (Type _) :=

attribute [instance] isSemilatticeInf isOrderTop

/-- Construct a bundled `SemilatInfCat` from a `SemilatticeInf`. -/
def of (α : Type _) [SemilatticeInf α] [OrderTop α] : SemilatInfCat :=
#align SemilatInf.of SemilatInfCat.of

theorem coe_of (α : Type _) [SemilatticeInf α] [OrderTop α] : ↥(of α) = α :=
#align SemilatInf.coe_of SemilatInfCat.coe_of

instance : Inhabited SemilatInfCat :=
⟨of PUnit⟩

instance : LargeCategory.{u} SemilatInfCat where
Hom X Y := InfTopHom X Y
id X := X
comp f g := g.comp f
id_comp := InfTopHom.comp_id
comp_id := InfTopHom.id_comp
assoc _ _ _ := InfTopHom.comp_assoc _ _ _

-- Porting note: added
instance instFunLike (X Y : SemilatInfCat) : FunLike (X ⟶ Y) X (fun _ => Y) :=
show FunLike (InfTopHom X Y) X (fun _ => Y) from inferInstance

instance : ConcreteCategory SemilatInfCat where
forget :=
{ obj := SemilatInfCat.X
map := FunLike.coe }
forget_faithful := ⟨(FunLike.coe_injective ·)⟩

instance hasForgetToPartOrd : HasForget₂ SemilatInfCat PartOrdCat where
forget₂ :=
{ obj := fun X => ⟨X, inferInstance⟩
-- Porting note: was `map := fun f => f`
map := fun f => ⟨f.toInfHom, OrderHomClass.mono f.toInfHom⟩ }
#align SemilatInf.has_forget_to_PartOrd SemilatInfCat.hasForgetToPartOrd

theorem coe_forget_to_partOrdCat (X : SemilatInfCat) :
↥((forget₂ SemilatInfCat PartOrdCat).obj X) = ↥X :=
#align SemilatInf.coe_forget_to_PartOrd SemilatInfCat.coe_forget_to_partOrdCat

end SemilatInfCat

/-! ### Order dual -/

namespace SemilatSupCat

/-- Constructs an isomorphism of lattices from an order isomorphism between them. -/
def {α β : SemilatSupCat.{u}} (e : α ≃o β) : α ≅ β where
hom := (e : SupBotHom _ _)
inv := (e.symm : SupBotHom _ _)
hom_inv_id := by ext; exact e.symm_apply_apply _
inv_hom_id := by ext; exact e.apply_symm_apply _

/-- `order_dual` as a functor. -/
def dual : SemilatSupCat ⥤ SemilatInfCat where
obj X := SemilatInfCat.of Xᵒᵈ
map {X Y} := SupBotHom.dual
#align SemilatSup.dual SemilatSupCat.dual

end SemilatSupCat

namespace SemilatInfCat

/-- Constructs an isomorphism of lattices from an order isomorphism between them. -/
def {α β : SemilatInfCat.{u}} (e : α ≃o β) : α ≅ β where
hom := (e : InfTopHom _ _)
inv := (e.symm : InfTopHom _ _)
hom_inv_id := by ext; exact e.symm_apply_apply _
inv_hom_id := by ext; exact e.apply_symm_apply _

/-- `OrderDual` as a functor. -/
def dual : SemilatInfCat ⥤ SemilatSupCat where
obj X := SemilatSupCat.of Xᵒᵈ
map {X Y} := InfTopHom.dual
#align SemilatInf.dual SemilatInfCat.dual

end SemilatInfCat

/-- The equivalence between `SemilatSupCat` and `SemilatInfCat` induced by `OrderDual` both ways. -/
@[simps functor inverse]
def SemilatSupCatEquivSemilatInfCat : SemilatSupCat ≌ SemilatInfCat where
functor := SemilatSupCat.dual
inverse := SemilatInfCat.dual
unitIso := NatIso.ofComponents fun X => <| OrderIso.dualDual X
counitIso := NatIso.ofComponents fun X => <| OrderIso.dualDual X
#align SemilatSup_equiv_SemilatInf SemilatSupCatEquivSemilatInfCat

theorem SemilatSupCat_dual_comp_forget_to_partOrdCat :
SemilatSupCat.dual ⋙ forget₂ SemilatInfCat PartOrdCat =
forget₂ SemilatSupCat PartOrdCat ⋙ PartOrdCat.dual :=
#align SemilatSup_dual_comp_forget_to_PartOrd SemilatSupCat_dual_comp_forget_to_partOrdCat

theorem SemilatInfCat_dual_comp_forget_to_partOrdCat :
SemilatInfCat.dual ⋙ forget₂ SemilatSupCat PartOrdCat =
forget₂ SemilatInfCat PartOrdCat ⋙ PartOrdCat.dual :=
#align SemilatInf_dual_comp_forget_to_PartOrd SemilatInfCat_dual_comp_forget_to_partOrdCat

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