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Implementing a new architecture

Maijin edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 31 revisions

radare2 splits the logic of a CPU into several modules. You should write more than one plugin to get full support for a specific arch. Let's see which are those:

  • r_asm : assembler and disassembler
  • r_anal : code analysis (opcode,type,esil,..)
  • r_reg : registers
  • r_syscall : system calls
  • r_debug : debugger

The most basic feature you usually want to support from a specific architecture is the disassembler. You first need to read into a human readable form the bytes in there.

Bear in mind that plugins can be compiled static or dynamically, this means that the arch will be embedded inside the core libraries or it will distributed as a separated shared library.

To configure which plugins you want to compile use the ./configure-plugins script which accepts the flags --shared and --static to specify them. You can also add it manually inside the plugins.def.cfg and then remove the plugins.cfg and run ./configure-plugins again to update the libr/ and libr/config.h.

You may find some examples of external plugins in the radare2-capstone and radare2-extras repositories:

1. 2.

Writing the r_asm plugin

The official way to make third-party plugins is to distribute them into a separate repository. This is a sample disasm plugin:

$ cd my-cpu
$ cat Makefile
R2_PLUGIN_PATH=$(shell r2 -hh|grep LIBR_PLUGINS|awk '{print $$2}')
CFLAGS=-g -fPIC $(shell pkg-config --cflags r_asm)
LDFLAGS=-shared $(shell pkg-config --libs r_asm)
SO_EXT=$(shell uname|grep -q Darwin && echo dylib || echo so)

all: $(LIB)

	rm -f $(LIB) $(OBJS)

$(LIB): $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(LIB)

	cp -f $(NAME).$(SO_EXT) $(R2_PLUGIN_PATH)

	rm -f $(R2_PLUGIN_PATH)/$(NAME).$(SO_EXT)
$ cat mycpu.c
/* example r_asm plugin by pancake at 2014 */

#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_lib.h>

#define OPS 17

static const char *ops[OPS*2] = {
	"nop", NULL,
	"if", "r",
	"ifnot", "r",
	"add", "rr",
	"addi", "ri",
	"sub", "ri",
	"neg", "ri",
	"xor", "ri",
	"mov", "ri",
	"cmp", "rr",
	"load", "ri",
	"store", "ri",
	"shl", "ri",
	"br", "r",
	"bl", "r",
	"ret", NULL,
	"sys", "i"

//b for byte, l for length
static int disassemble (RAsm *a, RAsmOp *op, const ut8 *b, int l) {
	char arg[32];
        int idx = (b[0]&0xf)*2;
	op->size = 2;
	if (idx>=(OPS*2)) {
		strcpy (op->buf_asm, "invalid");
		return -1;
	strcpy (op->buf_asm, ops[idx]);
	if (ops[idx+1]) {
		const char *p = ops[idx+1];
		arg[0] = 0;
		if (!strcmp (p, "rr")) {
			sprintf (arg, "r%d, r%d", b[1]>>4, b[1]&0xf);
		} else
		if (!strcmp (p, "i")) {
			sprintf (arg, "%d", (char)b[1]);
		} else
		if (!strcmp (p, "r")) {
			sprintf (arg, "r%d, r%d", b[1]>>4, b[1]&0xf);
		} else
		if (!strcmp (p, "ri")) {
			sprintf (arg, "r%d, %d", b[1]>>4, (char)b[1]&0xf);
		if (*arg) {
			strcat (op->buf_asm, " ");
			strcat (op->buf_asm, arg);
	return op->size;

RAsmPlugin r_asm_plugin_mycpu = {
        .name = "mycpu",
        .arch = "mycpu",
        .license = "LGPL3",
        .bits = 32,
        .desc = "My CPU disassembler",
        .disassemble = &disassemble,

#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {
        .type = R_LIB_TYPE_ASM,
        .data = &r_asm_plugin_mycpu

To build and install this plugin just type this:

$ make
$ sudo make install

Testing the plugin

This plugin is used by rasm2 and r2. You can verify that the plugin is properly loaded with this command:

$ rasm2 -L | grep mycpu
_d  mycpu        My CPU disassembler  (LGPL3)

Let's open an empty file using the 'mycpu' arch and write some random code there.

$ r2 -
 -- I endians swap
[0x00000000]> e asm.arch=mycpu
[0x00000000]> woR
[0x00000000]> pd 10
           0x00000000    888e         mov r8, 14
           0x00000002    b2a5         ifnot r10, r5
           0x00000004    3f67         ret
           0x00000006    7ef6         bl r15, r6
           0x00000008    2701         xor r0, 1
           0x0000000a    9826         mov r2, 6
           0x0000000c    478d         xor r8, 13
           0x0000000e    6b6b         store r6, 11
           0x00000010    1382         add r8, r2
           0x00000012    7f15         ret

Yay! it works.. and the mandatory oneliner too!

r2 -nqamycpu -cwoR -cpd' 10' -

Static plugins in core

Pushing a new architecture into the main branch of r2 requires to modify several files in order to make it fit into the way the rest of plugins are built.

List of affected files:

  • plugins.def.cfg : add the asm.mycpu plugin name string in there
  • libr/asm/p/ : build instructions
  • libr/asm/p/asm_mycpu.c : implementation
  • libr/include/r_asm.h : add the struct definition in there

Check out how the NIOS II cpu was implemented by reading those commits:

Implement RAsm plugin:

Implement RAnal plugin:

Write a disassembler plugin with another programming language

More examples to come...

Write a debugger plugin

  • Adding the debugger registers profile into the shlr/gdb/src/core.c
  • Adding the registers profile and architecture support in the libr/debug/p/debug_native.c and libr/debug/p/debug_gdb.c
  • Add the code to apply the profiles into the function r_debug_gdb_attach(RDebug *dbg, int pid)

If you want to add support for the gdb, you can see the register profile in the active gdb session using command maint print registers.

More to come..

The next logic step would be to implement and analysis plugin.


Some commits related to "Implementing a new architecture"