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Here's what you should do. #16

wants to merge 1 commit into from


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It's hard to admit when you're wrong. So I have take the liberty of writing a proper apology for you.

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Thanks, but it's not up to you to decide what's right or wrong. If I've violated any of Github's terms of service, I'm sure they'll let me know. But until then, I will politely reject your totalitarian imposition of false morals and keep the project up.

Best wishes. And remember, if you don't like a thing, you don't have to support it.

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it's not up to you to decide what's right or wrong

What's right and wrong is decided by a society and a culture and enforced both by laws and public critique.

totalitarian imposition of false morals

It's just a pull request dude. So I'm not really imposing anything am I? I just thought I'd make it easy for you to admit your mistake and apologize.

if you don't like a thing, you don't have to support it.

Please remember, that if I don't like a thing, I can not only not support it but also tell you I don't like it and tell everyone I know that they should tell you they don't like it. That's the great thing about free speach, am I right?!

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If you search Twitter, the people who enjoy this seem to far outnumber the few who choose to call it offensive. And among those who enjoy it are several women. So really, I think you would do well to remember that your opinion is only that -- an opinion. It is not a fact, and you do not speak for everyone.

Please feel free to dislike my sense of humor. And feel free to tell all your friends to come here and check out how terrible my project is... As you may have figured out by now, I enjoy the attention. You're only helping DICSS to become the most popular Javascript project on Github today, so by all means keep it up.

The best way to make things go away is to ignore them. Maybe instead of wasting your time and attention on fighting with one silly guy on the internet, you could be using all that vim and vigor to create a project that is more interesting, more useful, more popular, or even just more funny than mine.

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I’d like for this issue to be re-opened. I have the same issue and it hasn’t been resolved.

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mbleigh commented Mar 20, 2015

👍 lgtm, I have this issue as well.

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neagle commented Mar 20, 2015

I have this issue, too.

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more interesting, more useful, more popular, or even just more funny than mine

Pretty sure Chris has you beat on all these points, @letsgetrandy

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+1, the sexually violent language is a really frustrating bug.

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among those who enjoy it are several women

Several?! Wow. My mistake, then. As long as a few women found it funny, who gives a shit what the others thought.

I enjoy the attention.

I get it. You're a bro. You're a troll. You think that it's fun to ruffle feathers. You don't care if you hurt people as long as you get your lulz.

The best way to make things go away is to ignore them.

Of course, all this attention means people will keep using this amazing technology for years to come.

you do not speak for everyone.

Actually, there was a straw pull and I drew the short straw and had to be the one who to tell you your business.

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+1 echoing everyone above me that I have this issue too.

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+1, jokes about sexual violence are not funny.

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As someone who helps organize several womens group, I can report this bug exists in several ecosystems, and I'm happy to help close such issues.

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+1 To reopen the PR and fix this bug.

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👍, but the tests no longer pass.

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daneden commented Mar 20, 2015


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jedmund commented Mar 20, 2015

(edited just for you @mdo, but I sincerely hope you guys actually do something about this)

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mdo commented Mar 20, 2015

@jedmund Further insults doesn't solve anything. Please try to keep the community response positive.

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erakor commented Mar 20, 2015

Definitely have this issue.

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+1; I crunched some numbers, and this fix improves the the project by a factor of about 2.7492. Should definitely be merged; you can't argue with some numbers.

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gesa commented Mar 20, 2015

As a woman, I'd just like to jump in to say

…this project is total bullshit. 👍 to the PR


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+1, this is offensive on several levels

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onomojo commented Mar 23, 2015

This PR is hereby REJECTED. You have no testes! Don't open a PR without testes.


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I just checked the whole readme to double check for sexual violence and didn't find anything (just laughed a lot). I shared this DICSS with several female developers and they all had a good time, didn't feel offended or felt any kind of violence.

I don't like java but I'm not creting issues saying "I'm offended because I don't like that language" or creating PRs saying "Okay here is everything using C". Instead I don't check java projects/repos.

What if I create a repo to praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I for sure won't accept PRs saying "Here, I removed the blasphemy"

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@UnJavaScripter Exactly. Well said.

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@mbleigh "I don't like something so I'm not going to look at it anymore"

you sure showed us!

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I'm queer and this project makes me laugh. You don't have to accept pull requests you don't wanna.

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What a great readme, thanks for making me laugh!

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m4rkw commented Mar 24, 2015

Owner of this repo is awesome for refusing to back down. Some people really need to find a sense of humour.

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ghost commented Mar 24, 2015

You people get so easily offended.
And as the pics above show, "so what?".

All of you are like rallying to ban a comedian for making all kinds of jokes, dick and (whoah!) rape jokes.
Could you be offended? Yes! Not finding it funny? Ofcourse!

But damn. You guys take it to the next level.
Just as you can't stop a comedian from making certain kind of jokes, you can't stop this either.
You can disagree, and walk away.
Sorry, but you guys/girls act like spoiled children.
It's a dick joke, nothing more, nothing less.

Whats going on in your head:
Dick joke? --> dick --> sex! --> vagina! --> rape! -> RAPE RAPE RAPE!

Whats next?
Boob joke? --> women have boobs! -> women + sexuality --> objectifying women! --> MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER!
Poop joke? --> butt! --> ... -> hurting gay community!
Mustache joke? --> hitler had a mustache --> ...
you can see where I'm going with this.

