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scamp: multi-proc
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dstndstn committed May 14, 2024
1 parent 55ea4ee commit 079d4a5
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 128 deletions.
279 changes: 151 additions & 128 deletions py/legacyzpts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,10 @@
from astrometry.util.file import trymakedirs
from astrometry.util.util import Tan

def write_scamp_catalogs(scamp_dir, photom_fns, survey_dir):
relpaths = []

f,tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.fits')

for fn in photom_fns:

def write_one_scamp_catalog(photom_fn, scamp_dir, survey_dir, photom_base_dir):
fn = photom_fn

if photom_base_dir is None:
# Assume photom filenames are like SURVEY_DIR/zpt/DIRS/filename
parts = fn.split('/')
Expand All @@ -24,125 +20,142 @@ def write_scamp_catalogs(scamp_dir, photom_fns, survey_dir):
survey_dir = '/'.join(parts[:izpt])
relpath = fn
relpath = fn.replace(photom_base_dir, '')

# Check for existing output file & skip
tmpoutfn = relpath.replace('-photom.fits', '-scamp.tmp.fits')
realoutfn = relpath.replace('-photom.fits', '-scamp.fits')

tmpoutfn = os.path.join(scamp_dir, tmpoutfn)
realoutfn = os.path.join(scamp_dir, realoutfn)
if os.path.exists(realoutfn):
print('Exists:', realoutfn)

# Compute image filename
print('Relative path', relpath)
imgfn = os.path.join(survey_dir, 'images', relpath).replace('-photom.fits',
if not os.path.exists(imgfn) and os.path.exists(imgfn + '.fz'):
imgfn += '.fz'
print('Img filename', imgfn)

P = fits_table(fn) = P.flux/P.dflux
hdr = P.get_header()
print('Stars:', len(P), 'for', fn)

newhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
newhdr[k] = hdr[k]

trymakedirs(tmpoutfn, dir=True)
F = fitsio.FITS(tmpoutfn, 'rw', clobber=True)

ccds = np.unique(P.ccdname)
ngood = []
for ccd in ccds:
I1 = np.flatnonzero((P.ccdname == ccd))
I2 = np.flatnonzero((P.ccdname == ccd) * (P.ra_gaia != 0.0))
#print(' CCD', ccd, ':', len(I), 'stars, 10/50/90th pct S/N:', ', '.join(['%.1f' % p for p in np.percentile([I], [10,50,90])]))
I = np.flatnonzero((P.ccdname == ccd) * (P.ra_gaia != 0.0) * ( > 5.))
print('CCD', ccd, ':', len(I1), 'in CCD,', len(I2), 'with Gaia RA,', len(I), 'with S/N > 5. Median S/N %.1f' % np.median([I2]))

imghdr = fitsio.read_header(imgfn, ext=ccd)
w,h = imghdr['ZNAXIS1'], imghdr['ZNAXIS2']
# Older images, eg cfht-s82-u/931347p.fits.fz, suffer from
# Try reading with astropy.
from import fits as afits
f =
hdu = f[ccd]
h,w = hdu.shape
imghdr = hdu.header

newhdr['EXTNAME'] = ccd
for c in ['QRUNID']:
newhdr[c] = imghdr[c]

# Read initial WCS header!
imgid = os.path.basename(imgfn).replace('.fits','').replace('.fz', '')
wcsfn = imgfn.replace('images', 'calib/wcs-initial').replace('.fits', '').replace('.fz','') + '/%s-%s.wcs' % (imgid, ccd)
print('WCS', wcsfn)

# Reproject to a shared CRVAL (with large CRPIX values)
# Primary header has target RA,Dec as CRVAL; later HDUs all have the same CRVAL, somewhat off.
primhdr = fitsio.read_header(imgfn)
cra,cdec = primhdr['CRVAL1'], primhdr['CRVAL2']
wcs = Tan(wcsfn)
ok,cx,cy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(cra, cdec)
wcs.set_crval(cra, cdec)
wcs.set_crpix(cx, cy)

cd = wcs.get_cd()
newhdr['EQUINOX'] = 2000.
newhdr['CRPIX1'] = wcs.crpix[0]
newhdr['CRPIX2'] = wcs.crpix[1]
newhdr['CRVAL1'] = wcs.crval[0]
newhdr['CRVAL2'] = wcs.crval[1]
newhdr['CD1_1'] = cd[0]
newhdr['CD1_2'] = cd[1]
newhdr['CD2_1'] = cd[2]
newhdr['CD2_2'] = cd[3]
# wcshdr = fitsio.read_header(wcsfn)
# for c in ['EQUINOX', 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2',
# 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2']:
# newhdr[c] = wcshdr[c]
newhdr['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN' # ... trim off the SIP
newhdr['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
newhdr['RADECSYS'] = 'FK5' # ... not really but it's what's in the CFHT headers, so scamp understands that, if it pays any attention

