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feat: add Algebra.discr_localizationLocalization (#6422)
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We prove
theorem Algebra.discr_localizationLocalization (b : Basis ι R S) :
  Algebra.discr Rₘ (b.localizationLocalization Rₘ M Aₘ) = algebraMap R Rₘ (Algebra.discr R b) 
We need for that to prove the analogue for the trace of `Algebra.norm_localization` (that was the only result in `RingTheory.Localization.Norm`). Since the results are added to this file, it is renamed to `RingTheory.Localization.NormTrace` (not sure about the name though).
  • Loading branch information
xroblot authored and semorrison committed Aug 17, 2023
1 parent c0fb7da commit f8ea253
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Showing 5 changed files with 126 additions and 61 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2808,7 +2808,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Integral
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.InvSubmonoid
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.LocalizationLocalization
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Module
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Norm
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.NormTrace
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.NumDen
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Submodule
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MatrixAlgebra
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/Trace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ theorem trace_sum (s : Finset ι) (f : ι → Matrix n n R) :
map_sum (traceAddMonoidHom n R) f s
#align matrix.trace_sum Matrix.trace_sum

theorem _root_.AddMonoidHom.map_trace [AddCommMonoid S] (f : R →+ S) (A : Matrix n n R) :
f (trace A) = trace (f.mapMatrix A) :=
map_sum f (fun i => diag A i) Finset.univ

end AddCommMonoid

section AddCommGroup
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/RingTheory/Ideal/Norm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.FreeModule.Determinant
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.FreeModule.IdealQuotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.PID
import Mathlib.RingTheory.LocalProperties
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Norm
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.NormTrace

#align_import ring_theory.ideal.norm from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"f0c8bf9245297a541f468be517f1bde6195105e9"

Expand Down
59 changes: 0 additions & 59 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Localization/Norm.lean

This file was deleted.

120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Localization/NormTrace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Anne Baanen. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anne Baanen
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Module
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Norm
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Discriminant

#align_import ring_theory.localization.norm from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"2e59a6de168f95d16b16d217b808a36290398c0a"

# Field/algebra norm / trace and localization
This file contains results on the combination of `IsLocalization` and `Algebra.norm`,
`Algebra.trace` and `Algebra.discr`.
## Main results
* `Algebra.norm_localization`: let `S` be an extension of `R` and `Rₘ Sₘ` be localizations at `M`
of `R S` respectively. Then the norm of `a : Sₘ` over `Rₘ` is the norm of `a : S` over `R`
if `S` is free as `R`-module.
* `Algebra.trace_localization`: let `S` be an extension of `R` and `Rₘ Sₘ` be localizations at `M`
of `R S` respectively. Then the trace of `a : Sₘ` over `Rₘ` is the trace of `a : S` over `R`
if `S` is free as `R`-module.
* `Algebra.discr_localizationLocalization`: let `S` be an extension of `R` and `Rₘ Sₘ` be
localizations at `M` of `R S` respectively. Let `b` be a `R`-basis of `S`. Then discriminant of
the `Rₘ`-basis of `Sₘ` induced by `b` is the discriminant of `b`.
## Tags
field norm, algebra norm, localization

open scoped nonZeroDivisors

variable (R : Type*) {S : Type*} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S]

variable {Rₘ Sₘ : Type*} [CommRing Rₘ] [Algebra R Rₘ] [CommRing Sₘ] [Algebra S Sₘ]

variable (M : Submonoid R)

variable [IsLocalization M Rₘ] [IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S M) Sₘ]

variable [Algebra Rₘ Sₘ] [Algebra R Sₘ] [IsScalarTower R Rₘ Sₘ] [IsScalarTower R S Sₘ]

open Algebra

theorem Algebra.map_leftMulMatrix_localization {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι]
(b : Basis ι R S) (a : S) :
(algebraMap R Rₘ).mapMatrix (leftMulMatrix b a) =
leftMulMatrix (b.localizationLocalization Rₘ M Sₘ) (algebraMap S Sₘ a) := by
ext i j
simp only [Matrix.map_apply, RingHom.mapMatrix_apply, leftMulMatrix_eq_repr_mul, ← map_mul,
Basis.localizationLocalization_apply, Basis.localizationLocalization_repr_algebraMap]

