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[colaborate] create a new RMP for your favorite game!

David Skywalker edited this page Oct 1, 2022 · 8 revisions

You could share your RMP files and apply to CAP32.

There are some examples: /contrib/remaps

bind input keys

You could assing a key (see RETROK) using a RMP libretro template input_player1_key_.... Example: input_player1_key_a. You could assing a name for a bind using the template input_player1_key_..._name. Example: input_player1_key_a_name.

input_player1_key_a = "97"
input_player1_key_a_name = "Move forward"
input_player1_key_b = "122"
input_player1_key_b_name = "Send adso Forward"

input / map type

Use entry_map_type to set your map/clean, there are two types of bind mapping:

  • keep: use joystick as base and add/changes inputs given above
  • clean: clear all default binds and only uses the given above


entry_map_type = "clean"

Load commands

special commands:

  • [enter] => \n
  • [quote] => "
  • [wait] => wait 5 seconds


  • entry_command = "|CPM"
  • entry_command = "|CPM"
  • entry_command = "RUN[quote]DISK[enter][wait]1[enter]"

game hashes

The game to be detected need a hash to be found, use clean-cpc-db to get a correct hash. You could assing a hash using prefix entry_hash_ with a number (Max. 16). Examples:

entry_hash_1 = "0xbf188ce3" # (UK) (128K) (2017) (clean-cpc-db)
entry_hash_2 = "0x6e5f98ff" # (UK) (128K) (2017) (cpc-power)

test your remap

make rmp && make