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Spoof is an HTTP server written in Python for use in test environments where mocking underlying calls isn't an option, or where it's desirable to have an actual HTTP server listening on a socket. Hello, functional tests!

Unlike a typical HTTP server, where specific method and path combinations are configured in advance, Spoof accepts all requests and sends either a queued response, a default response if the queue is empty, or an error response if no default response is configured. Requests can be inspected after a response is sent.


Spoof runs on Python 2.7, 3.5 to 3.11, and has no external dependencies.

Multiple Spoof HTTP servers can be run concurrently, and by default, the port number is the next available unused port. With OpenSSL installed, Spoof can also provide an SSL/TLS HTTP server. IPv6 is fully supported.


Queue multiple responses, verify content, and request paths:

import requests
import spoof

with spoof.HTTPServer() as httpd:
    responses = [
        [200, [('Content-Type', 'application/json')], '{"id": 1111}'],
        [200, [('Content-Type', 'application/json')], '{"id": 2222}'],
    httpd.defaultResponse = [404, [], 'Not found']

    assert requests.get(httpd.url + '/path').json() == {'id': 1111}
    assert requests.get(httpd.url + '/alt/path').json() == {'id': 2222}
    assert requests.get(httpd.url + '/oops').status_code == 404
    assert [r.path for r in httpd.requests] == ['/path', '/alt/path', '/oops']

Set a callback as the default response:

import requests
import spoof

with spoof.HTTPServer() as httpd:
    httpd.defaultResponse = lambda request: [200, [], request.path]

    assert requests.get(httpd.url + '/alt').content == b'/alt'

Test queued response with SSL:

import requests
import spoof

with spoof.SelfSignedSSLContext() as selfSigned:
    with spoof.HTTPServer(sslContext=selfSigned.sslContext) as httpd:
        httpd.queueResponse([200, [], 'No self-signed cert warning!'])
        response = requests.get(httpd.url + '/path',

        assert httpd.requests[-1].method == 'GET'
        assert httpd.requests[-1].path == '/path'
        assert response.content == b'No self-signed cert warning!'

SSL Warnings

Some libraries like Requests will complain loudly or refuse to connect to HTTP servers with a self-signed SSL certificate. The preferred way to handle this is to use the verify property in requests.Session to trust the certificate:

import requests
import spoof

cert, key = spoof.SSLContext.createSelfSignedCert()
sslContext = spoof.SSLContext.fromCertChain(cert, key)
httpd = spoof.HTTPServer(sslContext=sslContext)
httpd.queueResponse([200, [], 'OK'])

# trust self-signed certificate
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = cert

response = session.get(httpd.url + '/uri/path')
print(response.status_code, response.content)

If verifying the certificate is not an option, another way to work around this is to monkeypatch the requests library in the testing code. For example:

import requests

certVerify = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter.cert_verify
def certNoVerify(self, conn, url, verify, cert):
    return certVerify(self, conn, url, False, cert)
requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter.cert_verify = certNoVerify

Another common case is libraries that leverage ssl directly. One way to work around this is to globally set the default context to unverified. For example:

import ssl

    createUnverifiedHttpsContext = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
    # ignore if ssl context not verified by default
    ssl._create_default_https_context = createUnverifiedHttpsContext