/-- Let `S` be an extension of `R` and `Rₘ Sₘ` be localizations at `M` of `R S` respectively.
Then the norm of `a : Sₘ` over `Rₘ` is the norm of `a : S` over `R` if `S` is free as `R`-module.
theorem Algebra.norm_localization [Module.Free R S] [Module.Finite R S] (a : S) :
Algebra.norm Rₘ (algebraMap S Sₘ a) = algebraMap R Rₘ (Algebra.norm R a) := by
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial R
· haveI : Subsingleton Rₘ := Module.subsingleton R Rₘ
let b := Module.Free.chooseBasis R S
letI := Classical.decEq (Module.Free.ChooseBasisIndex R S)
rw [Algebra.norm_eq_matrix_det (b.localizationLocalization Rₘ M Sₘ),
Algebra.norm_eq_matrix_det b, RingHom.map_det, ← Algebra.map_leftMulMatrix_localization]
#align algebra.norm_localization Algebra.norm_localization

/-- Let `S` be an extension of `R` and `Rₘ Sₘ` be localizations at `M` of `R S` respectively.
Then the trace of `a : Sₘ` over `Rₘ` is the trace of `a : S` over `R` if `S` is free as `R`-module.
theorem Algebra.trace_localization [Module.Free R S] [Module.Finite R S] (a : S) :
Algebra.trace Rₘ Sₘ (algebraMap S Sₘ a) = algebraMap R Rₘ (Algebra.trace R S a) := by
cases subsingleton_or_nontrivial R
· haveI : Subsingleton Rₘ := Module.subsingleton R Rₘ
let b := Module.Free.chooseBasis R S
letI := Classical.decEq (Module.Free.ChooseBasisIndex R S)
rw [Algebra.trace_eq_matrix_trace (b.localizationLocalization Rₘ M Sₘ),
Algebra.trace_eq_matrix_trace b, ← Algebra.map_leftMulMatrix_localization]
exact (AddMonoidHom.map_trace (algebraMap R Rₘ).toAddMonoidHom _).symm

section LocalizationLocalization

variable (Sₘ : Type*) [CommRing Sₘ] [Algebra S Sₘ] [Algebra Rₘ Sₘ] [Algebra R Sₘ]

variable [IsScalarTower R Rₘ Sₘ] [IsScalarTower R S Sₘ]

variable [IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S M) Sₘ]

variable {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι]

theorem Algebra.traceMatrix_localizationLocalization (b : Basis ι R S) :
Algebra.traceMatrix Rₘ (b.localizationLocalization Rₘ M Sₘ) =
(algebraMap R Rₘ).mapMatrix (Algebra.traceMatrix R b) := by
have : Module.Finite R S := Module.Finite.of_basis b
have : Module.Free R S := Module.Free.of_basis b
ext i j : 2
simp_rw [RingHom.mapMatrix_apply, Matrix.map_apply, traceMatrix_apply, traceForm_apply,
Basis.localizationLocalization_apply, ← map_mul]
exact Algebra.trace_localization R M _

/-- Let `S` be an extension of `R` and `Rₘ Sₘ` be localizations at `M` of `R S` respectively. Let
`b` be a `R`-basis of `S`. Then discriminant of the `Rₘ`-basis of `Sₘ` induced by `b` is the
discriminant of `b`.
theorem Algebra.discr_localizationLocalization (b : Basis ι R S) :
Algebra.discr Rₘ (b.localizationLocalization Rₘ M Sₘ) =
algebraMap R Rₘ (Algebra.discr R b) := by
rw [Algebra.discr_def, Algebra.discr_def, RingHom.map_det,

end LocalizationLocalization

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