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lhayhurst edited this page Apr 5, 2012 · 11 revisions

How do I install it?

  1. Download Tokenlab here.
  2. Unzip Tokenlab to somewhere on your computer. (For example, on Windows, you might send it to C:\tokenlab.

How do I run it?

  1. Navigate to the folder where you installed Tokenlab. (For example, on Windows, open up Windows explorer and manually navigate to C:\tokenlab -- assuming that is where you installed it.)
  2. Double click on the TokenLab.bat file.
  3. This will bring up the TokenLab user interface. (Note: you might get the error message "Windows cannot find 'javaw'". If you do, you need to add java to your system environment variable path. Here's an awesome video by what sounds like a 9 year old explaining how to do this.) The first time you start, it'll be empty:


Click on the import button - the top left button (hovering your mouse over it will bring up a tooltip). A file chooser will pop-up. To show you how TokenLab works, we're going to have you input some defaults that shipped with TokenLab: navigate to the folder where you installed tokenlab and selected the herolabs_sample.xml file. TokenLab will load the file, and you should see the following:


The character entries have those red buttons next to them because they still need to be configured. Let's configure the goblin: click on the goblin to select it, and then click the Configure Selected Button (the second button from the left). ui3 6. A dialog window will appear asking you to set the portrait, image, and rptoken for this character:


Click the Set Portrait Image button and navigate to the TokenLab/images folder:


Select the file and click open.

You'll next need to set the image file (for the Maptools pog image) and the token file using the next two buttons on the dialog. Select the goblin_dragon.png file for the pog, and enter goblin.rptok for the token file name. (The .rptok is optional.) 8. The goblin entry is now valid. You're ready to export the file. Click the 'Export Selected' button (the third from the left) to do the export:


You're almost done! The maptools tokens have been created, and all you need to do to use them open up Maptools and try them out. Fire up Maptools, and open the TokenLab.cmpgn campaign file located in the unzipped TokenLab folder. Make sure that the tokens folder is added as a resource in your Maptools ( File -> Add Resource To Library), navigate to that folder in the library explorer, and then drag and drop them from the library explorer in maptools onto the map. Finally, right mouse click on the token, select 'Impersonate', and make sure the Impersonate window is open by clicking on Window->Impersonate, but you knew that already. You should see the following, and be ready to go: Go into Maptools and drag and drop the newly created token file onto the map. (Remember that maptools doesn't auto-refresh the token folder, so you will need to click out of the resource folder, and then click back in!)


How do I export from Herolabs?

From herolabs, click on File -> Save Custom Output


Click the 'Generate XML File' radio button, and choose to either output the current active character, or the entire portfolio. (TokenLab doesn't care which.)


Save the xml file in the TokenLab folder:


You're good to go! Open up the xml file from TokenLab, configure it, export it, and you're ready to use it in Maptools.

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