fitsio.write(tmpfn, None, header=newhdr, extname=ccd, clobber=True)
hdrtxt = open(tmpfn, 'rb').read()
# Ugh, it is so awkward to write out simple FITS headers!
hdrtxt = hdrtxt.replace(
b'NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes ',
b'NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes '+
b'NAXIS1 = %4i / number of data axes ' % w+
b'NAXIS2 = %4i / number of data axes ' % h)
hdr = np.zeros((1, len(hdrtxt)//80, 80), 'S1') = hdrtxt
F.write([hdr], names=['Field Header Card'],extname='LDAC_IMHEAD')

# ignore fwhm
err_pix = 1./[I]
zero = np.zeros(len(I), np.float32)
F.write([1.+P.x_fit[I], 1.+P.y_fit[I], err_pix, err_pix,
zero, P.flux[I], P.dflux[I], P.bitmask[I]],
names=[c.upper() for c in ['x_image', 'y_image', 'err_a', 'err_b',
'err_theta', 'flux', 'flux_err', 'flags']],
print('Good stars per CCD for', fn, ': min %i, mean %.1f, median %.1f, max %.1f' % (np.min(ngood), np.mean(ngood), np.median(ngood), np.max(ngood)))
#'[' + ', '.join([str(n) for n in ngood]) + ']')
os.rename(tmpoutfn, realoutfn)
print('Wrote', realoutfn)
return relpaths
# Check for existing output file & skip
tmpoutfn = relpath.replace('-photom.fits', '-scamp.tmp.fits')
realoutfn = relpath.replace('-photom.fits', '-scamp.fits')

tmpoutfn = os.path.join(scamp_dir, tmpoutfn)
realoutfn = os.path.join(scamp_dir, realoutfn)
if os.path.exists(realoutfn):
#print('Exists:', realoutfn)
return realoutfn

# Compute image filename
#print('Relative path', relpath)
imgfn = os.path.join(survey_dir, 'images', relpath).replace('-photom.fits',
if not os.path.exists(imgfn) and os.path.exists(imgfn + '.fz'):
imgfn += '.fz'
#print('Img filename', imgfn)
P = fits_table(fn) = P.flux/P.dflux
hdr = P.get_header()
#print('Stars:', len(P), 'for', fn)
newhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
newhdr[k] = hdr[k]

trymakedirs(tmpoutfn, dir=True)
F = fitsio.FITS(tmpoutfn, 'rw', clobber=True)
ccds = np.unique(P.ccdname)
ngood = []
for ccd in ccds:
I1 = np.flatnonzero((P.ccdname == ccd))
I2 = np.flatnonzero((P.ccdname == ccd) * (P.ra_gaia != 0.0))
#print(' CCD', ccd, ':', len(I), 'stars, 10/50/90th pct S/N:', ', '.join(['%.1f' % p for p in np.percentile([I], [10,50,90])]))
I = np.flatnonzero((P.ccdname == ccd) * (P.ra_gaia != 0.0) * ( > 5.))
#print('CCD', ccd, ':', len(I1), 'in CCD,', len(I2), 'with Gaia RA,', len(I), 'with S/N > 5. Median S/N %.1f' % np.median([I2]))
imghdr = fitsio.read_header(imgfn, ext=ccd)
w,h = imghdr['ZNAXIS1'], imghdr['ZNAXIS2']
# Older images, eg cfht-s82-u/931347p.fits.fz, suffer from
# Try reading with astropy.
from import fits as afits
f =
hdu = f[ccd]
h,w = hdu.shape
imghdr = hdu.header
newhdr['EXTNAME'] = ccd
for c in ['QRUNID']:
newhdr[c] = imghdr[c]
# Read initial WCS header!
imgid = os.path.basename(imgfn).replace('.fits','').replace('.fz', '')
wcsfn = imgfn.replace('images', 'calib/wcs-initial').replace('.fits', '').replace('.fz','') + '/%s-%s.wcs' % (imgid, ccd)
#print('WCS', wcsfn)

# Reproject to a shared CRVAL (with large CRPIX values)
# Primary header has target RA,Dec as CRVAL; later HDUs all have the same CRVAL, somewhat off.
primhdr = fitsio.read_header(imgfn)
cra,cdec = primhdr['CRVAL1'], primhdr['CRVAL2']
wcs = Tan(wcsfn)
ok,cx,cy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(cra, cdec)
wcs.set_crval(cra, cdec)
wcs.set_crpix(cx, cy)

cd = wcs.get_cd()
newhdr['EQUINOX'] = 2000.
newhdr['CRPIX1'] = wcs.crpix[0]
newhdr['CRPIX2'] = wcs.crpix[1]
newhdr['CRVAL1'] = wcs.crval[0]
newhdr['CRVAL2'] = wcs.crval[1]
newhdr['CD1_1'] = cd[0]
newhdr['CD1_2'] = cd[1]
newhdr['CD2_1'] = cd[2]
newhdr['CD2_2'] = cd[3]
# wcshdr = fitsio.read_header(wcsfn)
# for c in ['EQUINOX', 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2',
# 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2']:
# newhdr[c] = wcshdr[c]
newhdr['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN' # ... trim off the SIP
newhdr['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
newhdr['RADECSYS'] = 'FK5' # ... not really but it's what's in the CFHT headers, so scamp understands that, if it pays any attention

# f,tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.fits')
# os.close(f)
# fitsio.write(tmpfn, None, header=newhdr, extname=ccd, clobber=True)
# hdrtxt = open(tmpfn, 'rb').read()
# os.remove(tmpfn)

fits = fitsio.FITS('mem://', 'rw')
fits.write(None, header=newhdr, extname=ccd)
hdrtxt = fits.read_raw()

# Ugh, it is so awkward to write out simple FITS headers!
hdrtxt = hdrtxt.replace(
b'NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes ',
b'NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes '+
b'NAXIS1 = %4i / number of data axes ' % w+
b'NAXIS2 = %4i / number of data axes ' % h)
hdr = np.zeros((1, len(hdrtxt)//80, 80), 'S1') = hdrtxt
F.write([hdr], names=['Field Header Card'],extname='LDAC_IMHEAD')

# ignore fwhm
err_pix = 1./[I]
zero = np.zeros(len(I), np.float32)
F.write([1.+P.x_fit[I], 1.+P.y_fit[I], err_pix, err_pix,
zero, P.flux[I], P.dflux[I], P.bitmask[I]],
names=[c.upper() for c in ['x_image', 'y_image', 'err_a', 'err_b',
'err_theta', 'flux', 'flux_err', 'flags']],
#print('Good stars per CCD for', fn, ': min %i, mean %.1f, median %.1f, max %.1f' % (np.min(ngood), np.mean(ngood), np.median(ngood), np.max(ngood)))
#'[' + ', '.join([str(n) for n in ngood]) + ']')
os.rename(tmpoutfn, realoutfn)
#print('Wrote', realoutfn)
return realoutfn

def _bounce_write_one(X):
return write_one_scamp_catalog(*X)

def write_scamp_catalogs(scamp_dir, photom_fns, survey_dir, photom_base_dir, mp=None):
if mp is None:
relpaths = []
for fn in photom_fns:
outfn = write_one_scamp_catalog(fn, scamp_dir, survey_dir, photom_base_dir)
return relpaths
return, [(fn, scamp_dir, survey_dir, photom_base_dir)
for fn in photom_fns])

def main():
import argparse
Expand All @@ -155,6 +168,10 @@ def main():
help='Scamp configuration file')
parser.add_argument('--scamp-dir', type=str, default=None,
help='Directory to write Scamp data to; default is a temp dir')
parser.add_argument('--photom-base-dir', type=str, default=None,
help='Directory to trim from the *-photom.fits files to make relative paths')
parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=None,
help='Write scamp files in parallel')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.scamp_dir is None:
Expand All @@ -163,8 +180,14 @@ def main():
scamp_dir = args.scamp_dir

scamp_config = os.path.abspath(args.scamp_config)

scampfiles = write_scamp_catalogs(scamp_dir, args.photom, args.survey_dir)

mp = None
if args.threads:
from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc
mp = multiproc(nthreads=args.threads)

scampfiles = write_scamp_catalogs(scamp_dir, args.photom, args.survey_dir,
args.photom_base_dir, mp=mp)

scamp_exe = 'shifter --image docker:legacysurvey/legacypipe:DR10.2b scamp'

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