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Redo SmartCheck interface and fix bug from parsing QC output.
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leepike committed Mar 18, 2013
1 parent ac00ad1 commit 68de1c4
Showing 1 changed file with 148 additions and 62 deletions.
210 changes: 148 additions & 62 deletions src/Test/SmartCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | Interface module.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,84 +32,169 @@ import Generics.Deriving

-- | Main interface function.
smartCheck :: forall a b. ( Read a, Q.Arbitrary a, SubTypes a
, Generic a, ConNames (Rep a), Q.Testable b )
=> ScArgs -> (a -> b) -> IO ()
smartCheck args propT = do
smartCheck :: forall a prop.
( Read a, Q.Arbitrary a, SubTypes a
, Generic a, ConNames (Rep a)
, ScProperty prop, Q.Testable prop
) => ScArgs -> (a -> prop) -> IO ()
smartCheck args scProp = do
-- Run standard QuickCheck or read in value.
(mcex, prop) <-
if qc args then runQCInit (qcArgs args) scProp
else do smartPrtLn "Input value to SmartCheck:"
mcex <- fmap Just (readLn :: IO a)
return (mcex, propify scProp)

smartPrtLn $
"If any stage takes too long to reduce, try reducing the standard "
++ "arguments (see Args.hs)."
smartCheck' prop []
"(If any stage takes too long, try modifying the standard "
++ "arguments (see Args.hs).)"
runSmartCheck prop mcex

prop a = $ propT a
runSmartCheck :: (a -> Q.Property) -> Maybe a -> IO ()
runSmartCheck origProp = smartCheck' [] origProp
smartCheck' :: [(a, Replace Idx)]
-> (a -> Q.Property)
-> Maybe a
-> IO ()
smartCheck' ds prop mcex = do
maybe (maybeDoneMsg >> return ()) go mcex
go cex = do
-- Run the smart reduction algorithm.
d <- smartRun args cex prop
-- If we asked to extrapolate values, do so.
valIdxs <- forallExtrap args d origProp
-- If we asked to extrapolate constructors, do so, again with the
-- original property.
csIdxs <- existsExtrap args d valIdxs origProp

let replIdxs = Replace valIdxs csIdxs
-- If either kind of extrapolation pass yielded fruit, prettyprint it.
showExtrapOutput args valIdxs csIdxs replIdxs d

-- Ask the user if she wants to try again.
s <- getLine

if s == ""
-- If so, then loop, with the new prop.
then do let oldVals = (d,replIdxs):ds
let matchesProp a =
not (matchesShapes a oldVals)
Q.==> prop a
mcex' <- runQC (qcArgs args) matchesProp
smartCheck' oldVals matchesProp mcex'
else smartPrtLn "Done."

maybeDoneMsg = smartPrtLn "No value to smart-shrink; done."

smartCheck' :: (a -> Q.Property) -> [(a, Replace Idx)] -> IO ()
smartCheck' prop' ds = do
-- Run standard QuickCheck or read in value.
res <- if qc args then runQC (qcArgs args) prop'
else do smartPrtLn "Input value to SmartCheck:"
fmap Just (readLn :: IO a)
maybe (smartPrtLn "No value to smart-shrink; done.") go res

go r = do
-- Run the smart reduction algorithm.
d <- smartRun args r prop'
-- If we asked to extrapolate values, do so.
valIdxs <- if runForall args
then -- Extrapolate with the original property to see if we
-- get a previously-visited value back.
extrapolate args d prop
else return []

-- If we asked to extrapolate constructors, do so, again with the original
-- property.
csIdxs <- if runExists args
then constrsGen args d prop valIdxs
else return []

let replIdxs = Replace valIdxs csIdxs

-- If either kind of extrapolation pass yielded fruit, prettyprint it.
if (runForall args || runExists args) && (not $ null (valIdxs ++ csIdxs))
then output d replIdxs
else smartPrtLn "Could not extrapolate a new value."

