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perf(AlgebraicGeometry): Fix slow and bad proofs (#7747)
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Fixed `AlgebraicGeometry/AffineSchemes.lean`, `AlgebraicGeometry/Morphisms/QuasiSeparated.lean` and  `AlgebraicGeometry/Morphisms/RingHomProperties.lean`.

Co-authored-by: Mario Carneiro <>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
Co-authored-by: Mauricio Collares <>
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5 people authored and alexkeizer committed Nov 21, 2023
1 parent 39e873f commit fe0ac36
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Showing 15 changed files with 421 additions and 574 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Algebra/Equiv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ theorem toRingEquiv_eq_coe : e.toRingEquiv = e :=
#align alg_equiv.to_ring_equiv_eq_coe AlgEquiv.toRingEquiv_eq_coe

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma toRingEquiv_toRingHom : ((e : A₁ ≃+* A₂) : A₁ →+* A₂) = e :=

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem coe_ringEquiv : ((e : A₁ ≃+* A₂) : A₁ → A₂) = e :=
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597 changes: 207 additions & 390 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/AffineScheme.lean

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/FunctionField.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,14 +145,11 @@ theorem IsAffineOpen.primeIdealOf_genericPoint {X : Scheme} [IsIntegral X] {U :
((genericPoint_spec X.carrier).mem_open_set_iff U.isOpen).mpr (by simpa using h)⟩ =
genericPoint (Scheme.Spec.obj <| op <| X.presheaf.obj <| op U).carrier := by
haveI : IsAffine _ := hU
have e : U.openEmbedding.isOpenMap.functor.obj ⊤ = U := by
ext1; exact Set.image_univ.trans Subtype.range_coe
delta IsAffineOpen.primeIdealOf
erw [← Scheme.comp_val_base_apply]
((X.restrict U.openEmbedding).isoSpec.hom ≫ ( (eqToHom e).op).op) ( (eqToHom U.openEmbedding_obj_top).op).op)
-- Porting note: this was `ext1`
apply Subtype.ext
exact (genericPoint_eq_of_isOpenImmersion (X.ofRestrict U.openEmbedding)).symm
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/GammaSpecAdjunction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Junyan Xu. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Junyan Xu
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.Restrict
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.Limits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.Reflective

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,6 +455,21 @@ theorem adjunction_unit_app_app_top (X : Scheme) :

end ΓSpec

theorem SpecΓIdentity_naturality {R S : CommRingCat} (f : R ⟶ S) :
( f.op) (op ⊤) ≫ SpecΓ _ =
SpecΓ _ ≫ f := SpecΓIdentity.hom.naturality f

theorem SpecΓIdentity_hom_app_presheaf_obj {X : Scheme} (U : Opens X) :
SpecΓ (X.presheaf.obj (op U)) =
Scheme.Γ.map ( ( (eqToHom U.openEmbedding_obj_top).op).op).op ≫
(Γ (X ∣_ᵤ U)) (op ⊤) ≫ (eqToHom U.openEmbedding_obj_top.symm).op := by
rw [ΓSpec.adjunction_unit_app_app_top]
dsimp [-SpecΓIdentity_hom_app]
rw [SpecΓIdentity_naturality_assoc, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, eqToHom_trans, eqToHom_refl,
op_id, CategoryTheory.Functor.map_id, Category.comp_id]

/-! Immediate consequences of the adjunction. -/

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/Morphisms/QuasiCompact.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ theorem exists_pow_mul_eq_zero_of_res_basicOpen_eq_zero_of_isAffineOpen (X : Sch
{U : Opens X} (hU : IsAffineOpen U) (x f : X.presheaf.obj (op U))
(H : x |_ X.basicOpen f = 0) : ∃ n : ℕ, f ^ n * x = 0 := by
rw [← map_zero ( (homOfLE <| X.basicOpen_le f : X.basicOpen f ⟶ U).op)] at H
obtain ⟨⟨_, n, rfl⟩, e⟩ := (isLocalization_basicOpen hU f).eq_iff_exists'.mp H
obtain ⟨⟨_, n, rfl⟩, e⟩ := (hU.isLocalization_basicOpen f).eq_iff_exists'.mp H
exact ⟨n, by simpa [mul_comm x] using e⟩
#align algebraic_geometry.exists_pow_mul_eq_zero_of_res_basic_open_eq_zero_of_is_affine_open AlgebraicGeometry.exists_pow_mul_eq_zero_of_res_basicOpen_eq_zero_of_isAffineOpen

