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feat: port NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Rat (#5417)
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riccardobrasca authored and semorrison committed Jun 28, 2023
1 parent 0d8a2aa commit fc92b78
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Showing 2 changed files with 283 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2304,6 +2304,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ClassNumber.AdmissibleCardPowDegree
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Discriminant
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.PrimitiveRoots
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Rat
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Dioph
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.DiophantineApproximation
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors
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282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/Rat.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Riccardo Brasca
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module number_theory.cyclotomic.rat
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit b353176c24d96c23f0ce1cc63efc3f55019702d9
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Discriminant
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Eisenstein.IsIntegral

# Ring of integers of `p ^ n`-th cyclotomic fields
We gather results about cyclotomic extensions of `ℚ`. In particular, we compute the ring of
integers of a `p ^ n`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`.
## Main results
* `IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow`: if `K` is a
`p ^ k`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`, then `(adjoin ℤ {ζ})` is the integral closure of
`ℤ` in `K`.
* `IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.cyclotomicRing_isIntegralClosure_of_prime_pow`: the integral
closure of `ℤ` inside `CyclotomicField (p ^ k) ℚ` is `CyclotomicRing (p ^ k) ℤ ℚ`.

universe u

open Algebra IsCyclotomicExtension Polynomial NumberField

open scoped Cyclotomic NumberField Nat

variable {p : ℕ+} {k : ℕ} {K : Type u} [Field K] [CharZero K] {ζ : K} [hp : Fact (p : ℕ).Prime]

local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y) -- Porting note: See issue #2220

namespace IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat

/-- The discriminant of the power basis given by `ζ - 1`. -/
theorem discr_prime_pow_ne_two' [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ (k + 1)} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ (k + 1))) (hk : p ^ (k + 1) ≠ 2) :
discr ℚ (hζ.subOnePowerBasis ℚ).basis =
(-1) ^ ((p ^ (k + 1) : ℕ).totient / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) ^ k * ((p - 1) * (k + 1) - 1)) := by
rw [← discr_prime_pow_ne_two hζ (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat (p ^ (k + 1)).pos) hk]
exact hζ.discr_zeta_eq_discr_zeta_sub_one.symm
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.discr_prime_pow_ne_two' IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.discr_prime_pow_ne_two'

theorem discr_odd_prime' [IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) (hodd : p ≠ 2) :
discr ℚ (hζ.subOnePowerBasis ℚ).basis = (-1) ^ (((p : ℕ) - 1) / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) - 2) := by
rw [← discr_odd_prime hζ (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat hp.out.pos) hodd]
exact hζ.discr_zeta_eq_discr_zeta_sub_one.symm
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.discr_odd_prime' IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.discr_odd_prime'

/-- The discriminant of the power basis given by `ζ - 1`. Beware that in the cases `p ^ k = 1` and
`p ^ k = 2` the formula uses `1 / 2 = 0` and `0 - 1 = 0`. It is useful only to have a uniform
result. See also `IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow'`. -/
theorem discr_prime_pow' [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) :
discr ℚ (hζ.subOnePowerBasis ℚ).basis =
(-1) ^ ((p ^ k : ℕ).totient / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) ^ (k - 1) * ((p - 1) * k - 1)) := by
rw [← discr_prime_pow hζ (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat (p ^ k).pos)]
exact hζ.discr_zeta_eq_discr_zeta_sub_one.symm
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.discr_prime_pow' IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.discr_prime_pow'

/-- If `p` is a prime and `IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} K L`, then there are `u : ℤˣ` and
`n : ℕ` such that the discriminant of the power basis given by `ζ - 1` is `u * p ^ n`. Often this is
enough and less cumbersome to use than `IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.discr_prime_pow'`. -/
theorem discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow' [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) :
∃ (u : ℤˣ) (n : ℕ), discr ℚ (hζ.subOnePowerBasis ℚ).basis = u * p ^ n := by
rw [hζ.discr_zeta_eq_discr_zeta_sub_one.symm]
exact discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow hζ (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat (p ^ k).pos)
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow' IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow'

