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Evaluating the performance of multi-string SA construction

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This repo evaluates the performance of portable libraries for constructing the suffix array (SA) of string sets. These libraries only include a few source files and have no dependencies. They can be building blocks of larger projects.

There are different ways to define the SA of a string set. We here focus on the most common definition as follows. Let $\mathcal{T}=\{T_1,T_2,\ldots,T_n\}$ be a set of strings over $\Sigma$. Their concatenation is $T=T_1\$_1T_2\$_2\cdots T_n\$_n$ where $\$_1<\$_2<\cdots<\$_n$ are smaller than all symbols in $\Sigma$. The SA of string set $\mathcal{T}$ is defined as the SA of string $T$.

Few SA construction libraries directly support string sets. Nonetheless, we can achieve the goal for any libraries that support integer alphabets, such as libsais, by converting $T$ to an integer array $X$:

$$X[k]=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} i & \mbox{if $T[k]=\$_i$} \\\ T[k]+n & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array}\right.$$

Then the SA of $X$ will be identical to the SA of $T$. A disadvantage of this method is that we need to convert 8-bit characters to 32-bit or 64-bit integers. This increases the memory footprint.

To alleviate the issue, I developed ksa in 2011 by adapting an old version of Yuta Mori's sais. Briefly, during symbol comparisons, ksa implicitly replaces a sentinel $\$_i$ with $j-|T|$ where $j$ is the offset of $\$_i$ in $T$. The comparison between symbols takes more time but we do not need to convert $T$ to integer arrays anymore and can thus save memory.

Published in 2017, gSACA-K is another library based on the linear-time SAIS algorithm. Please read its paper for details.

Here is the timing for constructing the CHM13v2 genome on both strand (6.2 billion symbols in total) on a Xeon Gold 6130:

ksa gsaca-k sais-t1 sais-t4 sais-t8 sais-t8b sais-t8c sais16-t8c
# threads 1 1 1 4 8 8 8 8
Elapsed (s) 1396 3356 588 386 260 374 473 296
CPU time (s) 1395 3349 587 1152 1439 1895 2602 1146
Peak RSS (GB) 52.3 53.5 92.9 92.9 92.9 92.9 92.9 58.4

Some notes and observations:

  • libsais is clearly the fastest even on a single thread and we see noticeable speedup with multiple threads. A caveat is that the multi-threading performance of libsais appears to have large fluctuation. For example, the three sais-t8 were run on different nodes with the same configuration but the speed was quite different. sais-t8c and sais16-t8c were run on the same machine.

  • gSACA-K would crash if compiled with -fopenmp. I am not sure why.

  • ksa is faster than gSACA-K and has the same memory footprint. It would be good to apply this ksa strategy to libsais to reduce its peak memory.

  • We omitted ropebwt2 and BEETL because they are slow for chromosome-long strings and we omitted grlBWT because it writes temporary files and is not designed as a library. We did not evaluate eGAP because gSACA-K appears to be faster in multiple third-party benchmarks.


Evaluating the performance of multi-string SA construction




