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LmdbJava Benchmarks revision 55afd0 was executed on 30 June 2016. The versions of libraries were as specified in the POM and reflect the latest Maven Central releases at the time. LmdbJava was tested using commit 3b21c2 and 0.9.18.

The test used memory-sized workloads. The test server had 512 GB RAM and 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2667 v 3 CPUs. It was running Linux 4.5.4 (x86_64) with Java 1.8.0_92.

To make the graphs and discussion smaller, the follow terms are used:

  • Chronicle: Chronicle Map
  • Int: 32-bit signed integer (using the implementation's default byte ordering)
  • LevelDB: LevelDBJNI
  • LMDB BB: LmdbJava with a Java-based ByteBuffer (via PROXY_OPTIMAL)
  • LMDB DB: LmdbJava with an Agrona-based DirectBuffer
  • LMDB JNI: LMDBJNI with its included, Unsafe-based DirectBuffer
  • M: Million
  • MapDB: MapDB
  • Ms: Milliseconds
  • MVStore: MVStore
  • readCrc: Iterate over ordered entries, computing a CRC32 of all keys and values
  • readSeq: Iterate over ordered entries, consuming each value into the black hole
  • readRev: Same as readSeq, except operating in reverse order over the entries
  • readXxh64: Same as readCrc, except computing an XXH64 via Zero-Allocation-Hashing (ZAH XXH64 is currently the fastest JVM hasher, as separately benchmarked via Hash-Bench)
  • RocksDB: RocksDB
  • Rnd: Random data access (ie integers ordered via a Mersenne Twister)
  • Seq: Sequential data access (ie ordered integers from 0 to 1M/10M)
  • Str: 16 byte string containing a zero-padded integer (no length prefix or null terminator)
  • write: Write the 1M/10M entries out in an implementation-optimal manner (eg via a single transaction or batch mode if supported)

Raw CSV, TXT and DAT output files from the execution are available in the same GitHub directory as this README and images. The scripts used to execute the benchmark and generate the output files are also in the results directory.

Test 1: LMDB Implementation Settings

To ensure appropriate LMDB defaults are used for the remainder of the benchmark, several key LmdbJava and LMDB settings were benchmarked.

These benchmarks all used 1 million sequential integer keys X 100 byte values.

Force Safe


LmdbJava supports several buffer types, including Agrona DirectBuffer and Java's ByteBuffer (BB). The BB can be used in a safe mode or an Unsafe-based mode. The latter is the default. The above graph illustrates a consistent penalty when forcing safe mode to be used, as would be expected. Unsafe BB is therefore used for LmdbJava in the remainder of the benchmark.



The above graph shows the impact of the LMDB Env MDB_NOSYNC flag. As expected, requiring a sync is consistently slower than not requiring it. Forced syncs are disabled for the remainder of the benchmark.

Write Map


LMDB also supports a MDB_WRITEMAP flag, which enables a writable memory map. Enabling the write map (shown as (wm) above) results in improved write latencies. It remains enabled for the remainder of the benchmark.

Meta Sync


This final LMDB-specific benchmark explores the write latency impact of the MDB_NOMETASYNC flag. This flag prevents an fsync metapage after commit. Given the results are inconclusive across different buffer types, it will be disabled for the remainder of the benchmark.

Test 2: Determine ~2,000 Byte Value

Some of the later tests require larger value sizes in order to explore the behaviour at higher memory workloads. This second benchmark was therefore focused on finding a reasonable ~2,000 byte value. Only the native implementations were benchmarked.

This benchmark used 1 million non-sequential integer keys X ~2,000 byte values. Non-sequential keys were used because these resulted in larger sizes.


As shown, LevelDB and RocksDB achieve consistent storage of these 1 million entries. LMDB requires more storage for all value sizes, but there is a material degradation above 2,025 bytes. As such 2,025 bytes will be used in the future. It is noted that an LMDB copy with free space compaction was also performed, but this did not achieve any material improvement.

