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Reduce/extrapolate: major refactoring, simplification, bug fixes.
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leepike committed Sep 16, 2012
1 parent 7f04daf commit 6aa85cc
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Showing 3 changed files with 174 additions and 139 deletions.
125 changes: 69 additions & 56 deletions src/Test/SmartCheck/Reduce.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ import Test.SmartCheck.DataToTree
import Test.SmartCheck.Render

import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
import Data.Typeable

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Tree
import Data.Maybe


-- Smarter than shrinks. Does substitution. m is a value that failed QC that's
-- been shrunk. We substitute successive children with strictly smaller (and
-- increasingly larger) randomly-generated values until we find a failure, and
-- return that result. (We call smartShrink recursively.)
smartRun :: SubTypes a
=> ScArgs -> a -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO a
smartRun :: SubTypes a => ScArgs -> a -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO a
smartRun args res prop = do
putStrLn ""
smartPrtLn "Smart Shrinking ... "
Expand All @@ -35,64 +35,19 @@ smartRun args res prop = do
-- | Breadth-first traversal of d, trying to shrink it with *strictly* smaller
-- children. We replace d whenever a successful shrink is found and try again.
smartShrink :: forall a. SubTypes a => ScArgs -> a -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO a
smartShrink args d prop = iter' d (mkForest d) (Idx 0 0) >>= return . fst
smartShrink args d prop =
iter' d (mkForest d) (Idx 0 0) >>= return . fst

notProp = Q.expectFailure . prop
mkForest x = mkSubstForest x True
iter' y forest_ idx' =
iter y test next notProp forest_ idx' (errorMsg "next-idxs")

test :: a -> Idx -> IO (Maybe a)
test x idx =
case maxSize of
-- We'll continue down the tree.
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just maxVal -> go maxVal
notProp = Q.expectFailure . prop

maxSize :: Maybe Int
maxSize = let dep = fmap depth forestIdx in
case dep of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just d' -> if d' <= 1 then Nothing else Just (d' - 1)
forestIdx = fmap subForest $ getIdxForest (mkForest x) idx

go maxVal = do
v <- case getAtIdx x idx of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v' -> testHole v'
case v of
-- This sees if some subterm directly fails the property. If so, we'll
-- take it, if it's well-typed.
Just v' -> return (Just v')
-- Otherwise, we'll do maxFailure tests of max, trying to pass the
-- precondition to find a failure. We claim to find a failure if some
-- test satisfies the precondition and satisfies
-- (Q.expectFailure . originalProp).
Nothing -> do r <- iterateArb x idx (maxFailure args) maxVal notProp
return $ case r of
Result a -> Just a
_ -> Nothing

testHole :: SubT -> IO (Maybe a)
testHole SubT { unSubT = v } =
case cast v :: Maybe a of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- FailedPreCond is just seeding extractResult, a folding operator.
Just y -> do res <- extractResult notProp FailedPreCond y
case res of
-- This is a failed value strictly smaller. Let's test
-- starting from here.
Result z -> return (Just z)
FailedPreCond -> return Nothing
FailedProp -> return Nothing
iter' x forest_ idx' =
iter x test next notProp forest_ idx' (errorMsg "next-idxs")


-- next tells the iter what to do after running a test.
next :: a -> Maybe a -> Forest Bool -> Idx -> [Idx] -> IO (a, [Idx])
next x res forest idx _ =
case res of
Expand All @@ -102,5 +57,63 @@ smartShrink args d prop = iter' d (mkForest d) (Idx 0 0) >>= return . fst
-- Either couldn't satisfy the precondition or nothing satisfied the
-- property. Either way, we can't shrink it.
Nothing -> iter' x forest idx { column = column idx + 1 }


-- Our test function. First, we'll see if we can just return the hole at idx,
-- assuming it's (1) well-typed and (2), fails the test. Otherwise, we'll
-- test x by replacing values at idx against (Q.expectFailure . prop). Make
-- sure that values generated are strictly smaller than the value at
-- idx.
test :: a -> Idx -> IO (Maybe a)
test x idx = do
hole <- testHole (getAtIdx x idx)
if isJust hole then return hole
else do r <- iterateArb x idx (maxFailure args) (maxSize x idx) notProp
return $ case r of
Result a -> Just a
FailedPreCond -> Nothing
FailedProp -> Nothing

-- -- XXX debuging
-- sh (Just SubT { unSubT = v }) = show v

testHole :: Maybe SubT -> IO (Maybe a)
testHole Nothing = return Nothing
testHole (Just SubT { unSubT = v }) =
case cast v :: Maybe a of
Just v' -> extractAndTest v'
Nothing -> return Nothing
extractAndTest :: a -> IO (Maybe a)
extractAndTest y = do
res <- resultify notProp y
return $ case res of
FailedPreCond -> Nothing
FailedProp -> Nothing
Result n -> Just n