-- Ask the user if she wants to try again.
putStrLn $ "Attempt to find a new counterexample?\n"
++ " ('Enter' to continue;"
++ " any character then 'Enter' to quit.)"
s <- getLine

let oldVals = (d,replIdxs):ds
let matchesProp a = not (matchesShapes a oldVals) Q.==> prop' a

if s == ""
-- If so, then loop, with the new prop.
then smartCheck' matchesProp oldVals
else smartPrtLn "Done."
existsExtrap :: (Generic a, SubTypes a, ConNames (Rep a))
=> ScArgs -> a -> [Idx] -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO [Idx]
existsExtrap args d valIdxs origProp =
if runExists args
then constrsGen args d origProp valIdxs
else return []

output :: a -> Replace Idx -> IO ()
output d repl = do
putStrLn ""
smartPrtLn "Extrapolated value:"
renderWithVars (format args) d repl

forallExtrap :: SubTypes a => ScArgs -> a -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO [Idx]
forallExtrap args d origProp =
if runForall args
then -- Extrapolate with the original property to see if we
-- get a previously-visited value back.
extrapolate args d origProp
else return []


showExtrapOutput :: SubTypes a1
=> ScArgs -> [a] -> [a] -> Replace Idx -> a1 -> IO ()
showExtrapOutput args valIdxs csIdxs replIdxs d =
if (runForall args || runExists args) && (not $ null (valIdxs ++ csIdxs))
then output
else smartPrtLn "Could not extrapolate a new value."
output = do
putStrLn ""
smartPrtLn "Extrapolated value:"
renderWithVars (format args) d replIdxs


runQC :: forall a. (Show a, Read a, Q.Arbitrary a)
runAgainMsg :: IO ()
runAgainMsg = putStrLn $
"\nAttempt to find a new counterexample?\n"
++ " ('Enter' to continue;"
++ " any character then 'Enter' to quit.)"


runQCInit :: (Show a, Read a, Q.Arbitrary a, ScProperty prop, Q.Testable prop)
=> Q.Args -> (a -> prop) -> IO (Maybe a, a -> Q.Property)
runQCInit args scProp = do
let prop = propify scProp
let genProp = Q.forAllShrink Q.arbitrary Q.shrink prop
res <- Q.quickCheckWithResult args genProp
case res of
-- XXX C'mon, QuickCheck, let me grab the result in a sane way rather than
-- parsing a string!
Q.Failure _ _ _ _ _ _ out -> do
let outs = lines out
if length outs < 2 then errorMsg "No value to SmartCheck!"
else do let cexs = tail outs
let prop' = propifyWithArgs (tail cexs) scProp
return (Just $ read $ head cexs, prop')
-- 2nd arg should never be evaluated if the first arg is Nothing.
_ -> return (Nothing, errorMsg "Bug in runQCInit")

runQC :: (Show a, Read a, Q.Arbitrary a)
=> Q.Args -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO (Maybe a)
runQC args prop = do
let genProp = Q.forAllShrink Q.arbitrary Q.shrink prop
res <- Q.quickCheckWithResult args genProp
case res of
-- XXX C'mon, QuickCheck, let me grab the result in a sane way rather than
-- parsing a string!
Q.Failure _ _ _ _ _ _ out -> do let ms = lines out !! 1
let m = read ms :: a
return $ Just m
Q.Failure _ _ _ _ _ _ out -> do
let outs = lines out
if length outs /= 2 then errorMsg "No value to SmartCheck!"
else do let cexs = tail outs
return $ Just (read $ head cexs)
_ -> return Nothing


-- | Turn a function that returns a `Bool` into a QuickCheck `Property`.
class ScProperty prop where
scProperty :: [String] -> prop -> Q.Property
qcProperty :: prop -> Q.Property

-- | Instance without preconditions.
instance ScProperty Bool where
scProperty _ res = res
qcProperty =

-- | Instance with a precondition and a postcondition.
instance ScProperty (Bool,Bool) where
scProperty _ (pre,post) = $ pre Q.==> post
qcProperty (pre,post) = $ pre Q.==> post

-- | Beta-reduction.
instance (Q.Arbitrary a, Q.Testable prop, Show a, Read a, ScProperty prop)
=> ScProperty (a -> prop) where
scProperty (str:strs) f = $ scProperty strs (f (read str))
scProperty _ _ = errorMsg "Insufficient values applied to property!"
qcProperty =

propifyWithArgs :: (Read a, ScProperty prop)
=> [String] -> (a -> prop) -> (a -> Q.Property)
propifyWithArgs strs prop = \a -> scProperty strs (prop a)

propify :: ScProperty prop => (a -> prop) -> (a -> Q.Property)
propify prop = \a -> qcProperty (prop a)


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