/-- If `K` is a `p ^ k`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`, then `(adjoin ℤ {ζ})` is the
integral closure of `ℤ` in `K`. -/
theorem isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) : IsIntegralClosure (adjoin ℤ ({ζ} : Set K)) ℤ K := by
refine' ⟨Subtype.val_injective, @fun x => ⟨fun h => ⟨⟨x, _⟩, rfl⟩, _⟩⟩
· rintro ⟨y, rfl⟩
(adjoin_le_integralClosure (hζ.isIntegral (p ^ k).pos)) _)
let B := hζ.subOnePowerBasis ℚ
have hint : IsIntegral ℤ B.gen := isIntegral_sub (hζ.isIntegral (p ^ k).pos) isIntegral_one
-- Porting note: the following `haveI` was not needed because the locale `cyclotomic` set it
-- as instances.
letI := IsCyclotomicExtension.finiteDimensional {p ^ k} ℚ K
have H := discr_mul_isIntegral_mem_adjoin ℚ hint h
obtain ⟨u, n, hun⟩ := discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow' hζ
rw [hun] at H
replace H := Subalgebra.smul_mem _ H u.inv
-- Porting note: the proof is slightly different because of coercions.
rw [← smul_assoc, ← smul_mul_assoc, Units.inv_eq_val_inv, zsmul_eq_mul, ← Int.cast_mul,
Units.inv_mul, Int.cast_one, one_mul, PNat.pow_coe, Nat.cast_pow, smul_def, map_pow] at H
cases k
· haveI : IsCyclotomicExtension {1} ℚ K := by simpa using hcycl
have : x ∈ (⊥ : Subalgebra ℚ K) := by
rw [singleton_one ℚ K]
exact mem_top
obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := mem_bot.1 this
replace h := (isIntegral_algebraMap_iff (algebraMap ℚ K).injective).1 h
obtain ⟨z, hz⟩ := IsIntegrallyClosed.isIntegral_iff.1 h
rw [← hz, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply]
exact Subalgebra.algebraMap_mem _ _
· have hmin : (minpoly ℤ B.gen).IsEisensteinAt (Submodule.span ℤ {((p : ℕ) : ℤ)}) := by
have h₁ := minpoly.isIntegrallyClosed_eq_field_fractions' ℚ hint
have h₂ := hζ.minpoly_sub_one_eq_cyclotomic_comp (cyclotomic.irreducible_rat (p ^ _).pos)
rw [IsPrimitiveRoot.subOnePowerBasis_gen] at h₁
rw [h₁, ← map_cyclotomic_int, show Int.castRingHom ℚ = algebraMap ℤ ℚ by rfl,
show X + 1 = map (algebraMap ℤ ℚ) (X + 1) by simp, ← map_comp] at h₂
haveI : CharZero ℚ := StrictOrderedSemiring.to_charZero
rw [IsPrimitiveRoot.subOnePowerBasis_gen,
map_injective (algebraMap ℤ ℚ) (algebraMap ℤ ℚ).injective_int h₂]
exact cyclotomic_prime_pow_comp_x_add_one_isEisensteinAt p _
adjoin_le _
(mem_adjoin_of_smul_prime_pow_smul_of_minpoly_is_eiseinstein_at (n := n)
(Nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 hp.out) hint h (by simpa using H) hmin)
simp only [Set.singleton_subset_iff, SetLike.mem_coe]
exact Subalgebra.sub_mem _ (self_mem_adjoin_singleton ℤ _) (Subalgebra.one_mem _)
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.is_integral_closure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow

theorem isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) : IsIntegralClosure (adjoin ℤ ({ζ} : Set K)) ℤ K := by
rw [← pow_one p] at hζ hcycl
exact isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow hζ
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.is_integral_closure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime

/-- The integral closure of `ℤ` inside `CyclotomicField (p ^ k) ℚ` is
`CyclotomicRing (p ^ k) ℤ ℚ`. -/
theorem cyclotomicRing_isIntegralClosure_of_prime_pow :
IsIntegralClosure (CyclotomicRing (p ^ k) ℤ ℚ) ℤ (CyclotomicField (p ^ k) ℚ) := by
haveI : CharZero ℚ := StrictOrderedSemiring.to_charZero
have hζ := zeta_spec (p ^ k) ℚ (CyclotomicField (p ^ k) ℚ)
refine' ⟨IsFractionRing.injective _ _, @fun x => ⟨fun h => ⟨⟨x, _⟩, rfl⟩, _⟩⟩
-- Porting note: having `.isIntegral_iff` inside the definition of `this` causes an error.
· have := (isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow hζ)
obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := this.isIntegral_iff.1 h
refine' adjoin_mono _ y.2
simp only [PNat.pow_coe, Set.singleton_subset_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq]
exact hζ.pow_eq_one
· rintro ⟨y, rfl⟩
exact IsIntegral.algebraMap ((IsCyclotomicExtension.integral {p ^ k} ℤ _) _)
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.cyclotomic_ring_is_integral_closure_of_prime_pow IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.cyclotomicRing_isIntegralClosure_of_prime_pow

