[RECENT] We have provided the ALOS-2 support in the current release for both our preprocessing scripts and FSH scripts. Users would only need to set up the scripts as previously and run the exact same command for either ALOS-1 or ALOS-2 data. The scripts are wise enough to determine which sensor the data were acquired from and then pick up the proper internal processing routine of ISCE. Besides the preprocessing scripts in the previous release that works for ISCE v2.2.0 (with both insarApp and stripmapApp), we also upgraded the preprocessing scripts to work with the latest ISCE version (v2.4.1), where insarApp is deprecated but stripmapApp is upgraded by including rubbersheeting in range direction (a big advantage for our application). These scripts are meant to work with all other versions of ISCE v2, with little modifications if necessary. [update: November 18, 2020]
In a future release of the software, backscatter-inverted mosaic map will also be incorporated to this InSAR coherence-based mosaic map to generate a final mosaic of FSH (see the citation).
Preprocessing scripts (in the folder ISCE_processing_scripts) have been added for using ISCE's insarApp (up to v2.2) and stripmapApp (v2.2+) with only 1 command line for actual data processing after appropriate setup. Test examples of using insarApp and stripmapApp are provided as well. All the historial ISCE versions and the current ISCE version can be used to process ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 stripmap InSAR data. [update: March 28, 2020]
The Python 3 scripts are ready to use. Please use the folder scripts_Py3 instead of the one using Python 2 (scripts). This Python 3 version of the scripts can be run the same as the Python 2 version (replacing "python" in all the following commands with "python3"), or can run in Google Colaboratory (with unix operating system) using Exercise_1_FSH on the SERVIR Global GitHub. [update: January 16, 2020]
Only 2 command lines are involved to automatically perform the forest height inversion and mosaicking task (1 command for FSH inversion and 1 for FSH mosaicking). [update: June 29, 2017]