Stop overthinking and see where it's coming from: a joke.

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mnrk commented Mar 24, 2015

This sentense:

Just grab DICSS and stick it wherever you like. DICSS works equally well in your <head> or in your <body>.

is obviously from the point of view of the person "receiving" DICSS, not the one providing them. If it is encouraging a sexual assault at all, it is aimed at abusing someone's DICSS.

In the next sentence in question:

Then, go ahead and start putting DICSS in! Put 'em everywhere you like. Nobody will judge you for what you do with your DICSS.

you must be quite a wicked person to read "put your DICSS where you like" as "rape someone". The message is clearly not there.

Remember: False morals is quite unpopular outside of America. I feel much more offended by this discussion than by jokes about genitals.

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TFenby commented Mar 24, 2015

-1. Penises are a thing that some people have. Making jokes about them is not "advocating sexual violence", sexist, or any of the other claims that humorless commentators have leveled. You can whine about it all you like, but you're still wrong.

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you must be quite a wicked person to read "put your DICSS where you like" as "rape someone". The message is clearly not there.

They'll read what they want so long as it gives them an excuse to be offended. Even if it's reading into things that aren't there. They'll use the basis that "someone could see it this way!" as justification. Regardless if anyone but themselves saw it that way before they brought it up.

I'm almost certain these sorts of people used to work in movie theaters.
As projectors.

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You can name-call (that's "ad hominem" for the logically inclined) all you want, but no one cares what you think about social issues or how keyboard cowboy Internet offended you are pretending to be. Many people at the top of this thread appear to be on GitHub to complain because someone else thinks differently instead of writing code.

Those who can, code. Those who can't, complain. If you have time to write your gender dissertation here, you could be writing some useful code instead...if you're here to write code in the first place. In that regard, I see @kyokou is correct about experts in projection.

This is a waste of your time. Don't add to the "discussion." Go write some code.

End of thread.

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Aminu avatar notwithstanding, @cmdrkotori brings up an interesting point above regarding the license switch in the PR. In addition to that being fishy, has nobody else noticed that OP wishes to replace one dick joke with another?

The technical side of me sees this library as fairly useless. The tasteful side of me would never allow it to be used in a project in its current form, even if it would prove useful there. The practical side of me is forking it locally, in the likely case that the not-so-free-speech-inclined admins of GitHub take it down. The Streisand Effect is in full display here.

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Kagami commented Mar 31, 2015

Guys, listen. I've just found ultra offensive page related to this issue:
See, this word sounds like "dick"! What a misogynists wrote this!

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izzy commented Apr 1, 2015

Dear people who +1'ed this and who want to force the author to remove this because you are offended:

I am offended by your immaturity and stupidity and it looks like I'm not the only one here, thus it seems in your world you would need to STFU now. Or did I get it wrong that being offended by something allows everyone to shut everything down?

Please grow up, read and think for yourself, don't just jump in because others seem to support your general opinion and be open about everything. If you don't think this is funny, then just leave. One would think after so many years you should have learned what the Streisand effect is an how it works...

Also, you people really need to read before commenting blindly. The project clearly says something about not forcing anyone, so if anything, this project is against rape culture. Putting something anywhere you want could as well mean "in your PB&J sandwich" or "in your pants". This issue is pretty much mirror of society. It show how those populists with their little to no research and just a strong opinion get louder and louder until no real facts are heard anymore. This is just really sad.

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onqtam commented Apr 1, 2015

This repository made my day so much better. Every day it remains up is a celebration for our industry - we DO understand humour (atleast most of us - the ones not submitting PRs like this...)

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oldboyxx commented Apr 5, 2015

I wish I didn't see this repo... You know what? I'm going to believe letsgetrandy is just getting trolled by everyone. Yes, that's it. Nobody was being serious. They were all just trolling. Now I'll leave and never think of this again. These levels of stupidity make me wanna launch myself to the moon and stay there forever alone.

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Denying reality doesn't make you much better than the SJW's who do the same.

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estelle commented Apr 6, 2015

Wondering if I should make some juvenile vagina jokes to prove a point, but all the bros who are so completely into DICSS wouldn't get it.

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@estelle sure, do it, if it's okay to make dick jokes it should be okay to make vagina jokes. Equality!

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cpham commented Apr 8, 2015

I totally understand if some people (men or women) are uncomfortable with DICSS and other dick jokes, but just because YOU'RE uncomfortable with something doesn't mean other people are being sexist. It would be sexist if you weren't allowed to make vagina jokes. I also don't see where it promotes sexual violence. It says you can put your DICSS wherever you like as long as you have consent - that makes perfect sense to me, and I'm not sure why it doesn't make sense to everyone else.

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rodjun commented Apr 21, 2015

lolololo i'm soooooooooo offended by this it literally has reference to the word dick THAT'S SO OFFENSIVE PLS REMOVE IT LITRALLY SAYS THAT RAPE IS GOOD AND WOMEN ARE BAD THIS IS SO OFFENSIVE +10

also this is sexist and i'm offended (i don't think i said that before)

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bashu commented Dec 17, 2015


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How is this hateful or anything? Calm down already...

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bashu commented Dec 17, 2015

@letsgetrandy u da man

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wiiaam commented Dec 17, 2015


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It was always burning. Since the world's been turning.

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@installgen2 This PR is at least 9 months old and the original people who've complained seemed to have given up within the first day or two... Why are you continuing it?

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