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lhayhurst edited this page Sep 8, 2014 · 34 revisions


Splash Tokenlab is a software tool that converts from the popular Herolabs Pathfinder application into the excellent MapTool virtual table top roleplaying game software. Like Maptools, it requires that the user have Javainstalled on their system. Tokenlab also requires that you use its Maptools campaign file (cribbed from Thundertoe ) and the latest version of Maptools (version b87).

TokenLab is in a feature freeze for MapTool support. This is because I've switched off of MapTools and on to roll20. I will continue to update MapTool as new versions of HeroLab come along, but, if something happens that breaks MapTool support, I will no longer be supporting MapTool.

Download and Guide

You can download Tokenlab here., and the installation guide can be found here. See the release page for info about the latest release, and how to upgrade from a previous release.

If you have an existing Maptool campaign file and want to enable it with TokenLab, this guide will show you how to do it.

How do I file a bug / ask for a feature?

You can create a bug report on this project's Issue tracker. Kindly include both your config.xml and the herolabs output xml file that generated that problem.

Forum Threads

Where's the code?

All the code is right here on Github. I built TokenLab using the awesome and free Jetbrain's IntelliJ Community edition, so it should be as simple as cloning the source from Github and hacking away.