The Weather App is a universal iOS app for city weather forecasts using the worldweatheronline API
Unzip and run in Xcode
Alternatively, clone the GitHub repository and open in Xcode
git clone
This app was developed using:
- Xcode ver 7.3
- iOS 9.3.1
- This app parses data via the worldweatheronline API.
- This app requires the use of a PREMIUM API KEY (free API keys are no longer available).
- To get an API Key, create an account on the worldweatheronline website and request the 60 day premium trial.
- Scrollview to show more parsed data e.g. %Rain, Wind speed, Humidity, Sunrise time, Sunset time, etc.
- Further Core Data enhancements to store not only the cities but also the weather for those cities. This will ensure that an internet connection is not required when trying to view previously accessed information.
- UI Improvements, animations, etc.
- Broader unit testing.
- Reduce bloat in some of the view controllers.
- Save weather forecast images to Documents directory instead of downloading each time.
All contributions are welcome!
The Weather App is released under the MIT License.