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lhayhurst edited this page Sep 9, 2014 · 6 revisions

This page documents the various releases of TokenLab.

TokLab 0-23 (released 9/8/14)

  • support for latest version of Herolab data file formats

TokenLab 0-17 (released 1/2/12)

  • many improved ui features
  • spontaneous and memorized spell resources

This is a breaking change.

TokenLab 0-15 (released 12/8/11)

  • resource tracker
  • better MAC support
  • basic d20 support

This is a breaking change so you'll need to re-bootstrap any campaign files you have by importing the LibTokenLab.rptok, TokenLabImageTable.mttable, and TokenLab-Properties.mtprops file into existing campaign. (The .cmpgn file that ships with the zip file already has all of these.)

TokenLab 0-12 (released 11/29/11)

  • full support for vision: darkvision, low-light vision, and normal vision.
  • DC and CL of spell now shown in spell viewer
  • some minor bug fixes

TokenLab 0-11 (released 11/25/11)

Now supporting a basic display of spells. Next up, tracking spell resources.

TokenLab 0-10 (released 11/23/11)

This release contains a number of bug fixes (mostly around skills), and a couple of new features: a new 'Special Abilities' macro group that shows the N/PCs Feats and Special Abilities. (Spells are coming next).

Upgrading TokenLab

After you've downloaded and installed, you'll need to upgrade any Maptools campaign files that you've already created. Additionally, any token files that you've created are no longer valid, and will need to be re-created. (Don't worry, this won't always happen; once TokenLab is out of beta and a 1.0 release is out there, the format shouldn't change.)

Both of these activities are quite easy.

Upgrading Maptools campaign files

First, open up your maptools campaign that you've been working from. Click on Edit -> Campaign Properties. The Campaign properties window will show up. Select the 'Pathfinder' token type in the Token Type pane, and then click import.


After you click import, a dialog box will pop up asking you where the the properties file you want to import is. Browse to the location where you download and unzipped TokenLab. You should see the following:


Select the TokenLab-Properties.mtprops file, and click the Open button. Finally, click ok to dismiss the Campaign properties dialog.

Rebuilding your tokens

TokenLab keeps a configuration file ("config.xml") that stores your token settings (portrait, pog, and token file location). Copy that file from the previous TokenLabs installation folder into your new folder, start up tokenlab, open up the Herolabs xml file, and all of the N/PCs in the file should show up with a green check mark - they're ready to export. Export them, and you're good to drop the new tokens into Maptools.

One day I'll write an installer to do this step for you :-)