Test 3: LevelDB Batch Size

LevelDB is able to insert data in batches. To give LevelDB the best chance of performing well, test 3 explored its optimal batch size when inserting 1 million sequential integer keys X 2,025 byte values.


As shown, LevelDB write latency is lowest when the batch size is as large as possible. For the remaining benchmarks, the same batch size will be used as the number of entries (ie 1 or 10 million).

Test 4: 1 Million X 100 Byte Values

Now that appropriate settings have been verified, this is the first test of all implementations. In all of these benchmarks we are inserting 1 million entries. The vertical (y) axis uses a log scale given the major performance differences between the fastest and slowest implementations.

In the benchmarks below, Chronicle Map is only benchmarked for the readKey and write workloads. This is because Chronicle Map does not provide an ordered key iterator, and such an iterator is required for the remaining benchmark methods.

Storage Use


We begin by reviewing the disk space consumed by each implementation's memory-mapped files. This reflects the actual bytes consumed by the directory (as calculated by a POSIX C stat call and tools like du). It is not simply the "apparent size". The graph shows what we saw earlier, namely that LMDB requires more storage than the other implementations.

The actual data without overhead should be 1M X (100 byte value + 4 byte key), or 104,000,000 bytes. Here we see the most efficient implementation (MVStore) requires 108,933,120 bytes (~5% overhead) and the least efficient implementation (LMDB) requires 172,040,192 bytes (~65% overhead). This overhead reflects LMDB's B+ tree layout (with associated read latency advantages, as will be reported below) and also its copy-on-write page allocation approach. The latter delivers significant programming model and operational benefits such as fully ACID transactions, zero copy buffer use, single file storage, journal-free operation, no requirement to carefully tune the runtime configuration based on data sizes (although value sizing decisions made at development time are important, as reported in test 2 above).

99 MB Sequential Access (Integers)


We start with the most mechanically sympathetic workload. If you have integer keys and can insert them in sequential order, the above graphs illustrate the type of latencies achievable across the various implementations. LMDB is clearly the fastest option, even including writes.

110 MB Sequential Access (String)


Here we simply run the same benchmark as before, but with string keys instead of integer keys. Our string keys are the same integers as our last benchmark, but this time they are recorded as a zero-padded string. LMDB continues to perform better than any alternative, including for writes.

99 MB Random Access (Integers)


Next up we farewell mechanical sympathy and apply some random workloads. Here we write the keys out in random order, and we read them back (the readKey benchmark) in that same random order. The remaining operations are all cursors over sequentially-ordered keys. The graphs show LMDB is consistently faster for all operations, with the one exception being writes (where LevelDB is faster).

110 MB Random Access (Strings)


This benchmark is the same as the previous, except with our zero-padded string keys. There are no surprises; we see similar results as previously reported.

Test 5: 10 Million X 2,025 Byte Values

In our final test we burden the implementations with a more aggressive in-memory workload to see how they perform. We store 10 million entries with 2,025 byte keys, which is roughly 19 GB RAM before implementation overhead.

It was hoped that all implementations above could be benchmarked. However:

  • MvStore crashed with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Capacity: 2147483647"
  • RocksDB crashed with "too many open files" (lsof reported > 144,000)

Given test 4 showed the integer and string keys perform effectively the same, to reduce execution time this test only included the integer keys. A logarithmic scale continues to be used for the vertical (y) axis.