Expand Down
169 changes: 47 additions & 122 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/Morphisms/QuasiSeparated.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,76 +301,56 @@ theorem quasiSeparatedOfComp {X Y Z : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) [H : Q
theorem exists_eq_pow_mul_of_isAffineOpen (X : Scheme) (U : Opens X.carrier) (hU : IsAffineOpen U)
(f : X.presheaf.obj (op U)) (x : X.presheaf.obj (op <| X.basicOpen f)) :
∃ (n : ℕ) (y : X.presheaf.obj (op U)), y |_ X.basicOpen f = (f |_ X.basicOpen f) ^ n * x := by
have := (isLocalization_basicOpen hU f).2
have := (hU.isLocalization_basicOpen f).2
obtain ⟨⟨y, _, n, rfl⟩, d⟩ := this x
use n, y
delta TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpen TopCat.Presheaf.restrict
simpa [mul_comm x] using d.symm
#align algebraic_geometry.exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_affine_open AlgebraicGeometry.exists_eq_pow_mul_of_isAffineOpen

set_option maxHeartbeats 500000 in
theorem exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux_aux {X : TopCat}
(F : X.Presheaf CommRingCat) {U₁ U₂ U₃ U₄ U₅ U₆ U₇ : Opens X} {n₁ n₂ : ℕ}
{y₁ : F.obj (op U₁)} {y₂ : F.obj (op U₂)} {f : F.obj (op <| U₁ ⊔ U₂)}
{x : F.obj (op U₃)} (h₄₁ : U₄ ≤ U₁) (h₄₂ : U₄ ≤ U₂) (h₅₁ : U₅ ≤ U₁) (h₅₃ : U₅ ≤ U₃)
(h₆₂ : U₆ ≤ U₂) (h₆₃ : U₆ ≤ U₃) (h₇₄ : U₇ ≤ U₄) (h₇₅ : U₇ ≤ U₅) (h₇₆ : U₇ ≤ U₆)
(e₁ : y₁ |_ U₅ = (f |_ U₁ |_ U₅) ^ n₁ * x |_ U₅)
(e₂ : y₂ |_ U₆ = (f |_ U₂ |_ U₆) ^ n₂ * x |_ U₆) :
(((f |_ U₁) ^ n₂ * y₁) |_ U₄) |_ U₇ = (((f |_ U₂) ^ n₁ * y₂) |_ U₄) |_ U₇ := by
apply_fun (fun x : F.obj (op U₅) ↦ x |_ U₇) at e₁
apply_fun (fun x : F.obj (op U₆) ↦ x |_ U₇) at e₂
dsimp only [TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpen, TopCat.Presheaf.restrict] at e₁ e₂ ⊢
simp only [map_mul, map_pow, ← comp_apply, ← op_comp, ← F.map_comp, homOfLE_comp] at e₁ e₂ ⊢
rw [e₁, e₂, mul_left_comm]

