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Releases: lintalist/lintalist


22 Jul 13:05
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Lintalist v1.9.22

  • Fix: StartSearchHotkeyTimeOut should now work (better) with both StartSearchHotkey and StartOmniSearchHotkey, incl. modifier keys #247 (comment)
  • Fix: Quote file paths in "Edit in Editor" (Snippet Editor) avoiding errors with spaces in paths #249


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.31.01 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.21

05 Jul 16:11
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  • New: Toggle timer to StartSearchHotkey activation + option to disable to toggle view mode (wide/narrow)
    see settings StartSearchHotkeyTimeOut and StartSearchHotkeyToggleView #247
  • New: ShorthandPart2 setting to paste Part2 of snippet, similar to QuickSearchHotkey2 #242
  • Fix: Shorthand not being saved when reloading with default bundle only #246


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.31.01 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.20

11 Feb 10:05
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  • Fix: QuickSearchHotkey/QuickSearchHotkey2 did not restore clipboard with a Script snippet #236 (comment)


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.31.01 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.19

05 Feb 10:11
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  • Fix: QuickSearchHotkey2 didn't work #236 #169
  • Fix: QuickSearchHotkey/QuickSearchHotkey2 did not restore clipboard #236
  • LLInit() in a Local Var + Script snippet combination #238 (comment)
  • New: [[LLShorthand]] available in scripts similar to [[LLPart1]] and [[LPart2]] #237


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.31.01 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.18

19 Oct 18:44
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  • Fix: Column Search should now reset properly after a search, so normal search works correctly again #232


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.31.01 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.17

01 Oct 12:25
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  • New: Added setting for ColumnSearchDelimiter to allow to search in a specific part of
    the snippet (part1, part2, hotkey, shorthand, and script) #227
    (a ColumnSearch setting is also available as hidden setting to automatically implement this for all searches)


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.33.02 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.16

29 Sep 17:32
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  • New: AltPaste, addition to define PasteDelay (ms) and PasteMethod (0-2) per program
  • Fix: Fix the change so it actually restores Clipboard contents #217 (line '970' was omitted from commit)


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.33.02 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.15

23 Aug 19:46
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  • New: Allow for _ in MyFunction and MyPlugin names #221
  • New: Split plugin: use 0 (zero) to indicate last item #207
  • New: Show the shortcut key on the Tray menu #191
  • Fix: Revert change so it actually restores Clipboard contents #217
  • Fix: Take into account that using a "deadkey" TriggerKey would produce an erroneous backspace #223


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.33.02 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.14

29 Nov 10:29
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v1.9.14 various fixes and updates


  • New: QuickSearchHotkey2 setting, same as QuickSearchHotkey but always use Part2 of the snippet #169
  • New: Editor add check for ASCII 5 (Enquiry) and ASCII 7 (Bell) #170
  • New: Automatically create MyPlugins submenu in the Editor if they are present (ht gibbons6546 @ autohotkey forum)
  • Change: Choice plugin - Automatically remove empty entries/options, to include an empty option make it the first option (ht gibbons6546 @ autohotkey forum)
  • New: Setting to disable DPIfactor to resolve issue with multimonitor setup with different DPIs #165
  • Fix: Ensure icons for Editor are correctly loaded incl. the default "theme" (e.g. no theme) #171
  • Fix: Editor properly update column data to show part2, hotkey & shorthand columns when adding these for the first time
  • Fix: File plugin, wouldn't be read correctly when using "|clean" as an option
  • Fix/Change: try to match #includes to correct case of FileNames for mapped drives #176
  • Minor changes to DOCs/links ( to


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.33.02 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Lintalist v1.9.13

13 Apr 08:08
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v1.9.13 Fixes for update/restart Lintalist


  • New/Fix: "Update lintalist" could fail #154 and #163
  • Fix: potentially incorrect position of listbox in choice plugin


This release includes the source code and Lintalist.exe (simply a renamed AutoHotkey.exe v1.1.31.01 32-bit Unicode) - If you have AutoHotkey installed you can just as easily download the source directly.

Just unpack the zip file and run Lintalist.exe to start the program.


  • tray menu, check for updates, update; or:
  • close your running copy of Lintalist first
  • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten