This LLVM IR Binding provides intuitive and well-organized safe Rust API for analyzing existing LLVM modules. Thus the whole library is thread-safe. This crate does not provide the functionality to produce new LLVM module or change existing module.
use llir;
// Create context
let context = llir::Context::create();
// Specify path to the byte code
let path = Path::new("path/to/your/llvm/bytecode.bc");
// Load the module with that path
let module = context.load_module(path)?;
// Iterate through functions, blocks, and instructions...
for func in module.iter_functions() {
for block in func.iter_blocks() {
for instr in block.iter_instructions() {
// Do things to instr...
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Make sure you installed LLVM 10.0 on your machine and is visible via path.
Then go to your Cargo.toml
and add this line under your dependencies:
# Cargo.toml
llir = "0.1"