theorem exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux (X : Scheme)
(S : X.affineOpens) (U₁ U₂ : Opens X.carrier) {n₁ n₂ : ℕ} {y₁ : X.presheaf.obj (op U₁)}
{y₂ : X.presheaf.obj (op U₂)} {f : X.presheaf.obj (op <| U₁ ⊔ U₂)}
{x : X.presheaf.obj (op <| X.basicOpen f)} (h₁ : S.1 ≤ U₁) (h₂ : S.1 ≤ U₂)
(e₁ :
(homOfLE <| X.basicOpen_le ( (homOfLE le_sup_left).op f) : _ ⟶ U₁).op y₁ = (homOfLE (by erw [X.basicOpen_res]; exact inf_le_left)).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_left).op f) ^
n₁ *
( (homOfLE (by erw [X.basicOpen_res]; exact inf_le_right)).op) x)
(e₂ :
(homOfLE <| X.basicOpen_le ( (homOfLE le_sup_right).op f) : _ ⟶ U₂).op y₂ = (homOfLE (by rw [X.basicOpen_res]; exact inf_le_left)).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_right).op f) ^
n₂ *
( (homOfLE (by rw [X.basicOpen_res]; exact inf_le_right)).op) x) :
∃ n : ℕ, (homOfLE <| h₁).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_left).op f ^ (n + n₂) * y₁) = (homOfLE <| h₂).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_right).op f ^ (n + n₁) * y₂) := by
-- have : IsLocalization.Away _ _ :=
-- isLocalization_basicOpen S.2 ( (homOfLE <| le_trans h₁ le_sup_left).op f)
(e₁ : y₁ |_ X.basicOpen (f |_ U₁) = ((f |_ U₁ |_ X.basicOpen _) ^ n₁) * x |_ X.basicOpen _)
(e₂ : y₂ |_ X.basicOpen (f |_ U₂) = ((f |_ U₂ |_ X.basicOpen _) ^ n₂) * x |_ X.basicOpen _) :
∃ n : ℕ, ∀ m, n ≤ m →
((f |_ U₁) ^ (m + n₂) * y₁) |_ S.1 = ((f |_ U₂) ^ (m + n₁) * y₂) |_ S.1 := by
obtain ⟨⟨_, n, rfl⟩, e⟩ :=
(@IsLocalization.eq_iff_exists _ _ _ _ _ _
(isLocalization_basicOpen S.2 ( (homOfLE <| le_trans h₁ le_sup_left).op f))
( (homOfLE <| h₁).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_left).op f ^ n₂ * y₁))
( (homOfLE <| h₂).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_right).op f ^ n₁ * y₂))).mp <| by
-- Porting note: was just a `simp`, but know as some lemmas need `erw`, just a `simp` does not
-- leave the goal in a desired form
rw [RingHom.algebraMap_toAlgebra, map_mul, map_mul, map_pow, map_pow, map_mul, map_pow, map_mul]
erw [map_pow]
rw [←comp_apply, ←comp_apply]
erw [←comp_apply, ←comp_apply, ←comp_apply, ←comp_apply]
simp only [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, homOfLE_comp]
have h₃ : X.basicOpen (( (homOfLE (h₁.trans le_sup_left)).op) f) ≤ S.val := by
simpa only [X.basicOpen_res] using inf_le_left
trans (homOfLE <| h₃.trans <| h₁.trans le_sup_left).op f ^ (n₂ + n₁) * (homOfLE <| (X.basicOpen_res f _).trans_le inf_le_right).op x
· rw [pow_add, mul_assoc]; congr 1
convert congr_arg ( (homOfLE _).op) e₁ using 1
pick_goal 3
· rw [X.basicOpen_res, X.basicOpen_res]; rintro x ⟨H₁, H₂⟩; exact ⟨h₁ H₁, H₂⟩
· simp only [map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]; congr 1
· simp only [map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]; congr
· rw [add_comm, pow_add, mul_assoc]; congr 1
convert congr_arg ( (homOfLE _).op) e₂.symm
· simp only [map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]; congr
· simp only [map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]; congr
· simp only [X.basicOpen_res]
rintro x ⟨H₁, H₂⟩; exact ⟨h₂ H₁, H₂⟩
(S.2.isLocalization_basicOpen (f |_ S.1))
(((f |_ U₁) ^ n₂ * y₁) |_ S.1)
(((f |_ U₂) ^ n₁ * y₂) |_ S.1)).mp <| by
apply exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux_aux (e₁ := e₁) (e₂ := e₂)
· show X.basicOpen _ ≤ _
simp only [TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpen, TopCat.Presheaf.restrict, Scheme.basicOpen_res]
exact inf_le_inf h₁ le_rfl
· show X.basicOpen _ ≤ _
simp only [TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpen, TopCat.Presheaf.restrict, Scheme.basicOpen_res]
exact inf_le_inf h₂ le_rfl
use n
simp only [pow_add, map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, ← mul_assoc, ← Functor.map_comp,
intros m hm
rw [← tsub_add_cancel_of_le hm]
simp only [TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpen, TopCat.Presheaf.restrict,
pow_add, map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, mul_assoc, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, homOfLE_comp,
Subtype.coe_mk] at e ⊢
exact e
rw [e]
#align algebraic_geometry.exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux AlgebraicGeometry.exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux

set_option maxHeartbeats 1000000 in
theorem exists_eq_pow_mul_of_isCompact_of_isQuasiSeparated (X : Scheme.{u}) (U : Opens X.carrier)
(hU : IsCompact U.1) (hU' : IsQuasiSeparated U.1) (f : X.presheaf.obj (op U))
(x : X.presheaf.obj (op <| X.basicOpen f)) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,17 +401,8 @@ theorem exists_eq_pow_mul_of_isCompact_of_isQuasiSeparated (X : Scheme.{u}) (U :
exact @le_iSup (Opens X) s _ (fun (i : s) => (i : Opens X)) i
-- On each affine open in the intersection, we have `f ^ (n + n₂) * y₁ = f ^ (n + n₁) * y₂`
-- for some `n` since `f ^ n₂ * y₁ = f ^ (n₁ + n₂) * x = f ^ n₁ * y₂` on `X_f`.
have :
∀ i : s,
∃ n : ℕ, (homOfLE <| hs₁ i).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_left).op f ^ (n + n₂) * y₁) = (homOfLE <| hs₂ i).op
( (homOfLE le_sup_right).op f ^ (n + n₁) * y₂) := by
intro i
exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux X i.1 S U (hs₁ i) (hs₂ i) hy₁
have := fun i ↦ exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_quasi_separated_space_aux
X i.1 S U (hs₁ i) (hs₂ i) hy₁ hy₂
choose n hn using this
-- We can thus choose a big enough `n` such that `f ^ (n + n₂) * y₁ = f ^ (n + n₁) * y₂`
-- on `S ∩ U`.
Expand All @@ -446,69 +417,23 @@ theorem exists_eq_pow_mul_of_isCompact_of_isQuasiSeparated (X : Scheme.{u}) (U :
exact @le_iSup (Opens X) s _ (fun (i : s) => (i : Opens X)) i
· exact le_of_eq hs
· intro i
replace hn :=
(fun x => (homOfLE (le_trans (hs₁ i) le_sup_left)).op f ^
(Finset.univ.sup n - n i) *
(hn i)
dsimp only at hn
delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
simp only [← map_pow, map_mul, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, ← mul_assoc]
at hn ⊢
erw [← map_mul, ← map_mul] at hn
rw [← pow_add, ← pow_add, ← add_assoc, ← add_assoc, tsub_add_cancel_of_le] at hn
convert hn
simp only [← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]
apply hn
exact Finset.le_sup (Finset.mem_univ _)
use Finset.univ.sup n + n₁ + n₂
-- By the sheaf condition, since `f ^ (n + n₂) * y₁ = f ^ (n + n₁) * y₂`, it can be glued into
-- the desired section on `S ∪ U`.
use (X.sheaf.objSupIsoProdEqLocus S U.1).inv ⟨⟨_ * _, _ * _⟩, this⟩
refine' X.sheaf.eq_of_locally_eq₂
(homOfLE (_ : X.basicOpen ( (homOfLE le_sup_left).op f) ≤ _))
(homOfLE (_ : X.basicOpen ( (homOfLE le_sup_right).op f) ≤ _)) _ _ _ _ _
· rw [X.basicOpen_res]; exact inf_le_right
· rw [X.basicOpen_res]; exact inf_le_right
· rw [X.basicOpen_res, X.basicOpen_res]
erw [← inf_sup_right]
refine' le_inf_iff.mpr ⟨X.basicOpen_le f, le_of_eq rfl⟩
· convert congr_arg (
-- Porting note: needs to be explicit here
(homOfLE (by restrict_tac :
X.basicOpen ( (homOfLE (le_sup_left : S ≤ S ⊔ U.1)).op f) ≤ S)).op)
(X.sheaf.objSupIsoProdEqLocus_inv_fst S U.1 ⟨⟨_ * _, _ * _⟩, this⟩) using 1
· delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
-- Porting note: was just a single `simp only [...]`
simp only
erw [← comp_apply, ← comp_apply, ← comp_apply, ← comp_apply]
simp only [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]
congr 1
· delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
-- Porting note: was just a single `simp only [...]`
simp only [map_pow, map_mul]
erw [← comp_apply, ← comp_apply]
simp only [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, mul_assoc, pow_add]
erw [hy₁]; congr 1; rw [← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc]; congr 1
rw [mul_comm, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp]; congr 1
· convert
congr_arg ( (homOfLE _).op)
(X.sheaf.objSupIsoProdEqLocus_inv_snd S U.1 ⟨⟨_ * _, _ * _⟩, this⟩) using
pick_goal 3
· rw [X.basicOpen_res]; restrict_tac
· delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
-- Porting note: was just a single `simp only [...]`
simp only
erw [← comp_apply, ← comp_apply, ← comp_apply, ← comp_apply]
simp only [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp]
congr 1
· delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
-- Porting note: was just a single `simp only [...]`
simp only [map_pow, map_mul]
erw [← comp_apply, ← comp_apply]
simp only [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, mul_assoc, pow_add]
erw [hy₂]; rw [← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp]; congr 1
refine' (X.sheaf.objSupIsoProdEqLocus_inv_eq_iff _ _ _ (X.basicOpen_res _
(homOfLE le_sup_left).op) (X.basicOpen_res _ (homOfLE le_sup_right).op)).mpr ⟨_, _⟩
· delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
rw [add_assoc, add_comm n₁]
simp only [map_pow, map_mul, hy₁, pow_add, ← mul_assoc, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp,
← op_comp, Category.assoc, homOfLE_comp]
· delta Scheme.sheaf SheafedSpace.sheaf
simp only [map_pow, map_mul, hy₂, pow_add, ← mul_assoc, ← comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp,
← op_comp, Category.assoc, homOfLE_comp]
#align algebraic_geometry.exists_eq_pow_mul_of_is_compact_of_is_quasi_separated AlgebraicGeometry.exists_eq_pow_mul_of_isCompact_of_isQuasiSeparated

/-- If `U` is qcqs, then `Γ(X, D(f)) ≃ Γ(X, U)_f` for every `f : Γ(X, U)`.
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