theorem cyclotomicRing_isIntegralClosure_of_prime :
IsIntegralClosure (CyclotomicRing p ℤ ℚ) ℤ (CyclotomicField p ℚ) := by
rw [← pow_one p]
exact cyclotomicRing_isIntegralClosure_of_prime_pow
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.rat.cyclotomic_ring_is_integral_closure_of_prime IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat.cyclotomicRing_isIntegralClosure_of_prime

end IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat

section PowerBasis

open IsCyclotomicExtension.Rat

namespace IsPrimitiveRoot

/-- The algebra isomorphism `adjoin ℤ {ζ} ≃ₐ[ℤ] (𝓞 K)`, where `ζ` is a primitive `p ^ k`-th root of
unity and `K` is a `p ^ k`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`. -/
noncomputable def _root_.IsPrimitiveRoot.adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers
[IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) :
adjoin ℤ ({ζ} : Set K) ≃ₐ[ℤ] 𝓞 K :=
let _ := isIntegralClosure_adjoin_singleton_of_prime_pow hζ
IsIntegralClosure.equiv ℤ (adjoin ℤ ({ζ} : Set K)) K (𝓞 K)
#align is_primitive_root.adjoin_equiv_ring_of_integers IsPrimitiveRoot.adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers

/-- The ring of integers of a `p ^ k`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ` is a cyclotomic extension. -/
instance IsCyclotomicExtension.ringOfIntegers [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K] :
IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
let _ := (zeta_spec (p ^ k) ℚ K).adjoin_isCyclotomicExtension ℤ
IsCyclotomicExtension.equiv _ ℤ _ (zeta_spec (p ^ k) ℚ K).adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.ring_of_integers IsPrimitiveRoot.IsCyclotomicExtension.ringOfIntegers

/-- The integral `PowerBasis` of `𝓞 K` given by a primitive root of unity, where `K` is a `p ^ k`
cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`. -/
noncomputable def integralPowerBasis [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) : PowerBasis ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
(Algebra.adjoin.powerBasis' (hζ.isIntegral (p ^ k).pos)).map hζ.adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers
#align is_primitive_root.integral_power_basis IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis

--Porting note: the proof changed because `simp` unfolds too much.
theorem integralPowerBasis_gen [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) :
hζ.integralPowerBasis.gen = ⟨ζ, hζ.isIntegral (p ^ k).pos⟩ :=
Subtype.ext <| show algebraMap _ K hζ.integralPowerBasis.gen = _ by
rw [integralPowerBasis, PowerBasis.map_gen, adjoin.powerBasis'_gen]
simp only [adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers_apply, IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_lift]
#align is_primitive_root.integral_power_basis_gen IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis_gen

theorem integralPowerBasis_dim [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) : hζ.integralPowerBasis.dim = φ (p ^ k) := by
simp [integralPowerBasis, ← cyclotomic_eq_minpoly hζ, natDegree_cyclotomic]
#align is_primitive_root.integral_power_basis_dim IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis_dim

/-- The algebra isomorphism `adjoin ℤ {ζ} ≃ₐ[ℤ] (𝓞 K)`, where `ζ` is a primitive `p`-th root of
unity and `K` is a `p`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`. -/
noncomputable def _root_.IsPrimitiveRoot.adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers'
[hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) :
adjoin ℤ ({ζ} : Set K) ≃ₐ[ℤ] 𝓞 K :=
@adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers p 1 K _ _ _ _ (by convert hcycl; rw [pow_one]) (by rwa [pow_one])
#align is_primitive_root.adjoin_equiv_ring_of_integers' IsPrimitiveRoot.adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers'