Storage Use


As with test 4, we begin by reviewing the actual disk space consumed by the memory-mapped files. The above graph shows the larger, random ordered use case. The actual data without overhead should be 10M X (2,025 byte value + 4 byte key) or 20,290,000,000 bytes. The actual byte values and respective overheads are:

Implementation Bytes Overhead %
(as array) 20,290,000,000 N/A
Chronicle 20,576,509,952 1.4
LevelDB 20,592,087,040 1.4
LMDB DB 27,449,520,128 35.2
LMDB BB 27,438,403,584 35.2
LMDB JNI 27,447,676,928 35.2
MapDB 20,879,245,312 10.2

19 GB Sequential Access


Starting with the most optimistic scenario of sequential keys, we see LMDB out-perform the alternatives in all cases except writes. Chronicle Map's write performance is good, but it should be remembered that it is not maintaining an index suitable for ordered key iteration. As the logarithmically-scaled graphs make it difficult to see the significant differences between each implementation, the same data is presented as tables below:

Benchmark Implementation Ms/Op Difference
readKey LMDB JNI 2150 Fastest
LMDB DB 2215 Fastest
LMDB BB 2258 Fastest
Chronicle 22208 X 10
LevelDB 175465 X 81
MapDB 182014 X 171
Benchmark Implementation Ms/Op Difference
readSeq LMDB JNI 1061 Fastest
LMDB BB 1458 Fastest
LMDB DB 1784 Fastest
MapDB 6135 X 6
LevelDB 48481 X 45
Benchmark Implementation Ms/Op Difference
write LevelDB 17272 Fastest
Chronicle 25122 X 1.45
LMDB DB 25668 X 1.48
LMDB BB 25756 X 1.49
LMDB JNI 26021 X 1.50
MapDB 604236 X 35

19 GB Random Access


Finally, with random access patterns we see the same pattern as all our other benchmarks: LMDB is the fastest for everything except writes. The significant differences can be seen in tabular form below:

Benchmark Implementation Ms/Op Difference
readKey LMDB DB 10041 Fastest
LMDB BB 10330 Fastest
LMDB JNI 10657 Fastest
Chronicle 22091 X 2
MapDB 260614 X 26
LevelDB 278030 X 27
Benchmark Implementation Ms/Op Difference
readSeq LMDB BB 1815 Fastest
LMDB JNI 1952 Fastest
LMDB DB 2464 Fastest
MapDB 6618 X 3.6
LevelDB 47919 X 27
Benchmark Implementation Ms/Op Difference
write LevelDB 17331 Fastest
Chronicle 24753 X 1.42
LMDB BB 147939 X 8.54
LMDB DB 148238 X 8.56
LMDB JNI 149345 X 8.62
MapDB 588966 X 33.98

These tables also illustrate that LevelDB, Chronicle Map and MapDB write speeds are around the same across both random and sequential patterns. However LMDB completes the random write workload around 5.7 times more slowly than with the sequential test. For readSeq we see very similar performance between random and sequential patterns. For readKey we see Chronicle Map perform around the same speed, as you would expect given it uses hash-based keys. LMDB handles random key gets around five times more slowly than sequential gets. MapDB and LevelDB are around 1.5 times slower for random key gets. The bottom line is sequential access patterns are always much faster (with the exception of Chronicle Map, which operates consistently regardless of access pattern).


LmdbJava offers an excellent option for read-heavy workloads. The fastest broadly-equivalent alternative is LevelDB, which is 27 to 81 times slower for read workloads. On the other hand, LevelDB is more storage space efficient (1.4% overhead versus 35.2% overhead) and offers superior write performance (with LmdbJava being ~1.5 to 8.5 times slower).

Prospective LmdbJava users can achieve optimal storage efficiency by reviewing the size of their key + value combination, in a similar manner to test 2. Value compression can also be considered, and this may also increase read performance for primarily sequential read workloads and/or SSD-hosted random read workloads (as CPU decompression is likely faster than the IO subsystem's read throughput, although techniques such as striping can also assist in such situations). Two modern compression libraries recommended for Java users are:

The qualitative dimensions of each library should also be considered. For example, consider recovery time from dirty shutdown (eg process/OS/server crash), ACID transaction guarantees, inter-process usage flexibility, runtime monitoring requirements, hot backup support and ongoing configuration effort. In these situations LMDB delivers a very strong solution. For more information, see the LMDB Feature Comparison Chart.