-- | Get the maximum depth of d's subforest at idx. Intuitively, it's the
-- maximum number of constructors you have *below* the constructor at idx. So
-- for a unary constructor C, the value [C, C, C]

-- (:) C
-- (:) C
-- (:) C []

-- At (Idx 0 0) in v, we're at C, so maxSize v (Idx 0 0) == 0.
-- At (Idx 0 1) in v, we're at (C : C : []), so maxSize v (Idx 0 1) == 2, since
-- we have the constructors :, C (or :, []) in the longest path underneath.
-- Base-types have maxSize 0. So maxSize [1,2,3] idx == 0 for any idx.
-- Note that if we have maxSize d idx == 0, then it is impossible to construct a
-- *structurally* smaller value at hole idx.
maxSize :: SubTypes a => a -> Idx -> Int
maxSize d idx = maybe 0 id (fmap depth forestIdx)
forestIdx :: Maybe [Tree Bool]
forestIdx = fmap subForest $ getIdxForest (mkSubstForest d True) idx

164 changes: 86 additions & 78 deletions src/Test/SmartCheck/SmartGen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Test.SmartCheck.SmartGen
( Result(..)
, iterateArb
, extractResult
( iterateArb
, resultify
, replace
, iter
Expand All @@ -14,95 +14,95 @@ import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Gen as Q
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q hiding (Result)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as Q

import System.Random hiding (next)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Random
import Data.Tree hiding (levels)
import Control.Monad


-- | Possible results of iterateArb.
data Result a = FailedPreCond -- ^ Couldn't satisfy the precondition of a
-- QuickCheck property
| FailedProp -- ^ Failed the property
| Result a -- ^ Satisfied it, with the satisfying value
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)


-- | Make some samples no larger than maxSz of the same type as value a.
samples :: Q.Arbitrary a
=> a -- ^ unused; just to type arbitrary.
-> Int -- ^ Number of tries.
-> Int -- ^ Maximum size of the structure generated.
-> IO [a]
samples _ i maxSz = do
rnd0 <- newStdGen
when (maxSz < 0) (errorMsg "samples: maxSize less than 0.")
let ls = sort . take i $ randomRs (0, maxSz) rnd0 -- XXX better distribution?
let rnds rnd = rnd1 : rnds rnd2 where (rnd1,rnd2) = split rnd
let Q.MkGen m = Q.arbitrary
-- Remember, m is a *function*, that takes a random generator (r) and a
-- maxSize parameter (n). We control size using the n parameter. This is
-- morally equivalent to using the resize function in QuickCheck.Gen.
return [ (m r n) | (r,n) <- rnds rnd0 `zip` ls ]


-- | Replace the hole in d indexed by idx with a bunch of random values, and
-- test the new d against the property. Returns the first new d (the full d but
-- with the hole replaced) that succeeds.
iterateArb :: SubTypes a
=> a -> Idx -> Int -> Int
-> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO (Result a)
iterateArb d idx tries sz prop =
case getAtIdx d idx of
Nothing -> errorMsg "iterateArb 0"
Just v -> do rnds <- mkVals v
forM_ rnds (\a -> if isNothing $ replace d idx a
then errorMsg "iterateArb 1"
else return ())

let res = catMaybes $ map (replace d idx) rnds
-- Catch errors that shouldn't ever happen: this means that
-- there is probably a bad idx passed in.
when (length res /= length rnds) (errorMsg "iterateArb 1")
foldM (extractResult prop) FailedPreCond res
-- with the hole replaced) that succeeds. "Succeeds" is determined by the call
-- to resultify---if we're expecting failure, then we succeed by getting a value
-- that passes the precondition but fails the property; otherwise we succeed by
-- getting a value that passes the precondition and satisfies the property. If
-- no value ever satisfies the precondition, then we return FailedPreCond.
-- (Thus, there's an implied linear order on the Result type: FailedPreCond <
-- FailedProp < Result a.)
iterateArb :: forall a. SubTypes a
=> a -> Idx -> Int -> Int -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO (Result a)
iterateArb d idx tries maxSize prop = do
g <- newStdGen
iterateArb' FailedPreCond g 0 0


mkVals SubT { unSubT = v } = do
rnds <- samples v tries sz
return $ map subT rnds
ext :: SubT
ext = case getAtIdx d idx of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> errorMsg "iterateArb 0"

newMax SubT { unSubT = v } = maxDepth v

-- Main loop. We break out if we ever satisfy the property. Otherwise, we
-- return the latest value.
iterateArb' :: Result a -> StdGen -> Int -> Int -> IO (Result a)
iterateArb' res g try currMax
-- We've exhausted the number of iterations.
| try >= tries = return res
-- Values are now too big. Start again with size at 0.
| newMax s >= maxSize = iterateArb' res g0 (try + 1) 0
| otherwise =
case replace d idx s of
Nothing -> errorMsg "iterateArb 1"
Just d' -> do
res' <- resultify prop d'
case res' of
FailedPreCond -> rec FailedPreCond
FailedProp -> rec FailedProp
Result x -> return (Result x)