/-- The ring of integers of a `p`-th cyclotomic extension of `ℚ` is a cyclotomic extension. -/
instance _root_.IsCyclotomicExtension.ring_of_integers' [IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] :
IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
let _ := (zeta_spec p ℚ K).adjoin_isCyclotomicExtension ℤ
IsCyclotomicExtension.equiv _ ℤ _ (zeta_spec p ℚ K).adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers'
#align is_cyclotomic_extension.ring_of_integers' IsCyclotomicExtension.ring_of_integers'

/-- The integral `PowerBasis` of `𝓞 K` given by a primitive root of unity, where `K` is a `p`-th
cyclotomic extension of `ℚ`. -/
noncomputable def integralPowerBasis' [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) : PowerBasis ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
@integralPowerBasis p 1 K _ _ _ _ (by convert hcycl; rw [pow_one]) (by rwa [pow_one])
#align is_primitive_root.integral_power_basis' IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis'

theorem integralPowerBasis'_gen [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) :
hζ.integralPowerBasis'.gen = ⟨ζ, hζ.isIntegral p.pos⟩ :=
@integralPowerBasis_gen p 1 K _ _ _ _ (by convert hcycl; rw [pow_one]) (by rwa [pow_one])
#align is_primitive_root.integral_power_basis'_gen IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis'_gen

theorem power_basis_int'_dim [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) :
hζ.integralPowerBasis'.dim = φ p := by
erw [@integralPowerBasis_dim p 1 K _ _ _ _ (by convert hcycl; rw [pow_one]) (by rwa [pow_one]),
#align is_primitive_root.power_basis_int'_dim IsPrimitiveRoot.power_basis_int'_dim

/-- The integral `PowerBasis` of `𝓞 K` given by `ζ - 1`, where `K` is a `p ^ k` cyclotomic
extension of `ℚ`. -/
noncomputable def subOneIntegralPowerBasis [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) : PowerBasis ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
PowerBasis.ofGenMemAdjoin' hζ.integralPowerBasis
(isIntegral_of_mem_ringOfIntegers <|
Subalgebra.sub_mem _ (hζ.isIntegral (p ^ k).pos) (Subalgebra.one_mem _))
simp only [integralPowerBasis_gen]
convert Subalgebra.add_mem _ (self_mem_adjoin_singleton ℤ (⟨ζ - 1, _⟩ : 𝓞 K))
(Subalgebra.one_mem _)
-- Porting note: `simp` was able to finish the proof.
simp only [Subsemiring.coe_add, Subalgebra.coe_toSubsemiring,
OneMemClass.coe_one, sub_add_cancel]
exact Subalgebra.sub_mem _ (hζ.isIntegral (by simp)) (Subalgebra.one_mem _))
#align is_primitive_root.sub_one_integral_power_basis IsPrimitiveRoot.subOneIntegralPowerBasis

theorem subOneIntegralPowerBasis_gen [IsCyclotomicExtension {p ^ k} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑(p ^ k)) :
hζ.subOneIntegralPowerBasis.gen =
⟨ζ - 1, Subalgebra.sub_mem _ (hζ.isIntegral (p ^ k).pos) (Subalgebra.one_mem _)⟩ :=
by simp [subOneIntegralPowerBasis]
#align is_primitive_root.sub_one_integral_power_basis_gen IsPrimitiveRoot.subOneIntegralPowerBasis_gen

/-- The integral `PowerBasis` of `𝓞 K` given by `ζ - 1`, where `K` is a `p`-th cyclotomic
extension of `ℚ`. -/
noncomputable def subOneIntegralPowerBasis' [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) : PowerBasis ℤ (𝓞 K) :=
@subOneIntegralPowerBasis p 1 K _ _ _ _ (by convert hcycl; rw [pow_one]) (by rwa [pow_one])
#align is_primitive_root.sub_one_integral_power_basis' IsPrimitiveRoot.subOneIntegralPowerBasis'

theorem subOneIntegralPowerBasis'_gen [hcycl : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]
(hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) :
hζ.subOneIntegralPowerBasis'.gen =
⟨ζ - 1, Subalgebra.sub_mem _ (hζ.isIntegral p.pos) (Subalgebra.one_mem _)⟩ :=
@subOneIntegralPowerBasis_gen p 1 K _ _ _ _ (by convert hcycl; rw [pow_one]) (by rwa [pow_one])
#align is_primitive_root.sub_one_integral_power_basis'_gen IsPrimitiveRoot.subOneIntegralPowerBasis'_gen

end IsPrimitiveRoot

end PowerBasis

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