(size, g0) = randomR (0, currMax) g
s = sample ext g size
sample SubT { unSubT = v } = newVal v
rec res' = iterateArb' res' g0 (try + 1)
(currMax * 2) -- XXX what ratio is right to increase size of
-- values? This gives us exponentail growth, but
-- remember we're randomly chosing within the
-- range of [0, max], so many values are
-- significantly smaller than the max. Plus we
-- reset the size whenever we get a value that's
-- too big.


-- | Must pass the precondition at least once to return either FailedProp or
-- Result.
extractResult :: (a -> Q.Property) -> Result a -> a -> IO (Result a)
extractResult _ r@(Result _) _ = return r
extractResult prop r a = do
res <- resultify prop a
let go = case Q.ok res of
Nothing -> r -- Failed the precondition
Just b -> if Q.expect res
then if b then Result a else FailedProp
else if b then FailedProp else Result a
return go
-- | Make a new random value given a generator and a max size. Based on the
-- value's type's arbitrary instance.
newVal :: forall a. (SubTypes a, Q.Arbitrary a)
=> a -> StdGen -> Int -> SubT
newVal _ g size =
let Q.MkGen m = Q.resize size (Q.arbitrary :: Q.Gen a) in
let v = m g size in
subT v


-- | Put a value v into a another value d at a hole idx, if v is well-typed.
-- Return Nothing if dynamic typing fails.
replace :: SubTypes a => a -> Idx -> SubT -> Maybe a
replace d idx SubT { unSubT = v } = replaceAtIdx d idx v


-- | Make a QuickCheck Result by applying a property function to a value.
resultify :: (a -> Q.Property) -> a -> IO Q.Result
-- | Make a QuickCheck Result by applying a property function to a value and
-- then get out the Result using our result type.
resultify :: (a -> Q.Property) -> a -> IO (Result a)
resultify prop a = do
Q.MkRose r _ <- res fs
return r

return $ case Q.ok r of -- result of test case (True ==> passed)
Nothing -> FailedPreCond -- Failed precondition (discard)
Just b -> if b && Q.expect r then Result a
else if not b && not (Q.expect r) then Result a
else FailedProp
Q.MkGen { Q.unGen = f } = prop a :: Q.Gen Q.Prop
fs = Q.unProp $ f err err :: Q.Rose Q.Result
Expand All @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ resultify prop a = do
type Next a b = a -> b -> Forest Bool -> Idx -> [Idx] -> IO (a, [Idx])
type Test a b = a -> Idx -> IO b

-- Do a breadth-first traversal of the data, trying to replace holes. When we
-- find an index we can replace, add its index to the index list. Recurse down
-- the structure, following subtrees that have *not* been replaced.
-- Do a breadth-first traversal of the data. First, we find the next valid
-- index we can use. Then we apply our test function, passing the result to our
-- next function.
iter :: SubTypes a
=> a -- ^ Failed value
-> Test a b -- ^ Test to use
Expand All @@ -127,21 +127,29 @@ iter :: SubTypes a
-> Idx -- ^ Starting index to extrapolate
-> [Idx] -- ^ List of generalized indices
-> IO (a, [Idx])
iter d test next prop forest idx idxs
iter d test nxt prop forest idx idxs
| done = return (d, idxs)
| nextLevel = iter'
| atFalse = iter' -- Must be last check or !! index below may be out of
-- bounds!
| otherwise = do tries <- test d idx
next d tries forest idx idxs
nxt d tries forest idx idxs

-- Location is w.r.t. the forest, not the original data value.
levels = breadthLevels forest
done = length levels <= level idx
nextLevel = length (levels !! level idx) <= column idx
atFalse = not $ (levels !! level idx) !! column idx
iter' = iter d test next prop forest
iter' = iter d test nxt prop forest
idx { level = level idx + 1, column = 0 } idxs


-- | Get the maximum depth of a value, where depth is measured in the maximum
-- depth of the tree representation, not counting base types (defined in
-- Types.hs).
maxDepth :: SubTypes a => a -> Int
maxDepth d = depth (mkSubstForest d True)


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